Rated K

Disclaimer: I don't own Mahou Tsukai No Yome, just the plot.

Hello everyone, I was inspired by the new Movie, "Baywatch."

In this chapter, Chise is almost 17 years old...

Elias is going to try something new for him... spend a day on the beach, he will learn new sensations as well as enjoy the sea and beach-related activities.

And you know what? He's going to wear swimming trunks and show off that fantastic body, much to Chise's delight, and to kill Alice's curiosity.

Ruth will have lots of fun as well!

He has a nice piece of ass if I can say myself!

Eck I am imagining him practise Paddle...^^

As I said earlier, I abhor the marriage of minors, so what happened in the last story was after Chise came of age, around 18.

There was no intimate sex or contact during the engagement, although there was a lot of attraction between the two.

There were many displays of affection, but all within the respect, you saw it during all the episodes and in Manga.

And by the way, I'm the one who chooses the ratings of my stories, I don't need to be told, and I've considered the other's rating appropriate, since I didn't spice the plot, it was just Chise's thoughts.

I thank the favourites and who follows this and other stories I wrote, thank you!

Going to the beach...

Summer... a season that has a lot to give, ideal temperatures to take a walk in the countryside, or a trip to the beach, to relax a little or to catch a nice tan.

In the Ainsworth residence life goes on, although Chise and Elias are on school holidays, Chise makes a point of studying magic both theoretically and not only, does everything under Elias supervision.

On the other hand, Silky is taking care of housework, and Ruth helps, there's a lot to do, from sweeping the entrance floor or taking care of the gardens.

Chise finishes her day's chores, leaves the study room to drink a fresh juice, Elias goes after her, he also wants to cool off, but puts a hand on the Japanese girl's shoulder, "You did very well, you worked so hard." She cleans the perspiration that rolls down her face, "Yes, it has to be, I may be on vacation, but I can't stop!"

It is true that she applies hard, wants to keep track of the matter that is given in the "College", a school that teaches various branches of magic, from sorcerers to alchemists, all supernatural or human beings with special gifts, go there to learn or perfect their gifts.

"You're a good student Chise, from the first moment you walked in." Chise looks at Elias, she knows it is true, it is not only Elias who says it but also other teachers who teach there, even made new friends.

"You work a lot even on your vacation Chise!" It is true, although she is on vacation does not want to get sloppy, had mentioned it before.

Elias knows that she was a year without going to school due to certain events not to mention that she had to adapt to the country, the climate and... to Elias.

"You should take a break, Chise, I don't want you to get overwhelmed with all that work or exhaust yourself because of the magic you use every day." Why all the attention?

Although Chise has a prolonged life due to a curse and a connection she has with Cartaphilus/Joseph, get more stamina to withstand the magic, the Mage always cares about her.

"Thank you for caring about me, and I'll take your advice, tomorrow I'll have the day off to relax a little." Chise replies, he kisses her his way, rubbing his bony face into hers, "I like that."

The two go outside, sit at the table they have under one of the trees in the garden, Silky brings a platter full of cupcakes, scones and sandwiches, while Ruth brings a platter with glasses and lemonade with mint, everything is placed on the table, and her familiar sits, in front of the two, starting to eat something.

"It's too hot." Chise takes a bite of her scone responding to the Grimm Church, "I also have Ruth, there's lemonade with mint." The Grimm Church serves himself, it is thirsty due to the heat, "Thank you Chise." The girl puts a hand on her familiar shoulder, "You also helped Silky with things, Ruth!" He knows it's true, but he doesn't brag, so he drinks his refreshment before returning to his canine form, he wants to take advantage of the tree shade to sleep on.

Her cell phone rings and Chise answers, "Hello?" On the other side all she hears, "Chise, it's me, Alice!" She is delighted, and decides to put it on speakerphone so that Elias could also hear, "Tell me what led you to make this phone call!" Then listen to Alice's voice, she seems very excited, "I want to make you an invitation." Elias is curious asking, "Does Renfred know about this invitation?"

On the other side, you hear, "Dude... You're geeky, I'm on vacation and he made me feel free!" Chise lets out a laugh, "Only you Alice, tell me what the invitation is!" Alice does not contain herself, "Well... It's so hot, Chise... and I thought we should spend a day at the beach." Chise gets excited, "How wonderful, I'm looking forward to debuting my new swimsuit!" Alice sees her friend's enthusiasm, "Ohohohoh... so do I, and I want to see your bathing suit."

