A/N: Hey guys and gals, and sorry for the delay on getting this one out! Life has been absolutely crazy right now, as I am sure most of you can sympathize with, and a lot of my current time management has had to shift drastically. With that being said, this chapter is my second longest to date, right after chapter 3, so I hope that slightly compensates for the wait and what I am about to say next.

In addition to life getting crazy, college is also coming to a close for this year for me, so finals, end of term projects, and major papers are all flying at me right now with their due dates. Because of this, and other reasons, I will probably not be posting another chapter for the next several weeks. I have tried my best up till this point to keep a consistent schedule for you all as a kind of thank you for all the support and attention I've been getting so quickly. You guys have truly made my life a lot more joyful just by the fact that you want to read my silly fanfic, and I cannot thank you all enough for that.

I hope you all can understand my reasons for this announcement, and it is my greatest wish that you all will find your way back to this adventure of ours in a few weeks when I can start getting some free time back into my life. I have already started working on chapter 6 and it probably is going to be my longest chapter to date, so I hope that gives you all some excitement for what is ahead of us in this story.

Anyway, that's all I have for you all right now, I hope you enjoy this latest chapter, keep sending your feedback my way (I'll still be doing my best to respond to anyone who messages or comments). I can't wait to get back into this story with you all later down the road!

P.S. (Because there were a couple comments some people left who had disabled the ability for me to be able to respond to them) To the one guy who told me to get rid of Ahsoka because you don't like her, sorry to say but I really enjoy what her character becomes and how Lucusfilms were able to take this annoying side-kick and turn her into one of the most interesting and layered Star Wars characters of all time. I see a lot of similarities between her and Revan, especially how they both decide to leave the Jedi order, and I'm going to be playing around with some of those elements. And, if you or anyone else is wondering how she could sense Revan when none of the other Jedi could...guess you'll just have to keep reading!

Also, there was a Guest account that complained about how fanfics of Revan always mess up the fact that he uses a red and purple lightsaber. I am slightly confused if that comment was directed at my story specifically, because Revan has only shown one blue saber so far, but I did mention that he has multiple. Also, funnily enough, this will be the first time we see Revan use his two signature sabers, so I hope this lets you know I do pay attention to those details, and I promise an explanation for the multiple sabers, and blue one specifically, will be coming later.

(And to anyone who doesn't like my story, I am truly sorry I wasn't able to make a narrative that you enjoyed, but you can't please everyone, so I hope that inspires you to go write your own someday!)

Chapter 5 – Escape From Coruscant

Shadows moved across dark walls. Lights flickered randomly, creating illusions on ancient stone. Statues of hideous monsters came into view and disappeared just as quickly. Panting could be heard as she ran, faster, and faster. She had to get there, she had to make it. Screams were heard in the distance, then suddenly mist surrounded her. She stumbled in the grey fog before finally colliding into something, it was a control panel. Looking around she was on the bridge of a ship. There was an intense and chaotic battle raging outside the view port and the ship shook violently with different explosions. Four figures stood at the head of the bridge, in what looked like a 1 vs. 3 situation. Dialogue was exchanged. Lightsabers were raised. Then, she noticed, a ship outside the view port was turning. It was going to fire on them. She called out a warning.

Ahsoka woke up with a gasp. The intense dream she had experienced slowly drifted from her mind. She tried to hold on to it, to grasp it and understand it, but it was too late.

"Did you have a bad dream?"

Ahsoka turned to the familiar voice, "Barriss?" The two padawans were in the medical wing of the Jedi temple, the soft sounds of different science equipment beeped and hummed in the background and it seemed the two Jedi had a two person room to themselves. "What happened?" Ahsoka asked finally.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Barriss asked as she sat on the other bed with her feet hanging off the side, a few bandages on her legs and arms.

"I remember...we fought the intruder. He beat us-"

"Badly." Barriss interjected with a hint of frustration as she looked at the floor.

Ahsoka simply glanced up, she had the same feeling of guilt that they had failed to stop him. She continued, "You got knocked out first, I kept fighting as best I could." She rubbed her slightly pained wrists as she recalled the fight. "He disarmed me, I thought I was dead but then...he let me live." She looked up at Barriss who returned her gaze.

They were both thinking the same thing, the attack had been odd to say the least. If this had been a normal Sith, bounty hunter, or assassin they would both be dead, and now they were left to wonder why not?

