Merry late Christmas and New Years everyone, I hope you all had a great one I know I did. Winter break has been weird because I've had enough free time to come up with ideas but never enough time to write them down. I'm about to hop on a flight to San Francisco but I really wanted to write. So I'm currently writing this in an airport with nothing but sprite running through my veins (I'm tired). Im going to format this chapter completely different please let me know if you like this way or the other way (If you prefer the new way I'll edit all my old chapters and if not I'll just fix this one) Thanks for putting up with me and enjoying my stories.

Skye's life had been an abnormal one to say the least. From a young age she had wanted nothing more than to be a pilot. Soaring through the clouds high above where there were no rules, no limits.

She used to spend all day watching the planes take off thinking "That's going to be me someday, except" she would think with a smile on her face, "I'll be better".

Skye came from a very wealthy family where she was always expected to be the perfect little girl. Her parents were designers and they wanted her to be a model to show off their clothes.

When she told them she wanted to be a pilot they were none to pleased they would become enraged when ever she "wasted" her time on the hill watching the many runways where those magnificent planes took off.

Skye was a free spirit she didn't want to be who her parents wanted her to be she wanted to be herself. So in secret she would ask the pilots to take her with them when doing test flights and eventually she started flying all on her own. She would compete in air shows under a fake name, she was a natural and people quickly started to notice her skill one of those people being Ryder.

When she got the invitation to join paw patrol she was ecstatic and though it took some time her parents realized how not only would she be doing what she loved but would save so many lives in the process so they let her go. Joining Paw Patrol was the best thing that ever happened to Skye, she loved her biological family but she felt more at home with her new one. Her friends were now her family.

Ryder was the leader of their team and someone who Skye looked up to and trusted.

Marshall was the heart of their team a dog who always wore a smile and could make anyone laugh.

Rocky was a calm and clever dog who thanks to his intelligence could always make something out of nothing.

Zuma was a fearless fun loving dog who Skye had come to see as her little brother.

Rubble was the youngest child of their chosen family a dog who was tough on the outside but Skye knew he was sensitive.

Everest was the newest member of the team and Skye's best friend she was a dog who was caring kind and when she was with Skye they always had the best time.

Finally there was Chase, Chase the dog who was the team's brave and strong leader he was someone everyone admired especially Skye.

It all started the day she first received her invitation to join Paw Patrol. After one of the air shows she had performed in she successfully snuck back into her house when she saw her parents at the door talking with someone. As she crept closer she realized that they were talking to what appeard to be a young boy and two pups that looked her age.

As she got closer she heard her mother say with sorrow in her voice, "I can't believe our Skye has been missing rehearsals f-for air shows".

Then she heard the boy say "Well about our offer would you like to accept".

Her father now comforting her mother then snapped back "Absolutely not our daughter is going to be a model for our family's clothing brand!".

Then one of the pups a dalmation spoke up he seemed to be smiling "But she looked so happy when she was flying I really think she wants to be a pilot".

Hearing this made Skye jump out of the place she was hiding and say "It's true".

This startled all of them and her mother said "Skye dear what are you doing here".

Skye didn't answer her mother's question "Mother father I don't want to be a model I want to fly please just-".

Her father interrupted scaring her and the dalmatian "SILENCE I don't care what you think no daughter of mine is going to be a PILOT!".

They way he spat out the last word was enough to make Skye cry and so she did. There was a long silence but it was broke by growling Skye turned to see the other pup a German Shepard who had his head down and was shaking with what seemed to be anger then his growling turned into words "Who the hell do you think you are".

Her father recoiled "I beg your pardon".

The shepherd then whipped his head up and barked the words "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DECIDE WHAT SHE CAN OR CANT BE".

Skye was in shock, to think that a complete stranger could not only stand up for her but understand her was beyond belief.

As she lived and spent time with Chase she found it so easy to fall in love with him. He was an amazing leader who was brave selfless and though he was serious about what he did knew how to have fun when it was the right time. Not to mention he was in perfect shape, his coat was thick but still couldn't hide his muscles and his face was so handsome it really looked like he had been carved out of stone.

And now she was going to die without ever saying goodbye to her parents her friends and she would never be able to tell Chase how she felt. "I'm going to die because of a paintball match wow" realizing that this was the end she flooded her mind with good thoughts. As she imagined a future with the police dog she was happy. But she hit the ground a lot faster than she thought.

