"I just can't believe that Shego actually saved me! And then she didn't even let me thank her, and then the lair blew up, and she ran off. But I just have this weird feeling about the whole thing, you know?"

"Uh, no, actually I don't know. Sorry Kimbo, but I just can't relate. It's not like Drakken's ever saved my hide. But then again, he can never even remember my name." Kim frowned and poked at her nachos. She leaned back against the seat of the Bueno Nacho booth and crossed her arms. Rufus scampered across the table and began eating her abandoned food.

"I'm just dying to talk to her about it."

"But what good is that gonna do?" Ron's words were muffled between bites of his burrito.

"Nothing probably, but ever since the attitudinator-"

"Hold it right there, missy. We both agreed that Shego being our friend was weird and wrong-sick." Kim glared at him.

"No, you said it was weird and wrong-sick because you were jealous that I finally made a new friend."

"That is not true…Well, actually, yeah that is true, but Shego isn't Ms. Go. Just like how I'm not Zorpox." Both teens shuddered. "Besides, you've saved Shego and Drakken plenty of times. No, big, right?" Kim opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the communicator.

Beep beep BEEP-beep

"Sitch me, Wade."

"Drakken and Shego have broken into the Middleton Institute of Science and Technology."

"Any idea what they're after?"

"Experimental bio-synthetic radioactive ribosomal gel."

"Wade, English please?"

"Just look for a canister of florescent green goo."

"We're on it."

*cue theme song*

"I'm just saying," Ron said as he and Kim walked through the halls of the Middleton Institute of Science and Technology. "It's almost like the bad guys like to focus on Middleton."

"Ron, eye on the prize."

"Come on, Kim. It's a little weird, right? They make it so convenient for us."

"You know what else is convenient?" The teens looked up immediately, only to be greeted by a smirking Shego.

"Is it the fact that you're so easy to beat?" Kim quipped.

"Why you little! I'll show you easy!" Shego snarled and ignited her hands, then launched herself at Kim. The two grappled for a moment before Kim landed a swift kick to Shego's ribs, using the momentum to flip away from the villainess.

"Ron, find Drakken and stop him from getting that bio-ribo-whatever thingy."

"On it!" Ron ran through the doors into the laboratory. The room was filled with large glass cylinders of bubbling liquids, and there was an ominous hum in the background. "Now if I were experimental green goo, where would I be?" Ron spotted the canister under a glass cloche on a pedestal in the middle of the room.

"Got it!" he and Drakken said at the same time, both of them with a hand on the canister. The two glared at each other and had a tug of war for the item until it slipped out of their grasp and rolled towards the open door.

"Out of my way, buffoon!" Drakken placed a gloved hand on Ron's face and pushed him to the side. Ron stuck his leg out and tripped him.

In the hallway Shego continued to throw blast of green plasma at Kim, but the hero kept dodging out of the way. Kim closed the gap between them with a forward flip and a knee to Shego's jaw. Shego fell on her back with a "Gah!" and Kim pinned her down. Kim held her in place but neither woman made an effort to move. They just stared at each other. Shego tried to scowl, but it morphed into a disappointed frown.

"You never let me thank you for saving me."

"I don't do saving. And I don't do 'thank you's either." Shego shoved Kim off her. It was forceful, and knocked Kim into the wall behind them. As Kim rubbed the back of her head and struggled to get on her feet, the canister rolled out of the double doors to the laboratory, followed by Ron and Drakken, who were taking turns shoving each other. The canister landed at Shego's feet. She picked it up and smirked.

"Next time, Princess." Shego gave Kim a little wave before turning on her heel and running towards the exit. "Come on, Dr. D!"

"Ha! Good work, Shego. In your face, buffoon!" Drakken followed Shego out the door.

"Aw man, they're getting away!" Ron hurried to help Kim up. "You okay, Kim?"

"I-I don't know. I guess so."

"Don't worry, we'll get them next time like we always do." Kim offered him a sad smile.

"Listen up, Environmental Science Class!" Mr. Barkin shouted so forcefully that spit flew out of his mouth. Ron had to put a hand up to shield his face. The entire class was standing on the lawn outside the school entrance, waiting for their cue to board the bus. "Today we embark on a journey to one of the necessary evils of modern society. An institution so foul, so appalling, its no place for those of you with weak constitution." Several kids cringed and paled at Barkin's words. "Today we visit…the Middleton Landfill!"

