Looking east, across the rolling hills and mountains of the Western shores of Westeros, from the battlements of Casterly Rock, Tyrion Lannister let out a sigh. Weaving through the rocks, hills and mountains was the Gold road, leading back towards King's Landing…the path that even as he stood up on the battlements his older brother was taking.

Almost two months had passed since lady Dacey Lannister had died when the Raven arrived, baring a message from Kings Landing…from Cersei, to Jaime. The note had been full of condolences about Dacey, although they had not sounded very sincere to Tyrion, and Cersei pleading with Jaime to return to the capital, promising him that the city would take his mind off his grief, and that he would be well distracted by the opportunities King's Landing presented.

Less than a week later, Jaime had set off for King's Landing, and Tyrion knew that it was unlikely that his brother would return for some time. An opening had been discovered in the Kingsguard, with one of the existing members conveniently meeting with a sticky end, and Tyrion knew that Jaime would rejoin, even if it was only so he could stay at Cersei's side. Jaime and Cersei never lasted well without each other for long periods of time, and Tyrion had known that his sister was unhappy without Jaime with her in the capitol. If he rejoined the Kingsguard then he would be there, with her, at all times.

Sadly, it had meant that Jaime had left Lyra behind. Tywin had been against Lyra going to the capital, and Jaime had not seemed interested in bringing his daughter along. Lyra would grow up on the Rock, being raised by her grandfather, and Great Aunt Genna, and would only occasionally see her father when he and the royal family came to visit the Rock, or if she was allowed to journey to the capital at some point.

Tyrion remembered Jaime telling him what he'd promised Dacey as she lay dying, and Tyrion couldn't help but wonder how much of his promise Jaime would be able to keep when he was in King's Landing most of the time, and Lyra was in Casterly Rock. Not as much as Dacey would have wanted, Tyrion was sure.

It was evidence of the amount of influence over her brother Cersei had, even now they were both grown, with children. She only had to ask, and he went running to her side, unlikely to return in the near future. He would miss out on watching Lyra grow up, seeing her take her first steps, speaking her first words, her learning the things that a lady of house Lannister needed to know, and probably learning a few things a lady of house Lannister didn't need to know too.

Still, it was better for Lyra to grow up at the Rock, instead of in King's Landing. The city would corrupt anyone, and was full of politics and backstabbing, both metaphorically and literally. It was no place for a little girl, and at least being at the Rock meant she would be away from Cersei.

Cersei, who had been against Jaime getting married in the first place, and who had never asked Jaime about his daughter's welfare after she had been born, nor had she been sincere in his condolences after Dacey's death. Tyrion had his own suspicions about Cersei's motives, although he would not speak them. His father would not believe him, and Cersei was too powerful to risk confronting openly. No…silence was the best course of action

Maybe it would be for the best that Jaime was not able to keep the vows he'd promised to Dacey on her deathbed, Tyrion tried to think positively, maybe everything would work out well, and growing up without either of her parents being there would be beneficial for Lyra.

Tyrion sighed, and began to make his way off the battlements. Lyra's mother might be dead, and her father in King's Landing, but at least she would have her Uncle Tyrion there for her, if she ever needed him.