Back with another story! My first in this fandom so please excuse any mistakes! I'm completely obsessed with this pairing so I hope you enjoy! I'm debating whether to make this into a full story or leave it as a one-shot? Rated M for swearing and Citrus content, if you aren't a fan of either then this isn't for you! Comments are always appreciated! Enjoy.


It wasn't the most lavish or cleanest of hiding spot that the Fairy Tail wizard could find, but when you had a group of demons tailing and trying to kill you; Natsu Dragneel would happily take a tiny, dusty storage room in a vast fortress for a brief respite on any day of the week.

Thank Mavis.

Two of the seven strong Team Natsu were out for the count, one having exhausted her barrier magic to allow their escape with the more urgently incapacitated female of the two in tow.

Lucy Heartfilia and resident Celestial Mage of the Fairy Tail guild had been thrown under water with the 'Fish Monster' (Happy's nickname) and unable to take a breath due to her surprise at being blasted backwards into the drink, had fallen unconscious under the water before Natsu had managed to scream out; rendering his opponent asunder long enough to dive into the water to rescue her.

When he saw her pale face, blue lips and still chest; he'd feared the worse and, with tears rolling down his cheeks; let out a Fire Dragon Roar so powerful it had rendered the rest of their enemies knocked out long after their retreat into the vast depths of the fortress.

Back to the present time, making due with what they found in a eight by six foot hidden room; Natsu had sniffed out in the darkness of the 'basement'. It contained within nothing but a random assortment of boxes, sacks, torn books and a broken chair. Lucy had been laid on a cot fashioned from some large empty grain sacks and a few stacked tomes as a makeshift pillow. Despite the slight feeling of claustrophobia at five comrades and two cats crammed into the tiny space, it was a welcome haven, no matter how brief. Natsu and Ezra Scarlet were crouched by Lucy while a semi conscious Wendy Marvel and her Exceed Carla lay slumped against the opposite wall with Gray Fullbuster keeping a lookout by the door, Happy now sitting by the white Exceed.

"We need to rouse her...we can't possibly beat them without her help. Wendy's out for the count and my magic energy is waning." Erza ushered quietly into the room.

"Well for a start we need to get her dry -"

"YEAH...any excuse for Natsu to grope a wet Lucy-" Gray snickered as Erza placed a musty old blanket next to the Celestial Mage in the corner of their temporary hideout.

"I wouldn't do that you Perv!" Natsu glared at his brunette comrade.

An exhausted Wendy looked on with tears in her half lidded eyes, her white cat napping peacefully in her arms, the solemn blue cat with his paw on Carla's head.

"If you had an ounce of control with your stupid fireball Flame Brain, Lucy wouldn't be in this mess!"

"You wanna run that by me again, Popsicle?" Natsu growled lowly at the brunette as the Dragon Slayer refused to take his eyes from the pale face, closed eyes and blue tinged lips of his best friend.

He let out a huff of annoyance as his blue cat flew to him and raised a paw to prod him in the chest.

"It wasn't Popsicle who didn't think to check where his team were before he let loose a fireball so big it sent his best friend plunging backwards into a river of enchanted ice water...Natsu!"

This time, his eyebrow rose.

"Oh sure, cause it would be real swell if you could do something useful instead of shooting smart-ass remarks while we do all the wor-"

"Will you three focus?! She's not breathing and if we don't think of something soon, we could loose her!" Erza snapped from her position next to the deathly pale blond.

Gray and Natsu glared at each other briefly before they heard the teary sob of Happy, who had quickly lost his vitriol against his master and was now nuzzling his blue face against Lucy's chest as he murmured for her to wake up between his tears.

"I can't feel her breath." Erza sighed harshly, laying her ear quickly against Lucy's chest to check her heartbeat. Natsu felt his chest clench painfully and a harsh breath rattled from the back of his throat.

"S-she-s n-not...please tell me she-"

"Calm down, Natsu...I can feel her pulse...she must have swallowed some of the cursed water as she sank. That's why she isn't breathing."

"Wendy!" The fire breather had an idea and looked over urgently to the almost asleep fellow Dragon Slayer across the room. "You can heal her with -"

"Until I get enough of my strength...back...I-I won't have the energy to heal her...I'm sorry N-Natsu. I'm feeling pretty useless about now..." She fell silent after that, her head drooping from her exhaustion and the crestfallen look in Natsu's dark eyes.