"Did he say anything?" Barriss asked curiously.

Ahsoka looked down at the floor, her eyes darting back and forth in thought. "When I accused him of stealing the information, he said 'One can not steal what already belongs to them.'" Ahsoka looked up at Barriss who had a look of confusing on her face. "And the weirdest part was...it didn't feel like he was lying."

Barriss stroked her chin thoughtfully. "To be fair Ahsoka, most Jedi in the temple couldn't even sense him, that probably also extends to his ability to lie."

"Yeah...I guess you might be right." But Ahsoka was not confident in that answer, this whole thing felt wrong somehow, like she only had a few of the pieces to a massive puzzle, and something burned in her mind to find the rest.

Before the padawans could continue their discussion, the door slid opened with a hiss. They both turned to see Master Yoda slowly walking in with his cane.

"Master Yoda." The two padawans instinctively began to get up to bow, but Yoda quickly gestured for them to stay seated.

"Please. Sit. How are you two feeling?" He asked with genuine sympathy and concern in his voice, almost like a kind grandfather.

"We're pretty much fine." Ahsoka stated, which Barriss nodded to and continued on, "The medical droid told me that we only had minor injuries, nothing serious or broken."

"Good. Good." Yoda stated with a smile as he jumped onto the counter and sat opposite the two padawans. "Hearing you are well, brings warm feelings to my heart."

"Thank you master for your concern and kindness." Barriss said with a small smile.

"Yes...thank you master, but why did you come see us? Shouldn't we be out there looking for the intruder? Or did we catch him?"

Yoda shook his head somberly. "Escaped, the intruder did. Several masters, dispatched to search for him, already left, they have."

Ahsoka looked disappointed at the news. Not only had he managed to escape, but she was stuck in this room being useless when she should be out there helping Anakin and the other Jedi.

"Came here I did," Yoda continued, "To commend your efforts. Very brave, it was, to protect the Jedi archives." The two padawans smiled slightly at each other for the high praise from Master Yoda. "But, now, questions for you two, I have. Know more about this attacker, we must." The two padawans glanced at each other before looking at Yoda.

Ahsoka spoke up, "His name...is Revan."

5 Jedi stood in various places near a crime scene on the upper streets of Coruscant. For two of the Jedi, it was their third one today, and they were beginning to grow tired of it. Anakin, Fisto, and Tiin stood over the two body bags that were slightly open at their heads, revealing the faces of a human and a Bith. Kit knelt down beside them and was examining the burn marks on the sides of their skulls.

"Looks like blaster fire. Point blank range." He said looking up at his fellow Jedi.

"Then this might not be our man. He's never been seen using a blaster." Tiin put forward as a possibility.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Anakin stated with his arms crossed as he looked down at the bodies. "What kind of common alley fight ends with two dead bodies right next to each other, both with pointblank blaster bolts to the side of their heads? In almost the exact same spot as well? I think something different killed these guys." Tiin and Kit nodded at Skywalkers' keen observation.

"You've caught an unusual scent, as always my apprentice." Kenobi stated as he and Adi entered the alley from the street.

"We just finished talking to some witnesses," Adi began to explain. "they both say a dark robed figured entered the alley, then the human and the Bith followed shortly after. A few minutes later they heard screaming and yelling, followed by blaster fire. They immediately contacted local security."

"Combine that with fuzzy surveillance footage from a nearby store camera that security managed to pull," Kenobi continued by holding up a hologram which showed a familiar dark robed man looking down the street as he snuck into the alley. The feintest bit of a red mask could be seen under his hood in the fuzzy display. "and I'd say we have our man."

Anakin's fist tightened subtly as he looked at the hologram. "Too bad he didn't leave us a trail to follow."

"I believe I can help with that Skywalker!" A loud and enthusiastic voice came from the entrance to the alley, causing the Jedi to turn and Kenobi to roll his eyes slightly before doing the same.

"Good timing as always Vos." Kit said as he stood up and shook the fellow Jedi Master's hand.

Quinlan Vos displayed his signature bright smile as he entered the scene. "Kenobi! Long time no see!" He stated as he gave the older jedi a friendly punch in the arm.

Kenobi sighed slightly and rubbed his arm before responding, "Yes, good to see you too."

