Walking around the town during some of the only free time we have.

Especially for my best friend Asia Argento she is know as a holy maiden who can heal the wounded so she is always busy and we never get to see each other much because off that.

"Oh what's that over there"she says to me I look at where she is pointing and she is pointing to an arcade.

"That's an arcade where you can play games and win prizes you never been in one before" I say to her giving her a smile.

She looks down slightly embarrassed by the fact that she hasn't been in one before.

"You want to go in we can see if we can win you a prize"

"Really"she says to me and her face just brightens up which makes me blush a little.

I grab her hand and we both head into the arcade I show her all of the good games and let her play the dancing ones even though we are both terrible at it but it is great to see her smile when she is having fun.

We walk passed crane machine and she runs over to look at it.

I walk over to take a look and they are little Pikachu toys she is staring at them so intensely.

"Want me to try to win you one Asia"

She smiles at me "yes please"

I put a coin in the machine and I guess luck was on my side I manage to win her one on my first try.

I pull the prize out off the machine and I hand it to her.

"This is for you Asia so you can remember this day"

"Thank you I promise to god that I won't forget this day"she says to me smiling.

We just end up staring Into each other's eyes I grab her hand and feel myself slowly leaning forward before my phone goes off breaking us both out off our trance.

I take my phone out off my pocket and I answer it.


"Hello this is Father Chris would you be able to escort Asia back to the church there are people that need her aid"

"Yes father I will bring her back to the church now"

I hang up before putting the phone in my pocket.

"We have to head back now Asia there are some people that need you're help"

"Okay we should hurry then"

she smiles as we begin to head back she is always happy to help people no matter who it is and she doesn't even get anytime to herself.

As we are walking back to the church we find a man who seems to be crawling towards it.

We both run up to him and check on him.

"Hello sir are you alright"

"Call an ambulance I need help now"

I look to see that he is bleeding from his stomach I don't think an ambulance will get here in time to stop the bleeding.

"Stand back I can help him"Asia says.

She places her hand over the wound and her magic slowly closes the hole in his stomach.

She saved a mans life even though I have seen her use her power plenty of times it still amazes me what she can.

And then it just all went bad from there the man stands to his feet and wing come out off his back.

"It's a devil she healed a devil" someone shouts in the background.

The devil reaches to grab Asia I jump and push her out of the way from his hand.

I pull out my light sword and pistol and stand in front of Asia.

"You are not welcome here devil leave now"

The devil laugh at me before walking forward

"You pitiful human you think you're weapons will do anything to me"

"Asia I'll draw his attention then you run back to the church okay"

"But what about you"she says.

"It doesn't matter about me Asia just make sure you run when I tell you to"

I charge forward slashing at hmu with my lightsword he steps back dodging i fire my pistol at his leg going straight through.

"Asia run now"

She runs back towards the church.

I go to slash at his stomach but he grabs my arm and lifts me in the air.

"You think you're weapon would stop me you worm I'll make you pay for this"

He snaps me wrist the pain shoots through my body causing me to scream in pain he throws me to the side I hit the floor with a thud.

"Now you sit there while I go find you're friend she will make a nice addition to my little group she will be my new toy" he whispers to me.

He walks off leaving me there.

I can't let him get to Asia who knows what a sick man devil like this will do to her lift myself and follow in the direction that Asia and the devil went.

The pain going through my arm is almost unbearable he must have shattered it.

I head towards the church to see Asia is standing infront off the church with some guards

"You think this little group will stop me from getting what I want"

He rushes grabbing one by the neck before snapping it the others shoot at him but he holds he body infront shielding himself.

I aim the gun from behind him when I shot him in the leg it didn't do much but hitting a vital point will work.

He keeps killing the other followers and I keep making his way towards Asia I aim towards his neck and fire the bullet goes through his neck and he falls to his knees.

"You scum to think you're pitiful weapon would cause me harm"

He goes to stand back up so I fire again through his chest.

"You win this one but don't think this is over"

He teleports away I drop to my knees.

Asia runs over to me and hug me.

"Thank you Oliver you saved my life"

She looks down at my wrist seeing it's out off place.

She places her hands over my wrists and uses her healing powers to fix it.

Followers from the church surround us all holding there swords up the head Priest of the church appears from the front.

"Asia Argento is it true that you healed that devil before he went on his rampage"

She bows before him.

"Yes I did"

"A holy women been able to heal a devil you're power is not a gift from God it's a curse of a witch"

Wait he is calling her a witch after all the people she has saved.

"Wait father she didn't know that he was a devil she was only trying to help she thought he was a normal person"

"It doesn't matter what she thought it was she used her power to heal a devil and now look what it had caused 9 of her brothers from this church are dead because she healed a devil she is a witch and I will deliver you're punishment."

