Note: It's been a while, sorry I've been away so long. I've been going through some personal things and really didn't have the time or motivation to write. But I hope to ease myself back into the writing, with this little Dark comedy.

Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Just a little hang-up.

Chapter 1 - Exposed

No One's pov.

Walking into Sikowitz's classroom, just before the bell, Jade instantly knew where she was going to sit. It was the same place she had been sitting for the last several months, directly behind where she knew Tori was going to sit. The people in the class could sit anywhere they wanted, but Jade knew Tori was a creature of habit. With little variation she would sit in the 2nd row, one seat in, usually next to Andre. She was usually early for class as well.

As Tori was not here yet, Jade could only wait with anticipation and hope this was not one of those few days where the Latina, much to Jade's annoyance, would vary her routine. After a few seconds of suspense, could hear her familiar voice talking to Robbie about some assignment they had for English class, as they walked in the room.

A second later, Tori sat down in the chair right in front of Jade, who quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hi Jade" Said Tori as she quickly turned around and smiled at the Goth. Though part of her wanted to smile back and even blush, all Jade could do was sneer and shoot back.

"Don't look at me. I'm not teaching the class."

Shrugging off the retort, Tori turned and fixed her attention to the front of the classroom, where Sikowitz was writing something on the chalkboard.

At the same time however, Jade turned her attention to the thing she coveted most, Tori and her beautiful hair.

"Don't look at me dum dum, look ahead so I can see that beautiful flowing river of soft brown hair that flows down your shoulders like…..Oh my god, she used the strawberry shampoo. Oh my god, I so love that smell." Mused Jade, as she quietly and covertly swooned.

Jade wasn't even quite sure how it all happened. At first, she hated the annoying Latina who constantly stole her parts, but something about that hair that seemed to always linger in her mind. It was so soft, so brown, so long, so silky, and it always smelled divine. More and more as time went on, she found herself thinking about Tori almost constantly. While she found herself secretly liking the Latina's smile, her goofy sense of humor it was her hair that always made Jade's knees turn to jelly.

By the time she realized what was going on, it was already too late. She had not only fallen for Tori, but had become rather obsessed with the Latina's hair. Though Jade never actually used the word obsessed, she simply accepted the fact that she thought about it, a lot. Part of her knew she probably needed help. But since she never once thought of harming Tori or her perfect hair, she didn't seriously consider it.

However, Jade never thought Tori would like her back or even accept the fact that not only was she weirdly obsessed with her hair, had even kept one of her hair brushes that Tori had accidently left in the locker room. Jade kept the brush and the hairs it contained in plastic bag in her room. It was like being near heaven, but not being able to get in, so Jade lived in this sort of hellish limbo. Jade of course, then simply turned her frustration on the object of her desire by constantly insulting her, but not so badly that she'd want to stay completely away.

After a time of eagerly studying the broad waves in the Tori's hair, Jade realized that Sikowitz had been speaking for probably several minutes and she hadn't heard a word.

"Stupid Vega and her super silky hair" Muttered Jade under her breath as she began to focus on Sikowitz's lesson.

The rest of the class went uneventfully, save for Cat's sudden case of hiccups, which thankfully didn't last long. Jade only looked at Tori's hair 4 or 5 times and found herself rather productive in class. Right afterward, she got up and walked out without saying a word to the Latina.

Jade knew perfectly well she could shut out thought of Tori and those beautiful long brown locks and not get distracted if she wanted to, but most of the time Jade wanted to be distracted.

She had hoped it would be a normal day, at least as normal as it could be when after 3rd hour Jade came down the hallway and as she turned the corner she could see Tori at her locker.

It was then Jade's heart fell and her day was instantly ruined, as Tori had done the one thing that Jade utterly despised.

Tori, at some point after 1st hour, had put her hair up in a tight bun.

"How dare you!" Hissed Jade to herself, feeling a mixture of equal parts despair and rage.

Continue to mutter to herself Jade made a beeline for the janitors closet where as soon as she was alone, ranted in pure and absolute frustration. "How dare you put your hair in a bun. I hate it when you put your hair in a bun. Your hair is beautiful and long and flowing you now you imprison it. It needs to be, free and silky and more importantly, out so I can admire it."

Needing to vent her frustration, Jade pulled out her best pair of scissors and made the janitors new trash can pay dearly as in minutes, it was in small pieces laying on the floor. While angry, Jade deep down was devastated as she usually was on those rare occasions when Tori wore her hair in a bun.

Normally she'd rant for a bit, then become rather depressed and of course wonder just how the Latina had gotten to her so badly. Jade would also usually lament how as a lesbian went, she was not only in the closet, just a bit pathetic at the same time. She took a few minutes to write in her secret Tori journal, mostly ranting about the hated bun. Finally, a few minutes later, pieced herself back together, fixed her makeup, briefly wondered if the local mental hospital accepted both walk in's and her insurance, then went onto class.

Not having Tori in any of her classes the rest of the morning, helped Jade a lot through her time of her self-described tragedy and mourning.

Lunch came and Jade prepared herself for the presence of Tori's hated bun. She would just do her best acting job that nothing was alright.

"I'll just wait until she released her hair and make up for it by climbing the tree outside her window and watch Tori comb her hair before she goes to bed. That will make it better." Thought Jade to herself happily.

To anyone watching lunch at their table appeared to be as normal as any other day, Cat blabbered something about her brother, Robbie argued with Rex, Andre talked about some girl, Beck and Tori chatted and Jade with a scowl on her face stabbed her salad with a fork. Only, Jade spent lunchtime silently cursing the person who first thought to put a woman's hair in a bun.

