So, I'm posting this prologue on my 19th birthday (whoo!) and I've already got the first chapter done. Let me know what you think, and I'll try to get updates out in a timely manner. I am in college, though. I don't own this beautiful crap.

"Don't you wonder about where the human half of your DNA came from?" Lex Luthor asked him.

Conner avoided eye contact and clenched his teeth. He hadn't. Hadn't tried to, at least. Hadn't really put much thought at all into how he was half human.

Luthor smirked. "At first I had in mind to use my own DNA for the process." At this, he noticed the young man flinch away from him. "Ah, but don't worry. I needed a female's sample for your creation to work. Something to do with basic biology and genetics."

The businessman felt his smirk attempt to grow larger at Superboy's obvious curiosity. This reaction was exactly what he wanted. Exactly what was needed to get under Superman's skin.

"Who did you use? Some random woman you found? Kidnapped, even? It would be typical of you villains to-"

Connor's growl was cut off when Lex Luthor suddenly stepped uncomfortably close to him.

"In a way, yes. She was found by accident. But what a useful find she turned out to be."

Luthor found himself shoved against a brick wall, though not nearly as hard as the snarling half-kryptonian in front of him could have pinned him. Almost leisurely he subtly called off his men that were waiting just out of sight.

"What did you do to her?! Where is she now?! Answer me!"

"My, my, so much anger. Don't you care about how you present yourself?" As if to make a point, Luthor pulled himself free from Connor's loosening grip and dusted his suit off with distaste. "Do not worry, she's safe and living her life as normal. Despite her snooping around our research facility, we let her go free after we collected what we needed from her."

"You expect me to believe that?"

Luthor made a show of responding with a small shrug. "You're free to believe what you want. Even so, it is the truth. We couldn't very well keep her, not with theā€¦ connections that she has."

Conner's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

"You will find out soon enough." He held out a hand towards a henchman carrying a black folder. Taking it, the man proceeded to offer it to Superboy. "This contains everything you need to know about your special little situation."

Conner hesitantly took the folder. He didn't want to accept anything from Lex Luthor, the man outright unnerved him, but he wanted to know. He needed know who his, well, his mother is.

Despite his curiosity, he refrained from looking inside until he was back at the cave and safe. And most importantly, alone. Something like a cross between excitement and apprehension filled him.

He opened the folder.

The name Lois Lane stared back at him.