For those who asked: yes, I will continue Work-Life Balance. Be patient with me.

It's lemonz-and-limez's birthday today. This is my gift to her; dirty continuations of her favourite Shamy episodes. If necessary, I'll post warnings at the start of each chapter.

These are all stand alone and can be read separately, or not at all if the topic isn't your thing.

Happy birthday, babe. I hope you'll have a great year.

The Canon Compliances

Part I

5x08 The Isolation Permutation

"Sheldon, I'm gonna ask you something and I'd like you to keep an open mind," Amy asked.

"Always," Sheldon replied, smiling ever so slightly.

Amy took a deep breath and halted for a second. How was she going to ask him this?

"At this moment, I find myself craving human intimacy and physical contact." She wasn't even done speaking yet, when Sheldon interrupted her with an 'oh, boy'. He sighed deeply.

"Amy," he spoke as if talking to a child, "you know, ours is a relationship of the mind."

Amy hesitated, stalling just a bit, but powering through nonetheless. "Proposal, one wild night of torrid lovemaking that soothes my soul and inflames my loins."

Sheldon looked at her. Amy was certain he would come up with a lame counterproposal and she'd have to negotiate up to something acceptable, such as cuddling. She would really settle for anything right now, she thought. As long as she just felt something. Anything would feel better than this terrible feeling that had wrecked her the entire day.

Amy had spent the past hours thinking how she had been able to fool herself into thinking the girls actually liked her. She had been so deprived of friendship, for so long. Had she done something wrong with them? She didn't think so. Amy had been nothing short of delightful with them.

At least Sheldon had come over.

She hadn't want to see him, see anyone for that matter. But her heart soared when she saw him at her doorstep. Had it been Leonard who knocked? His voice sounded off.

Sheldon appeared to still like her. He had looked genuinely concerned that she had isolated herself from all social media and hadn't answered her phone. And that was even before he told her about this bobcat in the neighbourhood.

One wild night of torrid lovemaking that soothes my soul and inflames my loins.

She had surprised even herself when she actually spoke the words out loud.

That she dared to say them out loud. It couldn't have been a secret to anyone – even Sheldon, that she wanted more than this weird friendship they had. How many times had she not alluded to wanting to kiss him? Hell, she had kissed him. Too bad she had been drunk and she had to hear about it from Sheldon the day after.

He had never shown any interest in her physically. A relationship of the mind. But hadn't he suggested they engage in coitus once? When they performed their meme-experiment. But all interest had seemed to stop after that.

Amy could actually see the wheels in his head turning now. Thinking of a way to let her down probably.

He knew she was vulnerable right now. She had been singing Everybody Hurts for crying out loud. And she had spelled it out to him.

One wild night of torrid lovemaking that soothes my soul and inflames my loins.

Sheldon blinked once more in her direction. He then proceeded to take off his windbreaker. He hung it over the arm of the couch.

Amy blinked at him as he turned back towards her.

"When did you last shower?" he asked.

The question threw Amy off. What? "This morning," she answered, her brow furrowing.

"Well," Sheldon sighed, "it's certainly not ideal, but it will have to do."

He got up of the couch and pulled her up by her hand. Before Amy knew what was happening, she was standing in her bedroom watching Sheldon pull off both of his shirts simultaneously. Her mouth fell open.

He looked up at her, his hands stopping in the midst of unbuckling his belt. "Right," he muttered, "foreplay."

Amy barely had time to gasp in shock as Sheldon cupped her face with both his hands and pressed his closed mouth to her lips. His lips felt firm against hers. Not at all like she expected. Wasn't this supposed to feel sensual? Or soft at least?

Sheldon pulled away from her.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but this 'lovemaking' is supposed to be done by both parties involved," he said, berating her.

Amy's stomach swooped.

He pulled her face closer to his again, and this time when his mouth descended on hers, Amy met him halfway. The change was instant. Their lips moved over each other, testing the feel of each other. His mouth felt soft against hers now. Sensual.

Hesitantly, Amy moved her hands to his waist, holding onto him in fear of her legs giving out. He was warm to the touch. She whimpered softly. She was disbelieving what was happening right now. Amy was convinced she would wake up soon.