"Don't stress it kiddo, it's not your fault. You really saved our asses back there." Natsu smiled warmly with thumbs up and ruffled her head affectionately. "Get some rest, both of you." He added, returning his gaze to his Celestial Mage.

Wait? His?

A flush settled on his face.

That's right...his.

"Looks like we'll have to this the old fashioned way...we have no other choice." Erza moved towards Lucy. "Either we shove fingers down her throat to force the water back up or someone gives her the 'kiss of life'."

"Let Natsu do it...I bet he's -"


Two iron fists delivered two separate uppercuts to the arguing Fire and Ice wizards as Erza stared at them in fury.

"Do you want the enemy to find us?!" Erza hitched as the two men rubbed their faces in pain.

"Snow-cone starte -"

"Fuck you, Ballbuster!"

"One more word from either of you and I'll drown you both myself...we have a hoard of demons intent on world destruction on our tails and your Nakama is lying unconscious and potentially dying next to you and all you can seem to do is argue-"

Natsu's mouth opened and closed a few times like a fish, his cheeks reddening and eyes narrowed in resolution as he pushed past the red haired Mage and pulled Lucy into his grasp.

A golden glow radiated from his hands as they hovered over her still body to dry her thoroughly.

The other two then watched on in surprise as he began pressing down repeatedly on Lucy's chest, then lifting fingers up to part her cold lips and pressed his mouth to hers to blow warm air down her throat. Her chest heaved with every lung full of warm air Natsu pushed down her throat.

"Come on Lu..." He bit out harshly after several repetitions, as an explosion jarred them from somewhere above in the fortress.

"Shit...if those freaks find us down here we won't just have to worry about Lucy and Wendy..." Gray whispered to Erza as she looked between Natsu, who was pressing his palms even harsher against Lucy's chest in between pressing his mouth deeply to hers forcing air down her throat; and the ice mage.

"Luce...don't let me watch you die again...please...we've got a promise to keep." The red and brunette heard their comrade bite out sadly as his next press of his mouth was more kiss than air.

"If we can distract them long enough to give Natsu time to continue to try bringing Lucy round, we can allow Wendy enough rest to heal herself and Carla, it could work to our advantage." Erza got to her feet and transformed into one of her many armour.

" guys are gonna get your asses least let me -" Natsu began.

Erza looked sharply down at the Fire Dragon Slayer as he gasped, his eyes widened suddenly and he barely managed to moved away from another blow of air; his task finally succeeded in its aim. Lucy let out a gasping splutter; dark water bursting from her throat and splattering on the floor by his trousers as her face grimaced.

"Good's it." he whispered against her golden hair, the others let out a sigh of relief, watching her chest heave up and down painfully.

Though still the Celestial Mage remained unconscious, breathing yes but deathly cold and still very much unconscious.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Natsu cradled her to his chest and blinked up at the other two.

Erza held up her hand to silence him.

"That Demon said the water was cursed to freeze the body from the inside've thawed her inside...perhaps now she needs outside heat."

"Outside heat?" Natsu raised a brow.

"Body warmth." Erza replied simply.

" I had to quickly try defrosting a slab of meat Luce asked me and Happy to take out the freezer the night before...but she beat me up cause I forgot and fell asleep...gotcha" Natsu replied absently, rubbing at his swollen lips as he tugged Lucy closer to him.

Erza raised an eyebrow at his babbling, sensing the Fire Mage beginning to panic, she sighed.

"Not listen may take more than that to get her back to need to do it gently and slowly so she doesn't go into shock."

Natsu nodded but looked unsure.

"What if I accidentally burn her -"

"You won't...just don't let your girl freeze to death...our resident Healer is out for the count, but you are the strongest fire wizard around are you not? Who can warm her up and bring her round as best as you can? I know you're itching to fight these demons but for now our only option is to have you sit out of this round. Lucy needs you more than we do right now."

Erza kneeled before him and placed a calming hand on his shoulder.

"Can you do that for her, Natsu?"

"Do I even need to answer that?" He replied softly looked down at his best friend with pink cheeks and a fond smile as her head rolled into his chest. Lucy shivered against him.

"Happy can you take Wendy and Carla somewhere safe until she wakes up? I don't want to chance them finding you all here in one place. Natsu can protect Lucy, but Wendy is easier to hide. As soon as they wake up, come to us...same with you Natsu." Erza commanded both of them.