Then about ¾'s of the way through lunch, it happened or as Jade would put it, the miracle of miracles. Tori in the middle of a sentence, reached up and pulled her hair out of the bun and let it fall down naturally over her shoulders.

Jade who had been watching Tori out of the corner of her eye, was instantly ecstatic. Tori normally when she wore her hair in bun, would keep it that way for at least a day. But this was early release, which made Jade happy as could be.

Pausing for a moment, she could only watch in wonder as Tori's hair just fell out of the bun and cascaded down her shoulders in glorious fashion.

"Oh my god, that hair, that beautiful hair. How I'd love to just wrap myself naked in Tori's hair." Jade thought to herself, happily.

Once again Tori's hair was free and Jade day was no longer ruined.

Lunch ended shortly after and the gang broke up and went to their respective classes. Deep down Jade was in such a good mood, she wrote all that she was thinking about Tori and her latest Tori hair fantasy in her journal in the first couple minutes of her next class.

A few hours later, Jade was walking down the big main corridor that ran the length of Hollywood Arts, on her way to her last class, which was Music Theory. As she neared the end of the corridor, where her class was held she noticed that she had neglected to zip her black bag shut after the last class.

Going to zip it shut, she realized that her blue, secret Tori hair love, notebook/journal was missing.

"Shit it must have fallen out!" Cursed Jade, as she moved to retrace her steps. A moment later, she spotted the blue notebook sitting on the floor, about halfway down the corridor.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Jade moved to retrieve her lost book, which seemed to have gone unnoticed by the other students as they moved onto their respective classes.

Jade had taken no more than 15 steps, but stopped dead in her tracks when someone finally did notice it, not only notice it, but picked it up.

It could have been anyone who found it, but as things would have it, it was Tori.

Jade suddenly felt paralyzed as Tori, still about 40 yards down the corridor, innocently picked up the notebook and opened it. Jade surmised that Tori was trying to figure out who it belonged to so she could return it. But Jade had nothing written on the cover.

Her paralysis suddenly turned to utter terror when she could see Tori's eyes practically bug out of her head, just from reading the first page.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. She knows about it, about me . Fuck I'm dead." Jade said as her sense of panic started to rev into high gear.

All was not lost however, as the rational part of her mind came to a realization.

"Wait, I never wrote my name on any of those pages, nor do I talk about anyone other than Tori. In fact it's all just about Tori. She won't recognize my handwriting. If I play my cards right, she may never know I wrote it. "

Quickly her mind worked out a solution.

"Sinjin, He has those stupid sock puppets. I can pay him off to take the blame, then threaten to kill him, if he ever mentions it again. Sinjin's super weird and Tori will believe it and soon she'll forget it. Now I just have to get out of here."

It was a perfect plan and Tori would never be the wiser. Jade, still a bit freaked out, but still proud of her plan had backed up several steps towards her last class, when Jade could see Cat walk up and greet Tori.

Though she couldn't hear what was said, Jade could see a rather freaked out looking Tori, then hand the book to Cat.

As Cat studied the book Jade to her horror, realized something; while Tori doesn't know my handwriting, CAT DOES!

Her heart racing and now on the verge of a complete breakdown, Jade said a silent prayer. "Please have them not see me. Please let me get away."

But, a second later, Jade looked helplessly as Cat handed the notebook to Tori, said something smiled and pointed right at Jade.

Still looking a bit stunned and perplexed Tori looked at the notebook in her hand and then directly at Jade. For a second her mind flashed to the final scene in 1978 Invasion of the body snatchers, where Donald Sutherland's character, now a pod person, points at one of the last humans and makes a rather inhuman screech to alert the other pod people to her presence.

Before Time seemed to move slowly, now it seemed to stop completely as Tori's expression suddenly seemed to quickly morph between disbelief and shock then back again.

"FUCK!" Was the only word, Jade's mind terror stricken mind could come up with as she had no idea how the Latina would react next. Still then Jade couldn't help but be moved by how the light shining in the window upon Tori seemed to light up her hair. To Jade it was almost like looking an angel or was it a devil? Jade really didn't know at the moment.

Standing there paralyzed, still half expecting to see a boatload of pod people to suddenly come rushing after her, Jade never expected what happened next.

Tori then suddenly smiled. Though it was a rather odd and enigmatic smile, it was a smile none the less. That alone sent Jade and her fears into overdrive.

Now totally freaked, out as her deepest secret was out, Jade did what any normal person would do in the same situation.

She turned and ran away as fast as she could…..

"Well, we all have a face
That we hide away forever
And we take them out
And show ourselves when everyone has gone
Some are satin, some are steel
Some are silk and some are leather
They're the faces of a stranger
But we'd love to try them on"

From the Billy Joel song, - The Stranger.

Lyrics used without permission.

This is a bit dark but I hoped funny at the same time. What will happen next, what does the smile mean. Who knows. What do you think of Jade's obsession. Let's face it, we all have our hang ups. This story probably won't be very long, no more than 3 chapters.

Thanks to Invader Johnny.

Ok, I'm going to stand on my soapbox for a moment, with a public service announcement.

For those in the United States over the age of 18, please don't forget to vote this November. Just in the last week, Trump and his merry band of fascists, let the public know they want to erase any and all transgender protection's. That in itself, is a good reason to vote them out.

That's all for now.