Sheldon moved his hands from her jaw to her hair, her hair cascaded through his fingers as he moved them over her scalp. Amy inhaled sharply. Their lips caressed each other all the while. She felt what could only be his tongue brushing across her closed lips. Amy's mouth opened on its own accord.

His tongue brushed hers, and Amy pulled back in shock at the sensation.

Sheldon blinked at her. Were his eyes dilated?

"I was under the impression that tongue kissing is a part of foreplay," Sheldon deadpanned. He looked at her inquisitively. "Or are you sufficiently aroused already?"

Surprisingly, his words made Amy's heart beat faster. She blushed.

"Are you?" he asked surprised, his eyebrows raised.

"I-I-I don't know," Amy murmured. She had never done this before. How was she supposed to know what qualified as 'sufficiently aroused'?

She was always aroused when Sheldon was around anyway.

Sheldon narrowed his eyes at her. He seemed to study her.

"I've been informed that sexual intercourse can be painful for a woman if she's not aroused," he lectured, "we should make sure you are."

Amy's mouth went dry. She nodded at him. Was he actually going to through with this?

Apparently, he had no idea how the things he said affected her. She could feel the arousal coursing through her; her blood rushing through her veins, her mouth dry, another part of her definitely not dry.

Sheldon pulled her closer to him again, and he pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. "Let me try that again," he muttered, "I only have theoretical knowledge."

Before Amy could respond, his mouth was on hers again. His lips coaxed hers open. Still a bit uncertain, Amy let her tongue dart out to brush across his lips.

Sheldon faltered. Amy inhaled softly.

In the blink of an eye, he was onto her. Amy gasped at the sudden intensity. Their tongues met again and again, and this time Amy didn't pull back. She moaned into his mouth. She was getting more aroused with each swipe of his tongue against hers.

Sheldon moved away from her mouth, and Amy felt his lips on her neck instead. She bit her lip from crying out. Hoo.

"You're wearing too many clothes for this," Sheldon mumbled, sounding annoyed with her from some reason.

He fumbled with the buttons of her cardigan, but failed greatly at unbuttoning it. Amy pulled back and practically tore the cardigan open, hastily removing her arms from the sleeves. Sheldon's hands were at her neck, ripping the buttons of her blouse open while she was still struggling with her cardigan. Amy's insides burned from his apparent enthusiasm.

The air around them felt strangely cool on her bare skin. Sheldon was shamelessly staring at her breasts.

Amy blushed and looked away. She knew she wasn't much to look at, but did he have to stare at her like this? It made her feel incredibly insecure.

But then his hands were on her, and Amy couldn't help but cry out in surprise.

"Oh!" Sheldon exclaimed. "I don't remember it feeling like this."

Amy stepped back almost immediately. "What?" she said, trying not to sound too angry. Sheldon often said things that sounded worse than he really meant.

"Well, the only other breast I touched.." Sheldon trailed off. "They're probably implants. That makes sense.."

"Whose breasts are you talking about, Sheldon?" Amy snapped. She was standing in front of him in just a bra and her skirt, and he had the nerve to mention someone else's breasts.

Sheldon shook his head. "It doesn't matter," he said, his eyes still fixed on her bosom, "yours feel so much better."

Amy blushed again.

Feeling bold from his compliments, she moved her hands behind her back and loosened her brassiere. She shielded her breasts as she removed the bra from her body. She looked at him shyly.

Sheldon was red in the face. He was breathing labouredly.

He grasped her wrists, and looked in her eyes. Searching them, asking for permission. Amy exhaled shakenly, and let her arms be pulled down from her chest. Sheldon swallowed thickly as her breasts were revealed to him.

Amy wanted to ask what he thought, but her words were cut off by his lips on hers.

Suddenly she found herself flat on her back on her bed, Sheldon hovering above her. His mouth caressing hers, one of his hands on her stomach, slowly moving upward. Amy whimpered when his hand finally covered her naked breast.

He was hesitant in his touches, just touching her lightly. It only stimulated her more. She wanted more. Needed more.

She pushed his hand fully against her breast and pulled his head closer to hers, her mouth moving urgently against his. Sheldon seemed on board with her sudden enthusiastic approach; his tongue met hers readily and her push of his hand towards her breast seemed all the encouragement he needed to continue with more confidence.

And oh, what confidence.

