CASSIE: I still don't believe it. Things have been going so quickly this last week. The most painful of all is knowing my best friend left me. What was so bad that she couldn't talk to me about it? I sniffed back a tear when a knock sounded at the door. I quickly wiped my eyes and ran over to answer it. It was Jake. He didn't say a word. He came in and hugged me then led me to the bed. He sat beside me holding me. And I cried. I cried like I never cried before. Not just for what happened in the last week. But for all of it, the whole fight. And Jake just held onto me. He didn't judge me, didn't make me feel worse. He just held me. And it was like that, that I think we finally connected. After I was done balling my eyes out. He got me a face washer and washed my face. He then got me out some clean clothes and turned around so I could get change. It was then I realised he was here for a reason. They were waiting for us. Yet he still didn't say a word. After I was done he led me out the door and down the hall to the meeting room. Marco and Ax were there along with three military personal. Two looked like scientists. No wait. They were shrinks. And there was something strangely familiar with them.

RACHEL: We were on the edge of the base. Watching, watching and waiting. "Now what?" I whispered. Tobias looked around. He had just morphed human. "We could morph we can't. Where's Ax when you need him?" "In there, which is where we have to get to ask him if I can morph. And the only way to get to him seems to be to morph." "Catch 22" We both sighed. Just then a truck came up behind us. We quickly ducked into the bushes. We were close enough to see the gate where the truck pulled up to but not close enough to hear them talking. Tobias morphed back to hawk, his hearing being better than a humans. I think they're scouts. Something about the shrinks being right on schedule. Bout half an hour, to see the animorphs I looked at him and he looked at me the same plan clicked in our heads.

MARCO: "Great, now they think we're crazy. Told you guys we'd end up in a nut house. What with all the insane stuff that goes on around us." The others looked at me and rolled their eyes. Even Ax, since when could he do that? And with all four? Now that's just harsh. "This here is doctor Armstrong and doctor Burks. Now aside from a few routine questions they will have to ask you for us. They are here for you. We understand what a load this war has been on you." This time it was my eye's that rolled. Doctor Armstrong glared at me. Whoa déjà vu. That glare was too familiar. "Start heading back to your common room and the doctors will be there shortly."

AX: "Did you guys see what I saw?" Cassie asked us. We were now back in our common room awaiting the doctors. I still did not quite understand the purpose of their visit. I did not feel sick. The others nodded. If it is true then we must not draw attention to it. We cannot allow it to be known "Duh - ", Marco was interrupted by the door opening. In came to two doctors, they were wearing white lab coats and thick glasses. They carried brief cases with them. They looked up at the camera in the corner then at each other. "Aximili, how are you?" Dr. Armstrong addressed me. I nodded. I am well thankyou and you? She smiled. Looked at Dr. Burk then lead me to Marco's room. "Make yourself comfortable and we can begin." I looked at her and stayed where I was. She smiled again as if finding it amusing and then stood with her back to the camera in this room. She winked at me and it was then I knew for sure they had heard prince Jakes message. I alternated my weight between my hoofs as if seeming nervous for the sake of the camera. Rachel wrote something on her clipboard; she turned it around for me to see.

We haven't much time. I have one main question to ask you. The others don't know. It was the reason we ran.

I looked up at her and used my stalk eyes to nod. What is it? Rachel looked down and touched her stomach. She then wrote down more.

I'm pregnant Ax. Tobias and I are having a baby.

My hearts skipped a beat and my eyes lit up. I wanted so much to hug her then and congratulate her and my nephew but I couldn't cause we were being watched. I knew what the next question was. But I didn't know how to answer it. I wasn't sure on human development. For us Andalites it depends on the stages. Certain ones you can, others you can't.

Ax, can I morph without harming the baby?

I shrugged. What stage in development are you?

About 2 and a half months.

Rachel. I'm not sure. At certain stages you can, others you can't. I will have to find out human development stages. I. I am sorry. At no stage for an andalite is it actually fatal. But it can disrupt the growth and development of the child. Other times it has no affect at all. I would advise against it until we can be sure Rachel sunk a little. I understood why. I looked up at the camera then back at her. Congratulations. I wish health, peace and blessings upon the child I then hung my head and did a small silent ritual.

TOBIAS: We were in, and for now we were safe. I pulled Jake aside into another room as if I was asking him questions. I looked at my watch I had 30 minutes left. What's going on? Is this place cool? "They claim to be," Jake spoke in a whisper. "But they won't let us out of here. But we have seen no yeerk activity. Nothing. You guys heard anything from the outside?" I shook my head. Nothing. Look Jake. I'm sorry we ran. "It's cool man. I guess its good it happened like that. Seen as this is where we are now." I looked at my watch again. Are the bathrooms cool? He looked around. "I bloody hope so." No choice. I then left to demorph then remorph.

CASSIE: Ax returned with Rachel and she then pulled Marco aside and they went into his room. Jake and Tobias then return. Tobias looked at me and was about to call me away when there was a banging on the door. It swung open and five men stormed in. All of them had a gun. All were aimed at Tobias.