*Hey everyone, so this is my first fanfic ever. I am writing this for my enjoyment, and hopefully, yours. I do not own any of the Harry Potter Universe, J.K. call me if you want to change that. This story is going to deviate from the original on a number of points. First of all, our golden boy is dark. Neville, Luna, Daphne, Hermione, and many others are dark or will be. Draco is a cunning and ambitious Slytherin, not a loudmouth Gryffindor in Slytherin clothing. This story contains some major character deaths, scenes of a sexual nature, graphic violence and, of course, some much needed Weasley/Dumbledore bashing. I have drawn a lot of inspiration from some writers on here. If I borrow an idea from a fellow writer on this website or another, I will be sure to post their story and username. If I post it, go read it, because it is amazing. Enjoy my friends! Oh and one final thing, I know that they are unrealistically powerful, but I enjoy it so meh. *

Chapter One

Harry Potter's parents were murdered, and Horcruxes were made, but Harry was saved, for Voldemort didn't want him dead, just away from his light influencers. He watched as Dumbledore ordered the boy to be taken to his muggle relatives. Voldemort was alright with that. He thought the boy would be safe and rather enjoyed the fact that Dumbledore thought that he had defeated Lord Voldemort. In reality, a piece of debris had fallen from the ceiling and struck Harry before Voldemort could stop it. Lord Voldemort thought that Harry would be safe at the Dursleys. He was wrong. After watching the family treat Harry like nothing more than a slave, he rescued him, putting a stasis spell on the blood wards around the property. The spell would have to be renewed every year until the time was right, but that was fine. No wizard, regardless if that wizard was his prophesied enemy, would be treated as such, if he could help it.

Neville's parents were in St. Mungo's and Neville's gran was killed in a freak potion accident. Voldemort rescues Neville from an orphanage. No wizard would ever be in an orphanage if he could help it. Draco's parents were killed in a raid by the ministry and a vengeful auror. Voldemort takes young Draco in.

He legally adopts all three, using his supporters in the ministry to keep the ordeal quiet. Lord Voldemort presents sufficient evidence of abuse of Harry. The Wizengamot, unaware of this young Tom Riddle's persona, allowed the adoption. After all, someone who holds the record for the number of OWL's, NEWT's, and Masteries achieved in Britain would be a wonderful parent.

Lord Voldemort left the ministry with three happy boys and took them all to France to be raised. Dumbledore only found out about the adoptions of Neville and Harry when he went to take gold from both of their vaults for "upkeep fees", where he was thrown from the building and declared persona non grata. Dumbledore immediately went to the ministry to find out what had happened to his custody of the boys. He was denied information. He demanded to speak to the minister and was also denied access. He left the ministry furious. Back at Hogwarts, he attempted to study the instruments in his office that would track their blood, only to find out that their blood had been replaced with his!

He sat down and began writing a letter addressed to Mr. Harry Potter's Guardian. Fawkes flew around and around for a few minutes before landing back on his perch in Dumbledore's office. At a loss, he moved the magical registry of underage students to his desk and kept an eye on Harry's and Neville's names. It would only disappear if they died or elected to attend another magical school. This was all Dumbledore could do at this point. He knew that Harry had defeated Lord Voldemort, and he had to get Harry under his control soon. Otherwise, how were they supposed to defeat Voldemort once and for all?

Thus, Lord Voldemort gained control of the Gryffindor, Potter, Longbottom, Peverall, Malfoy and Black family fortunes. With Sirius Black being imprisoned, the honor fell to young Draco, as per the custom of the purebloods. Lord Voldemort acted as regent on all of the accounts, setting aside trust vaults for his young charges.

Lord Voldemort, or Lord Riddle, as he insisted on being called from the moment he adopted the three boys, was doing his utmost to raise them to be as prepared to fight in the upcoming war as he could. He also wanted to make sure that the boys were well prepared for life after the war. For they would have a life after the war, he made sure of it. All three boys were trained in many languages and all of the magical tutelage that money could buy. By the time their schooling letters came, a decision had to be made. The boys had been welcome at Beauxbatons, Hogwarts, Durmstrang, Ilvermorny, Salem and Fuoco, an Asian school in Japan. Riddle knew it would be a risk to send them to Hogwarts, as they would be very close to the one man on the planet that could beat him, but Hogwarts had the best educational standards around. Though Durmstrang actively taught the dark arts, which he was fond of.

