Hermione strained against Voldemort's hold while she blinked and shook away the shattered obsidian that fell on her face, which was now covered in frost.

"JEAN!" Hermione heard Jon and Tormund shouting amidst the cacophony of noises from the terror-stricken people below them, while the giants continued to roar in their harsh language. The great giants were telling Voldemort to either fuck off or else they were going to shove a long spear up his arse.

Of course, Voldemort could understand them, but decided to ignore them in favour of the familiar voices calling out for her.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER NATHAIR!" Tormund shouted while she heard Jon Snow saying loudly, "Nathair! Why are you attacking your own people?!"

Voldemort's turned at the sound of their voices, specifically Jon's, whom Hermione knew Voldemort despised so much since the day the future Lord Commander walked into the free folk encampment.

"Oh look, the princeling is here." Voldemort remarked, his cold-blue eyes train below them.

With Voldemort's attention temporarily diverted.

"Jon Snow! Why, it's been awhile since I last saw you." Voldemort was saying.

Hermione no longer have any weapon as strong as the red sword she had called earlier, not even the Gryffindor sword that she had failed to bring with her in that world.

Now, she had to find other means to kill him.

Even perhaps Voldemort's ice dagger, which she could see from corner of her eye.

Hermione slowly moved her hand forward, not wanting for Voldemort to notice her movement.

Her fingers hadn't even brushed the hilt of Voldemort's ice dagger when he suddenly banged her head unto the barrier. She felt her skull cracked at the impact, jarring her completely that left her slightly dazed. Her rune for healing had stopped doing its work since she had used the rune for power.

Golden electrical currents came surging from the barrier beneath her as Voldemort continued to push her against it.


"Now, let's try and see if you can survive my new sword," Voldemort said smiling, raising his right hand up where a glowing blue sword appeared in his hand. There was a white-bluish mist emanating from it and Hermione stared in cold dread as Voldemort aimed the glinting sword straight at her heart.

"DON'T DO IT NATHAIR!" She heard Jon yelled. Hermione could hear the overwhelming fear in his voice as Voldemort began to pierce the sword into her chest. "DON'T KILL HER!"

"Oh, but I will Jon Snow!" Voldemort replied, smiling evilly.

But before Voldemort could plunge the sword completely into her chest, Hermione used a little bit of her magic to apparate away from there.

The first thing that came to her mind was the castle by the sea, where the Night's Watch were expecting the wildlings and their Lord Commander.

Hermione had to warn the Night's Watch and everyone in Westeros about the threat that Voldemort post.

So she apparated them there.


Straight into the practice yard at the Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, where men of the Night's Watch were doing their daily sword drills.

"What in heavens -!" someone yelled as both Voldemort and her crashed into the ground with an earthshaking BOOM! That left a huge crater on the ground and shook the very foundations of the castle.

But it didn't end there as Hermione and Voldemort resumed their fighting as before. Hitting and kicking at one another that they keep on smashing against the structures of the Castle, wreaking havoc all over the place and terrifying the men of the Night's Watch.

She heard the men of the Night's Watch began shouting and yelling at the sight of Hermione and Voldemort.





However, Hemione knew that she must keep on apparating to stop Voldemort from returning to his army, and bidding time for the others to reach Eastwatch-by-the-Sea before Voldemort's army arrive.

She must warn the entire world in some way. Perhaps give the people an omen of the wars to come. She needed to go further down South than ever before.

Hermione flew towards Voldemort and grabbed a hold of him.


Then, they were somewhere else.


A dark haired man watched from the crenel side of the battlements as the twenty men, garb in all black, rode swiftly into the night. The men's cloaks bellowing behind them while their black steeds left a blanket of icy dust in their wake.

A nasty grin broke across Ramsay Snow's face as he watched his men disappear, drumming his fingers against the crenelations. A smile as sharp as any blade that he was so fond of using to flay his enemies alive.

"Come, Reek." He ordered towards the trembling man who stood quietly behind him, shivering from the cold and twitching like he often do.


Ramsay pivoted around, however, he paused temporarily as his eyes caught sight of the odd light that dance across the night skies, a rippling curtain that glowed eerily above them.

This time it appeared in different shades of red, yellow and orange.

The lights had been there ever since there was an explosion early that day that occurred somewhere Beyond-the-Wall, followed by an ear-splitting noise that had shattered every window panes in Winterfell and made the castle tremble.

However, he found out that the tremor was not only felt in Winterfell but all throughout the forts at the Wall as well. Ramsay had sent a raven to one of his men spying on the Night's Watch, inquiring the cause of the huge disturbance.

Shortly, he received a missive about reports of a huge, white explosion that was sighted by the men from East-by-the-Sea, which said to have originated from Hard Home.

News of the event soon reached Winterfell which had the whole household abuzz with talks of dark things to come, and of omens about the end of days. Although conversations were stilted in his presence, but Ramsay knew what they were chattering about.

"Have we received another missive from Castle Black yet, Reek?" Ramsay asked as he began striding through the walkaway, and descending down the steps of the battlements, with Theon Greyjoy not far behind.

"No - no, m'lord...There was no - no raven that - that a -arrived today…," the weakling, Reek, manage to stammer out, doing that jerking motion of his head.

"I see...Well, then. You're going to sleep in the rookery's tonight, Reek. Make yourself useful by waiting for the raven's arrival, and you might as well feed the flock while you're at it. You can feed them some bits and pieces from Stannis' men. Don't want to waste the meat for the crows."

"Ye-yes, m'lord."



"What was that?!" Ramsay said immediately as he felt the Castle shake after hearing an explosion nearby.