Anakin smiled slightly and chuckled at the whole affair before getting serious again. "We really need your help on this one Vos. We've got a dangerous target and he's currently getting away."

Vos nodded at the commanding presence of Anakin. "I know, Aayla briefed me on my way here. Now," Vos said as he moved forward over the two bodies, "let's see what we're dealing with." He proceeded to kneel to the ground and place his palm on the pavement, closing his eyes as he did so. He concentrated for several moments before his eyes opened. "I've got him...and he's not alone," he stood up before finishing. "he's got a Rodian with him."

"There's been no report of this man having a partner." Adi stated as the Jedi looked at each other.

"We can't rule out anything as a possibility right now, but two bodies to track is better than one." Tiin stated simply, to which the other Jedi nodded.

"The two went down a few levels." Vos turned around before continuing, "I'll have to track again from down there."

"Alright, once we have a rough idea of what level he's on, I say we split up." The other Jedi looked at Anakin questioningly. "If he managed to get spotted like this once, I'm willing to bet he got seen again. If we go in pairs of two I bet we'll have a better chance of possibly surrounding this guy from multiple sides. We'll all stay in constant radio contact and move roughly in whatever direction Vos tracks this guy, but in a wider arch."

"Spreading out a net to give us a better chance of cutting off his escape." Kit finished the explanation. "Good thinking Skywalker.

Kenobi stroked his beard in thought before answering. "Alright, we'll follow Anakin's plan. I will go with Vos. Masters Kit and Tiin can go together. And Adi...keep Anakin out of trouble." Kenobi said with a small smirk as he looked at his apprentice.

Anakin smirked back before answering, "If you can't do it master, who do you think can?"

Adi rolled her eyes at the exchange before shouting. "Alright everyone, let's move it!" All 6 jedi took off with Vos in the lead towards the lower levels.

Anakin and Adi found themselves along one of the seedier strips of Coruscant. There were rough looking cantinas, pawn, and sex shops, along with many obvious fronts for different scrupulous dealings. The pair of Jedi were headed straight for the largest and busiest cantina in the whole sector.

"Why are we going down this street Skywalker?" Adi asked, "I know the plan was to cast a wide net, but Vos and Obi-Wan are moving deeper into the warehouse section of this district and I think we should be too."

"Here's my thinking, our intruder might have already bought passage for himself off the planet, and is either gone or laying low until he can leave. Either way, I bet you there's someone in here who knows about that deal, or knows about everyone currently looking for passage."

"You might be right, but it's a wild guess at this point."

Anakin shrugged, "Call it, Jedi intuition. And I promise, we'll only be in here a minute, then we'll catch up and be closer to Vos and Kenobi."

Adi looked up at the flashing signs for the bar. Along with the various kinds of sex workers and drug dealers loitering just outside the establishment, eyeing anyone who came close and instantly trying to lure them over. She sighed and shook her head before saying, "I'll give you 5 minutes, then we're gone."

"5 minutes is all I need." Anakin said with a bit of a smirk. The two Jedi walked confidently up to the entrance. The large alien bouncer looked down at them. He was about to say something when he noticed their lightsabers and the 'just try to get in our way' look he received from Anakin, which made him quickly step out of the pair's way.

The two Jedi entered the bar as semi-loud music, light smoke, and all manner of conversation, laughter, and general noise hit them at once. They scanned the room looking for anyone who might stand out, but in this crowd, almost everyone stood out. A few patrons and a bartender eyed the Jedi with suspicion, but they weren't low enough in the city to risk the authorities being called on them, so everyone who did take notice quickly went back about their business.

Anakin began to walk into the mild chaos before Adi tapped his shoulder and said, "Where are you going?"

"Where else? To get a drink." Anakin replied with a slight smirk before continuing his walk.

Adi rolled her eyes and moved towards the back of the cantina.

Anakin slowly made his way through the crowd to the bar, occasionally nudging different humans and aliens out of his way. Some turned to give him a mouthful, but quickly changed their minds at the sight of a Jedi.

Anakin finally made his way to the bar. Out of his view, a male Balosar almost spit out his drink when he saw the Jedi, quickly grabbing his pile of death sticks and making a hasty exit.

The bartender slowly turned and looked at Anakin as he cleaned a glass. After a few seconds of observing Anakin look around the bar he coughed, getting the knight's attention. "What can I do ya fors, master Jedi?"