His hand caressed her breast fully now, his fingers pinching her nipple, pulling and twisting to the point of pain. Amy mewled in his mouth.

Sheldon broke away from her mouth. "Is this arousing you?" he whispered.

Amy looked at him exasperatedly. Except Sheldon looked genuinely curious. "Yes," Amy answered, blushing like she had never before.

Sheldon nodded slightly, his eyes looking at her intensely.

"Is this arousing you?" Amy asked softly, suddenly worried that he wasn't into this himself. Never before had he ever shown any interest in physical contact.

He kissed her mouth in response, and Amy wondered if he needed to, to get in his words 'sufficiently aroused'. He grabbed her hand however, and pulled it towards his crotch. Amy's eyes widened as she felt the bulge between his legs.

"I think it is," Sheldon stated the obvious, pushing his hips against her hand.

Amy felt her arousal increase. She palmed him through his pants hesitantly. Sheldon groaned, and Amy couldn't help but smile. She did this to him.

Sheldon's head fell down in her neck, and he practically lapped at her. Amy squeezed him through his slacks in response. "Amy," Sheldon grunted, and his teeth sank down on her neck slightly. Amy keened.

Amy bucked up against him, she was panting.

"Let me remove your garments," Sheldon whispered in her ear and his breath against her ear made her squirm. Amy nodded quickly, and helped him lower the zipper and pull her skirt and tights off simultaneously.

She felt naked in front of him in just her panties. He still wore his slacks after all. Amy felt her whole body blush as his eyes roamed over her form.

He was murmuring under his breath. Amy tried to catch what he was saying, but she lost her ability to listen carefully as his hands were slowly caressing her legs. He started with the back of her knees, and ever so softly moved them to the front of her thighs.

"Neck, knees, inner thighs…" Sheldon mumbled.

Was he ticking off her erogenous zones?

Amy had no more time to explore that thought; his hands had reached the top of her legs. His hands grasped the waistband of her panties, but he halted.

"Are you sufficiently aroused now, Amy?" Sheldon whispered.

Amy breathed in and out, trying to calm down her rapid breathing. She was more than sufficiently aroused. Her underwear was uncomfortably damp, and her nether region had never been this wet before. Not even after the experiments she participated in which made her come eight times in a row had she been this wet.

Before she could form an articulate response however, Sheldon was pulling away her panties from her lower body.

"You should be able to tell," he needlessly explained to her as he stripped her, "the labia should be swollen, the clitoris is easier to locate cause of that and the vagina secretes a lubrication which makes penetration easier."

Amy stared at him. Did he seriously think she didn't know what her own arousal felt like?

His eyes zeroed in on her privates. Amy wanted to close her legs, but one of his hands was holding her legs open. Amy held her breath. His right hand was on her inner thigh again, but much closer to where she needed him.

"Sheldon," she muttered, embarrassed by his stares.

But then his fingers where there and all embarrassment flew out of the window. Amy held her breath as his fingers moved over her; he slowly caressed her over the patch of hair between her legs. He moved steadily lower.

Sheldon gasped and Amy whimpered when he touched the wetness there.

He continued muttering under his breath. "Labia majora, labia minora…" he mumbled, and his fingers moved lower and lower, "vagina…"

Amy pushed her hips up against his fingers, and one of them slipped inside her partly. Sheldon gasped again. Amy moaned softly. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. Sheldon was looking at her with wide eyes. Amy quivered around his finger on purpose. His mouth fell open in shock.

"Sheldon," she whispered. His touch on her felt so much more intense than anything she had ever done herself. She didn't think she's be able to handle any more of this.

"Yes?" he spoke in a barely a whisper.

"Could you - -" Amy mumbled, wanting to ask him to remove his hand and stop whatever madness was happening between them. She had overestimated herself when she asked him for this wild night of torrid lovemaking. She obviously wasn't ready to engage in such intimacy yet.

"Right," Sheldon said, nodding in understanding. He removed his finger from inside her and moved it upwards together with another finger. "Clitoris…" he muttered, touching that part of her. Amy shot up off the bed in response, arching against him. The shocks of pleasure coursed through her.

"Like this?" Sheldon whispered, but Amy could barely reply. The sounds emitting from her throat were primal and uncontrollable, her hips moved against his fingers in small circles.

Never before had she climbed towards a release this fast.

