The world of Arcs

Hey guys sorry about me being absent for almost months and I know that many of you want to know where I was going to update my other stories, don't worry because I am starting it and I finish it half but still not complete.

But anyway the reason I am make this story is because want I want to try it I am been searching time to time for Ash x Pokemon but I can't see new ones I got worry because theirs nothing more interesting for that so I feel losing my motivation and my very pairings on ash so that is the reason way I haven't updated.

But enough of that. I am giving you this story as a apology and this story is a experiment one so I don't know is going to be popular or not but so be it.

I don't own RWBY, It belongs to Roosterteeth and to Monty oum(R.I.P)


"Waaahhhh!" "OUFF!" "Where are we!" a young girl said.

"where's our weapons!" yelled by a white-haired girl

"Ruby are you okay!"

"what is this place?!"

"Guys! Where's jaune!" yelled by a red-haired spartan


(Minute later)

"Okay so where are we?" Blake asked to her teammates and NPR (minus jaune), who just shake their heads.

"Oh! You guys came!" said by someone

Then they turn their heads to see a young man nothing but wearing jeans and a hoodie with a silver-colored glasses and the way his expression says is laziness. Combed hair to the right side, and more taller than them just above his chin.

"Hey guys what's up?" he said with a lazy smile on his face.

They were surprise by this because this person came out of nowhere and greeting them like nothing is happening not only that this place looks empty. So why is this guy doing here?. But he notice something missing.

"Huh? I thought the professors are coming"? he thought to himself aloud, they perk up to hear about the professors, maybe his talking about Miss Goodwitch and Headmaster Ozpin?

"Wait! What are you talking abo-" said the heiress before she can continue a loud-



"Ah! My back!"

"My Leg!"



(Minutes later)

"Student's are you okay?" ask Miss Goodwitch

They nodded and then they turn around glaring to the person who, they thought that he's the responsible for this. They sift to combat-stance with a exception of Ren. The professors notice this and then got alerted when they saw the person standing there smiling. So they got to combat-stance except to Ozpin who is weeping to his broken coffee mug saying 'no my love of my life' something like that. He saw them sift to their combat-stance, he put his hands up in a lazy manner. And says "Whoa I am not here to fight alright" then Weiss said "Your responsible for this aren't you?" angrily. He nodded not even bother to her threat she got angry because his not taking this seriously.

Then Miss Goodwitch ask carefully "Who are you young man?" he change his gaze to her and smile "Well I go by many names but you can call me Guardian" he said with a friendly smile saying his not a enemy, Goodwitch narrowed not believing any words he said, He notice this and sigh then he look to the crying Ozpin, who his hugging some broken pieces of his mug, he then lift up his hand and glow to a bluish with a mixture of white aura. They got alerted and prepared to battle in case he attack first but also shocked to see him use his aura, they heard they can manipulate their aura but in more defense and enhance in their attack but to see a person manipulate like that, they can't be to sure how dangerous he was. Then at that moment they notice that his doing nothing minus his hand glowing, until they notice his not aiming to them his aiming to… Ozpin!



He heard their cries and turn around to see the person with his glowing hand he tried to dodge but he notice some shards are coming closer and stopped in mid-flight and he felt some shards are trying to 'escape' to his grasp and he hugged tighter, refuse to give up his precious coffee. Until they manage to get free and now swirling with the other pieces. "No! What are you doing!" he shouted while he ignore him and focus to the pieces and it gave bright light, they stopped to their tracks when they run to him and Ozpin staring to the bright light with a expression of awed and worry until the light die down revealing a newly fix mug with the coffee he drinks inside. The mug slowly descend towards him, he held up his hand to caught it and safely come to his hand. He stared in awed and surprise and took a sip of his coffee, until his expression turn more calm and collected expression he was.

"Ah~ that's better" he said in relief and look to him "Thank you young man" he thanked, which he nodded in return and return his gaze to the others, who are shock, awed or some even can't tell if their shock or awed by this, they return gaze on him with a questionable shock but he simply smile to them.

(Scene change)

"So let me get this straight you want as to watch a bunch of universe?" ask Weiss in a 'I-don't-believe-you' look to him. Who just nodded with a smile and said "yup I saw the others doing the same thing to you guys" he said. This caught them off guard. Others? Means some other beings doing the same thing to them? But why?.

"To answer your question about that I don't know maybe is about the a certain wannabe knight and his different adventures" he said with a shrug in his shoulders. This got the team NPR's attention.

"Wait you mean jaune?" Pyrrha said

"Our awesome leader!" Nora said with excitement

Ren said nothing.

Team RWBY also caught the attention about jaune, this thing is all about jaune and his adventures but why?

"Um… excuse me but can you tell us why we are here and watch him?" asked ruby, who is curious and confuse about this thing happening.

"Yeah I mean vomit-boy? Really?" yang said, who also don't know why they will watch him. But this also caught her interest about him.

"That doofus? Why we are wasting are time watching him?" Weiss said with a frown and she continue "Can we just go home and study I have better things to do."

The professors didn't know what is going on around, this universe is all about jaune? Why all the beings likes him and his adventures, considered his the weakest among the students and barely can fight on his own.

"Well he maybe the weakest, but that doesn't mean his the weakest among all." he said and continue " I saw him every universe that he as his own strength and watch him grow until he became a huntsman that no one can match" he said. All of them widen their eyes by this, Him became a huntsman that no one can match? That is absurd to Weiss because of how weak he his.

"Well Ice queen maybe this will change your vision around him if you learn how to not judge people around by just the physical" he deadpanned clearly disappointed to her being a ice queen.

She got angry and said "even here too!" yang just laugh and said "Even other universe can't forget that name ice queen hahaha!" she glare at her and threaten her.