Anakin leaned against the counter and lowered his voice as he spoke. "Know anyone who delivers...unmarked cargo around here?"

"Nows whys would ah Jedis wants to know?" The bartender asked.

Anakin simply leaned off the counter, revealing a small amount of credits where his hand had been previously. "I wanna buy them a drink."

The bartender chuckled slightly before swiping the credits and pointing to a group of Rodians gathered in a back booth.

Anakin nodded at the bartender and made his way towards the Rodians, careful that they wouldn't see him approach. Once he got close, he used the Force to concentrate on their conversation and block out the noise around him.

"This is a gonna be a disaster for us, if the blockade doesn't lift soon."

"I know I know! We gotta get that spice out of here."

"But how? Security confiscated our ship this week! You should have never taken this deal!"

"Hey hey, relax. My cousin Ito told me he's got his own ship now, crew and everything! He'll hook us up, I promise. In fact, the warehouse he's operating out of is nearby."

"How can we be sure?"

"I sent one of our boys over to meet with him a few levels up. He should be back any min-" As if on que a Rodian suddenly ran into the bar and made their way panting back to the table with the other Rodians.

"Woah! Greedo! Slow down man, you'll hurt yourself. What's got you all riled up?"

Greedo took several gasps of air and proceeded to down a drink. "I had to run. Security after me. They saw me snooping around. Wanted to question me."

"Snooping around what exactly?"

"I went to the store where I was supposed to meet Ito, he was super late. So, I started looking around, maybe I was at the wrong place I thought. Then, I stumbled across a crime scene. I got curious, so I got closer to investigate. It was Ito's two drinking buddies. Dead."

"And what about Ito?" One of them said with concern.

"No sign of him. They spotted me at that point so I had to run."

"Poodo!" A Rodian exclaimed as he slammed his fist on the table. "Now what!"

Before any of the others could answer, Anakin stepped in and slammed his lightsaber on the table. The Rodians all jumped in shock and grabbed their weapons under their clothing but didn't pull them out on seeing the lightsaber.

"Good evening gentlemen!" Anakin said with a slightly peppy tone. "Sorry to interrupt your evening out, but I'd like to know where this warehouse with a ship is!"

The original three Rodians glared at Anakin, while Greedo slowly began to back away and towards the exit.

One Rodian spoke, "You got nothing on us, Jedi! We're not telling you anything." He finished by spitting on Anakin's boot.

Anakin's gaze became darker and his tone shifted. "Normally I would just arrest slime like you and let security deal with you, but today," the hand not on his saber slowly began to close into a fist under the table and the Rodians' eyes bulged as they each began to choke and grasp while invisible hands began to tighten around their throats, "I really don't have the time." Anakin then looked at the nearest Rodian with a death glare who was starting back at him terrified. "And I'm really not in the mood."

"Th-the warehouse." One of them managed to choke out between gasps. Anakin turned to him and released all three who each gasped for air.

"Tell me. Now."

Vos and Obi-Wan made their way quickly down several back alleys, taking twists and turns every 20 to 40 feet. It was like a maze back here in this part of the district. Most of the buildings had been abandoned over the years, bought, used, resold, and abandoned again. Eventually the problem had become so massive and widespread in this particular sector that the government had simply decided it was cheaper to just ignore them.

Kenobi shook his head as he knew all too well the amount of crime that was carried on and sheltered thanks to places like this.

Before he could contemplate their location further, the two masters came to a halt as Vos knelt down and closed his eyes. Kenobi was thankfully for the small rest, it seemed he had not run this continually for quite a while. He made a note to get back to general exercise at a gym when he had the chance. War kept one fit and in shape for the most part, but it didn't always cover everything.

Kenobi suddenly realized that Vos had taken a lot longer than previously, so he spoke up, "Is everything alright?"

Vos did not respond for a moment but finally said. "It's strange...the closer we get to this man...the harder it is for me to track him."

"That sounds very similar to the main problem we've been having with this one. Even when he was going through the temple surrounded by Jedi, it was like he was invisible to us. It seems he has a way to mask his presence in the Force, making him quite the dangerous adversary for us. We should proceed with caution if you believe we are close."

Vos stood up and nodded at Kenobi before running forward again.

