Note: I'm VERY sorry this is so late; the past few weeks have been stressful, and I needed to take some self-care time. Even though it's late, I hope you enjoy.
This is set during the Prologue of my main Corrwain fic, "Here in Paradise With You." It's the "missing" wedding sequence.

Corrwain Week 2018

Day 7


Limbs still tingling with afterglow, Corrin and Owain walked hand in hand down the ramp of the treehouse, headed toward the mess hall. Today had been eventful for the couple: their first real date, Owain's marriage proposal, and then their first time in bed as lovers. However, the most nerve-wracking part still lay ahead.

"Gods, I hope my siblings don't make this a huge ordeal," Corrin sighed, leaning into Owain's shoulder as they crossed the lawn.

"I'm sure we can expect some sort of celebratory reaction," Owain said as he released her hand to hook an arm around her shoulders.

"That's what I'm afraid of," she said with an exhausted expression.

"Why shouldn't they, though?" he asked, beaming at her. "Is not our love worthy of the greatest of exaltations? After all, the Princess of Fate and Scion of Legend have vowed to share eternity together—such a union demands pageantry!"

With an adoring chuckle, Corrin sighed again. "I suppose you have a point."

"Of course! However, I'll happily champion a reasonable amount of pageantry that doesn't vex my beloved's anxiety," he said, smooching her temple.

"You're the best, you know that?" she said, grinning at him.

"Such praise is music to my ears, beloved."

The mess hall was already crowded when they arrived, a din of chatter and silverware scraping against plates overpowering the room. Fingers clenching in Odin's hand, Corrin weaved between tables, exchanging pleasantries when addressed, until they arrived at a table in the back, where Ryoma and Xander sat together, deep in conversation. They both turned as the couple approached, hailing them.

"Ah, Corrin, Odin! Back from your morning date, I see," Xander said with a pleasant smile.

"You two are welcome to join us," Ryoma said, indicating a vacant spot at the table.

"Actually, there's something I need to tell you both," Corrin said, nervously wringing her hands.

Xander and Ryoma smiled attentively as Corrin spoke, the clamor of lunchtime continuing around them. Their eyes widened in response to her news, and, exchanging a glance, they nodded at one another before standing in unison.

"Attention, everyone!" Ryoma called in a commanding tone. "We have an announcement!"

A hush fell over the hall as all eyes turned toward the pair of royals. Adjacent to them, Corrin had a hand over her eyes as she hung her head, Odin nervously shifting his feet with a shy smile beside her. Grinning broadly, Xander addressed the room. "It is with great pleasure that we formally announce the engagement of our dear sister Corrin to her partner, Odin." A roar of approval answered them, a few wolf whistles and scattered applause intermingled within. Xander raised a hand to call for quiet, and the room went still again. "While it's true that given our current circumstances, we can't host a proper wedding, Prince Ryoma and I unanimously agree that a ceremony must be held."

"Wait, what?" Corrin said, head shooting upward. "Xander, no. No. That's really not necessary."

"Of course it is," Ryoma interjected. "In order for the marriage to be official in both Hoshido and Nohr, it has to be properly sanctioned. Who better to do so than both country's crown royals?"

"Please, Ryoma, we didn't do this for anyone else," Corrin pleaded, cheeks blushing darker by the second.

"That may be true, but you're a princess and the leader of our army," Xander contended, grinning shrewdly at her. "Not to mention our beloved younger sister. That's more than enough to warrant a celebration."

"And the two of you kept your relationship secret for so long that it's only natural we'd want to celebrate your union," said Ryoma, mirroring Xander's smirk.

Corrin looked between her two brothers, sputtering protests, when a hand slipped into hers, and turning, she faced Odin. His cheeks were equally flushed, but his smile was encouraging, and a squeeze of her hand communicated the, "It'll be okay," he didn't speak. With a huffed sigh, she smiled back at him. "All right," she said, not taking her eyes away from Odin, "do what you want. Not like you'll listen to me, anyway."

Mingled laughter and cheers replied to the quip, and a buzz of chatter filled the interim as Ryoma and Xander instructed Odin and Corrin to stand more centered in the room. Once they were arranged, facing each other with hands held, the two princes stood just behind them in a mock-imitation of a proper altar ceremony. When Ryoma brought his fist to his mouth to clear his throat, a sizzle of shushing in the crowd brought silence to the hall.

"In Hoshido, tradition dictates that a bride be handed into her groom's care," Ryoma began. "However, knowing Corrin as I do, knowing the strong woman she is, such tradition feels almost insulting to her character." A smattering of chuckles gave him pause before he continued. "That said, as her brother, I'm grateful she's found someone who appreciates her strength, who brings her joy in these dark times. I wish you both a lifetime filled with love, laughter, and peace. Know that if ever you need me, I am here to support you both, always." He nodded at the couple with a tender smile, then he turned to Xander.

Taking a small step forward, Xander said, "Nohrians have a similar tradition of passing on daughters to their husbands, but I too agree that's a custom unworthy of our brave Little Princess." Corrin covered her face with a hand and groaned as the audience tittered. "Corrin, despite the circumstances of how it happened, it was my privilege to watch you grow into the woman you are today. And Odin, in the two years you've served my brother Leo, I've seen you demonstrate fierce loyalty and diligence above all else. I have no doubt that you'll be just as devoted to your wife, and it is with that I offer you both my blessing for happiness."