"Oww" she said as she got to her paws then it hit her "Wait I'm alive?!" she said with shock.

Then she heard a voice "Well you're certainly not dead because I'm here and we both know your going up" Skye turned to see Rocky who smiled and said "And most likely I'm not".

"Skye was about to comment on what Rocky had said but he spoke again "Now you mind helping me pilot this thing".

Skye then realized that what she was standing on was not the ground but a small trunk of a tree and they were speeding down an extremely steep hill.

Skye was so surprised that it must have been all over her face because when she was about to ask Rocky what was going on he quickly said "Skye I'll explain everything...if we live"

This comment scared Skye and she was about to speak again but Rocky chimed in again "Skye your skills best chance we've got at surviving this so please don't let us crash".

Her instincts overcame her and she started to pilot the trunk. She had to evade trees and large rocks protruding from the ground. They had almost reached the bottom when SKye spotted something.

"Oh shit" Skye said looking ahead.

This made Rocky freak out "WHAT WHAT". Skye just turned his head towards the massive rock in front of them. "Son of a" Rocky flattend his ears, hugged Skye and braced for impact.

"Skye there's a few things I've gotta get off my chest just in case... well you know" Rocky took a deep breath. "First off once I used Rubble's tooth brush to clean the oil out of my fur to avoid taking a bath but I didn't realize what it was, second it wasn't actually Marshall who broke the window of Mayor Goodway's brand new limo one of my inventions exploded and I flew straight through the front windshield I just blamed it on Marshall because I knew everyone would believe me, third I-".

Rocky looked as though he was about to say something else but had stopped himself "No no that's all, what about you?".

Skye was frantically deciding if she should tell Rocky "Rocky's trustworthy right? He'll understand why and maybe he could even help me" But then another voice entered Skye's head "What are you thinking you can't tell him".

A voice broke Skye's thoughts "Uh Skye if you wanna say something we're running out of-".

"I LOVE CHASE" Skye yelled just as both of them hit the rock and were sent flying off of the tree trunk.

Marshall stood face to face with Zuma and as he looked left and right he saw both his teammates were equally surprised.

The silence was broken by Zuma saying "Thwee against one those awen't vewy good odds" he then got a devilish grin before saying "Fow you guys that is".

*BANG BANG BANG* He rolled away and took cover behind a rock. Marshall checked if Everest or Rubble had gotten hit he was relieved to see that all three of Zuma's shots had missed.

"Diamond formation!" Everest said quickly and Rubble nodded. "Oh no I wasn't paying attention when battle tactics were explained damnit Marshall you're such a perv" Marshall cursed himself as he made the split decision to break off left.

Though he quickly realized that what he did was not correct because he ran right into Rubble and crashed on top of the Bulldog. "Owww Marshall what the heck".

"Sorry Rubble" Marshall said with his usual sheepish grin still on top of the Bulldog

"Weren't you listening when Everest explained her formations" Rubble said as Marshall got off him and helped him up".

"Well not exactly" Marshall said through a nervous laugh.

*BANG* Marshall saw orange paint splatter all over Rubble's jacket as the Bulldog fell back to the ground.

"Bulls eye" Marshall turned and saw Zuma who lowered his gun smiled and stuck his tongue out.

*BANG BANG* "WOAH" Zuma said ducking behind the rock as two paintballs flew over his head grazing his brown fur.

Marshall looked behind him and saw Everest lower her gun and motion over to where she was hiding behind a tree truck.

Marshall and Rubble sprinted over to her "What happened?" Everest said gesturing to the paint on Rubble's snow jacket.

Realizing that since he was out Rubble couldn't speak Marshall did the talking "I kinda broke formation and crashed into Rubble, and while he was getting up Zuma hit him".

"Why didn't you just follow the plan?" Everest asked.

"Well I didn't exactly hear the plan" Marshall explained through a blush.

Everest sighed "Well no sense worrying about that now, but I've got a plan that could work if you listened to this time".

Marshall perked up seeing a chance to redeem himself "This time I'll listen and follow the plan exactly".

Everest gave a grateful smile "Alright Marshall lets do this".

Marshall determined to make it up to not only Everest but also Rubble responded with a confident "I'm fired up!".