I don't own Naruto or DanMachi

Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die. Reincarnation was a tricky matter. Everyone who dies is put through the reincarnation cycle to become something or someone else. It was one of the most clear and simple functions of the world he lived in.

This is why the feud between Ashura and Indra had gone on for so long. Senju and Uchiha, fated to fight until the end of time.

Those of incredible strength would pass traits through their next lives. Yet very few have a chance to remember their past life.

Naruto Uzumaki died at the incredible age of 186 years old. His age had finally caught up to him and he would gladly go to the afterlife. Finally being able to see his wifes was all but a dream come true to him.

Standing in a room of white he looked down and was able to see his body as his family buried him. He knew that the body contained the soul and body of the Juubi. He couldn't help but worry about what would happen with the beast upon his passing.

"It is quite simple Uzumaki, your soul and body have long since merged with the God. You have taken not only its place but its responsibility as the Primordial God of this realm." In a flash of light he stood in front of three women.

"Who are you and where have you taken me?" Naruto demands as he was no longer in the viewing room he was before.

"My name is Kami and the woman to my left is Yami and to my right is Shinigami." the now named Kami claimed as she introduced her sisters.

"As to where you are right now? You are in my palace. We decided to introduce ourselves to the man who would be taking over the mortal realm. We will see each other again someday, Shinju; God of Trees, Happiness, Peace and the Mortal realm." Kami says before snapping her fingers causing him to blink.

Again he found himself in the elemental nations. He figured he couldn't go back to his family considering he did just technically die. Like, what was he supposed to say? "Hey guys yeah I died but now I'm a Primordial God so it's totally cool haha". Yeah that'll pass over well.

He watched for thousands of years as the times began to change more and more. He realized in time that the Chakra of the world began to dwindle until it was nearly non-existent . Even he felt as his Chakra became lower and lower but his body became more durable and powerful. It was a strange feeling considering he technically had unlimited Chakra so feeling infinite drain was just… weird.

He had long since traveled the world, time and time again gained fame for cutting down his enemies and saving princesses. Boring Hero stuff. After years he decided it was finally a good time to just settle down and let the world take its course.

As time went on he began to feel a shift in the world. He was well aware of the presence of the different Gods that began descending down to his realm. They believed themselves to be above all the mortals in the realm. He had a strong hatred for them as he believed they all only sought to play their little game with the mortals.

This went on for long until he had met Zeus. The man was an absolute headache but surprised him nonetheless when he began to stand up to some of the more evil Gods and Goddesses in order to protect the mortals.

Zeus and Naruto had quickly become friends. Zeus was especially surprised to learn that Naruto himself was the God Shinju.

We can find our hero in a small house on the farmland near the city or Orario. He had soon realized that the dungeon that was located in Orario was the reason for his ever draining energy. The monsters inside came from the earth and were therefore an extension to himself.

He had just finished his dinner and the night was coming to an end when he heard a knock at his door. Peering out the window he sees a tall man with grey hair and a set of armor with bolts of lightning etched into it.

He immediately knew who this man was and confusion washed over him.

"What can I do for you King of the Gods?" Naruto inclined as he opened the door. He had met Zeus many years ago and had built a steady friendship with the man but it was still strange to see the man in front of his house.

"Naruto! I thought we were past such formalities. We are both old men at heart is it wrong that maybe I was just stopping by to see an old friend?" Zeus says with a wide smile. He knew Naruto was one of the few people who he was able to cut back and relax with.

Naruto snorted unbelievingly but opened his door to let the man in regardless. The man's smile continued as he walked in, closing the door behind him. He sat down at the table.

As Naruto went into the kitchen to prepare the tea, the God of Lightning took in his surroundings. Seeing multiple weapons and sets of armor hanging from the walls he couldn't help but be intrigued by the aura they were releasing. One weapon in particular had caught his eye as it released a nearly overwhelming amount of power.

Standing he begins to walk towards the weapon and drinks in each detail. It had a handle akin to a bo staff that was about 6 and a half feet long. Nearing the top of the weapon was a large curved blade. The blade and the staff portion were both connected by a portion of gold that ran along the backside of the blade. He had recognized the type of weapon as a Guandao. As he reached out for the weapon he heard someone clear their throat behind him.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." the voice of Naruto says causing Zeus to jerk back and rub the back of his head sheepishly.

"What can you tell me about the weapon? Crescent blades are very rarely used these days." Zeus says as he turns to stare at Naruto who had just set down the tea for both him and Zeus.

