
August 1823

To say that Lady Susan found this most recent disclosure shocking must be labelled an understatement.

She simply could not bring herself to believe it. And yet she held in her hands the very proof belying her disbelief at such an unexpected chain of events. A wedding invitation from Mr Sydney Parker. An invitation to attend his wedding not to Miss Haywood but to that limpet Eliza Campion!

It simply would not do. Of course she would have to refuse. She could not fathom what had caused a man so clearly besotted with with one young lady to instead, suddenly, tie himself to another. Another who had already proven unfaithful; who had once before taken his heart, crushed it beneath her mass-manufactured slippers and proceeded to flaunt it before all and sundry. Truly! The woman was lacking in every refinement desirable in a lady.

But Lady Susan's thoughts rapidly diverted her attention to poor Charlotte Haywood. Sweet child that she was, Lady Susan could easily find within herself great concern for her young friend and the state of her heart in the midst of this excitement. There was only one thing to done for it she concluded decisively.