"Hey Babe."

"Hey Babe."

"You want to tell me something?"

Brittany tucked her hair behind her ear and shrugged. She looked down. Santana was giving her one of her stares. She was powerless under the scrutiny. Brittany often thought that Santana would be great as an interrogator. She had even once sent off a query letter to the CIA (care of the Pentagon of course), telling them about Santana and her "special powers". Funnily enough, they had sent their reply directly to her mom. Brittany assumed they hadn't liked her drawing, but she was certain, one day…

Santana tilted Brittany's face up so that she was able to look directly at her girlfriend. Brittany was powerless.

"I'll tell you anything," she said.

Santana laughed. "I just wanna know about the 'thing', you know? The thing you're keeping for a surprise."


"Oh." Santana folded her arms across her chest, which meant, in Santana Land, Brittany had to stay and deal with the present. That was sometimes tricky for her.

Mr Schue walked in the choir room. He smiled easily.

"Students early, I like that." He put down the music he was carrying and then frowned. "Everything okay?"

Brittany skipped over to Mr Schue. Escape was possible when there were other people in the room. Or so she thought.

"Actually, Mr Schue, no. Everything is not okay."

"Okay…" Mr Schue perched on his stool. "Why don't you tell me, Santana."

Santana looked at Brittany and shook her head as if disappointed.

"Brittany has decided to get a tattoo."

"Oh, that…" Brittany smiled in understanding. "I thought you meant…" She trailed off. "It doesn't matter." Then she frowned. "How did you know, anyway?"

Rachel walked in. Although, it wasn't so much a walk, more a flounce, but she faltered when she saw Santana glaring at her.

"I'll give you one guess," Santana said.

"What have I done?" Rachel said, hovering by the door.

"You told Santana my secret," Brittany said accusingly.

Rachel proceeded with caution. "You didn't tell me it was a secret, Brittany…"

"I did too."

Rachel shook her head vehemently. "No, you didn't."

Brittany looked skywards, trying to recall the conversation. "You're right. It was the other thing."

Santana frowned. "Wait. There's something else?"

Brittany grinned and put her finger to her lips. "Shh," she said to Rachel.

Rachel rolled her eyes and then tried to convey a look of bewilderment at Santana.

"Anyway," Brittany said folding her arms across her chest. It was her time to exert herself. "It's my body and I do what I like to it."

Mr Schue put up a hand. "True, Brittany. But have you thought that a tattoo will stay with you for the rest of your life?"

Brittany hesitated. She hadn't thought that.

"I know," she mumbled and sat down.

Santana sat down next to her and put her arm around Brittany's shoulders.

"Tell me why you want to do it," she asked.

"She said, to make herself sexier," Rachel said from behind.

Santana turned and silenced Rachel with her glare.

"Can I have this conversation with my girlfriend?" she said with icy undertones. Rachel sat back and pursed her lips together. Santana sighed and smiled at Brittany. "Is that really why Brit?" she said.

Brittany nodded. "You're sexy all the time," she said. "And I wanted to do something that made you think of me like that."

Santana laughed, confused. "You don't think I think you're sexy?" She moved her arm and took Brittany's hand. "My God, Brit…" She trailed off as Artie, Finn and Mercedes walked in.

"Whatsup, people!"

"Brittany's getting a tattoo and Santana doesn't want her to," Rachel said to Artie.

Santana closed her eyes and counted to 5.

"That is not cool," Mercedes said as she sat down. "A tattoo's for life, you know."

"Don't do it, girl," Artie said.

Rachel used her eyes to instruct Finn to join in the debate. He had learned never to ignore the summons, but he shrugged.

"I kinda like tattoos," he said. He avoided Rachel's horrified look.

"Thank you, Finn." Brittany stood up. "Thank you all for your input and advice, but I have made up my mind and I'm getting one."

"I don't want you to, Brit." Santana stood up.

"But you like them!" Brittany could feel herself wanting to cry.

"Not on you," Santana felt torn. Seeing a tattoo on a beautiful body was kind of cool. But not on her girlfriend. Not on Brittany's innocent and lovely skin. "I love you as you are," she said quietly.

Brittany smiled. "And I love you," she said. "But this is something I want to do, so, you're going to have to deal with it." She walked out of the choir room.

Santana stared after her.

"Just so you know," Rachel said nervously. She waited until Santana was looking at her and when she did, she almost lost her nerve, but she continued, falteringly. "The other thing she mentioned, I wouldn't worry about that, it was to do with her saving money to buy a unicorn…" She trailed off.

"Okay guys, let's settle down." He turned to Santana. "Santana, you in? Or out?"

Santana sighed. "I'm not sure," she said.

Brittany was sitting in the chair feeling much the same as she felt when she was sitting in a dentist chair. Except for that one occasion when Miss Pillsbury's husband, Carl, was her dentist. That was cool. This wasn't. Brittany felt decidedly uneasy.

She was in a gloomy little room and above her, was a light, much the same as a dentist's light. Around her on the walls, were photos of tattoos on various body parts. It was making her nervous.

The door opened.

"Found you." Santana walked in. Brittany momentarily wondered if she had killed the tattoo man, but there was no blood anywhere, so she smiled at her girlfriend.

"Hi," she said.

"So, you're really doing this, huh?"

Brittany crossed her legs at the ankles. "Yep," she said.

Santana leaned over and kissed Brittany gently, on the lips.

"You are so sexy to me," Santana whispered. She kissed her again. "I mean, really, really, sexy." She traced a line around her face with her finger and then kissed her a third time.

Brittany suddenly felt as if she was floating. Her nerves had disappeared. She grinned.

"You make me feel sexy," she said. She suddenly wished they were home, in bed. "You wanna get out of here?"

Santana frowned. "What?"

Brittany swung her legs off the chair. "Come on," she said. "Let's go home and do some scissoring." She went to grab her bag, but saw Santana was no looking hungrily sexy. More thoughtful. "What's wrong?"

"I just thought…"

"You guys ready?" The tall tattoo artist was standing in the doorway. He looked a bit like a cowboy from an old western. Standing at the saloon door, with the gun, cocked and ready, in his hand. Except he didn't have a cowboy hat on. And he wasn't carrying an actual gun.

"I guess I just decided I liked the idea," Santana said sheepishly. She shrugged. "And I guess I just decided I would get one too."

"Oh," Brittany said.

The tattoo cowboy sauntered towards them, grinning with intent.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: These are always just a bit of fun. Idea thanks to one of my readers. Happy to take on other ideas, but time is sometimes an issue! Thanks for reading and reviewing :-)