Corrin wiped at her eyes with the heel of her palm, sniffing. "Thank-you both, that was lovely," she said. " that all?"

"Unless the two of you would like to exchange your own vows," Ryoma said, grinning at the couple.

Corrin turned back to Odin, and the way his face lit up told her he wouldn't skip an opportunity to speak. Sighing, she hung her head, a smile dimpling her cheeks. "Okay, dear, go ahead."

The crowd of onlookers chuckled, but a handful grimaced, fearing a never-ending monologue from the dark mage as he cleared his throat. Sensing this unease, Odin said, "Knowing my reputation precedes me, I'll endeavor to keep this brief." Genuine laughter answered this, including a chorus of derisive guffaws from Laslow, Selena, Leo, and Niles. Odin waited for the reaction to die down before continuing. "Life...hasn't always been kind to me," he said, smiling softly down at their joined hands. "I've done my best to take it in stride, to not let life's dark tempest pull me under. Not many people really understand me, but I try not to let it bother me. I accept my fate as the odd one out." Odin locked eyes with Corrin, grin widening at the sad smile she gave him. "But you, my're the light for which I've searched the world over to find. I know I can be difficult to be with, but you always treat me with not only patience but acceptance. I promise you that I'll endeavor every day for the rest of my life to show you how grateful I am for that. My love for you is infinite, Corrin, a bottomless well that you can call upon whenever you have need. As long as I'm alive, you'll never be alone again."

Stunned silence followed. No one could believe what they'd just heard. Sure, they expected maybe some I love yous and comparing Corrin in some obscure metaphor, maybe even a shouted declaration of affection or two. The heartfelt, tenderly-spoken speech clashed with Odin's perceived persona. Was this really the same guy who babbled on about dark incantations and fell spirits of the night and gave weapons ridiculous names like Skyfire Poker? A few in the audience were immune to the dumbstruck silence, though: Laslow and Selena, who shared a knowing smile and held hands, already aware of their childhood friend's ability for depth; Leo, who folded his arms with an impressed grin, having tested Odin's sincerity the day prior; and Camilla, who had a hand over her heart and a finger daubing one eye, since she never doubted the earnesty of Odin's love for Corrin for a moment.

Corrin wiped tears from her cheeks, grin splitting her face as she sniffled. "I knew I shouldn't have let you go first. How can I possibly top that?" Odin joined the group in their chuckle to the remark, and he raised a hand to clear a stray tear that dangled from her chin. Their eyes met, and Corrin tilted her head just slightly, beaming at him. "I'm not nearly as good at this as you are, but here goes," she said, squaring her shoulders. "Odin, when we first met, you definitely made an impression. I can't say now if it was entirely positive, but at the very least, you were interesting, and it was for that reason that I remembered you when you joined my group. It wasn't always smooth sailing with you, but as our relationship deepened, I saw bits of you emerge that I hadn't noticed at first. Underneath all that charisma of yours, you're a very kind-hearted person, who'd sacrifice anything for a friend. Some may not believe it, but you're also a good listener, and you actually have pretty good advice when I'm having doubts or need a problem solved. More than anything, though, I'm grateful that you're you, Odin. You're unapologetically original, and I love every facet of you. You bring me so much joy every single day, and I honestly can't think how I've been living all this time without you. I love you, Odin, quirks and all. I look forward to appreciating you for the rest of my life."

Odin bit the inside of his lip, blinking back tears that glazed his eyes. Quite a few in the audience shared that emotion, stray sniffles scattered amongst the crowd. Sakura and Elise wiped tears as they smiled at each other, Hinoka aggressively fanned her eyes in a failed attempt not to cry, and Camilla clutched at her heart with both hands as she sobbed on Hinoka's shoulder. Takumi and Leo shared a glance and a grin, both too happy for their sister to hide behind pride, and Xander and Ryoma were nodding at each other just behind the couple. Even Jakob, who stood on one wall beside Felicia as she dried her eyes on the hem of her apron, spared a small smile, his eyes closing.

"Thank-you, both of you, for sharing that with us," Xander said after a moment of silence. "Without further ado, though, I believe we've delayed lunch long enough."

"Though there is one more tradition we need observe," Ryoma said with a chuckle.

Odin blinked, not understanding at first, but Corrin nodded at her brothers, grin broad. Framing Odin's cheeks, she yanked him toward her and smothered his lips, ignoring the whoops and cheers of the crowd's response. When she pulled back and grinned slyly at him, Odin huffed a chuckle and, in retaliation, hauled her into his arms to kiss her again, which led to even more jeering from the audience. They were both laughing as they broke apart, cheeks flushed and smiles filled with joy. As shouts for an evening feast rang out, Corrin laced her fingers in Odin's, who squeezed back in return. She'd imagined what her wedding would be like many times while growing up, as most people did, and even though this hadn't matched any scenario she'd conceived, it was perfect in its imperfection. Odin pecked his lips against her forehead, and she beamed at him. This was the happiest day of her life.

Thank-you SO MUCH for reading and to any one who participated in this event! This ship deserves a lot more love, so I wanted to host a fun event for them. See you all next year for Corrwain Week 2019? :D

You can find me on Twitter sakumomakestuff and on Tumblr sakumosowainthirst!