He called the boys to his study, using the dark mark. Each boy had one, tattooed on the inside of their lip for safety. Riddle could track the boys through them and monitor their heart rates. If something was wrong, the blood ritual that he had used, would allow him to apparate to them, even if it was the most warded location in the world. He had started applying the dark mark to more hidden places on the body, such as on the bottom of the feet or the upper thigh. It was useful to have one, as he could communicate with everyone through it, but he needed his followers to remain hidden and to blend with society better. He saved the inner lip dark mark for his inner circle. Which, as of this moment, consisted of his sons, Severus Snape, Quirinus Quirrell, Cygnus Greengrass, Xeno Lovegood, Charlie Weasley, Maximus Parkinson, and Arielle Deleclour.

Severus, Quirrell, Charlie, and Cygnus were all stationed at Hogwarts and were excellent double agents. All of them were apart of Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix and information was coming in at an astonishing rate. Of course, they rarely acted on the information, just to keep the agents safe, but it was still useful to get them close to Dumbledore. This was another reason that his sons would be safe, should they choose Hogwarts.

The three boys entered, all looking identical. They were metamorphmagus, as well as animagus. They were registered with the French ministry, which allowed them to circumvent having to register with the British ministry. If the ministry had questions, they would have to contact the French and Riddle would make sure that the process took as long as possible while he hunted down those who were trying to get answers on his boys.

"Boys, if you could change back to your normal forms please." Riddle asked. The three boys morphed into their own appearances. They were all tall, lean and muscular. Years of exercise, hand-to-hand combat, and playing chasers on the French Youth Quidditch team had done wonders for their physique. Harry had short, messy hair and piercing green eyes. Neville was a bit taller than Harry, with short, spiked brown hair and brown eyes. Draco looked the spitting image of his father with his blonde hair and blue eyes that was also short and slicked back.

"I have received acceptance letters from all of the major wizarding schools for you three. I would like to know if you had a preference for a school that you would like to attend?" Riddle asked carefully, studying each boy. All the boys were accomplished legilimens and occlumens, he had made sure of it, but he didn't need to read minds to be able to tell that the boys had talked about this.

"We have come to the agreement that we would like to go to Hogwarts' father." Draco started.

"Oh, and why is that?"

"Well, though it puts us in the most danger from old whiskers, it does mean that we can gather intelligence, and secure your Horcruxes that you left behind." Neville continued.

"Yes, and give us a chance to really gain a foothold for ourselves in the school. We can gather support, and hide our own Horcruxes that you helped us make." Harry finished. They all had a slight French accent, which he didn't mind, it made them cultured if nothing else.

Riddle sat quietly for a few moments. He had helped the boys make their first Horcrux, after all, to take the dark mark, you must commit murder. They each carried their Horcrux in a ring that they wore at all times. He had commanded them that they couldn't split their soul for more Horcruxes until they were of age and their magical core had stabilized.

"Why do you want to gain a foothold in Britain for yourselves?" Tom asked them.

"Because the work here is already done. The French Ministry is ours and has been for a number of years, we have made all of our changes here. Britain, as far as we can tell, is about a century behind their customs and laws. We can change that while influencing the next generation of government workers." Harry explained. Tom was proud of them.

"Besides you already have half of the American Congress." Draco added.

"And agents heading for the Asian Republic." Neville intoned.

"Very well, if you have decided, I will send the answers out tomorrow morning. For now, have the house elves pack your things, we will be moving into the Gaunt Manor, back in Ireland. We will leave tomorrow. Say your goodbyes to the staff and your friends before we go." Riddle said, waving his hand to dismiss them. They walked out of the door in neat order, but once the door shut Riddle heard them racing through the halls. He smiled to himself and shook his head.