"Aye, sir!" The blue cat beamed at being given such a responsibility and immediately flew off with the Sky Dragon Slayer and the white Exceed in tow as Gray held open the door.

" can do this." Erza looked down with a fond smile at the pair and immediately turned to the ice mage.

"Gray, lets go show those freaks what we do when they hurt our Nakama."

"With pleasure."


It was no use, Natsu thought harshly. No matter how much he cradled her in his arms and warmed her with his body, it still wasn't enough to stop her lips turning a paler blue.

"Come on Natsu...think." he pressed a fist against his forehead as he willed his brain to think of ways to warm her up. "What would Lucy do in my situation?" He whispered to himself.

She'd probably set him on fire or push him into a volcano - wait!

If he recalled correctly, she had been in this situation before, only Natsu had been the one who needed warming -

A fierce blush settled over his face as he remembered waking to a familiar scent and the wonderful warmth of her - ahem - naked chest pressed against him. She'd blushed and spluttered when he'd questioned her on it and grabbed the blanket from him but...

With a sigh, and still blushing slightly, he slapped his palms against his heated cheeks and looked down at his best friend. At least she was clothed this time. Not that he hadn't appreciated the brief view of her ample breasts before she yelled 'Pervert!' at him and covered herself...but he wouldn't dare admit that to her or she would push him into a volcano...

"Desperate times...sorry Luce." He dropped his hands to fumble with the sash holding his jacket together. "Please don't kill me for this."

Letting the sash and his jacket fall to the dirty floor, he paused for a moment as his hands drifted to the button of his white baggy pants.

Maybe he didn't need to go as far as that...

He pulled away the blanket hiding her frozen body and climbed over her, he moved her legs to unzip the thigh high brown boots from her long legs and put them aside. Natsu hovered over her briefly laying a hand against her cheek before sitting on his side and pulling her tightly against his bare torso.

Absently warming his body gently against her over the space of what must have been several minutes, his hands glowed a gentle gold; enough light to see better the task of rubbing his hands gently up and down her goose flesh arms, but not enough to cast more than a very faint glow to the room.

Natsu's eyes travelled around the tiny haven for signs of anything to use to help.

He could start a fire using those tatty old books, but that would be like sending a signal flare to advertise their hiding place in the now darkness surrounding them.

The broken chair was about as useful as a chocolate teapot and Erza had already checked the boxes but found them empty apart from a dead rat.

A grin briefly filtered through his frown as he imagined them hiding in the boxes, if the demons came knocking and Lucy's shriek of finding the dead creature within.

The tiny amount of light he emitted from his hands every few minutes to keep her warm while she recovered let him focus on her short puffs of air that seemed to be getting shallower by the minute.

Shit...was it still not enough?

Panicking slightly he hooked his bare calves round her long legs to press her further against him, jolting slightly at the frozen skin of her feet as he did his best to rub his warm skin against hers. Pulling her chin to rest in the crook of his neck one of his arms encircled her bare back, both cursing and thanking her for the blue halter top which left much of her back exposed. His cheeks pinked again.

Rubbing gently up and down her skin he found there, he grinned as a low murmur escaped her throat and she nuzzled against his warmth.

"That's it Lu, come back to me." Natsu whispered against her ear.

This time a spark of something shot through him as he felt her chilled lips brush against the juncture of his neck and jawbone.

"L-Luce? You awake?" He pulled back, panicking slightly to look at her face, her eyes were still closed but her lips were parted and still blue; he hesitated briefly before pressing his own against hers to once again blow more warm air into her body.

Another whimper left her throat as a now slightly warmer thigh lifted slowly to press right into his groin.

His lips froze open against hers.

The spark of something he'd felt earlier jolted through him again as her bare leg pressed deeper against the apex of his legs and he couldn't help the squeeze of his hand at her side against her hip or the closure of his mouth against her lips as he moved away briefly and let out a pained whine.

"Fuck Lu...I'm supposed to be warming you...not the other way round." He hissed quietly, eyes closing as her hips rubbed against him.

His eyes opened to find a half dazed pair of sleepy eyes open and trained on his lips. He was about to open his mouth to grin and welcome her back when she shivered against him.

"S-Stop'm too C-cold...Nat-su."

He blinked at her impishly for a moment before his hands found their way to her cheeks, grinning at her in admiration.

"Well done Lu...knew you'd find your way back." He dropped a proud peck on her cold nose and a faint whiff of pink dusted her cheeks.

