Chapter Seven: I Know I Don't Understand

Bella's POV

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked Rosalie as the tailor made some of her final adjustments to my dress.

Rose looked up at me and smirked, which meant she was up to no good. Miss Eden instructed Rosalie to go take off her gown so the final alterations could be made to her blush-colored dress. When Rosalie went back to get changed, Miss Victoria looked up at me and smiled.

"She's always getting into trouble," Miss Victoria smiled as she worked. Rosalie and I had been coming to this dress shop since we were old enough to fit into their gowns. We bought our homecoming and prom dresses here and we always got our dresses for the charity ball here.

Miss Eden and Miss Victoria were practically family at this point.

Rosalie came out of her dressing room, handed Miss Eden her dress and walked in front of me.

"What?" I asked again and she just smirked.

"Miss Victoria, could we please have a moment?" Rose asked and the two women went back behind the curtain to their shop. They were staying open late for us since we had things to do after school and I hated that Rosalie was making them wait even longer.

"Rose, you're being ridiculous."

"You don't even know what I'm thinking."

I sighed. "I know it's probably ridiculous."

"Bella," She sighed. "This dress is beautiful. Everything in this store is beautiful and you look great in everything you put on."

"You kicked them out to tell me I look good in this dress?"

She shook her head. She was up to something and I didn't want to know what. "But...I think you should pick something else to wear."

I laughed. She had to be joking. The ball was in a week and we always got our dress at least a month in advance so alterations could be made. Plus, I really liked my dress this year. It was a deep, navy blue with off the shoulder sleeves. I felt really grown up and elegant in it and I wasn't going to change it now because Rosalie was having a moment.

"You're joking," I sighed. "Right?"



She smiled. "Don't you want to make Edward drool."

I stared at her. "No," I shook my head. Although Paul and his family couldn't go anymore didn't mean I was going to spend the evening chasing Edward around. He'd made it pretty clear last week that he didn't want anything to do with me and I wasn't going to act like a child by pursuing him. He was an adult and I was a fucking senior in high school. If the roles were reversed, I'd be treating him the way he was treating me.

I had been a brat that day in the closet and I didn't want anything to do with myself.

"Come on, he's got a thing for you," She pushed. "And I know you like him."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I like him. But whatever we had in Vegas needs to stay there. I'm not going to chase him around like some pathetic seventeen year old."

"You'll be eighteen the night of the charity ball," She wiggled her eyebrows. I started wondering what would have happened if Rose had been sitting next to him at the pool that day. She probably wouldn't be taking no for an answer and she'd probably have talked him into being completely reckless. "At least try on the dress I have in mind."


"You're way sexier than this dress shows."

"It's a charity ball, Rose. Not some stripper bar."

She started to pout. "Please?"

"Fine," I groaned. "I'll try it on but I'm not promising anything. Plus, it'll probably need to be altered and we won't have time for that."

Rosalie went to the back where they were waiting for us and asked them to take a dress off of the mannequin. The dress really wasn't my style and I wasn't sure if my dad would love it. Don't get me wrong, it was gorgeous. The dress was black with a deep v-neck in the front and it was backless. The dress was tight and fanned out into a trumpet at the bottom and when I tried it on...I had to give credit where credit was due.

I looked hot and I probably would have Edward drooling all over me.

But that wasn't the point of the ball and I turned to Rosalie who was practically glowing.

"No," I shook my head.

"It fits you perfectly, Bella."

"I don't care. I like the dress I picked out."

Rosalie sighed. "I think it's a sign."

"What is?"

"The fact that it pits so perfectly,"

I looked down and tried to find a flaw in her argument. "It's too long."

"Pish posh!" Miss Victoria smiled as she walked up to us. She started doing her measurements and then pulled up the bottom of the skirt to a better length. "It only needs to be taken up a few inches. I could do that in my sleep."

"But you put so much work into the blue dress," I argued.

She shrugged. "Now you have a dress for another fancy occasion,"

"My dad already paid for this dress," I didn't want to buy this dress to make Edward think I was hot.

Rosalie smiled. "Bella, your father would buy you ten dresses if you asked him to," She said. "This charity ball is happening because you came along when they thought all hope was lost."

Sometimes...I hated being their miracle baby.

Because I always seemed to be guilted into things because of that.

Rosalie smiled. "Come on, Bella. When was the last time you looked at yourself and felt that you looked sexy and worthy of a guy?"

"He's off-limits, Rose."

"But you can make him wish he wasn't," She smiled and after a few minutes of thinking it over, I reluctantly agreed to buy the dress. Victoria took another forty minutes, putting in pins where it needed to be taken up and then I got dressed so we could go.

I wanted to be mad at Rosalie, but I was pretty sure her heart was in the right place.

She just wasn't great at showing that.

A week later Miss Victoria worked her magic and the dress fit me perfectly. When I explained to my dad Rose had practically forced me to buy another dress, he simply kissed my forehead and told me I could have all the dresses in the world.

Miracle baby problems.

