Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters! All rights belong to Ms. JK Rowling!

As eleven year old Harry looked around, he heard noises all around him. Parents and students saying goodbye, the sound of the train. He saw the red head family, he had seen earlier, talking loudly. He rolled his eyes at them. The only ones he liked were the two twins. He got onto the train and took a seat in the back compartments. He sat there silently reading a book he had snuck into his school supplies, when that big oaf hadn't been looking. He heard a knock on the compartment door and he looked up. He saw a blonde and some other people in the back. He unlocked the door and opened it.

"May I help you?" Harry asked.

"We were wondering if we could join you, it seems all the other seats are taken?" The blonde asked speaking for all of them.

"You may," Harry nodded and let them in. He sat down at his previous spot.

"I'm Draco Malloy, this is Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, and Theodore Nott." Draco introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Im Harry Potter." Harry introduced.

"Harry Potter? As in the Golden Boy?" Pansy sneered.

"Don't know where the golden boy comes from but yes my name is Harry Potter, and if you don't like me and must insult me then you may leave this compartment." Harry glared at the girl. She looked at her friends for support but they just looked at Harry.

"Well, Potter, it's nice to meet you." Draco told him, holding his hand out.

"You too, Malfoy." Harry returned, and he shook the blondes hand. Both felt a slight tingle but ignored it.

"Nice to meet you, you can call me Blaise. Unlike my dear friends I'm not that formal." Blaine said.

"I can tell," Harry chuckled. "Nice to meet you too."

"Pleasure." Daphne greeted him. He nodded back. Pansy slightly miffed, hid it and just nodded at him. He just looked at her before returning his attention to Draco and the other three.

"So, are you all in first years?" Harry asked.

"Yes. What house do you expect to be in?" Blaise asked.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"He means your Hogwarts house. Do you know what they are?" Daphne asked. Harry shook his head 'no'.

"There's Hufflepuff, they're for the loyal and kindness. Ravenclaw is for the intelligent and creative. Then there's the Gryffindor for the brave, you could say, and Daring. They're a bunch of dunderheads along with Hufflepuff. Lastly there's the Slytherins house, it's for the cunning and ambitious. All of us are more than likely to be sorted in Slytherin." Draco answered.

"I don't know, this is my first time ever with anything magic. I didn't find out until my birthday." Harry answered shrugging.

"Let me get this straight. The Harry Potter didn't know he was a wizard until his eleventh birthday?" Pansy asked.

"What's with the emphasis on my name? As for your question yes I didn't know until my eleventh birthday." Harry answered. The whole compartment looked at him shocked. "What?"

"Harry you're famous in the wizarding world. You defeated You-Know-Who when you were a baby." Daphne answered.

"So what? I was a baby. It's not like I did it knowingly." Harry shrugged. "If the wizarding world believes that's heroic they have a low expectation in heroism." Draco looked at him for a minute before he started laughing.

"I like you! Finally my parents and godfather have been saying that for years and finally the person himself says it!" Draco managed to get out.

"Just because I'm 'famous' better not get any special treatment. I do not need that." Harry shuddered.

"You don't like attention do you?" Draco asked. Harry shook his head.

"We'll get used to it. I believe we'll be great friends," Harry smiled at that.

"That's great. But I must ask. You wouldn't mind helping me with the ropes of being a proper wizard and what not would you?" Harry asked.

"Of course not!" Blaise exclaimed. "We'd help we're friends now, aren't we, Draco?" Draco nodded.

"Of course. So first as friends I'd like to say, let's get some candy." He said seeing the cart outside. The others laughed. They knew he liked getting the blood pops ever since he had tried them when he was younger. He bought that and got some things for Harry since Harry didn't have any money on him for now. Since, Hagrid only got enough for Harry's school supplies. Harry promised to pay Draco once he could. Draco waved it off.

"Don't worry to much!" Harry nodded. Harry looked out the window and saw the landscape pass by. "So I was thinking. Since you want to learn about this world I can have my father send a book to me that I can lend you."

