This is the final chapter. I've decided to start a new Casey and Brett fanfic because I love these two characters and I would love to see them actually end up getting together. I hope you all have enjoyed this fanfic as much as I have writing it.


Brett jumped out of the bed in the bunk room when the alarm sounded.

"AMBULANCE 61. POSSIBLE CARDIAC ARREST. 4225 CLARK STREET." the woman said over the intercom.

Brett and Foster wasted no time in heading to the ambulance. They left the firehouse and arrived on the scene. A woman was motioning for Brett and Foster to come to her.

"It's my mother. I think she's having a heart attack!" the woman said.

"What's her name?" Brett asked.

"Julie and I'm Alissa." Alissa said.

"Alissa, we need you to give us some room to work." Brett politely said.

"Julie? My name is Sylvie and this is Emily. We are paramedics with Chicago Fire. Can you tell me what's wrong?" Brett asked.

"My chest hurts." Julie said.

Brett and Foster carefully examined Julie and determined that she needed to get to Med as soon as possible. They got her on the gurney and then transported her to Med, with Julie following behind them in her car. After they got Julie to Med and the doctors at Med got her into an ER room, Foster and Brett headed back to the firehouse. When they got back, Truck 81 and Squad 3 were on their way back from a call that they had received. Their shift was almost over but Brett and Casey were having a bad day. Losing a victim is never easy and Casey had to jump on to Gallo a few times today for not following orders, but neither of them could wait until it was time for them to go home. Truck 81 and Squad 3 had just came back from a call. Just before any of them could catch a breath, the alarm sounded.

"AMBULANCE 61. TRUCK 81. SQUAD 3. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND HOUSE FIRE. 2332 ELSWORTH DRIVE." the woman said over the intercom.

Everyone stayed in their gear and headed to the scene with Chief Boden leading Truck 81 and Squad 3. They arrived on scene where Hank Voight's team was waiting for them.

"Chief." Voight said as he greeted Boden, who was getting out of his vehicle.

"Voight. What's the situation?" Boden asked.

"We've called in back up and the S.W.A.T. team. Domestic violence as well as a house fire. We aren't sure of the casualties, but the perp has a gun and is holding hostages." Voight described the situation.

"I'll let my guys know." Boden said.

Boden relayed the message from Voight to his team and told them to be careful. Casey, Severide, and Herrman gave orders to their team.

"Listen, Chief Boden told us about the hostage situation. Voight's team is trying to get everyone out safely but we need to get in there and see just how much damage has been done with the fire and if we can put it out. Herrmann and Ritter, I need you two to go check the premises and make sure that every doorway, entrance, and exit are clear. If not, let me know. Gallo. You and Severide need to try to get the hostages out if P.D. can't. Take the rig and go up from the side if possible. Mouch, you are with me. We have to try to contain the fire. Stella, normally I'd send you in, but I need you to stay and help Brett and Foster with triage. There's gonna be a lot of victims and we are gonna need all hands on deck. Everyone else, wait on Chief Boden's orders and do as he says. Got it?" Casey calmly said.

Everyone nodded their head to let Casey know that they understood what they needed to do. Brett, Foster, and Stella set up triage around the corner, out of sight from the perp, just in case the perp tried to shoot. This way, they would be out of harm's way and the victim's could get the care that they needed. Before anyone did anything, Herrmann and Ritter checked the doorways to make sure that the fire would not spread.

"Clear!" Herrmann called out over the radio.

"Clear!" Ritter called out as well.

"Let's go!" Casey said as he and Mouch headed inside to try to put out the fire.

Gallo helped Severide out by waiting on orders. Severide gave the orders as soon as he saw that Mouch and Casey were heading inside to get the fire under control. Capp and a few other firefighters helped Casey and Mouch put out the fire. Cruz stayed back with Boden to assist in directing victims to the triage area where Brett, Foster, and Stella were. They were waiting on back up ambulances to arrive. After what seemed like an eternity, all the hostages and victims in the building were rescued and the perp was arrested. The perp was someone that Voight and his team had been trying to catch for months but was never able to do so until now. After the fire was put out, the victims were taken to Med, and the perp in custody at Chicago P.D., everyone from Firehouse 51 headed back to the station. The first thing that Brett did was head to the bunk room. Their shift was almost over and she avoided everyone. That was a hard call. On the way to Med, they lost two people. Anytime someone died on shift whether it was a victim or one of their own, Sylvie Brett took it the hardest as she has the biggest heart of anyone there. Casey knew what Brett was doing and decided to check on her.

"Hey, are you alright?" Casey asked.

"We lost two of the victims on the way to Med. It wasn't pretty. The two victims were mother and daughter. The mother was in her twenties and her daughter was only two. Two years old. I mean, what sick freak takes his girlfriend and her children hostage in an apartment building and then tries to kill everyone inside of it?" Brett cried.

Casey walked over to her and sat beside of her on the bed.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Casey said as he tried to comfort her.

"How much longer until our shift is over?" Brett asked.

"One hour. Why don't you get some sleep and I'll come get you when it's time to go." Casey smiled.

"I love you." Brett smiled.

"I love you too, beautiful." Casey said.

He gave her a quick kiss and then left for his office. Brett laid down on the bunk bed and tried to get some sleep. To Brett, this seemed to be like the day that would never end. She was devastated that she lost two patients on her way to Med and any time she lost a patient, she took it really hard. The hour passed by fast and Casey came to the bunk room and woke her up.