"I assume you felt the power that rolls off the weapon. It is what remains of my best friend and companion. His name and the name of the blade is Kurama. He was once a Nine Tailed Fox that I had sealed in me at birth. He had 8 other siblings but at the time they are irrelevant to our conversation." taking a sip of his tea he gets lost in thought for a moment as he looks at the weapon.

"We had fought a mad man who was keen on harnessing the power of all the beasts in order to dominate the world. It came with a heavy heart that my friend sacrificed himself in order to become one with the blade. It took over a year to make this weapon. Made by the hands of my times greatest blacksmith and weapons master TenTen. Once I had the weapon in my hands however, we dominated the battlefield. People began to fear my abilities with the blade. I have long since shelved the weapon before I had even met you. " He finishes with a fond smile. He had long since came to terms with the blood that he had shed with the blade.

"Enough about the weapon, what is your true purpose of gracing me with your presence tonight?" Naruto asks as he sets his tea down.

"Naruto I need your help. You're aware of the Familia system and I'm in desperate need of someone who is strong enough to lead as my right hand man." the God stood from his seat before kneeling down and setting his forehead to the wooden floor.

"Stand Zeus you know I hate it when you kneel. It is unbefitting of a man of your status to kneel. And yes I'm familiar with the system you and your fellow Gods created in hopes of creating Heros."Naruto says with a snort.

"We both know that the only reason we still exist on the mortal plane is because we have yet to anger you Naruto. I'm sure even if in our Godly forms there are very few that can hold a candle to your power." Zeus says as he stands up.

"I am intrigued on why it is now you ask me such a favor. We've known each other going on nearly 60 years now and you've only now decided to ask me this?"

"My Familia and I plan on taking the Leviathan and the Behemoth down. While I'm confident we can do it I am still worried about my Familia." Zeus admits with a sad look on his face.

"And how could I possibly help you? Isn't it impossible for another God to be a part of a Familia? " Naruto asks as he had a feeling Zeus had an idea. He could almost feel the smirk Zeus had after he asked the question.

"Yes it is! But in the rules it states that it is impossible for a God who DESCENDED from the Godly realm to be a part of a Familia and enter the dungeon…" Zeus let his words sink in for a moment until Naruto's eyes widened in realization.

"I never descended to the Mortal realm. I'm a God of the Mortal realm therefore I don't apply to the rules that were made between you and the other God's." Naruto let out his own smirk as he burst into a full fit of laughter. "You're one clever bastard Zeus."

"So what do you say, Naruto? Will you be the captain of the Zeus Familia?" Zeus says as he stuck his hand out.

"You've got yourself a deal old man. Kurama and I have been itching to fight." Taking the other man's hand he never let his smile fall from his face.

It's been 30 years since the day that Zeus had showed up on Naruto's doorstep.

Nothing had surprised Zeus as Naruto led the Familia into battle against the Behemoth. He knew he could destroy the beast with no issue but this was the moment for his Familia.

After hours of fighting the beast they had finally worn it out enough to create an opening for Naruto. He dashed forward and slammed his crescent blade into the skull of the Behemoth.

Zeus couldn't help but admire the strength of his fellow God.

6 Years later held no difference as the official Zeus-Hera Familia stood in front of the Leviathan with their captain leading the charge. Compared to the Behemoth the Leviathan was leagues stronger. Of course a monster made of a portion of his power would cause many problems.

It took the full force of the duel Familia to finally strike the beast down as they took a picture of everyone surrounding the Gods and Goddess.

There was only one more beast that they needed to conquer and he was sure that they could do it.

1 Year Later

Naruto had trained day and night for him and his Familias chance at the Black Dragon. Once they had engaged the dragon they quickly realized that the dragon had gained the help of several Evil Gods who weren't happy with the Zeus-Hera Familias rise of power. He watched as the people he called a family were killed one by one in the battle that took place.

He had managed to get Zeus and Hera away before he proceeded back into the battle. With every member of his Familia dead and gone there was nothing stopping him from allowing the Evil Gods to learn just why his name was Shinju, God of Death, War, Slaughter, Destruction, Pain, and Suffering.

It was on this day that they learned that there were always two sides of the same coin.

The dark moon had been dyed a deep red as the blood and stench of death soaked into the air. Beams of light filled the air as the God's had been slain. The Black Dragon had gotten off lucky as it had retreated after having Naruto's blade nearly decapitated it.

Zeus had returned to the battlefield to find his friend standing upon a large pile of corpses as the sky seemed to rain blood. The King fell to his knees as he saw what was left of his Familia. A silent tear dropping from his eyes as he watched Naruto begin to fall.

Naruto sat once again in his home outside of Orario. Since that day he had sealed his power away and stayed away from the adventurer life.

