"Nick, would you mind pass me the backpack, please?"

Busy, Judy kept the cookies in the basket. That's all it took for the basket to be complete.

"Here you have!"

Nick put the backpack on the kitchen table next to her and kissed his wife's head before returning to the couch, continuing to take care of what he was doing initially.

"Daddy, where are we going today?" the soft, thin voice was very exciting.

"To the new amusement park. But first, you have to help me."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

With a low head expression, the little green-eyed rabbit with the gray hair in black tones stretched out her little arms so that Nick could finish wearing her sweater. Next to them, a small fox of his eight years old, was fixing his little backpack.

"What do you need all this for, Thomas?" Judy wondered as soon as she approached her son to put the cap on his head.

"We're going on an adventure. I can't forget anything", the excitement of the little fox, made the violet eyes shine, making Judy have no arguments to scold him face of such situation.

"You and your stupid adventures!" Catherine twisted her nose and turned her face, without first throwing her tongue out at her brother.

"Come on, kids, this is no time to argue." Nick finished putting the hat on his daughter's little head. "Is everything ready?" he asked, looking at Judy.

"Yes." She confirmed, taking the backpack and the basket, passing the backpack to Nick.

The towel was stretched on the grass. The basket was opened, and things removed. Judy prepared the meal with the help of her husband and children. The children, after eating, decided it was time to play, and Judy asked Thomas to keep an eye on her sister, even though the park where they were going to play, was not many meters away.

"They are energetic today!" Nick laughed.

"They're like this every day." Judy answered, putting some things in the basket. "But once they go to the amusement park, that energy triples.

"It's true."



Judy withdrew the term she had prepared with the coffee. She also took out two cups and poured the liquid into them. She closed the cup again and sat down next to her husband, delivering the coffee to him.

"Who knew we'd come like this!" Judy smiled at her own words.

Nick nodded affirmatively and drank some of the coffee.

"I always dreamed of having a family and you gave it to me. Thank you, Judy."

Smiling at his wife, he put a gentle kiss on her lips.

"You're welcome, Slick."

Judy smiled and stood up. Finishing drinking her coffee and picking up her husband's cup, she put it back in the basket and called Thomas and Catherine to come to them. After all was done, the four of them headed for the amusement park.