"Wake up, beautiful." Casey whispered as he gently nudged Brett.

"Hmm...what time is it?" Brett asked.

"Time to go home." Casey whispered.

Brett raised up and sat on the bed for a minute. She started yawning and then got up. She and Casey headed home where she went straight to bed after changing into her pajamas. They were off tomorrow, so she could sleep in. She snuggled up next to Casey and held him and close to her as she could. He could tell that she was having a rough night.

"Don't go!" Brett called out in her sleep.

Casey jumped up immediately and saw that Brett was talking in her sleep.

"No. Don't leave me!" Brett cried in her sleep.

Casey was worried but before he could wake her up, she jolted up out of the bed.

"Matt!" Brett yelled as she was scared.

"Hey, I'm right here, babe. I'm right here." Casey said as soothed her back.

Brett cried into Casey's chest.

"It was just a bad dream." Casey reassured her.

"It felt so real." Brett replied.

"Wanna tell me what it was about?" he asked.

"Gabby came back and you left me for her. Then you were in a car accident and you told me you were sorry you chose her over me and then you died." she cried.

"It was just a dream. I'm very much alive and I'm very much in love with you. I'm not going anywhere, and that includes going back to Gabby. She and I are done for good." Casey said as he continued to rub her back.

"I know. I guess between losing Otis, Gabby coming back, and then losing those patients on the way to Med, I guess I'm just stressed out." Brett said as she wiped away her tears.

"Are you ok?" Casey asked.

"I am now. Just hold me." Brett said as she wrapped her arms around Casey.

Casey held her the rest of the night. The next morning, Brett got up to use the bathroom and as she was washing her hands, she saw that her nose was bleeding. After she got the bleeding to stop, she came out of the bathroom. She had noticed some more bruising.

"I think I need to go to Med." Brett worried.

Casey didn't even hesistate to ask why. He saw the sheer panic on her face and after they got dressed, they headed to Med. When they got there, they were greeted by Maggie, the head nurse.

"Hey guys, what brings you here?" Maggie said with a smile.

"I think there's something really wrong with me. I've got some bruises that I'm not sure how I got and my nose started bleeding this morning." Brett said as she described her symptoms.

"Alright. Let's get you into a room." Maggie said after she checked Brett into the hospital.

They followed Maggie into one of the ER rooms and then waited on one of the doctors to come around. Dr. Natalie Manning came in and saw that it was Brett.

"Sylvie? What's going on?" Manning asked.

"Well, I've had some bruising on my legs but I noticed this bruise this morning on my arm. Then as I was washing my hands, my nose started bleeding." Brett said.

Natalie looked concerned.

"So, first thing I'm gonna do is do some tests. I'm gonna take a sample of your blood and have the lab test it just to rule out anything serious. I'm also gonna have you go for a CT Scan and an MRI just to make sure everything is ok. Given the symptoms, I want to rule out everything else so that I can narrow in on what it could be, at least until we get your labs back. Alright?" Manning said.

"Let's get this over with." Brett said.

Natalie drew blood and then had one of the nurses take the vials to the lab for testing. Natalie then had another nurse take Brett to get her CT Scans and the MRI. When she was finished, the nurse brought her back to the ER room. All that was left to do is wait for the test results. After a few hours, Natalie came back to the room.

"So, we got the test results back." Manning said.

"And?" Brett asked.

"The good news is that your tests came back negative for anything serious such as cancer, STDs, that sort of thing. The bad news is that your iron levels are showing to be borderline low, but it's something that can be treated. I'm gonna prescribe some iron medication for you to take once a day for the next month.
I want to schedule a follow up one month from today just to see how things are going." Manning said.

"So, there's nothing wrong? What's causing the bruises and the nosebleed?" Brett asked.

"It could be due to the low iron. As for the nosebleed, it's probably from the weather outside or your allergies." Manning said.

"Well, we have been to a lot of fire calls lately and my nose has been itching a lot." Brett said.

"Well, if you continue to get nosebleeds and they get worse, let me know. I'm gonna have Maggie bring you the discharge papers to get you out of here. Here is the prescription. Follow the directions and read the side effects. See you guys later." Manning said with a smile before leaving.

"Thank goodness it's nothing serious." Brett sighed with relief.

"I'm definitely thankful for that." Casey said as he gave Brett a kiss.

"Alright, you two. Enough kissing. Time for you to get out of here." Maggie joked.

"Thanks, Maggie." Brett smiled.

"I'm glad you're ok." Maggie said.

"Me too." Brett smiled.

Brett got down from the hospital bed and she and Casey left the hospital. They went and got Brett's prescription filled at the local pharmacy and then headed home. When they got home, all Brett wanted to do was enjoy the rest of her day off with Casey.

"I don't know about you, but I think I just want to spend the day in bed with you." Brett teased.

"Oh really? What did I do to deserve that?" Casey teased.

"For putting up with me." Brett laughed.

Casey leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her. She returned his kiss with passion. Little by little, their clothes started to come off and before they knew it, they were on the couch making love. After, they just cuddled next to each other.

"Wow." Casey said with a huge smile on his face.

"That was...uh..." Brett said as she tried to catch her breath.

"I love you." Casey smiled.

"I love you, too." Brett smiled back.

Both of them were reeling in the ectasy of what had just happened. Both were happy and could not be happier. For once in their lives, they were the happiest when they were together. Their story is far from over but they knew that this was just the beginning of something great. They hadn't been together for very long but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that they were together now and they would get through every single thing that comes their way.