Kathelia Asher: an intelligent young witch with short, wavy black hair and heterochromia eyes- one blue and one green- who scored high marks in all of her classes. Her wand was twelve and a half inches in length and made of applewood with a phoenix feather core. She came from a family well known for its falconry, but was often found in the company of her Russian Black cat, Arina. She often went by "Kat", though there was one person who called her "Kitty". That person was Draco Malfoy.

She had known Draco Malfoy since they were young children, having been in the same year at Hogwarts and in the same House. Her heterochromia eyes often drew unwanted attention, which was in part why she choose to try and hide one eye or the other behind her bangs, but it seemed that regardless of what she did, she always gained the attention of the platinum blonde hair wizard. The first few years Kathelia did her best to avoid him, but by their fourth year she was finding it more and more difficult to do so. Especially when the Head of Slytherin House and Potions master, Professor Severus Snape, asked her to tutor him when his grades began slipping.

Kathelia did as she was asked, seeing as how she was one of the more gifted witches in the school- her grades on par with Hermione Granger's- but Draco did not make it easy to do so. He would often slack off, tuning her out entirely sometimes, and with the Triwizard Tournament going on- as well as Draco's stupid "Potter Stinks" badges that many of the students were wearing- Kathelia was beginning to lose her patience.

One the day of the first task, Kathelia sat near Draco as they gathered with everyone else to witness the four contestants face off against their dragons. It was a spectacle to behold, much as the Quidditch World Cup had been, but it took a bad turn for a moment when the Hungarian Horntail that Harry Potter had been pitted against chased him out of the stadium and towards the school. Debris came flying from the teachers section and would have hit Kathelia if Draco hadn't pulled her out of the way as quickly as he had. Kathelia had stumbled into him when he had grabbed her, but he caught her and steadied her as he made sure that she was alright- adding to Kathelia's surprise.

When winter came and the Yule Ball was drawing nearer, Kathelia originally had planned on not going. That is until someone unexpected asked her to the ball.

"You are Kat, are you not?"

Kathelia looked up as a young man from Durmstrang approached her in the library. "I am."

"I am Ivan, we are in Transfiguration together?"

"Yes, of course. Was there something I could do for you?"

"I wonder if you would do me the honor of accompanying me to the Yule Ball?"

Kathelia was surprised, but she smiled and nodded. "I'd like that very much."

"Excellent." Ivan replied, returning her smile.

Kathelia found that she was ecstatic that someone like Ivan had asked her to be his date and she was grateful that her older sister had already sent her the perfect outfit for the ball. That night, just moments away from the start of the dance, Kathelia nervously descended the stairs and waited for Ivan to join her.


Kathelia turned and saw Draco standing there, dressed in a black tuxedo like dress robe with a white shirt. "W-What?" She began blushing the way he looked at her.

"You look stunning, Kitty."

"You're rather dashing yourself." Kathelia looked to Crabbe and Goyle standing behind him. "You look handsome as well, Vincent and Gregory." When she saw Ivan hurrying down the stairs to meet her, she offered them a smile before taking Ivan's arm and entering the Great Hall. As they walked away, however, she noticed a strange look on Draco's face. 'I wonder what that was...'

Kathelia and Ivan had had a great time during the ball and had started seeing each other more often throughout the rest of the year. However, it seemed to Kathelia that while she felt happier every day around Ivan, Draco seemed to grow colder and colder towards her. By the end of the year, it was like they were back in their first year and Kathelia felt it best to just let things run their course over the summer- hoping he'd come to his senses by the start of the new year.

Unbeknownst to her, however, Draco had found that he was actually jealous of Ivan and just didn't know how to deal with it. He had grown to really like Kathelia, but he missed his chance when it was staring him right in the face and he wondered if he would ever get another one. Only time would tell and, at least for him, he hoped that the relationship between Ivan and Kathelia would not last past the summer. And, unfortunately, he was right.

Kathelia had spent part of her summer with her sister in Bulgaria, visiting Ivan in his hometown. Things were great at first, but Ivan was quite the ladies' man and Kathelia could only take so much of his flirting and womanizing. She returned home and spent the rest of her summer preparing for school, finding that she was rather excited to see Draco again. But, remembering how he had been acting since the Yule Ball, she did wonder if things were going to be different between them.