"I told you that dress was perfect," Rosalie smiled as Carmen helped me get into it the night of the charity ball. Rose had come over earlier so we could get ready together and we'd just gotten her into her gown. She looked flawless, but that wasn't a big surprise.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you excited to see Ben tonight?"

"Yes," She said matter of factly. Rosalie had always said that she was young and she wasn't someone who wanted to be in a serious relationship while in high school. Ben was a friend from another school who always went with Rosalie to these kinds of things because they really were just friends. He didn't expect anything from her and she didn't feel pressured to go and sleep with him or fall in love with him.

It had been a while since we'd seen Ben since he graduated last year and went to school in the state of Washington.

After Carmen zipped me up, both of our mothers were calling our names for us to come downstairs. When we came into view, my mom started to tear up and Margret grinned.

"Beautiful girls," Dad smiled as he came and kissed my cheek. "Happy birthday, baby."

I blushed. "Thanks, daddy."

"The photographer is here," Carmen announced right at five-thirty. The six of us piled into the living room by our giant fireplace and we had our pictures taken. We had group pictures, family pictures, and pictures with just Rose and I. You would have thought we were going to get married or something, but since this was my eighteenth birthday, my mom had gone a little overboard.

To me, this was normal, but to anyone else, she was going way too over the top.

"I like the new dress," Mom smiled, but then she raised an eyebrow at me. "It's a little revealing, isn't it?"

I suddenly felt subconscious. I crossed my arms over my chest and licked my lips nervously. "I think it covers enough."

"It just looks like something Rose would wear," Mom shrugged and then touched my arm. I took some offense to her comment because it seemed like she was calling Rosalie a little bit slutty and by association...she was calling me a little bit slutty.

"Don't listen to her," Rose whispered in my ear as we went outside to get into the limo. The six of us got into the limo and the adults made a toast with champagne and gave Rose and I sparkling cyder. When we got to the hotel, there were already some people outside waiting for us.

The ball didn't start for another thirty minutes.

When we got inside, mom and Margaret ran around with the party planner doing some last-minute checks and Rose and I found our way to the bar to see if they'd let us sneak drinks.

We were recognized immediately and sent away.

"And if you try this again we will tell your parents," The bartenders boss threatened as we turned to walk away.

After thirty minutes, the band started playing their music and the doors opened up. People began to file in and we started to greet them. After twenty minutes, our parents let us go so we could go mingle with our friends before everyone was seated for dinner.

As we were talking to Ben, Jessica and Mike, Rosalie turned around and smiled.

"Hubba hubba," She giggled and I turned to see who she was looking at.

I turned around to see Edward looking as hot as ever in his tuxedo speaking to my parents. He wore a crisp, black tux and had a deep green bowtie to match his eyes. He smiled as my mother greeted him and I felt my heart skip a beat. He looked up and his eyes met mine and I bit my lip in anticipation.

It was like there were fireworks or something going off inside the ballroom.

"Nothing between you, huh?" Rosalie whispered in my ear, breaking my trance. I turned to her and rolled my eyes to try and tell her that she was crazy. "I could feel the tension from here."

But she wasn't crazy. I wanted him and it sucked that nothing would ever happen. I would always be a kid to him and I refused to chase him.

I was about to go and say hello to him, but a tall, blonde woman came up and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and smiled at her and I felt my stomach drop. He'd brought a date. A beautiful date. I shouldn't have been surprised. He was taking extra care to make sure I got the point that we were not going to become a thing.

Before I could muster up the courage and walk over to him, I was whisked away from my spot by my father to say hello to some of the big donors of the evening. I talked with a few men and their wives and when I was finally set free, I couldn't find Edward anywhere.

"Sorry, boo," Rosalie sighed as she sat down before my parents gave their annual speech.

I looked at her. "Why?"

"Because he brought a date," She whispered.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I shrugged and focused my attention on my mom who was getting ready to get everyone's attention.

After my parents gave their speech and thanked everyone for coming, the waiters started coming around with our food. My friends were a good distraction, but I couldn't get Edward out of my head. Especially since he was here with a girl.

Were they dating? How long had he known her? Were they somehow related and he was just bringing her to get me off his back?

I had so many questions that would remain unanswered.

After dinner, my mother and Rosalie pulled me to where a giant cake was being rolled out by one of the waiters. Dad got on the stage and told everyone we would be singing happy birthday and as people starting singing, I noticed Edward leave the ballroom.

Mom rubbed my arms as the singing stopped. "Make a wish, baby."

I thought for a second and bent down to blow out my candals. I stood up and looked at my mom, who was wiping away a few tears.

"Mom, are you crying?"

She smiled and tried pretending like she wasn't. "My baby girl is all grown up."

"We still have a year before I go to college," I reminded her as I hugged her tight. "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Bella!" She squeezed me tight as dad joined us. They took the cake back to the kitchen to cut. I was feeling very warm from all the attention that had just been on me, so I excused myself onto the balcony.

When I opened the door, I felt a cool breeze on my face and jumped when I saw Edward leaning against the railing. I didn't want to bother him so I considered going inside before he saw me, but then the door slammed shut and he turned around.

"Sorry," I whispered. "I didn't know you were out here."

He nodded. "It's okay, Bella."