Elias had heard that and noticed the girl's enthusiasm, thinking to himself, "She works so hard, she deserves to have fun with her friends!" Then listen to Alice, "Bonehead, it's also for you, Renfred goes too!" Chise knows that Alice is friends with Elias in her way, and then continues, "Chise and I want to see what you're hiding under that robe of yours!" Chise blushes like a ripe tomato, "ALICE! Don't embarrass Elias!" The colleague laughs with a good laugh, "AHAHAHAH, if you could hear yourself at this very moment..." Elias replies, "I accept your invitation, Alice." The other is very pleased, "Great, don't forget the snacks and it's to be at the London train station the day after tomorrow, around 7 am." Chise gets excited, "Okay, we'll be there by Friday!" Shortly after, the two of them turn off their phones.

Chise turns to Elias, with a rascal smile, "I also want to see that beautiful body of yours Elias!" He shoots with a smile, "And I, yours!" But Chise thinks to herself, "Elias barely knows that I'm going to bring a bikini, he's going to be delirious!"

Then Elias begins to appreciate his lemonade, "Tomorrow we will go to the market to buy things to prepare the food that we will take to the beach." Chise rubs her hands anxiously, "I can't wait!"

For the rest of the day, they start preparing everything, but Chise has a crazy idea and decides to put it into practice and without Elias realizing she goes to Silkie, "Could you do me a favour?" Silky nods, with a big smile on his lips, "Great, could you make Elias some shorts?

If I must, I'll bring some of his boxers, to use as a measure!" Silky nods, "No." Chise calculates that she also makes her clothes, "Okay, I leave everything in your hands." A piece of paper is given to him, "It'll be ready tomorrow, then I want to see his face!" Chise sees the smile emblazoned on Silky's face, "Rest assured, I'll record everything!" And get out of there and prepare the rest of the stuff for the beach.

She plans to go to the market to get things to eat on the beach, and enjoys buying another memory card for her mobile phone, she wants to take lots of pictures of Elias and the landscape.

Imagine Elias' face when she gives him the shorts to wear them, and silently laughs, "I'm looking forward to it!" And keep laughing, Ruth sees Chise's humour, "Are you up to something!" She just says, "Tomorrow Elias' bathing shorts will be ready!" Ruth just says, "Rest assured, I'll say nothing, but I'm also anxious to see his face!" She asks, "Do you have any?" Ruth replies, "Don't worry Chise, I already asked Silky to make some for me!" Chise gets delirious.

Things are ready and the next day Chise gets Elias' bathing shorts, "Thank you, Silky, they're really cute." She sees that Elias shorts have a light blue pattern with white outlines around, "He'll love it!" And put them in her backpack.


Calls Elias, she had put his shorts moments before in the backpack, then goes down, "I'm coming, Elias!" Moments later he's already in the kitchen eating something.

"What do you do on the beach?" Listen, she sets the mug on the table, "Well... we bathe in the sea, we walk, we catch shells, we do sea-related activities, and when you don't do any of that, you sunbathe and you play a lot of games." Elias is more or less enlightened, "I look forward to participating." And keep drinking his tea.

Amazingly Chise had bought a movie when she was in the College, the same was related to summer and the beach, and the girl decided to watch it with Elias in the library, Ruth was delighted with the movie, because it had a lot of action and was very comical, Elias was absorbing the information from the film, he can even see people doing activities related to the beach.

Chise laughed with good laughter, due to a certain scene from the movie Elias looks at her, "What's the joke of touching on the genitals of a dead man?" Elias hears, "The joke is in the photo that the other took to the colleague who was repulsed to examine the lower parts of the dead guy." Ruth continues to laugh, Chise, on the other hand, puts his hand on top of Elias', "Relax... it's just a movie!" And they keep seeing it.

The rest of the day they are busy with other tasks until it's dinner time, and everyone eats quietly, talking about what they're going to do, Silky, on the other hand, starts preparing the food for the next day, since the other things are ready for the next day.

When it's time to lie down everyone goes to sleep and how normal Chise sleeps with Elias, she knows that he likes her company and her touch.

The next day everyone is at the railway station in London by the appointed time, and they don't wait long...

"Good morning, I see you're early on." The three turns around seeing Alice and Renfred, "At great cost, you know Elias hates mornings!" Explains Chise, Renfred saw that they were all equipped, "Well you don't play on duty." Alice also notices, "Renfred they only bring normal for a go to the beach, only they shared the load!"