"Ew. No thank you. If you need me, I'll be doing literally anything other than this." Bonnie Rockwaller flipped open her cell phone and walked past Barkin.

"Rockwaller!" Mr. Barkin bellowed. He snatched her phone away from her as she passed him. "Front and center, now!" She rolled her eyes.

"Ugh. What?"

"Ms. Rockwaller, if you don't go on this field trip, you don't pass this class. And if you don't pass this class, you don't graduate. Comprende?" Bonnie pouted and crossed her arms.

"Whatever." She trudged back to the bus and shoved her way to the front of the line, pushing Kim out of her way as she boarded.


"Oh, sorry, K." Bonnie said fake sweetness. "I know you must be sooo eager to go the landfill. You'll feel right at home there." Bonnie smirked and walked up the steps of the bus before Kim had a chance to make a comeback.

"Ohhhh that Bonnie has some nerve."

"Girl don't listen to Bonnie. If anyone is going to feel at home in a dump it's her. We all know Bonnie is trash," Monique said matter-of-factly.

"Booyah!" Ron gave Monique a high-five. Rufus scurried up to his shoulder and nodded in agreement.

"I heard that!" Bonnie shouted from inside. The three friends burst into laughter. Rufus blew a raspberry in Bonnie's direction.

"Pffft. Trash."

The bus came to a halt in the middle of the landfill, and Mr. Barkin got out of his seat to speak to the class. He cleared his throat. "If you direct your attention to the left, you will see yesterday's trash. If you direct your attention to the right, you will see today's trash." Kim, Monique, and Ron weren't paying any attention to him as he blabbered on.

Kim slouched in her seat next to Monique. Ron sat alone in the seat behind then. "I don't know Monique, it was just so weird. I can't believe Shego actually saved my life. I mean it's one thing when we team up to help Team Go, or that time we were fighting Warmonga. She had a vested interest then. But…it was while I was trying to fight her. I was trying to sabotage Drakken's plan. She could have let me fall and she'd never have to worry about me getting in the way again. But she didn't. And then we ran into her again yesterday and it was like she wasn't even trying."

"Pee-yew!" Ron waved his hand in front of his nose. "Something stinks! Rufus, is that you?" The naked mole rat popped out of Ron's pocket to squeak angrily at him. Kim leaned over the back of her seat to look at Ron.

"Ron, don't you think maybe it has something to do with the fact that we're currently driving through a giant pile of garbage?" Kim eyed him skeptically. Ron looked at his surroundings, confused.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure that's not it." Monique giggled. Kim rolled her eyes.

"Ron be serious. Can we get back to my ish?"

"GF, are you sure this is even an ish? Just because your green girl is a villain, doesn't mean she's not human. Even villains gotta have standards." Kim sighed.

"Maybe you're right."

"I dunno, KP." Ron leaned forward and grabbed the back of Kim and Monique's seat, resting his chin on top so he could look Kim in the eyes. "Shego's been trying to hurt you for as long as I can remember."

"But has she though?" Monique questioned.

"Honestly? No. Only a few nicks and bruises. Never any broken bones. Nothing worse than I've ever done to her."

"That is not true. Now that you mentioned it, I think you've done worse to her than she has to you."

"Excuse me?"

"Not like she didn't deserve it!" Ron said, backtracking. "Remember when you kicked her into that signal tower at the Bueno Nacho headquarters? That was totally baddical!" Kim's face scrunched up with an emotion Monique couldn't identify.

"Regardless," Monique said, and shoved Ron's head out of the way, "I think you're overthinking it. You've saved her and the sad blue guy plenty of times, right?"

"Well yeah, but I'm the good guy. It's kinda my m.o."

"Well maybe fighting you is Shego's m.o." Ron said, popping up again. "She can't fight you if you fall into a boiling vat of lava, right?"

"Not helping, Ron." One look at Monique and Ron forced himself back into his seat before she did it for him.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to everyone, Dr. Drakken and Shego were plotting their latest scheme from the comfort of their nearby lair.

"Shego, I think I've outdone myself this time." Drakken grinned and rubbed his hands together maniacally. Shego lounged on an office chair and filed her nails, uninterested.