Revan muttered to himself something about the stupidity of the design before him, before he finally managed to snap a particularly stubborn part into place. He then stood back from the hyperdrive with a deep breath. By a combination of the scans from his mask, the hyperdrive of the Ebon Hawk as a rough guide, and his own best guess at the very inefficient design of the ship, Revan believed he had done all he could.

Just then he heard a grunt followed by a slam, as a metallic crate was dropped in the ship's cargo hold. It had been a repeated sound for the past 30 minutes and one that Revan had done his best to block out from his work. However, this one was followed by:

"It's all loaded!" Ito called from the main hold to Revan in the engine compartment.

Revan made his way out of the more cramped part of the ship and looked at the semi-organized collection of spice in front of him. He did not know the current exchange rate of spice on the black market, nor the quality of this spice, so he asked, "Ito?" The Rodian turned to look at him. "How much would you say all this spice is worth."

"Not really sure," the Rodian admitted with a shrug, "but I think the boss said about 300,000 credits for the lot."

Revan smirked slightly at the estimate. More than enough to buy a simple ship, and keep his identity hidden. A good bargaining chip for where he was likely to end up.

"Alright Ito, go warm up the ship, and pray the hyperdrive doesn't blow us to pieces. I had to deactivate the main reactor to do some repairs, so the ship will take a few minutes to be ready to fly, but let me-"

Revan suddenly looked up and off in a random direction. Ito looked at him curiously and after a few seconds of silence said, "Let you know about…?"

Revan finally turned back to Ito, "Just get the ship ready to go." He then quickly marched back into the warehouse itself. Heading over to the main controls he opened up the roof hanger doors and began checking his equipment. "Seems the Jedi found me faster than I thought they would." He tightened the straps on his gauntlets and checked his hidden knife as well, before switching his mask back to it's tactical read out mode.

The roof doors made a bit of noise as they finally fully opened causing Revan to look up in the now almost night sky. "Time to find out what these Jedi are made of." He quickly pulled out a saber and slashed the controls to pieces, ensuring the roof would say open.

Vos and Kenobi rounded a final corner before they came to a larger warehouse that had no neighboring buildings attached to it. The two Jedi looked at each other and nodded, this was the place where the trail ended. The two Jedi masters quickly made their way to a side door, pulling out their sabers as they went.

Vos entered first with Kenobi close behind. The two crouched and made their way between selves of various tools and equipment. Finally they came into the main room of the warehouse and they stopped in their tracks. Bodies littered the room, an explosion had gone off on one side, and a ship sat with its cargo door open. Before the Jedi could fully process the scene in front of them, a distorted voice spoke, causing them to turn towards it.

"Greetings, master Jedi! And welcome." Revan was sitting on top of a pile of random crates and containers, most of them empty, but the purposely made pyramid stack reached about 15 feet in height. "I do apologize about the mess, but then again you didn't exactly give me much time to clean up before you got here."

"We do apologize for arrive so unannounced." Kenobi spoke as he stepped over the bodies near him and approached Revan as Vos did the same. "We will be sure to call next time before we arrive."

Revan smirked under his mask at the sass he had just received back from the bearded master. Maybe the Jedi had finally learned how to not shove so many sticks up their ass.

"Surrender terrorist!" Vos stated loudly as he got into an offensive stance below Revan, igniting his saber as he did so. "You've got nowhere to run and the might of the Republic and Jedi order are about to come crashing down on you!"

Revan's smile disappeared, quickly replaced by a frown as he looked down at Vos. And the stick goes right back in.

"I do have to agree with my partner," Kenobi spoke again, "you are about to be completely surrounded. If you surrender now, I promise no harm will come to you."

Revan said nothing for a moment before slowly standing to his feet, Vos gripped his saber ready for a fight, but Kenobi simply observed. "Well, that is a VERY compelling offer master Jedi. But before I give my answer, I am curious as to know your names."

Kenobi's eyebrow raised. He thought the request over a moment. The man was clearly stalling for time, but at this point with no backup so was Obi-Wan. "My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is Quinlan Vos. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

So, the Jedi was also stalling for time. Perfect. "My name is Revan. Pleasure to meet you, master Kenobi." Revan bowed slightly towards the Jedi, which caused a surprised look to cross Obi-Wan's features. Vos however growled in frustration.

"He's just stalling Kenobi! And I don't intend to find out for what!" And with that, Vos proceeded to leap with the Force straight up towards Revan with his saber raised for an attack.