"Master, look!"

He heard his lowly slave yell and Ramsay turned around just in time to see something flew out from the destroyed part of the Winterfell castle. The Maester tower was no more. It was reduced to rubble and debris as Ramsay saw two figures fighting mid-air.


The castle shook again and Ramsay cried out in alarm, holding unto the merlon for support while he watched with wide, disbelieving eyes when a man in blue armor smashed another warrior against the battlements near where Ramsay was standing.


Ramsay heard the man yell at the woman.

"DO YOU THINK THAT I WON'T NOTICE THAT YOUR PULLING ME DOWN SOUTH OF THE WALL?!" the God-like man shouted and Ramsay nearly piss himself when he saw the cold, glowing blue eyes of the man as he held the woman by the neck. "I WILL END YOU, MUD –"


And just like that, they were gone. At once, Ramsay slumped against the battlements in relief, still shocked at what he had just seen.

Who were those people? He asked himself, shaken to the core. Are they Gods come from the Heavens?


Melisandre was staring silently into the fire. The vision was the same, when she asked her Lord of Light to show her Azor Ahai, she could only see snow...but then, she also saw something that made her uncertain, uneasy...a vision of a-

Suddenly, her head snapped up, sensing something from outside. For a while she stood there, silently listening before she carefully took the lantern from her table and went outside her tent to investigate.

She stood there for a while, her eyes searching over the tents when her eye caught a movement from the skies. Melisandre nearly stumbled back when she saw two glowing figures shooting downwards and straight at her.

She ran in terror and towards Stanni's tent to inform the Baratheon King what she had seen.

There was another loud BOOOM! as the two figures crashed landed unto the earth. Now, the entire camp woke up with a start upon feeling the quake that came with the explosion.

"THE BOLTON'S MEN ARE ATTACKING!" someone yelled in the darkness.

"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" Another yelled as another strong quake followed.

People began yelling and shouting as they burst out from their tents with their weapons raised to see some of the tents were toppled and horses were running amock amidst running battle-ready and terrified Baratheon men. A third of the encampment had caught fire while somewhere above the camp the people gazed in both awe and terror at the two figures fighting in the air.

"DAMN YOU RIDDLE!" screamed the other flying figure in red armor who was being held fast by the one in blue. "JUST DIE ALREADY!"


Then, the figures were gone at once, like they were never there, except for the chaos and ruin that they have left behind.


A dirty and naked woman walked in the middle of the crowded street that jeered and threw rotten things at her while a woman in grey followed behind her, who repeatedly shouted "SHAME!" every time she rang the bell sharply.


This continued on for a while until someone from the throng of stinking bodies pointed at something above them.

The shameful figure clad in nothing halted, and looked up in curiosity, when she heard the ominous noise coming from the heavens as well, along with the majority of the people around her who had suddenly fallen into a tensed silence as they watched two fiery figures flying over the Red Keep, which looked to be…two people fighting in the air.

Cersei Lannister couldn't believe her eyes as the beings from above came streaking past the Sept of Baelor and out of sight.

"What was that?"

"Were those people flying?"

"But that's impossible! People don't fly!"

Cersei heard the people say, their jeering forgotten as they murmured amongst themselves about what they witnessed.

However, the ugly Septa Unella began ringing the bell again to draw attention of the people to the procession.

"SHAME!" The Septa shouted and people turned their gazes back to Cersei Lannister once more.

A moment later, Cersei's trial and humiliation resumed. People began throwing shit and mocking her, but the sight they had witness not a moment ago still in their minds.


A Khalasar of Dothraki horsemen paused their thunderous charge upon the silver-haired figure standing on the grassy plains, when they saw something streaking across the clear, blue skies. The sound from it as it fell was so loud that it spooked their horses into a wild prance, where the horses began to neigh noisily. The silver-haired woman stared up as well with a curious expression on her face.

Then, there was an ear-splitting roar and the loud flapping sounds as some enormous beast took off, which came from the hill top behind the woman. The creature was all black, with huge wings, sharp claws and a breath of fire, and it looked to be badly wounded. Yet it flew urgently away despite its injuries, where it looked invigorated for whatever reason.

While down below, Daenerys Targaryen followed the creature's flight with a gaze of dismay as the Khalasar finally turned their attention back towards her.



Hermione was growing tired of apparating constantly. She didn't know where Voldemort and Hermione had appeared and disappeared to, but some higher power was guiding her to places she had never been. She was also surprised that her wounds had healed itself, and even though they were already South of the Wall, Hermione could now siphon higher levels of magic in the air. Hot magic, not Cold magic like in the North of the Wall.

Something was at work here. Something was helping her fight off Voldemort to the best of her knowledge and power.

The world needs you, Hermione Granger. A voice whispered in her mind. The Great Other has taken a champion for his own, and now I will take you as mine.

Who are you? She thought as she avoided a right hook from Voldemort.

I am the God of this World. That is all you need to know. The voice said before falling into silence.

"I GREW TIRED OF YOU, MUDBLOOD!" Voldemort shouted in fury before swooping towards her at an incredible speed, his ice sword aiming for her once more. "NOW, DIE!"

However, Hermione could now feel her runes activating and instantly she apparated away, straight to Castle Black.



Author's Note: Thank you for reading! Your reviews fuels my passion for writing so please don't hesitate to tell me what you think! If you want to see the aesthetics, story trailer and photoshopped edits that I made for the story please check out my twitter, pinterest, youtube or tumblr account. But you can always contact me on twitter, facebook or tumblr so please don't be a stranger and let us be friends!