It had been a long day at the uni-college he studied at. His day was based around the total equivalent of seven maybe eight hours. Usually he had three hours of science, specifically chemistry, then one hour of composition, after that two hours of Musical History and that was just Thursdays during the recommended hours. Sometimes he would practice his solo pieces for the upcoming assessments and performances in his free lessons which were usually an hour or two, or during breaks whilst waiting for Cross. This day though, even as tiring as it was, Allen had dubbed it as, probably the worst day since the beginning of the semester.

First his lab coat was set on fire, and Cross had done nothing about it. Secondly that idiot of a lab partner Kanda had spilt some bloody chemical over both of them, because he wasn't looking where he was going╶╴and neither was Allen in all honesty╶╴so they had to go change their clothes after class just in case it was a hazardous chemical. Allen wasn't going to lie, the chemical had ruined his band shirt and he wasn't happy, like at least know the chemical you're using! Then halfway through his lunch he got a call, from the landlady of the apartment he recently moved into, that his roommate had turned up the night before to move everything in╶╴he was at Cross' with Timcanpy till late that night,╶╴which yeah cool stuff, but he was eating, no one interrupts him when he was eating. Just to top that off, Lavi had joined him, with Kanda and Lenalee; not that Allen hated them╶╴well two out of three╶╴it's just he was tired, Kanda still hadn't apologised for ruining his clothes and Lavi was annoying as hell itself sometimes.

Now he was heading home because sadly he had received a phone call from one of the places he works at telling him that he had just got laid off, which would now make everything even more stressful on him, but well at least it wasn't the music store that laid him off, just the stupid bar. Arriving at the stop, the student made his way to the apartment building he just wanted to go home, make a drink and sleep, since he no longer did night shifts, he could try sleep more now, but Allen highly doubted that sleep would grace her wonderful presences on him anytime soon, not if insomnia kept showing his face around town.

Dark eyes stared at the bright screen in his lap as he quietly sat on the couch. His day had been okay ish, he stayed at Tiedoll's last night, and decided to move the last of his things before his class started at twelve. Then something had happened during chemistry, to his unapproved of work partner, which caused a fuss in the room and eventually he zoned out after a few minutes, but sadly that even had its consequences. The said consequences of him zoning out and solely focusing on the experiment, had lead to him spilling the chemical that they had been examining for almost two hours, all over himself and the sprout of a partner he had to deal with. Then he was dragged to lunch by Lavi, and after that he had to spend three hours researching for his literature assessments coming up, whether that be by internet or actually using the library he still hadn't got anywhere, because that dumb partner of Lavi's had rearranged the whole library for the sixth time that week.

Hearing the key open the lock before the brown entry opened and closed. Kanda turned his head slightly towards the entrance way, listening to the tired sigh that left his flatmate, as shoes were removed and then muted footsteps before everything stopped. Irritated bluish black eyes stared at the tired cindersmoke ones which just blinked right at him trying to process what was happening, and when the other did, his keys hit the ground followed with a muffled thwap, when his bag ended up next to his feet.

"You have got to be bloody joking."


"No. I'm too tired for this. I probably just walked into the wrong apartment."

Rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes, Allen took a deep breath as Kanda continued to watch him with a small irritated frown. Rolling his eyes as the musician went to check the nameplate on the door, he turned back to his laptop, just to have the front door shut with more force than he was expecting,╶╴Kanda was not going to admit that he had flinched,╶╴and an exhausted Allen back near his bag and keys.

"T-this... has Cross plastered in all corners. That son of a bastard."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night Moyashi."

"Shut up! You don't get to say anything, not after today."

Taking out his phone, Allen picked up his keys and bag, heading into the kitchen to do what he had planned to do one his way home. Make a cup of tea, but now sadly before going to sleep like planned, he had to phone Cross first, the one person he wanted to avoid calling at all costs, and then sleep.

"I have a freedom of speech... Just letting you know."

"Fuck you, Kanda!"

"Mh-hmm I'll pass."

Allen glared at him, mouth opened somewhat in shock at the Asian's reply, setting the phone on the side, Allen began walking to the back of the couch, hearing the bored sigh come from Kanda, and just to have the dark eyes glare up at him again.

"May I help you?"

"How are you so fucking calm? This will never work, we always argue and fightー"

"Calm down Moyaー"

"That would more than likely raise alarms and I am not ready to deal with any police because I either accidentally stabbed you with a butter knife..."