Renfred looks at the clock saying, "We'll take the train to Southampton and then when we arrive, we'll catch a catamaran!" Elias had studied the route and says, "I have something better; I've been told there's a magical shortcut to the Isle of Wight!" Chise knows who told him, Hazel the centaur who works as a postman and usually delivers or takes orders to or from Elias, and knows that the normal route takes a long time, and what is 40 minutes walk compared to a monotonous trip? Alice ponders and sees that Elias is right, "I'm going in yours, bonehead."

Renfred looks at the Mage from top to bottom seeing that he is wearing his glamour, Elias notices, "You know how the curiosity of the normal human being is." Shortly after, he directs them to the said shortcut that was indicated to Elias by Hazel, and when they enter through a hidden entrance, Elias returns to his normal self.

The walk to the Isle of Wight takes about 40 minutes, and they never divert from the route to not offend the fairies that are there.

When they get there...

"Wow... Look at this little town!" Said Alice, noting that it is very picturesque, "In the end, I want to go buy some souvenirs!" Chise laughs, "You will have time." And continue the route to the beach that does not take long, but still had time to see if there were ice cream stalls and other delicacies that eat on the beach.

When they got there...

"Wow... this place is very beautiful!" Says Alice as she watches the white sand that stretches for many miles, and the water is clear blue.

Renfred notices that there are some people, not many and a Lifeguard, "At least this beach is guarded!" Elias asks, "Are this "lifeguard" spying on us?" Chise comes in saying, "Don't you remember the movie you saw?" Elias nods, hearing Chise, "The lifeguard is here to ensure our safety while we're here, don't worry!" Elias must trust the word of Chise and the others.

The five go to a more scheduled place, not far from the watchful eye of the lifeguard, Elias can be himself, without glamours to his relief.

Everyone starts putting everything together, including the umbrellas, then they start taking off their clothes, but they kept their T-Shirts on, but Elias looks at them and the other two men, "Are you like this? Of smaller costumes?" Alice replies to him, "They're wearing swimming trunks... don't tell me that..." He nods, "I don't have the guts, and I don't own these... costumes!" Chise removes a package from her backpack, "Who said?" And throw it at him, "Go behind those rocks and put what's in there." Elias accepts the package and does exactly what he was asked to do.

Renfred asks the Japanese girl, "What was in that package?" Chise responds with a sly smile, "Shorts, let's see if he's not ashamed to show what he's hiding behind his suit." And begins to blush like a ripe tomato, for she had never seen Elias muscular body, Alice realizes and whispers to her, "You're anxious to see his body, aren't you?" Chise blushes even more.

Fifteen minutes later...

"Chise!" She gets up from her towel, "Yes Elias?" His voice denotes a little embarrassment, "I don't think I can get out like this in reduced costumes." But she pulls it, "Show your courage, Elias!" Reluctantly he comes out of his hiding place, and Renfred just says, "Don't be ashamed, I even like your swimming trunks!" Alice just whistles, "Not bad, bonehead... simple but very masculine!" And in fact, the blonde girl is right, Elias' swimming trunks have a very simple design and the colours come together very well, they are blue with white outlines!

And what catches her eye is that Elias' body has very well-defined muscles, making any bodybuilder jealous, Chise blushes a lot, but recovers, getting to appreciate the body of his Teacher and fiancé, "I don't understand why you hide your body behind such intricate clothing."

Look at Alice, Chise swallows in dry saying, "You know Elias, Alice is right." The Mage replies, "R...really?" Chise nods, "Get rid of the imaginary currents and learn to relax a little here on the beach." For once in his life, he will follow Chise's advice, relax a little.

Elias's curiosity gets the better of him, "Where did you get these... bathing suits?" Chise replies, "I asked Silky to make you those shorts, and she complied." And look at it from the top below, "And they look great on you." Then look at Ruth, "He's completely at ease." And smile.

As it is still a little cold everyone took the opportunity to do some activities, Elias is to read a book that had brought while the others are playing poker, betting pebbles or shells that they had caught.

"You're a bad loser, Renfred!" The Wizard is astonished, "I've never cheated!" Alice smiles, "HA! You don't think so? Look at you, you were a dare when Ruth won this hand!" The other mumbles, but Chise laughs, "At least I learn how to play poker!" And look out from the corner of her eye, "Elias is reading, how about him playing poker with us?" Alice lets out a laugh, "Him? The Almighty Mage playing poker?"

But she decides to get up by going to Elias, "Don't you want to play a little, Elias?" He raises his head looking at Alice, "Well I have heard your commotion in your activity!" She crosses her arms, "Put a marker on the page and come play!" Chise calls it, "Come on, so you learn more of human activity." Elias bookmarks the page and puts the book in Chise's backpack, and moments later joins the rest of the group, beginning to interact with everyone.

