A/N: Okay just fair warning some of these characters I have never written before so they might be totally out of character and I apologize ahead of time so don't expect too much. Also, this is meant to be a funny story so don't take it too seriously.

Disclaimer: Still don't and never will own any fandom ever... That includes Hetalia. But enjoy anyway.

Chapter 1: Oh no...

Arthur knew he had made a mistake as soon as the dust had settled. The commotion upstairs had gone silent. He checked himself first. The last time the fairies got involved, he was turned into a woman. Luckily, nothing had changed on him.

Carefully, he snuck upstairs. Arthur sucked in a deep breath and cracked the door to peek inside. In the room where Alfred had been throwing a small party, there were now several sleeping children, all around the age of five years.

Arthur quickly shut the door. How many people did Alfred invite? How was he going to return his friends back to normal? Questions were filling his head and he was beginning to feel dizzy. One thing he knew, however, was that when they all woke up most of them were going to kill him and he wasn't ready.

The British man was just about to go find the fairies and demand them to fix this mess, but he heard the sound that he was dreading the most.

"Dude, your a kid," Alfred laughed, his voice much younger sounding.

"So are you, burger bas…" a clear young Italian voice grumbled. It was clearly Lovino.

Elizabeta scolded him. "Don't you even think about say those naughty curse words while we are kids."

"But we aren't kids," Lovino argued.

"Well, we are trapped in kids bodies right now," Elizabeta said as sternly as her child voice would let her. "Just don't or I will hit you with one of Arthur's pans."

"Shouldn't we be more concerned with the fact that we are kids," Lukas' younger voice said. "How did we even get like this anyway?"

"The last thing I remember is I was doing an awesome song cover and then I blacked out." A squeaky voiced Gilbert remembered.

"Hey guys," Vlad said, his Romanian accent thicker as a child. "Where's Artie?"

Arthur heard some shuffling around in the living room and then a sound that made him fear for his life.

Slowly the door creaked open an a pair of red eyes stared at him. They looked him over and then back at the child's body they were trapped in. A smile came to the child's face as he turned around in his over-sized clothes.

"Lukas, I found him," Vlad announced. "You should come see this."

Lukas stumbled to the door, fighting the pant legs that were twice the length of his own legs. When he finally arrived his eyes grew wide and he looked over to his Romanian friend.

"What did you do?" His child voice came out cold and accusing.

Arthur sat up straight and cleared his throat. "It wasn't my fault. The bloody fairies got involved and it was too late to cancel the spell. They messed it up and now this." The British man gestured at his friends.

Vlad and Lukas shared a knowing look and shrugged.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Vlad asked.

Lukas tried to pull up his sleeves but they failed to stay up. "First, we need to explain to the others what has happened."

"They're not going to believe us," Arthur pointed out.

"Really they have no choice," the Norwegian said. "Then we need to find some clothes that fit us. I better get a hold of Tino and tell him I won't be home tonight."

"I probably should call Nikola too," Vlad stated.

Arthur quickly jumped in, "No! You can't call. They'll know something's wrong when they hear your voices. Just send them a text or email. The last thing I need is angry nations knocking on my door demanding to know why you guys are suddenly children." The Englishman was becoming more frantic.

Before anything else could be said there was a shout in the living room followed by whining. Vlad and Lukas went back in to investigate. It wasn't long before Vlad called to Arthur for help.

Upon entering the room, Arthur found Elizabeta trying to hit Gilbert with the fire poker. Alfred and Lovino were laughing so hard, Arthur was sure they were going to pee their pants. He quickly went to Gilbert's rescue, retrieving the makeshift weapon from Elizabeta.

"Hey, I was using that," the female nation pouted.

"She was trying to kill me," Gilbert said trying to get away from her but was having a rough time in the over-sized clothes.

Liz pointed at the albino boy and growled, "I wouldn't have to kill you if you would be nicer." She turned to Arthur. "He said I looked like a boy and that I was too stuck up to know what was going on."

Arthur turned to Gilbert, "Really?"

"I was just kidding. She's the one who is being super bossy." Gil pouted.

Alfred looked at Arthur and pointed out, "Why aren't you trapped in a kids body? How did we even get like this?"

"Yeah, scone bas…" Lovino started to say but then saw the look Liz was giving him.

Arthur looked at Vlad, who gave him a thumbs up. "I'll try to explain but don't you guys want some clothes that actually fit you?"

All of them agreed that it would make life easier. Arthur went to the attic and found a box full of Alfred's old clothes. He couldn't ever bring himself to get rid of them and now he was happy he hadn't. It didn't take long for him to hand out outfits that seemed to work for everyone. Even Elizabeta ended up with a dress that was suitable for her.

When Arthur pulled the dress out, Alfred face turned bright red. "You kept that?" His child voice became even higher pitched from embarrassment.

"Yes. I actually forgot about that until now," Arthur laughed.

Lovino looked at Alfred with a mischievous smile. "You wore dresses as a kid, Al?"

"No." Alfred said defensively. "Allistor came over one time and forced me to wear it. That jerk. You said you got rid of it." Alfred glared at Arthur.

"I thought I did," the Brit replied giving the dress to the Hungarian girl. She left the room to change.

After everyone was changed into clothing that actually fit them, the 'kids' gathered on the couch. Arthur took a seat on the chair across from them.

"Start explaining," Liz demanded.

"Not like your going to believe me." Arthur sighed. "I was trying out a spell and some fairies arrived. They tampered with the ritual and when I finally realized it there was no time to stop." Arthur looked down. "I thought I would be the one affected but I guess you were the fairies' targets. Probably all the noise you were making."

Lovino straightened up and looked ticked off. "You are trying to say that fairies turned us physically into children. That is a bunch of…" the Italian trailed off.

"I know," Arthur said. "It's the truth though. Vlad, Lukas and I are going to try to find a way to fix it."

"It may take a few days," Lukas added.

"A few days!?" Liz's green eyes widened. "There's a meeting the day after tomorrow."

There was a collective freak out. Everyone had forgotten about the meeting and they were not wanting to be seen in their current state.

"So, two days?" Alfred sighed. "Two days."

"I know you guys don't believe Arthur, but we will do our best to undo what was done." The young Norwegian said.

The group gave each other looks of disbelief but they really had no other option except to trust Arthur, Vlad and Lukas.

"What are we going to do?" Elizabeta asked. "I can't go home like this. Roderich would freak."

"My boss would flip if he saw me like this," Alfred laughed.

"Tomato ba…" Lovino started to say but looked over to Elizabeta who was giving him not so nice looks. The Italian swallowed hard and restarted. "Antonio would be unbearable."

After a few minutes of consideration, Arthur sighed. "Everyone can stay here. I have spare rooms that everyone can stay in."

The group of 'children' agreed, but only because they really had no other choice. Arthur let out a heavy sigh and headed back towards the basement.

"Wait!" Alfred ran after his older brother. "You're just going to leave us alone?"

"Why wouldn't I? I need to clean up the mess down stairs and find my spell books that might help fix this mess. Besides, you lot might be stuck in children's bodies but your minds are still that of adults," Arthur pointed out.

"Yeah, but what if Lizzy tries to murder one of us again?" Alfred questioned, eyes slightly wider than normal.

"Don't say anything to make her mad. See, simple solution." The older male turned back to go to the basement. "It'll only take me a few minutes anyway. I am sure you can survive without me."

The American nation let out a whine but returned to the living room while dragging his feet.

Rubbing his forehead, Arthur continued to the basement wondering how he was going to fix this mess.

Hope you enjoyed. Review if you liked it, please.