He frowned at Allen, just staring at him, watching the musician elaborate on what was currently going through his head. Hand gestures along with the words coming from his mouth, each word one after another, and no pauses seen in sight for a small breather.


When the younger finally paused and looked back towards him as Kanda leaned his head against the back of the couch, blinking curiously to what Allen was gonna say next. The musician gulping, as he stared at the man, the dark strands of hair that were always framing his face, slipping over the cushion, the more he slouched in his spot. Whatever Kanda was doing on his laptop abandoned, as Allen noticed that he was giving the albino his full attention.

"Or... What?"

'I'll end up doing something I'll regret.'

Allen frowned, before walking back towards him and setting his hands either side of Kanda's head. Allen's face was just a little too close for the scientist to somewhat actually approve on. So as he shifted a little in his spot too pull his head away, Kanda then realised that would mean raising his head up and what with Allen leaning over, he'd rather not inflict incidents that could possibly ruin home life for him, more than what it already was. Also, if you wanted Kanda's honest opinion, Allen's imagination is a seriously over-reactive one. Sometimes it amused him, but other times it pissed him off, and depending on the situation, like their current one, he was maybe a little chill about it, but like Kanda would ever admit to that.

"Or... You did god knows what and left my possibly dead body to rot in the bathroom or something."

"You overreact to much. Look as long as you don't get in my way, we will be fine."

"Get in your way? How about not getting in mine?" Allen glared at him, as he stepped back realising that the man wanted to get up from his spot. "Why is it, I have to always watch what I do or say around you? Why is it never the other way around?"

"Because you are the one that is more than likely to get in the goddamn way!"

"Oh sod off Kanda!" Allen gritted his teeth, as the Asian closed his laptop screen, just to walk into the kitchen and make a drink for himself. "Bloody jerk!"

"Night Moyashi."

"IT'S ONLY EIGHT O'CLOCK!" Allen turned to the older one out them and blinked as Kanda looked at him and shrugged, "WHAT ARE YOU?" Throwing his hands up in the air and walked towards the kitchen. "YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A NINE YEAR OLD?"


"Oh my days... You're even swearing like one!" Allen paused and stared at the Kanda's back, as he walked away. A few seconds passed, as Allen blinked, just as a grin laced his lips, when the chem student went to open his bedroom door.

"Shut up."

"What's the matter?" Crossing his arms, Kanda's glare only darkened more towards him. "Out of vulgar vocab, Kanda?"


"Yes?" Allen turned back to the kitchen, to finish making his unfinished tea. "Ba-Kan-da?"

"Carry on, I dare you."

"What'll you do if I keep going?"

The door shut once, with a muffled 'you'll fucking see what'll happen!' as it did, and Allen just silently patted himself on the back for riling his rival up.

"Oh Ka~nda! I still want to know what'll happen if I keep trying with you patience?"

The bedroom door slammed down the hall as it shut behind Kanda whilst the man pulled his jacket on. The slam caused Allen to jump a little from the sudden loud noise breaking the silence that he was trying to break, in the form of getting Kanda to retaliate. Subtle panic in the cindersmoke eyes, disappeared when he caught a glimpse of Kanda as headed towards the front door.

"That's it. I'm going out."

"Wait... Where ya going?"

Allen tilted his head, not expecting that answer, honestly he just needed to blow off steam, and arguing with Kanda always did that, yet this, this was not what he wanted! Quickly setting his finished drink on the table in the kitchen, rushed footsteps stopped at the second entry way of their joint dining/kitchen/lounge space.
Kanda glance back at the music student, when he noticed the sudden halt in the rushed steps, curious to why the person that hated him the most was so frantic about him leaving. Dark eyes blinked at the possible silent plead in Allen's eyes, but Kanda just brushed it off as nothing and turned back around to grab the second set of keys hidden beneath Allen's keys to Cross' house.

"Somewhere, that doesn't involve talking to you."

"Rude!" Allen pouted a little but shrugged, "but… Okay whatever. You're a fucking dick anyway, so I'm not at all surprised."

Kanda growled and turned back to the albino, only to see him slip into the dining room again. A quiet hum let Kanda, as he stepped to peak round the entryway, watching Allen grab his bag and setting the strap over his shoulder, then grabbing his phone in his empty hand, cindersmoke eyes turned towards the one near the door. Lifting his cup to his lip, quietly mumbling to himself mostly.

"But I'm still disappointed."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, talking to myself."