"Vos! No!" Kenobi shouted out a warning, but all too late.

Revan smirked under as mask as the Jedi had been easy to predict. He quickly rolled under Vos' jump, kicking a key crate in the middle of the pyramid as he did so. The breaking of the structure in such a way caused the entire stack to collapse before Vos could land, forcing him to crash into the pile of containers and be buried by the rest that fell behind him. Revan landed in front of the open ship and Kenobi turn towards him, igniting his saber.

Revan slowly stood and looked at Kenobi, "Such a shame, I was enjoying our conversation."

"So was I, but it seems all good things must come to an end."

Revan scoffed at the levels of irony the Jedi did not even know he had just made. He was about to respond when the pile of crates burst in several directions, as Quinlan Vos suddenly, and angrily, emerged from the pile. He locked eyes with Revan and charged him again.

Revan, in the blink of an eye, suddenly had a saber in his hand, and red clashed with green at the last possibly moment. This quick action and last second block surprised Vos, giving Revan an opening to kick him square in the chest and send him flying back into the pile of crates.

Kenobi was fast to join in the fight, striking at Revan the moment Vos was out of the way. Revan and Kenobi began to duel properly with one another other, each calculated and experienced fighters gave no ground.

Revan quickly recognized the more defensive and strategic style of the master he was fighting. There would be no easy tricks or catching him off guard. That meant eliminating the other one, and quickly.

Vos burst forth once again, leaping into the duel between Revan and Kenobi, and with the combined might of both masters they began to push Revan back from his position.

Revan's pure speed and finesse were almost terrifying to the two masters, as he expertly blocked, parried, and countered the two masters who relentlessly battered at him. A brilliant display of Red, Green, and Blue colors clashed in the warehouse for several minutes. Revan managed to lock the two blades of the Jedi with his one. He closed his eyes and reached out with his mind to Ito, who had been doing his best to stay out of sight in the ships cockpit.

The ship was almost ready, but Revan could feel other Jedi about to enter the warehouse. He had been spending so much energy on concealing himself in the Force for fear of being mobbed by every Jedi on the planet. Well, now it seemed there was no reason to hold back.

Revan opened his eyes, he pushed with the Force against the Jedi sending them both sliding backwards. Vos rushed him again, but this time, Revan lowered his saber, and right before the green blade made contact with him, Vos was struck by a massive blast of force lightning.

The pain was unlike anything Vos had felt. His skin instantly started to burn. He cried out in agony as electricity began to arch out of his body and random hit the walls of the building. Vos mustered up all the strength he had and tried to bring his saber down. Revan responded by lifting Vos up by the force Lightning itself and slamming him against the far wall of the warehouse, knocking him unconscious.

Revan turned to Kenobi. Kenobi stood, stunned in place. He could now sense Revan fully. The Force seemed to swirl around him, just being near the man caused Kenobi to feel the Force more potently and concentrated than he had in years. As he looked at Revan, he almost felt like he was staring into the heart of the Force itself. There was no doubt, Revan wasn't simply powerful. He was power.

At that moment Anakin and Adi ran into the building by the same means as Vos and Obi-Wan. They too stopped and they looked at Revan, experiencing similar revelations. Adi saw the smoking body of Vos slumped against the wall and ignited her saber. Anakin stared at Revan with absolute hatred in his eyes. Revan's head titled curiously as he examined the young Jedi. He was powerful, dangerously so, but he had no control, no discipline. Revan smirked slightly at an old memory that was prompted by these thoughts.

Anakin ignited his saber and moved to step forward, but Kenobi grabbed his arm and looked at him sternly before saying, "We take him together."

Anakin's metallic hand flinched a little at his master's words, but he nodded and took his stance beside Kenobi, with Adi on the opposite side. "You're going to pay for what you've done today." Anakin said fiercely.

"You can't win this Revan." Kenobi stated.

Revan looked at the three Jedi lined up against him. He could almost see the bridge he had stood on, in a different life. "Well, master Jedi," Revan spoke as he slowly pulled another saber from under his cloak, which he ignited it, its purple blade crossing over the red one in a dark contrast. "let us find out if that is true."

Revan was tired of holding back, of sneaking around, of trying his best to not harm anyone unnecessarily. Now was his time to let off some steam.

