Three Kindred Souls

So, I know nothing of LoL and I got this idea from Kindred, specifically the quote videos. A split soul of life an death is what I see, and here I thought 'What if they were within a body to haunt them? To chose someone?' And yes I have put my other stories on the back burner until I can give everyone the stories without BS.

So let the weird ideas sprout it roots as I try to give my two cents into the 'Jaune Arc hero' story types. Just with a different take. And for the sake of it there will be shipping, just not cannon. It will rustle some jimmies.

There isn't enough Mellow-Yellow to keep my thirst quenched though.

"Lamb, tell me another story."

As the moon was high in the night sky, a lone figure stood in front of a dark horde. Their red eyes and white masks peering at him in the darkness. A mask, half wolf half lamb held tight to his face, poured light equal to the moon as he stared back. His bow was drawn and loaded as he gazed back into the crowd of foolish creatures. One howled, then they charged.

"There once was a boy separated from his flock."

He let his string go and it flew, into the maw of a wolf like beast and it punctured through killing it instantly.

"Why was he separated?"

The beasts charged, several at once. They leap at him in hopes of a kill.

"His flock met a cloaked man, but he was shepherd away by water."

He dodged a snap at his face, then twisted away from a claw to his back. Kicking one to break it's guard and to give him space.

"Did he chase after them?"

With a quick load and jump, he soared over a few while aiming down. Letting the arrows do their work, three more dark creatures met their fate.

"He found a cave, and stayed for countless suns and moons."

With a quick sling of his bow of over his shoulder, he drew an ax from under his long brown leather coat. With a two handed grip he swung down, splitting open a head of another.

"So he was always alone?"

Rolling to avoid another strike, he swung up again. The black wolf who aimed at him found his jaws forcefully shut at such a force caused it to break its teeth and lose them.

"He wandered out one day from the safety of his hole. To only to come across an old wolf and an old lamb."

He drew his ax back out and once again swung at another, the blade of the ax catching it at the joint of its' jaws.

"What did he do?"

The figure ripped it out and swung again with enough force to carry the body into another and send it tumbling.

"The little boy cried."

The wolves started to dwindle as their ferocity started to increase as they soon realized this was not easy prey.

"What did the lamb and wolf do?"

The wolves snapped and clawed at him even harder. He sheathed his ax in the skull of one and drew his bow once more. Dancing away from the pack, he loaded another arrow.

"They held him, comforted him, raised him and possessed him."

Around the mass a force from the figure started to swell up. The monsters backed away as he drew another arrow once more. The sound of cracking wood filled the air as the mask changed to a full mask of the wolf.

"And he became a shepherd for life and death."

Dark mass erupted from him as he fell another, the mass turned into a form of wolf as if it were covered in shadows. Darken purple smoke gave the illusion of black as it caught a beast of the same kind in it's maws. The spirit held the mask of a lamb, a half of the human's mask. It gazed upon the dark pack.

"Now he is a reaper of souls. Where he goes, Lamb and Wolf guided him there."

With a snap of its' jaws, the dark creature was no more. Then the next and the one after that. The creatures of darkness were petrified, an old instinct telling them to run away if they could. Something they were not use to.

"How long will he be with them?"

They turned, and he chased. Arrows fell, the wolf feast and the lamb watched. One by one darkness gave way to light.

"Forever more."

The wolf and boy chased. One after another they met their demise until only the alpha remained. Heavily injured it limped as the spirit circled.

"This one is yours." the young voice of a male spoke. The spirit laughed darkly.

"Yes!" It screeched as it closed in. The alpha didn't have time to react as it found it's limbs torn off by claws and teeth. Agony spread through it's body piece by piece. When it's red gazed into white, it finally understood fear. It soon realized, the human was hunting them.

Only to lose that thought when it found it's throat in the jaws of the other beast.