An hour passes, and it starts to get hot, and everyone decides to stop the game, to take off the T-shirts, because they want to catch some sun and if possible go to the bath, but when Elias sees that Chise is wearing a bikini, look at her from top to bottom.

"It's not your usual swimsuit, Chise!" She's coming up, "Do you like it?" He begins to examine the piece and smiles, "Accentuate your curves well." The colour was black with nuances of blue.

Alice will see if the water is good, but throws herself headfirst and calls the others, "Come on... the water is fine." Slowly all covered the backpacks with the towels, and went into the water, but Elias picks up on Chise taking her into the water, and she decides to use it as a diving platform, he is amazed, "B... but what are you doing Chise?!" She doesn't even answer, she was focused climbing up Elias because she wants to take advantage of his height to throw herself, Chise has her feet on his shoulders, and throws herself to the deepest part...…


He didn't even have time to say anything else, the girl had dived emerging further ahead, giving vigorous strokes.

"Chise... b... beware!" Says amazed at such an action...

Renfred just says, "You're tall, you know? Enjoy this!" He lifts his eye, "What do you mean?" Renfred replies, "Participate." Elias takes the cue, and goes after Chise who swims quietly, but goes underwater catching her, Chise is astonished but at the same time satisfied, as Elias is learning to relax and play a little.

"You're learning how to relax, Elias." She says very pleasedly with him.

The two play in the water, much to the delight of the other three, "He's so stoic, this is good for him to break free a little." The couple in question do not realize the comments they are targeting and continue to play in the water.

"What a good feeling and at the same unknown to me... Chise." She caresses his boney face, "It is the feeling of freedom Elias.

During the year we are stuck with the routine of everyday life, having few opportunities to relax a little." He reciprocates the caress, "Yes Chise, I've never participated in activities like this, I've read about it in my studies, but it's only now that I'm experimenting firsthand." She smiles, "We'll have more opportunities over the summer." He smiles as he grabs her, "Yes, and I want to enjoy every pinch, my Teaches of human things!" And they came out of the water.

Ruth also has fun, and smiles when she sees Elias coming out of the water with Chise on his arms, Alice approaches, "Was your fun good?" Elias puts Chise down, "Yes." The Japanese girl just says, "I'm going to get some sun." Alice just says, "I like your idea of using Elias as a diving platform!" Chise replies, "It's been a long time since I went to the beach, this was a perfect opportunity to remember and relax with Elias!" Alice smiles, " Yes... it's always so rigid and stoic that it barely relaxes, it's good for it to loosen up from time to time."

Elias turns his head to the blonde girl puzzled, but praises her, " I also learned a lot from you... Alice," She is intrigued, "What do you mean, Mage?" He replies, "You taught me how to play poker!" Alice smiles, "Good, we're here to teach you how to be more... human." Elias begins to look at Alice with other eyes, and just says "I'll go to Chise." And get out of there, going to her, who, in the meantime, is already in her towel getting some sun.

He approaches Chise curious, "What are you doing?" Chise replies, "Getting some sun." He goes to Chise's backpack, taking off a sunscreen, "I've been reading that if a human being is in the sun too long, can get severe burns." And it starts spreading sunscreen on Chise, which relaxes with his touch, "And I want to avoid that Chise." And continues to spread the protector on the shoulders, back and legs, finally, "Done…Chise." But she does not answer, for she had fallen asleep due to Elias touch.

He lies next to her, watching her, seeing that she is completely relaxed, and smiles in his way then grab the book that was reading that was done earlier, but always with one eye on her and the others.

Thirty minutes later Chise awakens, "How do you feel?" Hear Elias ask, she gets up, "Rested. " And look out to sea watching two or three individuals doing paddle, Alice also notices, "Do you want to try it?" Ask Chise, who is thrilled with the idea, "I do!" Elias looks at the pair, "You're not going to make that Chise, look dangerous!" She just says, with a twinkle in her eye, "I'm sorry, Elias, but I'm going to try it!" And the two girls run to the stall that rents the boards and the oars, all under the watchful eye of the three men.

Both have a basic lesson given by the paddling instructor, and they decide to experiment, and both manage, at first with a few falls in the water, Elias trembled every time Chise fell, Alice laughed with laughter but also had her share of falls.

They balanced very well and began to enjoy some of that activity, and Ruth was infected deciding to participate also and went to the stall to rent a board and paddle, but tells the gentleman who rented things, pointing to the silhouette of Elias, "He pays!" And he runs into the water with the board and the paddle.

