Hey guys!

Wow it's been so long! Over a year! i'm so sorry about that. This year i had my final year of uni so i was really busy with that. But now that I'm finished and graduated, I've returned with more stories!

I caught up with Chicago Fire just a couple weeks before season 8 aired because I knew Gabby was leaving. I watched the scene before watching the season 7 finale episode and it broke my heart. As you guys know, I was a big Dawsey shipper, but as time went on, especially towards the end of season 5/season 6, I really started to kind of dislike Gabby. The way she was always acting out and trying to be this independent woman who didn't want to rely on anyone, not even her husband, it kinda annoyed me, but i get it, it was her character.

But when I heard that there was a potential romance for Casey and Brett, it confused me, until i started watching season 7 and 8. Now I love them and ship them so much! I love how they're going to be taking their time with their relationship instead of diving in, kind of how they did with Dawsey. The pure dynamic between Casey and Brett is really interesting to me.

Anyways. So yeah, I am now a Casey x Brett shipper (I don't know their ship name).

This Fanfic gets a little bit steamy FYI. so if you don't like steamy stuff, this wouldn't be for you.

I have decided to make this a multi-fic, but I don't have an update schedule, so it will update whenever I have time. As this is a Brett x Casey FF, I really want to explore them in a cute relationship, something much deeper than the Dawsey one, cuz they've had their hearts broken too many times, I want to write this as a legit relationship.

It's sad that there isn't that much Chicago Fire fanfics out there. If no one will write them, then I will.

If I can, i will upload some one shot stuff, BROtp of Brett, Kidd and Foster. I have some more Brett x Casey fics planned. Exciting stuff.

I just wanted to update you guys on my situation and where i am right now. So before this A/N is longer than my story, enjoy.

Love you all x

Sitting in the rig of the ambulance, Brett stared at the picture of her and her best friend, Gabby, occasionally turning it over to read the note on the back.

'I love you partner. Always will.'

So much has happened in the space of a few months. Gabby left. Brett then got engaged, left Chicago, then she returned. Otis... died. Brett shook her head to try and rid the thoughts that always made her heart hurt. Not a day goes by in which she doesn't think about Gabby and Otis. The two best friends that she needed more than ever, but wasn't there.

Granted, she has great friends in her life; Stella, Emily, Cruz, the entire 51 family… but why did she still feel so lonely? So lost?

As Sylvie was reflecting on her feelings and her thoughts, the doors of the rig flew open, catching her off guard whilst she simultaneously tried shoving the picture into her front trouser pocket, like she was trying to hide something.

Standing there between the opened rig doors was Casey.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, uh, no, its fine. What's up?" she replied with a forced smile, knowing full well Casey saw her shove the picture away.

"May I- can I-, uh, can I join you?" Casey motioned the seat beside Brett in the rig. Sylvie nodded in response.

Closing the door behind him, Casey climbed in and sat down, leaving a gap between them, not big enough that it was awkward but close enough to feel the heat from his body.

"You were looking at the picture." Matt asked straight-forwardly.

"Yeah. I miss her. Now more than ever."

A moment of awkward silence followed, they never really talked about Gabby. Just here and there at the beginning, just after she left, but as time went on Brett didn't want to bring up any bad feelings within Casey and Casey knew how Gabby leaving affected Brett and he didn't want to see her sad again.

"Brett, I know she was your best friend, at a time, she was mine too. But just so you know, if you ever want to talk, about anything at all, I'm here."

"Thank you. Same goes for you too. I know you have Severide and the guys, but just know you have me as well."

Matt nodded with a faint smile on his lips. A minute of silence surrounded them, but this time it wasn't awkward at all. It was nice.

"I have a lot of memories when it comes to this ambo." Casey started whilst looking round the rig, "memories that come, and then go. Gabby, Shay. Even Mills. They came, they left. When Shay died, it felt like this house died as well. Shay was one of a kind. Me and her, we weren't as close as we could have been, but we had each other's backs. One day she was here, a ray of sunshine. The next she was gone. Nothing but dull clouds in the firehouse. The feeling of her loss was felt for months. We still feel it. Then with Mills, when his dream of being a firefighter was gone, he didn't give up wanting to stay in this house. He became a medic. You could tell in his eyes he was thankful but he was also sad. And when he had a chance to come back to truck, he chose his family, he left. I didn't realise just how much he meant to 51 until he left. Sometimes I wish for him to show up, arms open, saying 'missed me?' with his big cheesy smile. He was a good kid. Then Gabby. Being a medic, having a purpose, saving lives, having as much family as she could get. That is what she was about. She was badass and fearless, but reckless and unpredictable. It was what I loved about her, and it was also what set us apart. She had this crusade in her soul that she wanted to be on alone. She'd shut people out. Do her own thing. I wanted to be there for her. But she was too much of an independent person to be reliant on someone. On me. That's what made me and her different. She didn't want to rely on anyone, to go to anyone when she needed help. But I want someone who can come to me with anything. I'm someone who wants to help anyone and everyone. She didn't need that. Guess you can say we became too different. And when she left, I knew it was the right choice for her and for me. I didn't stop her from leaving because I knew that if I did, and she stayed, our relationship would never be the same, we wouldn't be happy and we would be together for no good reason. She left. But I don't hate her. I will always love her, but like how you love family, the guys here at 51. I was finally feeling like myself again until Otis… until he… the collapse at the warehouse… and seeing you… your arm..." Matt trailed off, swallowing a lump that formed in his throat, shaking his head from the memories that threatened to come back, "I understood why you left, Sylvie, I do. But please, don't leave again. I can't lose anyone else from this firehouse."