She had her eyes tightly shut, short pants of breath escaped her mouth. Tingles moved through her, each more intense than the one before.

"Sheldon," she gasped, her orgasm catching her off guard. She convulsed against his hand, shocks of pleasure pulsated through her.

She fell back against the bed with heavy limbs, feeling completely sated. Amy tried to catch her breath, her lady parts still pulsing and throbbing.

"Did you just…?" Sheldon asked, but Amy couldn't speak yet. She nodded weakly.

Her eyes shot open when she felt Sheldon insert a finger inside her again. He slowly moved it inside her and then pulled back, pushing in two fingers instead. Amy gasped, her muscles contracting around his fingers in response.

Amy sighed when he removed his hand, and he moved off the bed towards the nightstand next to her bed. She watched him grab a tissue from the tissue box there.

"It's not that I'm thoroughly disgusted by this, but," Sheldon explained unnecessarily – it made Amy wonder how he could not be, he was a germaphobe after all – she watched him wiping the tissue across his fingers. "My hands are too slippery to put on the prophylactic like this."

"Prophylactic?" Amy repeated.

Sheldon looked at her blankly. "A condom," he elaborated.

"I know what a prophylactic is, Sheldon," Amy said, tired off his constant lectures.

Sheldon gave her look. "I might impregnate you if I don't use one, Amy," he berated her. "Surely, you don't want that."

"I'm on birth control," she replied, seeing no need to use one. Weren't they both virgins? She wanted to feel everything and Penny always said sex with a condom was less intense.

"I'd rather we still use one," he spoke firmly.

Amy felt the need to explain herself. "I've never done this before, Sheldon," she said softly. "I'm free of STD's."

A horrible thought entered her mind. Perhaps he HAD done this before.

"Have you? Done this before?" she still asked, needing to be sure. Perhaps it was better if he had, at least one of them would know what they were doing.

Sheldon stared at her.

"You don't know?" he asked, surprised.

Amy's heart fell. All this time, she had had this fantasy of her and Sheldon being each other's firsts. Well, I can forget about that now.

"You're the first woman I've ever kissed willingly, Amy," he continued, not looking at her, but pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. Amy's heart soared as she fully registered what he was saying. She hardly noticed that he had pulled out of a condom.

It was the sound of his pants falling down to the floor that made her look up.

Her eyes widened in shock as she took him in. That would never fit. Meanwhile, Sheldon was tearing open the condom wrapper and putting it on with little difficulty. Had he been practicing? It was arousing to watch him move around with such confidence.

Despite her earlier orgasm, Amy felt renewed arousal gather between her legs as she watched him work.

Amy crawled back up to the head of the bed when Sheldon seemed done putting the condom on. He looked at her. She tried not to look too nervous.

Sheldon moved onto the bed, and up to her. "Is this ok?" he asked, pushing open her legs and moving between them. He looked at her from above, resting on his knees between her bend legs.

Amy nodded. She was shaking.

"Are you cold?" Sheldon asked.

"No," Amy murmured. "I'm just nervous."

Sheldon looked at her apprehensively. "I think you're sufficiently aroused," he stated, and Amy's stomach swooped, "but considering the girth of my penis and rigidity of your vagina I just felt, I can't imagine this being completely painless for you. I mentally calculated with angle would be best for you, and I think a 45 degree angle would work best. Meaning you should be lying underneath me, and I'd have to support my upper body with my hands, rather than my under arms. "

Amy didn't know why, but hearing Sheldon talk dirty – albeit in a really clinical manner, was really working for her. She exhaled softly.

"Do you still want this?" Sheldon asked.

Amy wasn't really sure anymore. When she suggested the one wild night of torrid lovemaking, she never thought he'd actually do it. It was all happening really fast.

"Do you want to do this?" Amy asked instead of answering his question. She had a hard time maintaining eye contact. Her eyes kept wandering to the erection between his legs. She had seen her fair share of male genitalia on deceased people during her studies, but seeing a very much alive one was very different.

Sheldon must have noticed her wandering eyes.

"I think it's safe to say I'm sufficiently aroused," he deadpanned, raising his eyebrows at her.

Amy blushed. "Well, yes," she muttered, her eyes shifting to his arousal, "but do you want to do this?"