"P-Pervert." She gasped meekly as his fingers drew lazy trails up and down her lower back.

"As much as you wanna call me the pervert, you fell into a frozen river of dark water and I'm trying to get you warmed up as quick as I can without your body going into much as you wish I was fondling you on purpose...I'm not. You started it."

Lucy's head nodded briefly, well more like drooped which made Natsu sure she wasn't completely with it yet; to test his theory he trailed his warm hands down her waist, lips curling up in a satisfied smirk as she nuzzled him again.

Yup...definately in cookoo land!

If Lucy Heartfilia was in her right state of mind she'd be way too embarrased to do anything like this and would kick him into the ground if he even tried it. If this is what it took to allow him to hold her like this without punching him and yelling in his face, he was 100% sure the risk of drowning outweighed his desire to snuggle with her. But he'd happily take what she allowed him even in her half drowsy state.

He was pretty sure Wendy and Carla were fully healed by now. How long had it been?

Natsu began to trail a warm hand down her thigh to warm her as his other hand went to trail behind her neck, when he felt her hand lift jerkily to fiddle with her neckline.

Confused, he pulled briefly away from her when he froze completely against the sight before him.

She had unclasped the halter top at her nape and the loose top immediately slipped down her front, stopping just short of baring her full ample chest to his wide eyes.

"L-Luce?!" His cheeks burned vibrant red as his traitorous eyes burned the sight of her breasts pressed against his bare pectorals. "Are you completely outta your mind?!"

Her slightly pinker lips opened and her gaze foggy, heated against his own slowly darkening eyes which burned a fire through him he'd never felt before as she whimpered against him. Her cold fingertips left an icy chill in their journey across the plains of his chest and abs.

"C-cold...need...m-more." She shivered against him, his eyes glazing over with something as his groin throbbed and he hardened slightly within his boxers.


He briefly wondered what the hell was going on when his shaky hands settled themselves on her waist and his pair of heated lips latched themselves onto her throat with a low growl.

"Mmn...Lu..." Natsu huffed against her throat warily. "Stop...r-rubbing - shit!"

"M-More." she gasped against his heated skin.

He groaned longingly, opening his darkened eyes to stare at her, desire and heat flooded his vision as she repeatedly rubbed her heaving breasts against his chest, their peaks hard and teasing him as the top threatened to slip down fully. Natsu felt a jolt of electricity shoot straight to his groin and the sensible part of his brain pulled him back from the pleasurable fog he was sinking dangerously into and his hands tried to settle on her waist again. Calming himself and his carnal thoughts, he attempted to stop this from escalating into somewhere he wasn't sure she was ready to go. Natsu sighed and pushed her curtain of long blond hair to one side; he placed a series of open mouthed kisses against her cheek.

A low whine passed through her lips and his head leaned against the back of the cot as her sleepy eyes drifted up to his face.

"S-Stupid dream." Lucy mumbled as her eyes shut and she tried to nuzzle into his chest again.

Dream? Luce thought this was a...dream?

Way to kick his ego in the balls, Luce!

Maybe he could let her think she'd dreamt this whole make out session in her head whilst completely out of it? It wasn't that he'd rather pretend this hadn't just happened...because if he was completely honest...he was whooping inside because fuck finally!...but Lucy would absolutely murder him if she found out what they'd done...or been about to do.

With a frustrated exhale he pulled away from her quietly, satisfied at her rosy cheeks, gentle smile and warm skin.

She was going to be ok.

He crawled gently over her and sunk to his knees by her bedside, humming in appreciation when she sighed his name dreamily in her sleep; pink tinging his skin as he traced the pads of his fingers down her shoulder blade.

He leaned down to her to press his still swollen lips across the crown of her hair and smiled gently.

Suddenly, smirking evily, Natsu had moved his hand to clip her halter top back into place.

So he left her blue top barely covering her breasts as silent payback for thinking their heated moments nothing more than a fever dream and to see her shriek of horror when the others returned and she woke to find herself indecent in front of them.

"I'm all fired up now." He grumbled with a warm smile as he pulled the musty blanket over her modestly and leaned back with a hand resting against his knee.

Which the others did eventually return a few hours later, not knowing what they'd find; it was one of happy surprise on their battle worn faces as they found a sleeping Fire Mage curled up against the wall next to Lucy's sleeping form on her cot.

Their hands entwined.


For now maybe!