"A fine hunt, the villagers would surely be grateful." The voice of a woman spoke in his head. He back traced to the corpse of a dead beowolf, ripping his ax out with a spurt of blackened blood. He put it back under his coat. His mask groaned as it shaped back into its' original shape, sound of wood splitting the air.

"Bits of them stuck to my claws, but it was fun never the less." The deeper voice of a male answered back. The boy could imagine the wolf shaking it paws clean from their grime in his head. The boy remained silent as he set off on his way.

Taking a week to get to on a caravan route, he found a remote village that offered goods he needed. Bartering with the village mayor, he offered to turn his skills from hunting animals to grimm in exchange for goods. Simple food, water and other necessities he needed were on the line. Service for products, it was fair.

"Still can't believe they wouldn't give me some arrows to start with." he grumbled.

"They made a deal with us, if they don't hold true..." Lamb started.

"Our hunt will be them." Wolf finished.

"Hold on, they try to survive like us. They may have a good reason."

"Jaune, we do what we have to." Wolf started.

"We may have to hunt here again." He countered back

"They're always weary after we finish." Wolf shot back.

"He is right Wolf, we may have to hunt once again in these parts, so familiar scents would be nice to recognize." Lamb said.

"Of course dear Lamb, apologies Jaune." The deep voice said.

"We're hungry anyway. We can think clearer with some fresh food." Jaune said. Lamb and Wolf agreed.

Rock and dirt was the only thing that guided them, following the markings of signs he found his way through the early morning. As the sun high in the sky, the wall of the village came into sight. The tall wooden walls over looked the road that led to it. The tall wooden walls held the guard tower as he walked up into the view of the two guards on top.

"Hey! Is that the kid who was here yesterday?" one called out.

"Yeah, I thought he was a goner when the howls were heard," The other said "What happened kid?" Jaune simply looked at him. Removing his mask, long blonde hair fell over the sides as his deep blue eyes pierced right back at the two.

"I've completed my end of the bargain for your leaders, now I've come to collect my reward." He said. The two guards looked at each other, one shrugged.

"I find that hard to believe, but they'll be the judge of that."

Shortly the gate started to open . As Jaune walked in he could feel the villagers eyes with equal parts caution and curiosity.

"They think us dangerous..."

"This is called...wary." Jaune paid no mind as he walked into the center of the town. The day prior when he walked in, he had the pleasantry of over hearing people talking about how caravans were stopping by less and less due to the beowolves. The so called mayor was trying to figure out a plan, as currency was solely traded with the visiting caravans. So call huntsmen or students in academies were out of the question as the fares were too high.

"Ah there you are," an older voice spoke out, "I was waiting for you." An elder man spoke as he approached him from the fountain. The man, a little shorter than Jaune standing at 6' 3", wearing a dull red dress coat with a blue vest underneath. Long black boots that came to a little below his knees that held his brown pants in place. A single revolver handgun strapped to his right thigh along side a combat knife on his belt. Fading blonde hair tied into a wolf tail. Eyes green eyes upon a rigid scared face seemed to greet him. John Hancock, the current Mayor of a little town called Goodneighbor.

"Mayor Hancock." Jaune greeted him.

"Welcome back to Goodneighbor, how'd it go? The boys were telling me about the howling." The mayor questioned.

"About as one can hope in the middle of an infested forest." Jaune said.

"Bad then?" Hancock asked as he tilted his head to the left.

"Rich with prey trying to bite off more than they can chew." Jaune replied with a smirk on his face. The mayor laughed out load, placing a hand on his hip and clearing his throat.

"Young, energetic and an ass kicker, I like ya. So you got the little ones big deal right? That's all good kid, but did you get the alpha?" The older man asked.

"By the time it realized it was the one being hunted, it expired." Jaune crossed his arms. The mayor looked back at him, Jaune could feel his body being analyzed by the older man. No doubt he was trying to find a trace of a lie with in the younger man. The Mayor smirked, and waved his arm to a man away watching them. Nate he believed. Jaune watched as the man approached with a bag of goods.