Sheldon pushed her legs further open and lowered himself between them. Amy inhaled sharply through her nose as his mouth descended onto hers. His mouth moved over hers urgently.

"You should know by now I never do anything I don't want, Amy," he muttered between kisses. "Unless you don't want to."

His tongue brushed across her lips, and Amy opened her mouth for him. She felt him settle between her legs more firmly, and his latex covered penis brushed against her. She gasped into his mouth.

"Do you want to?" Sheldon asked, breathing harshly against her mouth now.

All her doubts were gone when she felt him on top of her like this. "Yes," she breathed.

He kissed her again, and Amy encircled his shoulders, pulling him closer to her. She was finally kissing him the way she had wanted to for months now. She was so caught up in the feel of his lips moving over hers, she almost forgot what was happening between her legs.

That is, until she felt him press against her.

Amy gripped his shoulders, her nails probably leaving marks in his skin. She tensed up at the feeling of him entering her. It hurt.

"Amy," Sheldon gasped in her ear, "breathe." He stopped his movements, and Amy mewled as his hand took hold of her breast and pinched her nipple roughly. The spikes of arousal coursed through her and she let out a shuddering breath, relaxing her pelvic muscles in the process. He was distracting her, she realised.

She felt him slip further inside her, the pain almost gone now that she was more at ease.

She gasped loudly when he was fully inside her. Sheldon stared at her. His arms were next to her head, shaking slightly. "Are you okay?" he muttered, but his voice sounded strained, like it was taking him a lot of effort to even ask her.

Amy nodded, breathing out slowly. His piercing blue eyes looked at her in wonder. Amy felt full. Stretched.


She moved up, her mouth seeking his for a kiss. He complied, kissing her deeply. He began to move again; his hips pulling back, and pushing back into her. And again. And again.

The little discomfort Amy still felt lessened with each push of his hips into her.

Sheldon was breathing raggedly above her. Amy regarded him from underneath him. She had never expected him to look so sexy, making love to her like this. Hesitantly, she moved her hips in time with his thrusts into her, meeting him.

Sheldon groaned, and he pushed into her even deeper than before. Amy gasped for breath.

"Amy," he grunted, "I won't last much longer with you moving like this."

It sounded like a reprimand, but Amy had never felt more flattered. "Sheldon," she moaned in response, arching her back and pressing herself against him.

"Oh, God," Sheldon gasped, and he pushed into her hard and fast. Amy felt him tremble above her, and he pulsated between her legs. "Amy.." he groaned softly in her ear, barely holding himself up by his arms and all but crushing her with his weight.

He breathed out harshly into her neck, and then with what seemed to be a great effort, moved away from her. His chest heaved still, but Sheldon was already removing the condom from his softening penis. He tied it off and grabbed another tissue, wrapping it inside the tissue and leaving it on her nightstand.

Amy looked at him.

She just had sex.

She had a hard time processing this information. It was over pretty quickly, but she couldn't really blame him. She was familiar with the workings of the male reproductive organs, and if stimulated efficiently enough, the whole act could be over quickly.

If anything, she figured she should feel flattered that it was over so quickly.

But that didn't stop her from feeling like there was some unfinished business between them.

Sheldon exhaled again. "If you hadn't moved against me like that, I could have made sure you orgasmed as well," Sheldon sounded cross with her.

"But I did orgasm," Amy said, uncomprehending him.

Sheldon furrowed his brow. "You didn't just now," he said, "you displayed none of the symptoms from your earlier orgasm." His eyes looked through her.

Wetness pooled between her legs again.

Sheldon looked at her imploringly. He kissed her again, briefly this time.

"You'd better not be 'faking it' with me," he said darkly, his hands roaming over her body again, one of them softly grazing her between her legs. Amy arched against him immediately, she was still incredibly sensitive and she realised that there was some unfinished business between them after all.

His thumb brushed over her clit, and Amy made an embarrassing noise between a moan and a whimper.

"Luckily, the night is still young," Sheldon whispered, kissing her neck. She was squirming underneath him already, "there's still a lot of torrid lovemaking ahead of you, Amy."

Amy's heart fluttered in anticipation at his promise.


Next up: 8x07 The Misinterpretation Agitation

And after that: 10x19 The Collaboration Fluctuation

Reviews are appreciated and send your birthday wishes to lemonz as well.