He rushed them, using the Force to speed up his moments he came at the three Jedi in a blur of cloak, armor, and sabers. The three Jedi, even working in unison, began to find themselves losing ground. It was all they could do to simply defend themselves. Finally, communicating in the Force, they each jumped back, and combined a force blast directly at Revan. Revan countered with his own, which overcame the first and threw the Jedi back smashing into the wall.

Revan couldn't help but smile. It felt good to be back in control. He was about to leap after Adi when he stopped and titled his head back slightly over his shoulder. Time was up.

Anakin quickly got up ready for the next attack, then he noticed the same thing as Revan. "Looks like you're done."

Revan glanced back at Anakin, he was going to be a problem, but Revan had overcome worse. Suddenly, the ship's engines roared to life, causing loose objects, tools, and smaller containers to go flying around the room. Revan looked directly at Anakin before saying, "Not today, it would seem."

Anakin growled in frustration and leapt at Revan. Revan blocked his blows several times before he deactivated a saber, grabbed Anakin's arm, and threw him on top of his master Kenobi who had just stood up, only to be knocked down again by Anakin's flying body.

The ship slowly began to rise out of the warehouse and Revan force jumped into the open cargo bay. He looked down at the warehouse as Fisto and Tiin burst into the room along with several clone troopers. Revan quickly made his way to the cockpit where Ito was flying.

"Wow! I mean, I have to say, fighting all those Jedi, that was impressive work."

"Thank you for the complement. But sadly Ito, while I was growing to like you, I have constantly been sensing your different plans to try and kill me the next chance you get. Unfortunately for you, I do not tolerate disloyalty." Before Ito could object his neck was snapped by an invisible force.

The Jedi on the ground ordered the clones to fire at the ship, but it had no effect. And as the cargo ship sped up into the night, just before its bay doors closed, a lifeless Rodian body fell from it and landed with a bloody splat amongst his other comrades.

Padmé was typing into her personal computer at her apartment. The cool air always seemed to help her work better at night. She had managed to get a hold of R2 and had him connect her to the central Senate servers remotely. Her political access along with a friend in the local security force who owed her several favors was allowing her to access the unofficial crime report on the bombing in the Chancellor's office earlier in the afternoon.

She shook her had as the image of that mask looked right at her, and memories of her being taking captive and flung through the air tried to invade her mind. She shivered slightly and pulled her blanket tightly around her, maybe she should close the windows.

She continued typing away looking at all the data that had been compiled, along with what distorted video footage from a not completely destroyed camera had picked up in the office. She was going through the case file line by line when she noticed a section on foreign dust that had been found at the scene. Why would this be a section of the report? When she went to open it she found it was redacted.

She squinted at the blacked lines in front of her. How could an unofficial report that was just compiled and uploaded this evening already have redacted information? Something wasn't right.

Palpatine looked out at his newly refurbished office window. It had been a long, tiring, and annoying day. Now, at the end, there was still more troubling news. He had been staring out the window for the past several minutes, focusing on what he had felt. It was the intruder from today, there was no doubt in Palpatine's mind. He was so powerful he had felt him across the district, glowing like a massive bonfire in the Force. Palpatine opened his eyes and sighed. The intruder was hidden again.

It seems the Jedi had failed to stop him from leaving the planet. That was a problem. But Palpatine had contingencies and backup plans upon backup plans. He would deal with this new threat as he had with all others before.

Turning, he made his way back to his desk. The file his forensics team had complied on the man was currently displayed on his monitor, along with an image of the attacker. The team notified him this afternoon the moment they had found dust form Korriban on the ground where the man had violently and suddenly appeared. He quickly blocked had this information from the report altogether. He did not want the Jedi getting wind of a potential Sith and thus causing them to become more paranoid than they were already becoming.

He looked over the information again as he had slowly been reading through it, when a private and heavily secured document appeared available for download, it bore the insignia of Darth Tyranus. Palpatine opened the file and waves upon waves of information flooded his screen and began scrolling onto his three large displays, there was too much today to be seen all at once. Palpatine smiled slightly, it seems his apprentice had been busy. But his smile quickly faded as he began to read some of the new text in front of him.

In a large image showing the picture of the man was a name. Palpatine looked at the security image, then back to the new picture before him. They were almost identical. The name Darth Revan began to burn itself into the Lord of the Sith's mind.