NPR whoever are curious about this, this universes are all about jaune and his adventures and see him grow. They want to see him how he act and how he fights even ruby who is interested by this and see any potential weapons she can find or see and see how jaune use them.

The professors are also interested into this, to see their weakest student to a strong huntsman and also what other future can lead to. Ozpin also worried if this will cause a effect to the students if they met 'her'

'Don't worry ozpin I am sure this will not cause anything that can effect them' he heard a voice and look to Guardian, who smiling and nodded to him, trying to ensure him that this will not cause any changes on the future or the students. He nodded in gratitude so he can't worry about her anymore but that doesn't mean he can't be caution if he suddenly reveal 'her' by accident or intended to be.

He then ushered them to the theater and after a minute of walking and some complaining they finally arrive to the theater and said to them take a sit and they did. The team RWBY and NPR are in other side while the professors all behind them.


"So what are we watching?" Peach said curious about what will they watch.

"Maybe our awesome leader can be a awesome superhero!" yelled Nora, excited to see him a superhero.

"Maybe we can see him doing something with didn't see him doing?" Ren suggested, he was curious to his leader and brother-like figure's doings. What talents or skills that he has, he knows that beneath those personalities his has something hiding that he and everyone else doesn't know.

"Or maybe his doing nothing but do stupid" Weiss said with bored tone.

"Just play the film already!" yelled yang

"Yang be quite!" ruby shushed her sister trying to keep her quite. Blake just seated and wait.

"Ozpin are sure his doing something that will cause a leak to our secret?" asked Goodwitch to ozpin, not trusting this and but worry about this 'watching this universe thing'

"I am sure Glynda" he assured her "he knows what consequences will happen if he accidentally show it or intended to be" he said to her, clearly show his expression that he trust him despite his lazy manner and on how he handle things like nothing happened.

"He will tell me if the universe is included her then we have no choice but to watch" he said, after they being ushered to the theater he ask him if he can really control the universe. But Guardian said that some universe he can but some are not and they been control by the other beings or like him, not only that some are very powerful or locked that he can't control or altered much less add a bit because those universe are created by Gods or Goddess.

Him his just a watcher and creator like them but not powerful enough to create a whole universe he can only create small universe like this and then he added that he can't ask permission to does beings because is a sacred rule and not meant to be broken, once it's broken his powers will be striped away to him and unable to do anything.

Not just that his new to this power and he can barely do it because of how lazy he his that taken care of your own universe is your biggest responsibility and you are the only one can create their fate like whose going to live or die and its not easy to take a life even you're a God-like being and the one who takes the role of a 'hero' as its risk and can be turn something you never expected like you took away his or her love away and you just let the person die in front of him/her.

Then all of sudden the hero you wanted to make just turn to something you dislike and theirs nothing you can change it. What's done is done. Evenly and quietly he said 'even you ozpin the girl pyrrha died because of what you did cause displeasure by the others' causing ozpin to wide eyes and shock.

What did he mean cause by him? And let pyrrha died? That something he never heard off. Does this mean that the plan he and the teachers planning failed? This got him to worry and regret, something tells him that all the decision that he make all leads to more deaths or maybe even worse.

But before he can continue blaming himself, Guardian assured him that will never happen because him and the other came form the alternate world and the said event already happened in the original world or universe and he said that he still got plenty of time to change it and discuss this to the teachers and of course change the course of events that can lead to something he didn't want to happen and the first course is to train ruby and pyrrha and jaune because those three are important and of course let the others know what will happen if this said events happened to their own world.

He said that some worlds had already happened but lead to different paths, like pyrrha who manage to gain all the powers of the maiden and defeated cinder but the cause of jaune's life because he manage to come in time and stopped her to turn pyrrha to ashes because of this pyrrha became distant towards her friends and set killing of the one responsible of his death is cinder after she manage to escape.

Others that cinder won and kill pyrrha until jaune and ruby came and defeated thanks to jaune's semblance but the power was transferred to ruby and became the new maiden and plus the awakening of the silver eyes.

Every path is different it depends to the course of actions and events so that's why he tells him to prepared to this kinds of events to lead. After hearing all those kinds of events, ozpin now wondering if he can actually change their time line and avoid necessary events like this so no one can suffer and die as he said those three are quite important as well as jaune, he maybe the weakest to the other student's but only in physical strength but there's is a reason why he chose him to stay and chose him to become a leader that his strategic mind and improvised plan, creative and resourceful mind that no huntsman have other than him.

So its decide he will change the course of time line that his original one failed to do so and decide to talk to Glynda about jaune training him and prepare for the upcoming events even in the Vlytal festival.

After that long explanation and what cause will happen. Glynda is having a second thought, she never heard of this to anyone and of top of that cause this chain of events. She was shock, surprise and of course worry to her students and the innocent civilians. After ozpin explaining everything and the training for jaune she decided to help him to train and prevent this course to be taken, at first she can't take this if this is a joke or just a plain real and she can't even accept if this will happen or not. But after hearing that explanation she already decide and help him to change.

"okay ozpin I will help him and train him" she said with a serious tone, determined to help him even if his the weakest but she knows that she will never judge anyone anymore even on how they look like and their abilities.

He nodded in gratitude "Thank you glynda and I will tell this to the other professors" he said with a smile.

"Alright lets get this movie start!" Guardian said with excitement on his voice.

As the place gone dark and screen goes on.

What universe are they going to watch?

Hey guys what's up! this story is just a experiment but i want to see if this story of mine be successful and see how much received. if positive i can continue this RWBY story which is my first story about watching jaune but if negative, well. lets just say i am taking it down.

also about my name i reon is The White Guardian

Thank you for noticing it and be sure to give donations so i keep making stories for you guys thank you very much!