He looks towards Asia.

"Asia Argento for you're power to heal a devil and the deaths off you're brothers because of that power you are banished from the holy order you are never to return"

Asia stares at him speechless not knowing what to say.

"Father you can't do this to her" I stand infront off her how can they do this.

"It is out off my hands Oliver this is God's will Asia Argento must leave the order now she can leave on her own or we can force her to leave."

"If she leaves then I will leave with her" I say to him I won't let her go on her own she is the kindest person I know just because she can heal a devil she is now a witch there opinions change quickly.

"No you will not followers take Oliver below the church so he can think about what he is saying"

They surround me and start pulling me towards the church.

"Hey get off me Asia needs me with her you can't banish her from the church and not let me go with her"

The other followers don't say anything they just keep pulling me towards the church.

"Asia don't leave when I'm out off here I'll go with you just wait a little"I shout to her but I'm not sure if she can hear me"

I get taken below the church and they throw me in a room.

"Brother Oliver you are to say down here until you are forgive by the head priest"One of the followers says to me before shutting the door.

I bang on the door.

"Hey let me out how can you all leave Asia on her own like that I thought we were all a family in this place"

I ended up staying down there for three days the only contact I got was someone coming to bring me food and water feels like I'm prison but they just claim that I haven't been forgive yet.

"You want to get out off here"

I hear a voice I look around me to see that there is no one there.

I must be going crazy already.

"No you're not so you want the power to get out off here and help you're friend"

"Who are you and where are you"

"I am Shuiro I have the power to get you out off here but as to where I am that depends on if you want to leave"

"What do I have to do to leave" I say to him.

"You have to give up you're humanity part of you're body will be taken and give to me we will merge our souls together and become one"

"And what do you get out off this"

"Freedom I've been trapped under here for 1000 years never able to find a host who can handle the power that I hold but you might be the one"

"Fine you can have it take my body and merge you're soul with mine as long as you can get me out off this cell I don't care"

A light appears around the room followed by a blue flame what is this.

"This is my power boy I am Shuiro the fallen Phoenix now my flame will become you're aswell"

The flame envelopes me burning my skin.

I scream out in pain I feel my body burning.

"Hold out boy my flame needs to go through you're body for the power of you live you will be strong enough to leave if not then you will die"

I look at my body to the flame is burning the skin off and entering me I'm going to die from this it's not possible to survive this.

I can't take much more off the pain my mind goes blank and I black out.

I wake up in a few hours and see nothing in the room has changed but I feel different maybe it was all a dream.

"So I see you survived" I can hear the voice more clearly now.

I look round still to see if he is there.

"Look at you're hand boy"

I see a flame crest is lit up on my hand.

"So what is this power you have given me"

"Boy you are now the host of the fallen Phoenix one off the forgotten Longinus of the world"

"How do I use this power"

I hold out my hand and point it to see blue flame appear.

"Clap you're hands together with a flame in both hands"

I crate another flame and do as he said the flames clash together and part of my body is covered in a blue and black armour wings come out of my back with the same colour.

"You have given up half off you're humanity and are now half Phoenix"

I kick the door and I it falls down even thought I didn't kick it hard.

"Careful tho you may be part Phoenix but you are still human you won't be as strong as devils or fallen angels but you are a lot stronger then humans"

I run out from the under the church the followers off the church are waiting for me I throw them to the side knocking them down.

"Why don't you just burn them boy"

"I'm not here to kill them I'm just here to find where Asia is"

"That's you're choice"Shuiro says to me.

I stop any follower that tries to get in my way until I make it to the head Prist.

"Where is Asia" i ask him.

Even with the amour and power on he still doesn't seem frightened.

"She was sent to Japan by portal after you were sent underground she could be anywhere on the island by now I'm afraid she is lost to you and after what you have done god won't forgive you either you will be banished from the order aswell.

"You think I need this order I don't old man"

"They will send people after you human who are banished are normally aloud to live but you have this monster inside you now the order will hunt you down"

So this is the true face off the order.

"Shuiro can you get me to Japan"

"I can get you there but it will take a few days you only just had the transformation and you're body can't handle using this power for to long"

I leave the church the fly down to the city.

Like he said when I land my body goes a little weak and the amour comes off.

"You will need to train you're body if you want to keep using this power"Shuiro says.

"But what about Asia if I have to train how can I find her I may never see her again"

"You have the power to find her now there is then possibility off seeing her again but she will have to wait till you have adjusted to this"

I look up at the sky Asia no matter where you are I will find you.

Okay first chapter done let me know what you all think always wanted to write a Dxd fanfiction and finally got round to doing it.