As the new Team of Ruby Velvet Nora , Ren and Depth charge came to the ruins of Kuroyuri Ren was growling showing emotion and Nora looked saddened Something Ruby took notice of.

the transformer then said, "this was your home wasn't it you two! And like with me a monster came and destroyed it and everyone you cared about!" the fish said relating to them more then he would care to as he load his gun and drew his blade.

Ren nodded and he said, " yes we where children when the Nuckleavee came this sickening fusion of a grimm horse and an imp! It destroyed everything My semblance to power to clam down and mask emotion to all I touch saved me and Nora as we hugged in fear under the ruins of a home knowing full well all were dead!" he then screamed in rage making his semblance turned on as the thing appeared.

The imp remained limp till the horse stopped making the imp rider turned on and his claws stretched making everyone jump to avoid with Depth charge turning to his flight mode and spat an energy disk.

the horse moved making the imp turn off again! But once the horse stopped it continued and seemed to target Depth charge.

Ruby was firing as she avoided the stretched arms. Ren was using his weapon as twin guns to fire as Nora launched Grenades!

Velvet was firing shots form a copy of Depth charges gun as she said, "What is this nightmare!"

The maximal called out, "Depth charge maximize !" he landed changing to bot mode to use his sword to slash an arm as he said, "you haven't notice kids every time the horse moves the imp goes limp and lifeless the arms and legs can't work together!"

the grimm roared in rage knocking them back a bit like it was angry it's weakness was found, as the horse charged to try and hit the transmetal only for him to fire off a missile making the imp turn on and grab a building to pull them out of the way making it land shakingly on it's legs.

the transmetal then continued, "it is two things working together their team work is on point but not much as they can't work together unlike us! Ruby use your speed to draw attention!"

the former leader turned her weapon to Scythe mode and charged using the blade to protect herself if an arm got close!

the grimm roared and went to spin it's claw around in an arch to hit them all as Depth charge called out, " Velvet use a shield now mix it with that dust grab! Any dust!" the bunny called a copy of Jaune's shield infused with ice dust and in a moment the claw hit it and was incased in ice weighting it down.

The imp roared it couldn't move that arm anymore leaving it with one! The Transmetal looked to Nora as he said, "use those grenades! With the imp struggling to free it's arms the horse is frozen target it!"

the orange haired lady smiled as she fired and said, "Blow it's ass up literally got it fish man form outer space!" she said happily as she fired and in a moment the horse fell over as the blast took it's right legs it couldn't walk anymore!

the transformer took on his flight mode and said, "Ren with me hop on!" Ren smiled as he jumped on and took off his semblance hiding them as the fish man said, "Ok now this is important Ruby has the arm, So I am going to draw the Sonic scream to me while you flip back and decapitate it form behind Got it ninja boy?"

he nodded with a smile as he flow down and turned to bot mode! Making Ren fall. The transformer pulled out his sword and in a moment the grimm used a sonic scream to knock him away as Ren landed behind and used his two blade like scissors to cut the head off form behind as he landed on his foot and a knee! "for my family and friends!"

He then stood up as the imp start to dissolve and he fired on the horse killing it as well as he said, "for Nora's friends and family!" he smiled at the Fish guy who got up and he said, "that was great work there! And nice plan!"

The fish got up and rubbed his tented chest plate and said, "kid I've been hunting my version of this thing longer then you've been alive I know how to kill a monster or at least take it down sense X is immortal!"

At that point a Crow fell out of the air and became Qrow to Ruby's shock as she yelled out, "MY DRUNK UNCLE IS MAGIC!"

the fish guy looked at him and said, "your name is Qrow and you become a crow….Fitting and not like my kind haven't had worst names! I mean we have a cheetah named Cheetor for crying outloud! Now he would have been useful!"

the drunk held his weapon out and he said, "I don't know what you are but I don't like the fact your hanging out with my niece and friends."

Ruby then stepped in front of him, "and this fish out of water is the only reason we won uncle! He is not the bad guy here!"

Qrow took aim as he said, "out of the way Ruby! Something like him destroyed most of the Bradwen bandit tribe!"

while the completely organic members of the team said, "RAMPAGE!" Depth charge said, "X!"

The fish then hit his wrist as he said, "Look if you don't trust me maybe trust your nieces both of them! Pick up I know you two are in range!"

Yang's voice came over and said, "yoy flying fish man how's it hanging?" everyone gasped as a teary eyed Ruby called out, "BIG SISTER!"

Yang happily said, "Ruby girl can't wait to see you we're heading to meet you at the next kingdom you won't believe it the maiden story is true and My birth mom Raven is spring!"

Qrow spat out his drink and said, "SHE IS WHAT! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR HER!"

The teens turned to him weapons ready as he was keeping secrets that is when Jaune's voice said, 'there are two sides fighting over the power of the maidens right now guys! I don't know with side is good or evil but as they tried to make Pyrrha into one only for cinder to kill her to take I am guessing Cinder's side is the bad ones! So look no fighting! We'll meet up and get explanations their!"

Weiss's voice called over and said, "LISTEN TO THE METAL MAN BOTH OF THEM!"

Ren was confused before the fish Said, "Thanks to finding a master force band Jaune was reformatted into a hybrid between one of you and what I am! Class titan master with makes him outrank me by a long shot and a lot stronger too! I'll listen to him as I have fear of Fortress maximus!"

Nora then let out a blink and a call of, "That is the most epic name ever!"

Qrow put his weapon away, "semblance is working over time Fine Fish guy but if I detach a lie or any hint of you causing trouble your dead!"

Velvet blinked before she asked, " what's a titan master?" the fish guy said, "it means all giants are his slaves and he can decapitate you and wear your headless corpse as a suit!"

Weiss's voice said, "yeah saw some of that action… he used rampage body just now! The he ripped his head off and throw it away to get away!"

The fish guy then yelled out, "NOT COOL MAN! NOT COOL!"

Raven's voice said, "yeah try watching him put it on! I will never not see that in my sleep! Just gross!"

Everyone jumped at that and Ruby said, "Remind me to be nice to Jaune when I see him next!" She said nervously.

Meanwhile in the Grimm lands.

waspinator and the transmetal Terrorsaur were in beast mode the dinosaur saying, "and that is when we followed your spark trail lord Megatron ready to serve you again like ravage and rampage!"

Waspinator then hissed out, "Wazzzzpinator hate thizzzz flezzzhy botzzzz everywhere with zzzzuper powerzzzzz" Star scream then spoke out, "and I wish I was rooming with one of them instead of a clown like you!"

Megatron held his chin and said, "oh yes! But this won't do! The maximal have a combiner and titans even with Jetstorms new control over those biker vehicons we are out gunned!"

Ravage walked up hands behind his back in bot mode as he said, "that is where I can help! AS you should have figured this planet is were the omegalock was last seen!" the transformers looked at him, "teams of autobots and deceptions were sent after it I know of one combiner team that are old friends waiting to be awaken to fight for us again! But there is still the matter of the titan master! Once combined they would be under his control! To use our combiner we need one of our own! And for that we meet master force bands!"

to be continued.