"That would be wonderful." Harry told him, looking at the boys. The compartment only consisted of the boys since the girls left after they found their other friends. Harry sat on one side with Draco while Theodore and Blaise sat on the other side.

"I have a question, and hope you're not offended." Draco started and he waited for Harry, who in return nodded. "I just remembered something. We met at the shop didn't we, and I knew i came up to be an arse, and I'd like to apologise. But my question was where we you all this time?"

"I lived with some muggles, my mums sister was my aunt and she raised me. Well I wouldn't say that. More like I raised myself and they were just there. I don't want to reveal to much right now, but in later date when we're better friends I would." Draco smiled and nodded at his answer.

"Of course." The blonde told him and Harry smiled at him.

After hours passed by the boys were having fun, it wasn't anything crazy or anything. But they were having fun just talking to each other and being new friends. Harry might be new to the group but they felt like they've known each other for years.

Suddenly a bushy haired girl came in along with a red head and a boy that looked a little scared.

"In sorry but we were wondering if you've seen a toad?" She asked coming into the compartment.

"Sorry, but no." Blaise answered.

"Oh well. Thank you," Neville said.

"It's no problem. This is Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, and Blaise Zabini. Im Harry Potter, nice to meet you." Harry said extending his hand to Neville who took it smiling.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Neville Longbottom, this is Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley." Neville introduced.

"If you want you may join us, Longbottom." Draco told him. He seemed relieved and nodded thankfully.

"Can we join as well?" Ron asked looked at Harry as he ate his candy. The redhead was practically drooling and chewing as he ate.

"Sorry, Weasel, but if you haven't noticed some of us have class and standards." Theodore grumbled as he closed the door. Hermione was acting all bossy as soon as she came in but Ron was just disgusting. It was better to not have either of them in the compartment.

"So Neville, how did you end up with them?" Draco asked.

"One minute I'm sitting alone and the next Trevor, my toad, gets off my lap and Hermione is barging in. After that she took it as her job to find him even if I knew that Trevor would come back." Neville shrugged.

"Well, don't worry. We'll keep them from taking you. That Weasel was disgusting." Blaise shuddered. Harry chuckled. As time passed Draco got up.

"We're almost there. Anyone want to join me to the mens changing rooms?" Draco asked.

"I'll go ahead and do it." Blaise said and Draco nodded. Harry got up as well. Neville and Theodore were already changed so they nodded at them and they talked to each other as the three other boys left. Harry, Draco had to share one of the rooms since there were only two and it was two persons per room. Blaise being him didn't care and locked the door from the inside and didn't let Draco or Harry in.

As Harry was changing he forgot to cover the marks he had and Draco of course saw.

"Who did this to you?" Draco asked running over one of the handprints on his shoulder.

"Can we not talk about it, at least not right now?" Harry asked.

"Harry if someone's hurting you, you should tell someone. I can talk to my father, he works in the ministry. He can help you." Draco said softly so Blaise wouldn't hear in the room besides them.

"Not right now, I just don't..." Harry felt like crying and Draco seemed to sense that because he put a hand on Harry's shoulder and squeezed it just a bit.

"It's okay, I won't bring it up. But you know you can tell me whatever you want and if not me then you can talk to my godfather he works at Hogwarts." Draco told him. Outside of the friends group Draco and his friends might come out to be rude and evil people but inside the group they were caring to the people they considered friends or family.

"Thank you." Harry told Draco and the blonde smiled before finishing in changing. Once they were both changed they walked outside and saw Blaise waiting for them.

"Ready?" Blaise asked. Draco and Harry nodded and they made their way back to the compartment.

IF YOU GUYS LIKED THIS CHAPTER! Then go comment and give me feedback! Based on that I'll most likely update and post more chapters! Also:

i have another story that is a Harry Potter fanfic! I'll be uploading that one as well and updating them both! Please check the other one out as well!