"You sure did, Dr. D."

"Are you mocking me?"

"Who me? Nooo. When have I ever mocked you?" Shego's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Well, sometimes I just feel like you don't take me seriously, Shego." Drakken twiddled his thumbs and looked away, bashful. "You know, respect is a very important part of every employer-employee relationship."

"Doc," Shego placed a reassuring hand on Drakken's shoulder. "Of course I respect you." Shego turned on her heel and trudged away from him. "Not." She whispered under her breath.

"Where are you going? Don't you want to hear today's plan?" Shego rolled her eyes then sat back down in her chair. She waved her hand in the air, motioning for Drakken to go on. "Oh goody."

"Ughhhhh. Just get on with it, already!"

"Right. Yes. Well, I have engineered a self-replicating syntho-plasma to-"

"Self-replicating syntho-plasma?" Shego raised an eyebrow. "Why does that sound so familiar?" Drakken paled.

"Hnnng. Um, you see…on Mother's Day we-" Shego shot up out of her seat.

"Dr. D, are you kidding me? Not this again. Really, two repeat plans in a row? You're losing your touch. Next you're gonna tell me you're teaming up with Frugal Lucre?"

"I am not losing my touch, Shego! And these are not repeat plans, these are re-hashed plans. I learned my lessons. Last time I knew better than to drill into a cheese covered building."

"Actually, it was a building made of cheese."

"That's not important!" Drakken stomped his foot. "Gah, tffft, nng." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "And this time, instead of stealing the syntho-plasma, I made my own. And its radioactive! Do you know what that means, Shego?"

"That this is going to go horribly wrong again?"

"No! It means that Kim Possible is none the wiser!" Drakken laughed maniacally as his eye twitched.

"Right. So, what's the catch?" Drakken froze. "Out with it, Doc."

Drakken mumbled something unintelligible under his breath.

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you." Shego cupped her hand around her ear and leaned closer. Drakken mumbled again. "Huh?"

"I SAID THE SYNTHO-PLASMA FEASTS ON GARBAGE!" Shego backpedaled away from him and covered her ears. Drakken huffed and crossed his arms. "What? It needs the methane in order to multiply itself."

"Is that why you built the lair underneath a landfill? That is not a good enough excuse to have to deal with this stench, you know. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just walk out right now!" Drakken smirked, suddenly. He grabbed a remote and aimed it at the large screen above his work area. Black and white surveillance footage of Shego helping Kim during their last encounter played silently on the monitor. Shego watched in horror.

Beep-beep BEEP-beep

"What's the sitch, Wade?" The three friends crowded around the Kimmunicator screen.

"Someone left an anonymous tip on your site. Drakken's created some kind of radioactive garbage-eating syntho-plasma."

"That's oddly specific for a tip." Kim titled her head in confusion.

"That's what I thought!" Wade agreed. "It might be a trap, but why would they give away their whole plan like that?"

"I'm not sure."

"Maybe it's a trap-trap," Monique offered. Kim rolled her eyes.

"Whatever it is, it's worth looking into. Any idea where they're located?" Just then, the ground rumbled and the metal bus rattled with it. All the students pressed their faces against the window. A garbage truck rolled up on a nearby trash heap. Drakken sat in the passenger seat and Shego drove, though she wasn't happy about it.

"Never mind. I found them." Kim turned her Kimmunicator towards the window just in time for Wade to see the truck dump a heap of green goo on the trash pile.

"You know," Shego turned to Drakken, "'Garbage lady' wasn't in my job description."

"That's too bad, Shego. 'Cause it's time to take out the trash!" Kim jumped onto the hood of the garbage truck. Ron struggled to climb up the front bumper. Kim looked over her shoulder at him.

"I…almost…got…" he huffed between jumps. "Oh! Booyah!" He managed to pull himself onto the hood of the large dump truck. Kim frowned at him.

"Uh, Ron?"

"Don't tell me." He looked down towards the bumper of the car. His pants were snagged on the corner.

"Ugh!" Shego growled and leapt out of the window and swung herself onto the top of the truck. "I don't have time for this, Princess," she spat. Shego began throwing blasts of plasma at Kim while she flipped and cartwheeled out of the way. Shego was aggressively playing offense, using her plasma powers to keep Kim occupied and as far away from her as possible. Shego wasn't in the mood for witty banter.

