I catch my breath only to start punching again.





"That enough for today Marinette, you've been here for 4 hours... go home." said Harrison.

I sign and walk to my bag and drink some water. I get my things and leave out the door.


I get in my car and drive home, my phone starts to ring.


"Marinette, you can just be out this late you a famous Actress, Model, Singer and anyone can just snatch you up."

"Grace... Im fine..."

"Whatever... just get home safely."

"ight... on the way."

I hang up the phone and pay attention to the road pulling my hoodie over my head. After 20 minutes i make it home.

I open the garage and drive inside. I turn the engine off putting the car in park then stepping out the car.

I close the garage and walk inside this overly large house. We dont really have any neighbors so we can have as much land as we want.

"Hey girl... eat this." Grace hands me a plate with 4 slices of Pizza that i gladly take. After eating I go take a shower...

Now to what you guys need to know...

You guys are probably wondering What going on, how many years has it been, where are you and many other questions... let just start from the beginning...

Its been years Since 'Marinette' has disappear in Paris. My name is Now Tony Strongman I am in USA...California. No one knows where i am... not my Mom, Dad, Alya, Nino ,Adr-

I cant even bring myself to say his name

Anyway I know running aways wasnt a good Idea but look where I am now... famous

But anyway it was just like any other day in Paris...

There was an Akuma and it was The Mayor of Paris and His wife Akumatized together. After that very difficult fight next thing you know Kagomi and Adrien are dating. I stay for a month but i wasnt getting better i was stressing about everything, I'd let others run me over and push me around.. I was diagnosed with a lot of mental problem.




and I also had High blood pressure

So i had to stay calm all the time or i have Panic attacks.

but Adrien wasnt the only reason for my poor health, People at school started turning against me and also my adopted older brother. He always pushed me around.

After 6 month of all that stress amd plus me being ladybug... I disappear It was something i planned for 2 weeks. I left late at night. I packed all my things and left

I found someone who selled illegal tickets and i got a fake ID. I left Paris and went to California where I met Grace... my

Manager and Friends.

Not even a day later, my old phone started to blow up, and i had to disable my location on my phone because Nino knew how to hack. I turned my old phone off and got a new one. I kept the phine just to remember the people who i loved and missed the people i was to afraid to tell how i truly felt.

My phone blew up for Months, until i finally muted the phone putting it away

The one message i had to reply to was... you know... A-adrien...

'Marinette, please come home, I know everything, I just want to talk, I love you.'

I could help myself and when he called I answers

"Marinette!!! Where are you."

"You wont find me because Im miles away ."

"Please come back we mis-"

"You DONT love me or Miss me STOP ACTING LIKE YOU CARE. This is goodbye Adrien...forever..."


that was when I was 14... Im now 24

I loved that boy and I miss him my family and friends... One day ill go back and visit but that will have to be later

Next Day


"PARIS!!" screeched Jonna, he was my gay bff.

My eyes watered and i felt a hand in my back..."Its okay Tony, This is a sign that it is time to go see them." I thank Grace and go back to Modeling for a cover of a magazine.

In This FF She has curly Hair.*

I wasnt Skinny like i use to be i gained weight for example... Rihanna use to be skinny now she isn't... just how i am now.

I only had these tight thongs on with my long black and blue curly hair covering my breast. It was about to be Halloween and i was pretending to be a vampire. Ky back faced the camera and my face turned toward the camera as well.

They took many photos, They told me to set on the floor on my knees facing away from the camera with my butt sticking out showing my back tattoo with the word in cursive 'M'Lady'.

It reminded me of Cat Noir. To the world of Paris Ladybug had disappear too. That how my my friends and family found out i was Ladybug. I have another tattoo it's on my thigh and it a black rose.

After the The Photoshot, I went looking for Jonna just to ask a question.

"Jonna so when is this trip to Paris?" I ask

"Today, In a few hour since time if diffrent over there oh and a few of our crew are coming with us and i need to feel you in.

Okay this trip is for a month, for modeling singing and acting. You have a lot of fans there as well. We wont tell you where we are staying because its surprise."

I nod my head, Im going to head home to pack my thing but not a lot because i already know they will have things for me over there in Paris but not any panties.

Why does time fly by so fast?

because right now my crew is on the our private jet already in the air and were already 45 minutes away from Paris. I also brought my old phone the phone that rings from time to time.

I sign since a few of my friends are famous and know that Tony is on her way there... I just gonnna sleep for now