Chained To You

A/N- My intake on Bound to You by Danish Girl. Here is a new story but first you must read Unbelievably by Danish Girl. This story is taking place after that story. I asked, and she said I can go on with my idea. However, that was over five to seven years ago now.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, only this plot line that I got from reading unbelievably.

Summary: After coming back from the other world, Hermione finds that the bracelet that binds her to Malfoy, came with her. She is determined to find a way to get rid of it once and for all. However, the Malfoy in her world comes in and along for the ride. Can the two care of each other? Or will they continue to hate each other?

Rating: M

Genre: Horror and Drama and Hurt/Comfort

Pairings: Draco and Hermione

Type: Sequel Story and Requested story [ I asked the author to do this story, many years ago]

Warnings: No-con/Rape, illegal potion making, and consuming said potion, Underage pregnancy.

Characters: Hermione, Draco, Blaise, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Theo and many more. Voldemort is talk about but not shown in this story.

Previous – last chapter of 'Unbelievably-Last thing that happen at the end of Unbelievably.

Hermione looked down, and noticed a beautiful silver bracelet. She looked at it, and suddenly she felt it burn on her skin. Tiny letters were now engraved on it, and she had to take it closer to actually see what it said.

"Property of Draco Malfoy?" she read.

'Oh shit! Not again!' she thought, looking at Malfoy's shocked face.

Chapter One

Hermione looked at him with horror, as she covered her arm up with her school uniform. She back up when Malfoy towered over her small figure, Hermione started to shake horrid with fear remembering what happened to her in the other world.

Somehow this Malfoy could tell this and stopped his movement towards her. Malfoy looked into her face as he glared at her wrist wondering why she would have a bracelet that said Property of Draco Malfoy and why she was so scared of him now. In all his years of knowing her; Granger was not scared of him at all. He like the fear part but this wasn't how he pictures her to be in front of him.

"Granger, example." Malfoy whispered under his breath while he could feel Blaise looking at him with a surprise look across his face.

Hermione said nothing to him.

"Snap" Malfoy had snapped his fingers at her. She woke up from her fear and looked at him.

"I...ii…can….''tt" Hermione stuttered out as she grabbed her book and raced from Potions class without noticing that Professor Snape was calling out for her. Now Malfoy was interested about this now, and he will find out.

…. Hermione…..

Hermione raced towards the Gryffindor common room, without a second thought. She was scared about this now. She knew that Draco Malfoy would come and demanded her to tell him.

And she would by that bracelet on her waist. Hermione wondered why it followed her into this world; she thought it would have stay on another Hermione from that world. Hermione heard the bell and then went to her next class thankfully that it wasn't with Slytherins but with Huffpuff instead.

She sat down and ignores the looks from her fellow housemates for now; she wasn't ready to tell them at all yet what happened to her in the other world or with this bracelet. Now she had to do some research on this and without Malfoy near her.

Hour passed as Hermione walked with Harry and Ron, she could tell that they wanted to ask questions but didn't say anything at that moment. Hermione was very grateful of that. As she and the boys walked into Herbology with Ravenclaws. Then it would be lunch and with an hour break.

Harry and Ron stared at Hermione and wondered what was going now, they knew what about to her in another world, and they told her that, that world is the shits. She had told them after she got out of the hospital wing, but something's were left out, like her rape by that Malfoy. Only Ginny knew the whole story and had promise Hermione not to tell anymore. The class was over and then Hermione, Harry and Ron walked into the great hall and towards there table.

Hermione quickly eat and then told them about the bracelet that another world's Malfoy gave her to control her. They both seemed very mad at this but didn't questioned her when she told them that she was going to the library to get a book on this type of mind control.

Hermione walked and didn't notice a set of grey silver eyes followed her then got up after she left the great wall.

Hermione went into the library and noticed that madam pinch wasn't here and thought she must be on her lunch break; she went towards the section with enchanted items, magical objects and the works.

Hermione had pulled out three books and took them to a seat then sat down without noticing that Draco Malfoy came behind her.

"Granger?" Draco questioned.

Hermione gasped and jumped out of her sit and turned around when his long slender and muscle arms came onto the table trapping her.

"Granger, I think you're avoiding me. I told you to explain that bracelet" Malfoy ordered her.

"..." Hermione said unintelligence.

"Granger!" Malfoy snapped at her. He was tired of seeing fear in her eyes with him, usually he would relish in her fear, but not this time. He wanted answers and she had them.

"Step away from Hermione, ferret." A female voice out. Hermione could see a flame red hair. Ginny had come to rescue her.

Malfoy stepped away from Hermione as he felt Weasley's wand poking into his back.

"Hermione let's get going." Ginny smiled at her.

Hermione walked to the side and walked away from a furious Malfoy. Ginny hooked arms with Hermione; the girls walked out of the library and went towards the Gryffindor tower. Hermione told Ginny everything like her boys had heard. Ginny gasped and cried out at all the right parts.

She looked at Hermione as she saw the bracelet.

"Hermione, you…"

"I know, I just don't know why it came into this world." Hermione uttered truthfully at Ginny.

Slowly the lunch hour went by and Hermione was off towards Defensive against the ark arts with Slytherins. She meets up with Harry and Ron at the classroom door as they all walked into together.

Hermione sat down with Harry, as Ron took his seat behind her with Neville. Who was still sorry for hurting Hermione with his potion? She waved his apology off again and said she was fine but within her mind wasn't fine. She needed to figure out how to get that bracelet off from her.

She could feel someone eyes watching her back, she shivered and knew whom it was; it was Malfoy. She wanted this day to be over and done with, so she can study and try to get that bracelet off and out of her life.

She remembers what it was like in that world and with this bracelet on, she will not be fine but also a command away to do something bad to her friends, if Malfoy ever found out how it works.

Hermione wrote down ideas or suggestions to get this bracelet off after she was done writing down the notes from the professor. Hermione looked up and wondered what spell they would be doing today.

"Today, class, we will be doing duelling. However, I will be picking your opponents." He told the class.

Hermione's eyes widen and prayed to god that it wasn't Malfoy. She remembers it was also that if it was, he would be asking question and she wasn't ready for that at all.

"Malfoy and Granger."

Hermione's heart stopped beeping as she looked at Malfoy. His face was with his smirked when he walked up to her.


A/N- I'm leaving it right here. I hope you enjoyed it so far. Thanks for reading.