"KP, we got a situation back here!" Ron's voice cracked as he tried to get Kim's attention. Behind her she could hear the screams of her classmates and Mr. Barkin as the syntho-plasma enveloped the back end of the school bus.

"Stoppable!" Mr. Barkin stuck his head out of the window. "Do something!" The large green monster rocked the bus back and forth.

"Kim, what do we do?" Kim looked down at her clothes. She was wearing her civvies, pink crop top and emerald green cargo pants, with no gadgets or gizmo's in sight. And Shego was still hurling plasma at her. Kim backflipped off the bed of the truck and landed in the garbage pile beneath her.

"Woah!" Her arms flailed as her feet sunk into the sticky filth like quicksand. "Aw come on. These were new shoes!" Shego jumped off the truck and landed in front of Kim. The green woman towered over Kim and gave her a menacing glare. She grabbed Kim by her shirt and pulled her out of the landfill and threw her towards a fenced area across from her. Kim's back hit the metal fence and she landed face down in the trash. "Ewwwww."

"Kim!" The teen hero grabbed the Kimmunicator from her pocket.


"The Syntho-Plasma reacts to electronic currents. Drakken is controlling it with a radio tower in his lair." Kim looked up. Shego was stalking towards her like a cat ready to pounce.

"And his lair is?" Kim grabbed onto a nearby "Danger Keep Out" sign to hoist herself to her feet, but the sign ended up being a secret lever. A few yards away, a secret door emerged from the ground. "Well that was convient." Kim turned and made a dash for the lair door just as Shego was about to reach her. Ron and Drakken followed behind Shego as she chased Kim.

Shego cornered Kim in the control room, where the radio tower was stationed.

"Give it up, Kimmie." Kim leaned back against the control panel. He hand grazed a large red Self-destruct button.

"Sorry, Shego, but quitters never prosper." Kim slammed her hand down on the self destruct button with a satisfying thwack and the alarms immediately went off. Sparks flew from the signal tower and puffs of smoke erupted from between it's paneling. Outside, the syntho-plasma released its hold on the bus and slithered off to a far corner of the landfill.

"No, no, no, no, no. It's just not fair." Drakken stomped his foot and mumbled something under his breath. He pointed a finger at Kim. "Curse you, Kim Possible! You think-"

"Uh, guys," Ron cut him off. "I think we should hurry up and get out of here!" Ron and Drakken ran towards the exit. Kim followed suit, but Shego blocked her path.

"Shego, what are you doing? We have to get out of here!"

"You want to thank me so badly for saving you? The only reason I got you out of that mess is because the only way you're going to fall into boiling lava is if when I push you in myself!" Shego spat. Kim backed away from her. The ceiling of the lair began crumbling down and various gasses were steaming up the room so much it was getting hard to see. Through the gray haze of dust and smoke, Kim could see two glowing green hands move toward her. She dodged left and heard Shego groan as she made contact with something metal. Kim didn't have to think about Shego's next move. She made a beeline for the exit and clambored out of the trash and rubble. Ron and Drakken were waiting outside. The area of the landfill where the lair had been was now sunken in and steaming. Trash melted and turned to goop from the heat of the destroyed lair. In a far corner there was a small explosion, sending trash into the air, only for it to come down in pieces like acid rain.

"Where's Shego?" Drakken chewed his lip and wrung his hands. His hovercar pulled up next to him. He looked around, nervous before stepping into the flying machine. "Shego?" he shouted. Kim and Ron looked at each other. Kim pulled out her Kimmunicator.

"Wade, scan Drakken's lair, tell me if there's anyone still in there." Kim held out her Kimmunicator and a wide green beam of light scanned the wreckage.

"Thermal imaging detects one biological heat signature."

"Thanks, Wade." Kim clicked the screen off and shoved the Kimmunicator in her pocket. She took a step towards the lair, but Ron caught her by her arm.

"Kim, it's too dangerous. What are you doing?" Kim looked over at Drakken, who was now biting his nails over his gloves, then looked back at Ron.

"I'm returning the favor."