"They come with what is ours" Lamb spoke. He could feel the spirits flare inside, ready to fight if he was cheated.

"Hope it is all there as we agreed. We'll take if it is not." Wolf said.

'Calm yourselves.' Jaune stressed in his mind. The man was about as tall as him, He held out the large burlap bag. Jaune took it from him and opened it. Within it held many packages of well preserved food, several bottles of water, a few whetstones, and a bundle of the world's currency, lien. The supplies would last him for about a month or so if he rationed it out as best as he could. Jaune looked back at the mayor.

"And the arrows?" Jaune asked.

"Still being made, our resident hunter wanted to try to mix it with some fire dust to make exploding arrows." the Mayor answered.

"I could do regular ones."

"Oh trust me kid I don't doubt that, she just thought you could use a little extra kick if you came across some armored grimm." The Mayor defended. "Besides, feel free to stay at the inn. You could use the rest."

"I don't want to abuse your hospitality, your people are wary." Jaune said.

"The people of Goodneighbor are cautious, we all got each others backs. And you saved us a bit of trouble too. Dust knows what it would have cost us to hire the so called 'professionals'." The Mayor snide at the term. "All glory hounds, sure they get the job done but by the people for the- you know what, lets get you to that inn. I could use a drink." Hancock said. Jaune let out a yawn.

"I suppose I could use the rest."

In a small room, blue eyes opened. Careful to take in his surroundings of a new environment without getting ambushed. Sighing once he remembered he was simply in the room granted for him at the inn, courtesy of Mayor Hancock himself. When he fully came to, he could feel warmth coming from his left and right. A white collection of fur to his left told him that lamb was asleep with her back facing to him. Turning his head the opposite way, he could see wolf from the ground looking at him.

"Rest well my boy?"

"Sure did, a bed rather then the ground is great for the back."

"It is early morning, leaving now would only allow us a longer distance covered." Wolf seemed to exhale with a bit of irritation.

"Wanting to hunt again?" Jaune asked.

"You know me so well young one." replied the dark purple wolf, as he finished Lamb began to stir.

"Five more minuets." Lamb complained.

The gates closed behind him as he was waved off with friendly goodbyes and safe travels for him from the population of Goodneighbor. Who knew all I took was one word of a very trusted individual for a whole population to change it's mind? He certainly didn't, he doubt he'll never need that lesson, but it was good to know.

Now he started his journey once again as a survivor of the wilds. With the sun starting to rise he wanted as much ground to be covered as possible before he would have to find a place to sleep. He pulled down his mask, deep blue eyes peaked through the slits in the mask as he began. His quiver was loaded with a mixture of arrows, canteens filled with water. He was equipped with a pack full of rations, food and supplies. A map was given to him with his current location.

"Where to guys?" he asked.

"I once heard the West was a place for it's people and creatures being wild." Wolf stated

It was true, many travelers he had met told him stories of bandits and grimm being much more brave out there. He didn't have to say it but he was curious, they all were. There was no doubt for a challenge out there.

"Vacuo right? A lot of desert and sun? Sounds fun.", Jaune said to his companions.

"West, towards the setting sun Jaune..." Lamb began

"Where the new prey will be." Wolf finished. Jaune looked at map, He was far East on the continent of Sanaus, a mountain trail creating a backbone shape along the continent down to the sea separated him from the kingdom of Vale. He would most definitely stop by a few places on the way there. He was in no rush, he had his entire life to live. After all, maybe he could explore all of the continents.

'The Forever Fall does sound like a nice place to visit.'

So I will be honest. Not my best work. I just felt as if this had to get out of my head before I forgot about it.

Then I came up with a new Semi-crossover fic. Warframe again. It will be a lot different. So above all I just want to get a feel on how people will react to this one.

I create these projects to keep me busy out of boredom, but don't get me wrong I love them. It is such a pain to write. Like am I pulling a Chekov's gun or am I making it cringy as hell or even making sense.

I try for 3,000 words or more.