Kanda tilted his head in confusion, he heard what the younger said, yet Allen just slipped his phone into his hoodie pocket, and then pulled out his keys, dangling them on his fore finger towards the litera-scientist, changing the subject like flipping a page in a book to start the next chapter.

"Do you need them?"

"No. I picked mine up this morning."

"Alright... lock up when you leave I guess."

Turning back to the hall, he headed to what was now going to be his room, go figure Kanda would just pick his room on his own, without consulting with Allen first.

"Oh! By the way, second bedroom is mine, Moyashi!"

"I already know that! I was here before you, BaKanda!"

"Is that why you slept on the couch?"

"Shut the bloody hell up, arsehole! It's not like I wanted it anyway!"

Kanda smirked at the slam of the door, as Allen set his laptop up on his desk, before sipping his tea. The pianist glaring at the doorway of his room for a couple more seconds, only to rub at his eyes a little when they started to zone out of focus. Allen was still tired and just wanted to sleep, so the sooner Kanda left, the better for Allen it would be.

"See you later. Moyashi."

"Fuck you! Go suck a dick and enjoy your stupid shitty balcony room when you get back!"

A hum made its way out of Kanda's lips and finished putting his shoes on, whilst Allen waited till he heard the front door close before letting out a sigh and dragged himself to his bed. He just wanted to be graced by sleep, was that too much to ask?

To be honest Kanda didn't know where he was going or what he was going to do, but well, he could possibly do what the sprout says and go suck dick, then again he wasn't a very social person and today just didn't seem like a good night for him to go to a club. Kanda though guessed he would just go to one of the shops that don't close till like ten and grab something from there, maybe calm himself a bit at a park, visit Lavi or Tiedoll╶╴highly doubtful, but optional,╶╴then head back to the apartment, by then Allen should be asleep or something.

「 8 : 30 pm 」

バカ ラビ

Yuu : Oi. I'm coming over.

Lavi : What the fuck, but okay?

Yuu : Shut up.

Lavi : I'd hate to be your significant other, yeesh.

Lavi wouldn't ask questions right? Kanda let out a quiet fuck as he made his way to the shop, maybe he should've gone for Tiedoll's instead. Well he would go to Lenalee's but her brother sort of pisses him off as well as freaks him out.

It was probably at least midnight, and Kanda sat at the kitchen table, half a bag of ramen crisps open and a bottle of ice lemon flavoured black tea. His laptop open in front of him with a not even half finished literature assessment on screen as he slept, before jolting awake when he heard the cautious slow footsteps head down the corridor. Raising his head tiredly, he watched the younger as he rubbed his eyes and sniffled a little, heading to make the Earl Gray tea he always brought himself, lavender scented if Kanda remembered the smell right. Tiedoll still has a box of it in his cupboard for when the sprout decided to pay a surprise visit, and by that Kanda meant Cross dragging the kid along with him because he could.

"You know, It's rude to stare..."

Allen glanced over his shoulder before quickly turning back to his drink, like ge was afraid to let anyone see him. It wasn't like Kanda hadn't seen the kid like this before. Wait. Had he ever seen Allen like this before? Confusion laced his expression as he looked back down at his laptop screen.

"Also if you're gonna sleep, move to your shitty room."

"Go die. Fucking brat."

"Ah. There he is. The Kanda everyone knows and I hate... but maybe, if God allows it, someone loves him."

"Give me one good reason to not kill you?"

"I dunno... Full rent? My pretty face..."

Puffy cindersmoke eyes rimmed red from crying, turned to exhausted yet irritated dark brownish-blue ones staring back at him. Tiredly Allen shrugged as he sighed, leaning against the counter, whilst Kanda just blinked at him.

"Free kill? I got nothing man."

"You're fucking crazy."

"Not proven... but more than likely a yes."

Pushing himself from the counter, he soon pulled the chair out opposite Kanda and sat down, staring out the window a little as the rain tapped against the glass, before turning back to the man opposite him.

"Did you make it back before it rained?"

"Not... exactly, but it does it matter anyway?"

Allen quietly nodded at the rhetorical question and turned back to the window, as the elder just glanced from his laptop towards the albino, then back to the screen.

"You're not used to it right...?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Lavi said you moved from America..."

"Oh... Well, I might have lived in America... but Cross moves around a lot…" Kanda raised an eyebrow at Allen, when the dry laugh left the lad. "So Lavi only knew me when we were in America…" Allen gripped the cup in his hands a little tighter, "Before that though... I was raised by Ma- I'm actually from here."

