"What?" Sidney asked.

"You've been missing for two years, Syd."


"Don't what?'

"Don't say that. I.just killed her. Next thing I remember is waking up here. I haven't gone anywhere."

" Syd."

"No! Don't 'Syd' me Vangh. What.what's going on? Is Francie dead? What.how is Will? Where is my father?"

After a moments hesitation Sydney asked the fateful question. "Who is she?"

Michael remained silent.

"Tell me. Is it Alice?"

Michael stayed motionless.

"Tell me dammnit!" she yelled as she jumped up and walked across the room. "I want to know. Who did you use to replace me? Huh? Is it Alice or did you just get with some. Forget it. I don't want to know."

Michael looked up at her. "Syd, I love you. I could never replace you." He got up and walked over to her until he was mere inches from her face. "I love you. Tell me you believe me."

Sydney inhaled the sweet smell of the man she loved and nodded. Softly she said, "I believe you. But." Her voice became stronger. "Why?"

Michael gently pulled her to him. "Don't talk," he whispered as he bent down and kissed her. His side was gentle passion. Sydney's kiss was more out of anger and wanting.

Sydney suddenly realized what they were doing and pulled away. "Who is she?"

Michael clung to her. "Your you?"

Sydney pulled away. "What do you mean? Michael. What are you talking about?"

Michael looked confused. "Shit!"

Sydney became concerned. "Michael. Are you okay?"

Michael looked around. "Let's get you on that plane."

"What plane?"

"You want to go home right?"

"Yes," Sydney replied still trying to figure out what was wrong with Michael.

"Let's go then." Michael pulled Sydney with him.
Sydney came out of the backroom of the plane followed by the doctor. She had just endured a physical and undergone a few blood tests and chemical tests. She came and sat down across from Vaungh.

"Agent Vangh? May we speak to you for a few moments please?" the doctor asked.

Michael complied with the orders and left with the doctor. Sydney began to analyze the situation as Michael disappeared through the back door.

In the back room, the doctor motioned for Michael to sit down. Agent Bristow seems a little emotional and tired but that would be expected. She will be given an ocular scan as soon as we land. I already called headquarters and they have placed the other Agent Bristow in a suitable area. She also will receive an ocular scan. With our new evidence to Sloane possibly still having the doubling technology, we must be careful. Also, this one has a scar on her stomach. It looks like.well.it looks like a scar from a C section."

"What does that mean?" Michael questioned.

"It means, Agent Vangh, that it looks like she was pregnant and gave birth. The scar wouldn't show up after the doubling process. The scar is fairly old. I would say maybe about 7 to 8 months after her disappearance. We won't know until I conduct some tests."

"I see what you mean. Why would you go through the trouble of impregnating a woman to show a scar?"

"Not only that but, it isn't possible to undergo the doubling process while pregnant. That means that if we test her and it shows that she had a complete pregnancy. She is clear."

"Which means I am not married to Sydney?"

"No. It also means we have a child missing. If baby isn't with mommy then."

"baby's missing," finished Michael.

"Or dead."