He stared down at the pictures of his Familia after they had slain the Leviathan. His failure struck him deep as the memories of his loss began to rise once again. The only ones he managed to save were Zeus and Hera.

Speaking of Zeus, he had talked to the man a few times since what happened 15 years ago. Zeus had long since been banished from Orario by Loki and Freya. It took much explaining by Zeus for him not to go and 'Ascend' both Goddesses.

That's when he had learned of Evilus, the God had tormented the people of Orario before the two Familias stepped in and took care of him. It was Zeus' own weakness that had gotten him banished.

A knock on his door broke him from his day dreaming as he went to answer it. He was greeted by a postman who gave him what appeared to be a letter. Thanking the man and giving him a tip he sent him on his way.

He recognized the insignia on the letter as the one Zeus had used in the past. He opened the letter and scanned over it before letting out a grin. 'So the kid has finally decided to become an adventurer'

The last time he had been in Orario was nearly a decade ago. He was glad that he had yet to be recognized by anyone as he began searching for his target. Due to Orario being such a large town he figured that he may have some trouble in finding who he was looking for but he found himself being guided by a small whisper in the wind.

Soon enough he found himself staring at a short boy with white hair and red eyes. His eyes went wide as he had flashbacks of the boy's parents. A lone tear fell from his eye as he stoned his resolve to help the boy.

The first day went as expected as each of the Familias rejected the boy. They would learn to regret their mistakes sooner than later.

The second day wasn't much better as he was the boy sitting at a table eating the small meal that he was able to afford. He pulled one of the servers to the side and handed the man a bag of Vali and told him to feed the boy whatever the kid desired.

As the week went by he felt worse and worse every single day. How is it possible not a single Familia would have this kid! He was seething as he watched the kid get rejected one last time before he saw something in the kid break.

The kid fell to his hand and knees as tears poured from his eyes. He was about to approach him and offer comfort.

Before he could comfort the kid he saw a woman approach him. She stood at nearly a foot shorter than the child. Her long black hair was tied in two twin tails that reached to her butt. She had amazing blue eyes that he even found himself drawn towards. Her petite frame was shown off by the tight dress she wore. The most surprising feature however was her breasts. Considering the rest of her body they were massive!

It was at this moment that Naruto recognized the woman as the Goddess Hestia. He hadn't realized that she had descended down to earth yet so it must have been recent. The only reason he knew who she was is due to Zeus and his perverted antics.

Shaking his head he noticed the woman reach out and pull the boy into a hug. She then led the boy to an abandoned church that Naruto could only assume was her current home.

He waited outside for about an hour before he decided that it was a good time to make himself known. He approached the door to the church and let out a powerful knock. He didn't wait long before the door opened to show the small Goddess. He towered over her now realizing just how short she truly was.

"Can I help you?" the Goddess says in slight fear due to the large man in front of her.

"You are the Goddess Hestia correct? If so I would like to join your Familia." Naruto says crossing his arms across his chest.

"A-are you sure? You seem like you'd gain more from a higher ranking Goddess. I only just got the first member of my Familia." Hestia says in shock.

"Yes I'm well aware of the benefits one may gain from joining a larger Familia but that does not change my decision on joining you." Naruto says adamantly. Hestia gave a nod before opening the church door for him to come in.

She guided him down the stairs. He was able to see the sleeping form of Bell laying on the only couch in the building. He knew that he would likely have to spend a bit of money to fix the church up or simply have them come live at the previously owned Zeus Manor that was now in his name.

Hestia guided him to the bed and asked him to remove his shirt so she could get to work. After a couple minutes she was finished and the symbol on his back began to glow. He could feel all the strength he had sealed away return to him.

Hestia was able to feel the power of the man and it was quite overwhelming. Grabbing a paper she let a drop of blood hit it as his stats began to appear on the parchment.

Looking at the paper with his stats Hestia could only stare in shock. Naruto began to stand up as she could see the power radiate from him. He let out a smile before saying:

"Now I feel I should properly introduce myself. My name is Naruto Namikaze the God known as Shinju, former captain of the Zeus Familia and holder of the titles God Slayer, Leviathan and Behemoth. However from today on, I am at your command my Goddess."

AN/ So I honestly had no desire to finish this first chapter much less publish it as a story. I just woke up and sat there for a minute before saying eh, why not? Before I knew it I was already starting the writing of the fourth chapter and had nearly had it done when it clicked that just MAYBE I should actually publish this.

I hope you guys like the concept. Kudos if you understand the reference I threw in there but I'm sure you'll catch on in later chapters.