Kanda blinked a little when Allen quickly diverted his sentence. He was a little curious to what he was going to say but decided to leave it. It obviously seemed that Allen was avoiding anything surrounding this person.

"Well aren't you talkative..."

"Yup... but don't expect it always."

"Why would I?"

Kanda glanced at him, noticing that he had already finished his drink and was now setting his empty cup in the sink. Allen then just turned to walk out the kitchen entrance and lifted his hand, gesturing towards him leaving.


"I guess."

"Oh!" Stepping back into the room he glanced at the man and grinned. "You still owe me an apology... and a new Metallica shirt."

"Oh, come on! You weren't even looking at where you were going!"

"Neither were you... Otherwise, you would've dodged it." Allen leaned against the door frame as Kanda went to say something but was stopped, averting his gaze somewhat. "We all know you could've dodged it."

Kanda let out a low growl and sighed before slouching in his chair, as Allen hummed making his way towards his somewhat friend? In defeat Kanda just opened a new tab and typed in an online store name.

"Hey... You use Hot Topic too?"

"Not completely..."

Allen took a glance at him, leaning on the back of the chair, just like earlier and Kanda scowled up at him, and regretted it instantly. His gaze snapping right back to his laptop screen, as tired silver eyes blinked just for a scoff to follow Kanda's actions.

"Drop Dead, of course."

"I hate you."

"I know, moving on."

"Stop leaning over me, Moyashi!"


"There is a chair right there!"

"Nope. Until I get my fucking replacement shirt, you can deal with me leaning over you."

"I swear. I will end you."

"Un huh, keep telling yourself that, BaKanda."

Both went back to scrolling through the list of clothes, before Allen had pointed at one of the shirts smiling, before he began chuckling at his flatmates expression of horror mixed with confusion, because the shirt Allen had pointed at was a crop top, and it just struck Kanda that yes, somehow Allen had directed him to the women's section of the site, and no he wasn't all that surprised at the fact. He may not pay much attention to Allen, but sometimes, he noticed what the kid would wear and how Lenalee would gush over the outfits during breaks they all shared.


"You'll be surprised how much women's shirts and bottoms I actually have BaKanda." Shrugging, Allen soon took over, on scrolling as Kanda processed the information. "Don't hurt yourself hun... It's not that strange now days."

"Okay... It's not like I'm bothered, but just... why?"

"Well... They're comfy... and I guess cute."

Kanda nodded quietly, as Allen bit the inside of his cheek, glancing at the other, as he still processed what he hasn't already processed, when realisation hit Kanda, Allen inwardly panicked seeing the inky blue eyes widened and glance towards his silver ones.

"Wait! Are you?" A simple nod came from Allen, as Kanda blinked and then looked at his laptop screen. "Okay… Each to their own…. Women's clothes though, they're expensive?"

"True... It's why I barely buy them, but if I see something I like... and have the money at the time, well I grab it whilst I can."

"Makes sense..."

Slapping the kids hand away, had Allen backing away, and standing behind Kanda rubbing the offended area softly. He watched as Kanda went back to scrolling, silver eyes scanning over the lines of clothes, humming at certain shirts, mostly band tees and a few film or cartoon ones, as well as other clothing items, causing Kanda to bite back the irritated growl that wanted to escape him, by physically biting his tongue.

Allen grinned seeing the frustration building up for his flatmate, as they scrolled through the site a little longer before Kanda let out a frustrated groan, he had an essay to get back to. It was almost three and he was getting sleepy, the nap before had honestly did no justice for him, so right now he just wished the sprout would pick a shirt and let him be.

"Hey. Moyashi... Can you either pick a shirt or wait till later on..."

Turning to face the teen, only made his eye twitch as Allen bit the nail of his little finger to stop the laughter that wanted to bubble out from his throat, "You little shit… You are doing this on purpose aren't you?"

A single nod came from Allen, as Kanda rested his forehead on the table with a annoyed cuss towards Allen. Sighing quietly, Allen noticed the tense state Kanda's body was in before standing up and stretching.

"Fine, just get me this tank and I'll leave ya alone."

"Fucking finー"

"Oh... Shush your mush, fuckwit."

Kanda lowly growled at the insult as he soon fell silent when the thumbs dug into the skin at the joints between his neck and shoulders, gritting his teeth to not let the appreciative groan out, he was still annoyed at Allen. Lifting himself a little, as Allen paused before pressing against the top of his spine, eliciting a breathy gasp from him.