"Shego?" Kim shouted. She coughed and had to squint through all the dust and smoke. "Shego, where are you?" Kim climbed over rubble that littered the floor and did her best to avoid the falling bits between the intermittent rumblings of the self-destruct sequence. She turned on the flashlight function of her Kimmunicator and used it to guide her back to the control room where she last saw her missing foe. "Come one, Shego, you've gotta be around here somewhere." Kim muttered to herself, covering her mouth and nose with one hand, Kimmunicator in the other. She had to use her elbows to maintain her balance between toppled pillars and chunks of ceiling. Kim pressed a few buttons on the Kimmunicator, and a small fan popped out of the front. She used it to clear away some of the smoke, then gasped.

Shego laid unconscious on the ground in front of the now-broken and half melted signal tower.

"She must have hit her head." Kim muttered to herself. She walked over to Shego and tried to shake her awake, but the woman didn't move. Electricity crackled in the air above them. More rubble fell from the ceiling in front of them. The control panel to Kim's right burst into flames and exploded. The air was thick with smoke and dust, causing another coughing fit for Kim. "This is so not good."

"Do you think they'll make it?" Drakken asked Ron.

"Dude, she's Kim Possible. She can do anything." Ron patted Drakken on the back reassuringly.

"Indeed," Drakken said solemnly.

A large explosion occurred towards the front of the sunken lair, and both men winced. Drakken and Ron hugged each other and began sobbing, suddenly overcome with fear.

"KP!" Ron sobbed. "You were so young!"

"Shego!" Drakken cried. "You were a loyal partner in crime." Drakken sniffled and rubbed his eyes, keeping an arm around Ron.

"Kim!" Ron shouted.

"There, there, dear buffoon. She's in a better place now." Drakken squeezed Ron in a side hug.

"Dude, no. It's Kim. She made it." Ron pushed himself out of Drakken's grip and ran up to Kim, flailing his arms. "KP!" Drakken gasped at the sight.

Kim was covered in soot, and her clothes were ripped in various places. She walked slowly, exhausted, and blowing her messy bangs out of her eyes with a hoarse breath. In her arms she carried a limp body: green and black lycra and a mess of black hair.

"Shego!" Drakken cried in relief. Kim put Shego down on the floor of the hover car, then pulled out the Kimmunicator.

"Wade, I need a full body on Shego, now." She held the device over Shego's body. A familiar green beam of light passed over her.

"She'll be fine, Kim. She just needs some rest."

"Ughhhhh." Shego groaned, coming to her senses. Kim breathed a sigh of relief. With another groan and a hiss, Shego stretched her limbs and opened her eyes, only to be greeted by Kim Possible looking down at her. She pushed herself up onto her elbow and looked back and forth between Kim's soot-covered form and flaming remains of the lair. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

Kim squatted down to Shego's level and put a hand on her shoulder. "I know you said you don't do 'thank you's, but you're welcome." Kim smirked at Shego's dumbfounded expression, then walked back to where Ron was waiting.

"Come, Shego," Drakken said, starting the hover car. "Kim Possible's computer boy said you need rest. How about a nice vacation?" Kim and Ron looked on as the hover car zipped away.

"You know what stinks?"

"Uh, all this flaming garbage?"

"Actually I was talking about the fact that Drakken and Shego can nearly get all of us killed, then you save the everyone, including them, and then they get to fly away while we have to go back to school and spend the rest of the day with Barkin," Ron huffed. "But yeah, I the garbage smells pretty bad too." Kim rolled her eyes.

"Come on, maybe we can convince the Barkin to stop at Bueno Nacho on the way back."


When I was a senior in high school (damn, im old), my AP environmental science class took a field trip to the dump. And a sewage treatment plant, and a rock quarry. We just sat in the bus and they drove through it. It was weird and smelly.

Anyway, I tried my best to mimic the style of an actual episode of the show, but I don't know how I feel about it. Do you like this style? Did you hate it? Would you like to see more of it? Or would you rather I write it out more like a book with more details and descriptions and less scene cuts? This ended up much longer than I expected. It turned out to be 10 pages. I've literally written thesis papers shorter than this. Do you like long chapters, or do you want more frequent short chapters?

Also, how psyched are you for the new KP movie? I stalked the actors on Instagram, they seem like nice kids. I think they'll do a good job. Also, go look up the girl who plays Shego. I think she's a great pick and her Instagram stories are pretty funny. As long as her costume doesn't suck, I have high hopes.