They saw Ruth on the board trying to balance himself a little, and when he falls into the water, they laughed, infecting Elias and Renfred, "Why don't you come here and do better?" Mumble while tries to balance!

Renfred looks at Alice, "Can I borrow your board?" She looks at him, "Sure, I always want to see if your balance better than Chise's familiar!" Renfred goes up on the board, "It can't be that..." And falls into the water, Ruth laughs with good laughter, "Now take it to see what's good!" Elias watches the unfolding of the action, and approaches Chise by swimming, asking, "What an interesting activity... Chise, could you teach me?" She rowed to the shore followed by Elias.

She comes off the board, starting to explain to him the bases, with him on the board, at the end adds, "It's just a matter of balance and coordination." Elias nods.

They both go into the water more precisely to the deepest part, he's already sitting on the board, "Now it's just a matter of balancing on the board." He tries well, but always falls, she doesn't laugh, but the others do.

"Don't mind... Elias, relax... don't think about what you're doing!" He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, then slowly climbs up to the board starting to balance, then begins to paddle slowly.

Despite having a great stature, the board can handle Elias, and he begins to paddle, unwind immensely.

The others saw him rowing, being astonished, who knew! The mighty Thorn Mage paddles without using magic!

Chise just says, "He falls like you guys too!" Renfred shoots, "Because you taught him!" Chise looks at him, "Elias asked!" Renfred shuts up right away, brooding over what he had just heard.

Alice observes Elias, "Not bad Chise, despite having fallen several times seized very well what you taught him." The Japanese girl agrees.

The two girls came out of the water going to get their cell phone, moments later they are taking pictures of the staff, Chise takes pictures of Elias paddling, as well as Ruth.

Also records it without him realizing it, and the inevitable happens... Renfred jumps off the board and swims underwater, and knocks Elias down into the water, and that was caught in the footage, she stops recording and delivers the phone to Alice going to help Elias.

"Are you all right?" Question Elias replies, "The fall was unexpected, but I'm fine." She turns to Renfred and punches the sorcerer on his head.

"It was a very rewarding experience!" The two found themselves watching Elias climb onto the board, "This relaxes me a lot!" Chise smiles, "Great, make the most of it!" Elias is delirious about paddleboarding, Chise films it a little more, then keeps the phone in her backpack, but Alice continues to film them all.

At Chise's request, Alice begins filming the couple for a while, then sending the footage when they are all in the towels.

When the hunger signals, everyone came out of the water, delivered the boards paying for the time they were using them, then went to eat enjoying every moment.

As they had mobile data the two girls send to share the photos while eating, also laugh.

Elias is much more relaxed, and very pleased because he had learned many new things that day, including new emotions.

Then the two go for a walk, pick up shells and collect materials to make medicines and create spells, in case Alice and Renfred also do the same thing after all they are wizards, all take advantage of every pinch of what the beach has to offer and photographs are not lacking.

They eat ice cream, buy souvenirs alluding to the beach in the stalls that exist there.

The day passes in an instant, and everyone prepares to leave, the way home is long, but they leave the beach with some sadness, but at the same time with the promise of returning, and the next will explore the surrounding caves.

When they arrive in London the group splits up and Alice just says, "I hope to go to the beach with you more often!" Chise replies, "So do I!" Elias concludes, "How about next week?" Renfred smiles, "Same time in the same place!" Moments later the group separates going to their respective homes.

When they were back home by the shortcut Hazel taught them to go to school, Elias just smiles, "I loved this Chise experience, I learned a lot of new things!" Ruth replies, "Good Elias, so you understand humans better!" Chise adds, "I want to make the most of this vacation to relax with you Elias before school starts." Elijah nuzzles his face in hers, "Yes, so do I... I want to break free a little in these... vacation." She kisses him, "Great!"

When they come home, they take a shower, then eat a light meal, at the end of the meal they go to sleep, the day had been tiring but at the same time productive.

When Elias was in bed with Chise he just says, "I loved this day, Chise, I learned many things including new human sensations and feelings!" Chise hugs him, "And you've learned a new sport... paddle!"!" Elias concludes, "I want to ride that board next to you again." Chise is very pleased with what she hears, then gives him a good-night kiss, much to Elias delight.

Chise falls asleep so tired that she is, Elias, on the other hand, continues to watch the girl until she sleeps, but mumbles by stroking Chise's hair, "Sleep well... Chise." And falls asleep anxiously... next week they would go again to the beach and practice paddle.