"You're welcome."

A quiet gulp was heard, and a small hum of thanks from Kanda, as he added the shirt to the shopping cart, before paying for it and confirming the details. Quietly he then closed the site down and pulled up the word doc, just to go back to his essay. Though his blue eyes trailed after Allen as he made himself a cup of tea, and only now was Kanda properly noticing the clothes the younger wore to bed. He wasn't going to comment or admit to anything that passed through his mind when the musician reached for the sugar in the cupboard. Instead Kanda was going to comment on his terrible shopping time.

"Honestly if I hadn't been forced half the time to go shopping with Lenalee... You would be the worst person ever, when it comes to shopping."

"You go shopping? Wow Lena sure is amazing..." Allen grinned behind the rim of his cup, before shrugging. "Night."

"I am going end you so badly."

"Oh... before I forget again." Allen pouted as Kanda groaned out a really annoyed what and stared at him. "Yeesh, I was just wondering if we had Chem tomorrow... or well... today?"

"Do you not have a copy of your days?"

"I did... but..." The hands around the cup tightened as Allen gritted his teeth, grinding out then name. "Cross got angry and tore it to pieces."

"Cross is a dickhead."

"Yeah, tell me something I don't already know thanks." Frowning a little, liquid silver stared at the light brown liquid in the cup. "I'll get a new one... today... but do we have it?"

"No. You're fine... I have chem, just not the joint lesson with you."

"Okay... well. Night, for real this time."


Inky blue eyes watched as the pianist walked off, a sigh leaving him when the door to the guy's room closed. A frown forming on his face, before going back onto the internet, he was going to need it anyway. Whereas Allen just buried his head into his pillow, hoping to fall asleep, though the rain was off putting, the musician didn't think he would ever sleep the same way again when it rained, it hurt too much.

A harsh knock against his bedroom door, caused the kid to startle as he growled into his pillow cursing Kanda in muffled mediocre shouts. Lifting himself up and getting out of his bed, Allen began to exhaustively roam his room to get ready for the even more tiring day ahead of him. So by time he got out of his room and dressed, the younger of the two blinked at the extra plate of food on the table, silver eyes switched between the plate and Kanda cautiously, before going to sit opposite the Asian.

"You... didn't do anything to it right?"

"Yeah... I slipped a bit of methylxanthine."

Allen paused and just stared at Kanda, before scowling and kicking his shin under the table, just to huff a quiet insult at him.

"Prick. I'm gonna ignore that, because you just implied that chocolate and caffeine will kill me..."

Kanda looked at him, but Allen silenced him as he stabbed the eggs. Kanda set his fork down intrigued to what the younger was going to say, and leaned back in his chair, folding his arms and stretching out his legs.

"Okay, in the long run yes, but you're also forgetting that it is only seriously dangerous to animals, because there are two or three other types of methylxanthines that help a person's health."

"So you do listen in lesson then. At least I now know, I'm not completely wasting my time."

Allen glared at his companion, before actually kicking the man's feet, just for Kanda to trap said foot between his ankles.

"It was a compliment... To a certain extent. "

"You basically called me a house pet."

"Fair point, but..." Releasing the Allen's foot, Kanda soon sat up and picked up his fork, going back to his plate of food. "I would never put chocolate in a fucking breakfast that is eggs and bacon. That is just disgusting and whoever does should be shot."


"Well... At least that's one thing we can agree on."

"I have a feeling... Lavi would do that though."

"I... I can't even begin to disagree, with how right you probably are, Moyashi."

"I have a fucking name. BaKanda, use it."

"I'll think about it."

Openly glaring at the other as Allen finished the rest of his breakfast off. His mind whirring as they sat there, Kanda minding his own business as he scrolled through his phone before kicking╶╴well at least that's what Allen registered it╶╴as under the table, for glaring at him too long, causing the albino to flinch and frown at his flatmate.

"We should... Head out... I'll uh..."

"I'll go first."

"Oh... uhm okay."


"No... It's nothing. Go if you're gonna go."

"Hmm... Whatever."

Allen stared at his hands as Kanda moved to the sink with their plates, then headed to grab his bag from the lounge. Though as he passed the pianist, Allen felt his whole body tense up, grey eyes staring straight in front of him, as whatever was going on around him started to frazzle out. He snapped back to it when the front door slammed shut and just raised a hand to his head, biting his lip at the familiar sensation. Letting out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding before covering his face with his hands, confused and let out an embarrassed unmanly squeak.