I didn't want to get too close to him, but the distance we were standing from each other was awkward. I took a few steps closer and he bit his lip. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"I am."

"Who's your date?" I knew it wasn't any of my business, but I had to know. Or I at least had to ask.

He stood there for a few seconds like he was thinking of whether or not he was going to answer me. "She's a friend?"

"Just a friend?"

"Yeah. We're neighbors."

"Do you like her?"

"Does it matter?" He asked and I took a deep breath.

"No, it doesn't."

He shut his eyes tight. "If you must know, we went on a date a few weeks ago. It didn't work out romantically."

I perked up. "Oh?"

"Yeah," He nodded. "Because I can't get this...incredible girl out of my head," He was losing whatever battle he was fighting. I could tell. "The only problem is...she's too fucking young for me but she's driving me absolutely crazy."


"Because I can't get her out of my mind!"

My breath hitched. I couldn't take it anymore and I stepped closer to him and touched his cheek. I forced him to look up at me and he took a shuddering breath. "Today is my eighteenth birthday. I'm not a minor anymore."

"You're still my boss' child."

"I'm not a child anymore," I argued. "And what my dad doesn't know won't hurt him."

"Bella," He tried fighting it, but I wouldn't let him. I looked at the doors and made sure no one looked like they were about to come out and turned back to him. "We...can't."

I nodded. "We can," I whispered and leaned up and brushed my lips against his. He fought it for a second and then melted into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed me up against the balcony railing. He pushed himself closer to me and I could feel how hard he was.

The kiss became more passionate as we stood there. I ran my fingers through his beautiful, bronze hair and pushed even closer to him.

After another few seconds, he pushed away from me and took a few steps back. "This is wrong."

"Stop thinking about it."

"I can't!"

"Why?" I asked. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not one of those bumbling idiot teenager girls."

"I know that," He nodded. "You're amazing, Bella. I never would have guessed you were younger than're smart and kind and you care about people."


"And you're so fucking sexy I can't think of anyone else," He admitted. "Did you wear that dress to torture me?"

I smirked. "Rosalie convinced me to change dresses at the last moment."

"Of course she did," He rolled his eyes.


He looked up. "What?"

"Shut up and kiss me," I demanded and I didn't have to say anything else. He walked towards me and pushed me against the railing and kissed me.

And I swear I saw stars.

Just then, the balcony doors swung open and we pulled apart. He stayed in front of me so no one would know who it was and I could feel him shaking.

"Bella?" I let out a breath. It was only Rosalie. Edward moved aside and Rosalie smiled big when she saw me. "You're parents are asking for you."

"Why?" Edward asked, panic in his voice.

Rose smiled. "Relax, they just want you to say hi to some more people."

"Okay," I turned to Edward who just nodded at me. There were things we needed to work out, but I didn't even care right now. I was high on him right now and nothing could ruin that.

After I talked to who my parents wanted me to, Rosalie dragged me into the womens bathroom. She shut and locked the door and demanded answers. I didn't hold anything back. She'd cuaght us red handed so she would know the information sooner or later.

"So? Now what?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I have no idea. That blonde he's with is his neighbor. If she saw us together...she knows who I am now."

"She doesn't even fucking matter right now," She rolled her eyes. "Are you two starting anything?"

"I don't know, Rose."

"Do you want to start anything?"

"I don't know."

"Well...figure it out!"

I laughed. "Thanks for that advice, Dr. Hale."

"Just doing my job."

As we left the bathroom, someone gripped my wrist and pulled me into one of the coat closets. Scared at first, I went to scream and then Edward turned on the light.

"Don't scream! It's me," He smiled.

I let out a breath. "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry," He giggled. "I wanted to ask you something."

"What?" I bit my lip.

He took a deep breath and looked like he was facing one of his fears. "Come home with me."


"Come back to my place for the night," He smiled his sexy smile. "You've been driving me crazy all night in that fucking dress."

He leaned down and nibbled at my jaw. "That...feels nice."

"Come home with me then."

I nodded, not really able to think as he kissed his way down my neck. "Okay. I'll tell my folks I'm going to Rosalie's house. She'll cover for me."

"What about her parents?"

I smiled. "Her mother is wasted right now. And her dad will be here so late with other businessmen, he won't even know I'm supposed to be there."


"What about your date?" I asked.

"Tanya and I are just friends," He assured me. "And, she left already."

"What? Why?"

He shrugged. "She didn't feel like she belonged here, so she called a friend to pick her up."

"So...we're free then?"

"To do whatever the fuck we want," He smiled.

"What brought on this extreme confidence?"

He shrugged. "I'm already going to hell, might as well have some fun."

"That sounds like Jasper talking," I laughed.

"You're right. That's what he told me when I called after you went with Rosalie," He laughed. "But, he's right. I've been a fucking train-wreck these last few weeks're eighteen."

I smirked. "I like this Edward."


"Yep. He's extremely sexy," I leaned in. "And I'm getting wet just thinking about all the ways we're going to have fun tonight."

"Fuck," He muttered as I pulled away from him and left the closet.

I had to leave him wanting more.