I honestly dont feel like writing Seans rescue again so it just happens as it does in the game and the story picks back up after Arthur gets back to camp.

Arthur arrived in Horseshoe Overlook after saving Sean, yet again. He was thinking of some way to steer the gang in the right direction. He hitched his horse and walked up to Hosea. "Hosea, I think I have an idea." said Arthur.

"Well what is it?" asked Hosea.

"Okay, first off, let's talk outside of camp." said Arthur as they walked away from camp. "We have to leave this place. Nothing good happens for us here. I'm thinking we should go Northeast, past Annesburg. I figure we should disappear and stop robbing people so the Pinkertons will stop following us. What you think?" asked Arthur.

"Well, I think that is a good idea. I know of some towns over that way, and I still have some people I could rely on over in that area. Let's talk to Dutch about it later. Anyways, what are you gonna do about Micah?" asked Hosea.

"Well, Lenny should be coming back soon, and he'll tell us about Micah, and I reckon we could just let him hang. I'll tell Dutch that I'll go to rescue him, but I'll make sure the bastard hangs." said Arthur.

"I hope so. I'm still shocked that you somehow were sent back to fix all this. Hopefully you'll change things for the better." said Hosea.

"I will. I'll make sure Dutch stays on the right path. I'll save everyone this time." said Arthur.

"I know you will. So, have you told anyone else about your, past?" asked Hosea.

"Just you and Charles. I'll definitely tell Sadie eventually. She was with me to the end. I have to tell John also. I wanna tell Dutch at some point, but I can't right now, I don't think he would believe me." said Arthur.

"Well, given enough time, I think your relationship with Dutch will be like it was way back when. The good ol' days, back when we didn't have to worry about all this." said Hosea as he reminisced.

"Yeah, I hope he'll trust me. I don't wanna see him become crazy again. That was awful. I felt like I couldn't do anything to stop it. I tried my best, but I still couldn't save Dutch. I will this time. I'm not letting this second chance go to waste. I have to save this gang Hosea, and I won't let anyone ruin this." said Arthur as he got up.

"You will. I'll help you the whole time. We'll change everything for the better." said Hosea as he smiled at Arthur. "We should probably go back now, before anyone notices that were gone." said Hosea as they went back to camp.

"Let's talk more later." said Arthur as he went to his tent.

"Seeya Arthur." said Hosea as went to go lay down.

Arthur laid down and thought about his current situation. 'This whole thing is crazy. Were still fine for now, so that's good. We also haven't pissed of Cornwall so he can't fund the Pinkertons to chase us all over the country. Things are better than before at least.' Thought Arthur as he drifted asleep.

The next morning, Arthur woke up and was very confused by what happened next. He saw someone enter the camp that he didn't expect to see. Micah. 'How...how is he here right now? Why isn't Lenny here?' thought Arthur as he got filled with rage. He quickly walked towards him and demanded answers. "Micah, where is Lenny?" asked Arthur as he scowled at Micah.

"Why do you care so much, cowpoke?" Micah asked in return.

"Where is he?" asked Arthur again.

"Well it seems he got himself into some situation with the law down in Strawberry, and I couldn't do anything by myself so I left." Micah answered.

"What happened Micah?" asked Arthur.

"Why dont you go down there yourself and find out. I think we should leave him there, he doesn't do much for this gang anyways." said Micah as he laughed. Arthur walked off to Dutch's tent.

"Dutch, we got a problem."said Arthur as he approached Dutch.

"What?" said Dutch.

"Lenny got arrested somehow in Strawberry and is probably waiting to get hung anyday now." said Arthur.

"Well let's go and get him back." said Dutch as he stood up.

"Alright then, let's go." said Arthur as they walked away from his tent.

"I say we bring someone else to help us out. Who do you think we should take?" asked Dutch.

"I reckon we take Javier with us." replied Arthur.

"Alright, you go get him and I'll go tell Hosea that we're leaving." said Dutch as he went to his old friend. Arthur nodded and went to Javier.

"Javier, Lenny got arrested down in Strawberry, and me and Dutch are gonna go get him, would you come with us?" asked Arthur.

"Of course. We it seems me and you are pretty good at saving people nowadays." said Javier.

"Yeah, we seem to be the ones who always rescue people." said Arthur as they walked to their horses. Dutch approached them and they all got on their horses and rode out to save Lenny.

Alright now I'm back to writing this story. I've constantly been thinking about it ever since I started but I just never wrote for it recently. I have a lot of ideas for it and I am excited to see how it all unfolds. Also I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with Micah right now. Part of me just wants Arthur to kill him but I want something more interesting to happen with him and I have a few ideas of what to do. Thanks for reading.