"What the fuck?"

「 7 : 30 am 」

The Sleepover Club

#NotCheating : What's with this name...

#NotCheating : Also... Oi #Pirate ... Do you put Methylxanthine with Bacon and Egg?

#NotGay : Al... Lavi is smart enough to know what that is

#NotSamurai : How much do you want to bet?

#NotCheating : 50

#NotSamurai : 70

#NotGay : 100

#NotCheating : Shit Lena... really? You trust him that much?

#NotGay : Yup.

#NotCheating : Damn.

#Pirate is online

#Pirate : Wtaf guys? Its too early for your bs.

Reaching the bus stop Allen lifted his head before freezing where he stood, gulping as he looked anyway but at the man in front of him, much to his disappointment though, Kanda rose his head from his phone screen before looking around towards him, blinking once before that signature scowl laced his lips and he turned away. The albino stood there somewhat confused before trying to work it all put and just bit his lip instead. Why was he suddenly disappointed? The vibration from his phone pulled him out of his self loathing, as he looked at the screen, before feeling his body tense and slowly lifted his gaze to the student in front of him, as the other gripped his phone, in a grip that Allen felt like Kanda was going to crush it there and then.

「 7 : 50 am 」

The Sleepover Club

#Pirate : I... Yeah why?

#NotGay : Lavi... Do you know what that stuff is?

#Pirate : Of course.

#Pirate : Caffeine and Chocolate mostly.

#NotGay : ...

#NotGay : Why?

#NotCheating : Looks like yer out 200 Lena.

#NotGay : I do not know you anymore Lavi.

#NotGay and #NotCheating is offline

#NotSamurai : You should reflect on your actions... Or just kill yourself now.

#NotSamurai : Stupid rabbit.

#NotSamurai is offline

#Pirate : Wtf just happened... Wtf did i do?

Allen stepped off the bus and sighed to himself. He was already exhausted and the day hasn't even properly revved up. Hoisting his bag on his shoulder, as he headed towards the gates of the collegeーuniversity he went to, before stumbling forwards from being attacked by someone. Grumbling he went to hit the stranger but paused seeing Lavi there with Kanda and Lenalee.

"Don't bloody do that."

"Right... Sorry, Al."


"What crawled up your ass?"

Allen glared at Kanda and scowled before letting out a scoff. Kanda just blinked at the musician before tilting his head slightly.

"You sure are one to talk."

The blank expression on the Asian's face soon morphed into irritation, as Allen pivoted on the heel of his foot, just to head towards the main entrance. Lenalee and Lavi glanced at each other before sighing tiredly.

"Here they go."

"Not even five minutes into the school day."

Allen carried on walking just before being stopped by someone grabbing his wrist, and turned to glare at the taller male.

"Shut your fucking blower, Sprout."

"What was that?" Yanking his wrist from Kanda's grasp before shoving the other away. "How about you take your own advice, tosspot."

"You fucking brat."

"Hmm? What's wrong, Kanda? You can deal but can't take?"

Lenalee clenched her fists as soon as Kanda had threw the first punch at Allen, just for the albino to retaliate. Bags thrown to one side, she soon nudged Lavi to help her break them up, before she punched both of the guy's arms and huffed.

"Oi! Watch your language, punks!" Handing them their bags she sighed and frowned at them both. "Can't you go five minutes without getting hands on and making each other bleed?"

"Sorry Lena."

She glared at Kanda as the dark haired male gritted his teeth, before growling out his apology.

"Yeah... What the sprout said..."

It was the closest she was going to get, so Lenalee took it as it came. The two watched him walk off as Allen wiped his mouth with the sleeve off his jumper and heading into the building as well to his first lesson. Lavi just patted the girl's shoulder and gestured to the building, as Lenalee relaxed and just nodded following the redhead into the building.

「 10 : 20 am 」


Lavi : Have Yuu made up yet?

Gambler : What? No.

Gambler : Don't use his name!

Lavi : Touchy. Yikes™

Gambler : Go away Lavi

Lavi : Just saying. Yuu probably should before tonight.

Gambler : What did you do? And stop that!

Lavi : Tell yuu later, boi.

Gambler : Lavi!

The redhead snickered at the replies before sighing and going back to the books he was putting back. Golden eyes peeked around the corner of the aisle and glanced at Lavi, a soft smirk on his lips.

"What ya laughing at."

"Just an idiot. Nothing that concerns you."