"Eren, Eren!"

"Huh, wha...?"

"Stop screaming! You're going to wake everyone!"

Eren took in the person hovering above him with barely opened eyes.

"What...? Is that you, Armin?"

"Yeah, it's me. What, Eren? Wait, you..." Armin blinked. "You're crying."

Eren's hand shot up to check. Feeling the wetness of his cheek, he withdrew his hand and opted to stare at his tear-stained hand.

"Were you having a nightmare?"

"Armin, I..." Eren rubbed his forehead. "I don't know."

"It seems to be a nightmare to me. You've woken me with your screaming. Luckily, everyone else didn't wake, though."

Ere stared down, his eyes unseeing. "Just now, I saw a really long dream. No, it can't be a dream. It felt too real. I..."


"Who am I?" Eren shivered.

"Eren," Armin said, worry showing in his visage. "You said 'who am I' just now."

Eren slowly straightened, his green eyes meeting Armin's blue.

"What do you mean by that?"