Brett didn't know what to say. She felt every word that poured out from him. She heard his pain, felt his pain because it's exactly how she felt when Mills and Gabby left. She didn't know Shay, but she wish she had.

Looking into his eyes right now, those ocean blue eyes, almost begging her to not leave again, she could see all the emotions he's been burying deep inside.

Sylvie moved closer to Matt and hugged him. She felt his arms come around her too, squeezing her gently.

Brett nodded against Casey, "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. This is where I want to be. With this family. Nothing will change that."

Once she finished talking, reassuring Matt she was staying, they slowly broke up until their faces were an inch away from each other. They both held their breath, unsure of what to do. Sylvie's eyes flickered down to his lips, then back up to his hypnotising clear blue eyes. Matt's eyes did the same, getting lost in Brett's innocent big blue eyes.

She could feel her heart beating fast, too fast.

Before Brett could think about anything else, she felt his lips on hers. It was slow and careful, like testing the waters, but to her surprise, Brett responded to the kiss.

What started out as a delicate kiss, slowly turned into a fiery make out. Their kisses burning up, both being caught up in a moment they didn't want to end. Their kiss becoming hard and desperate. With one swift movement, Casey picked Brett up by her thighs and moved her onto his lap. His hands tangled in her short, wavy, blonde hair, letting her hair loose out of her hair-tye. Brett's hands gripped Matts dark blonde hair, earning her a moan from him.

Sylvie thought this would be wrong, that it wouldn't feel right, and that it would be a mistake. But it wasn't. It didn't feel wrong. It felt right. So right. Too right. The way Matt responded to her was like they've done this many times before.

After a few minutes, they both separated, needing air but leaning their foreheads against each other.

"Wow." Matt breathed out.

"Yeah… that was.."

"I know. It felt..."

"Right. It felt right. Right?" Sylvie asked, leaning back slightly to look into Casey's eyes.

"Yeah, it did." Casey agreed.

"Good, it's not just me who felt that. Because if it was just me, this would have been very awkward, too awkward. Then we, us, that would be extremely awkward. I wouldn't even know how to look at you again-"Sylvie's rambling was cut off by a deep kiss from Casey.

"Sylvie. This is good. We're good." Matt reassured her, watching her smile grow back onto her face and nodding in agreement. Sylvie leaned forward, attaching her lips to his. The fire between them growing again, this time too fast, but also very welcomed.

Both Brett and Casey lost in the moment, in each other. Matt's hands going from her hair, down to her back, her thighs. Brett's hands roaming Matts covered chest. They were too consumed in each other.

Brett started rolling her hips on Casey and Casey welcomed the movement with a content but desperate sigh. As Brett continued to grind on him, Matt moved the kiss, going from her soft pink lips down to her silk smooth skin on her neck. He found the right spot when Brett moaned on top of him, tilting her head to the side, allowing more access. Matt kissed, sucked and licked her neck, over and over again. He knew he already left a mark on her but that didn't stop him from carrying on. Hearing Sylvie moan, her breath increasing, the grip of her hands in his hair, tugging at him, it was driving him crazy. When Sylvie increased the speed of the grinding, that tipped Matt over the edge.

Before he could pick her up, but her on the gurney and get lost in her, the screech of the house alarm erupted, separating them in an instant. Both too caught in the moment, both lost in each other, forgetting where they were.


Matt and Sylvie looked at each other. Eyes wide. Breathing heavy, swollen lips. They waited until they heard the squad truck leave for them to let out a breath. They were sitting on the side seats in the rig when they let out a laugh.

"Well, that was close." Brett said.

"Yeah it was. Hey, um, can we keep this between the two of us? At least for now?" Matt asked nervously. "It's just cause, well, we've both been in an open, public in house relationship and them asking questions when we don't know the answers would be too…"

"Difficult? Confusing?" Brett offered.

Matt nodded.

"Yeah. Totally. I get it. This," Brett motioned between the two of them, "is like too new, really new, fresh off the boat new."

"Yeah," Casey let out an airy laugh at Brett's little antics, "so, we good?"

Brett looked at Casey with a gentle smile, slowly leaning in and pecking his lips.

"Yes, Casey, we're good. Very good."

"Good. You know, maybe you should call me Matt when we're together. I don't think you've ever not called me Casey."

"Okay, Matt."

"Okay, Sylvie." Matt said, earning a big laugh from Brett.

"Well, I better get going. Paperwork and all."

"Yeah, I got to sort out the supplies."

As Matt was getting up to leave, he paused and turned back, reaching over to Sylvie only to kiss her again.


"Goodbye Matt." Brett giggled out as Casey exited the rig, winking at her before closing the doors, leaving Brett sitting there with a big smile plastered on her face.