Sunshine hit the peak of the Throat of the World, lighting up the snow in the pale pinks and purple of early dawn. This sight was lost on Lucia, however, for she was looking towards the Blue Palace. Her stomach was a positive soup of nerves. She had finally arrived here, in the same place as her father. But now that she was here, she suddenly had the great wish to be anywhere else.

And she did not understand why. This was Uhther. The man who had taken her off the streets of Whiterun. The man who had given her a home, a family, and had taught her how to fight.

She supposed it had been a while since she had last seen him. She had heard stories about Uhther in that time, both about what he was doing and what he had done in the past, quite a few of those she had never heard before. She was having a hard time thinking of him as just her father anymore, he had become the Dragonborn. Lucia had always known who her father was, but she supposed she had only recently come to understand what that meant.

She walked through the camp, closely followed by Braith, Lars and a few others from the Fangs. Lars was still wearing his imperial uniform which only made Lucia think of Samuel. He had sent no word or anything since he had left with Runa, Hroar and Haming. Lucia was worried. Had the Kingsworn killed them? If they had, she was not in any position to do anything about it. She was here now and nothing short of the return of Alduin and the end of days was going to take her away.

She looked back up at the Blue Palace. The Queen, the jarls, her father, General Tullius. They were all in there, the most powerful men and women in Skyrim. Well, some of them. The Greybeards were not there, of course, and the Arch-mage had decided against joining the council.

'I will give my news to the queen in private,' she had said when Jarl Kraldar had asked if she would accompany him. Lucia had the suspicion that Safiya had not forgotten the years of suspicion and hostility the College of Winterhold had suffered from the people of Skyrim, not least of all the jarls. She supposed she could not blame the Redguard mage for not wanting to see them all in one place.

She had secluded herself in her tent and none but initiates of the College were allowed in.

Lucia and the Fangs had left as soon as they could. Leave the business of mages to mages, as Uhther would sometimes say.

She glanced up at the palace. Llirvalie had disappeared when they'd arrived. Lucia was in little doubt that she was up there now, likely hiding in some corner to hear all that was said and decided at the council. Perhaps she would tell Uhther that she was here.

As she walked, indecision rattled around in her thoughts. She couldn't decide whether she should walk up to the palace, tell the guards who she was and have them take her to her father, or if she should wait here in the camp for Uhther to return. The second was the sounder option, after all he would have to come down at some point, but Lucia was impatient. She had waited so long to stand at her father's side and now the time was here, she did not want to wait longer than she had to.

Besides, she thought as she looked around the camp, I have no tent. Where am I supposed to wait?

Her eye was caught by a figure running down from the city. It looked like a courier. He jogged into the camp, looking around as if hoping to spot a face in the crowd. Lucia moved to intercept him, the others following behind her.

'What is it?' she called to the courier, who was still casting about in all directions.

'The council is over,' said the courier, distracted, 'General Tullius is returning to Castle Dour and the Jarls are coming back. All but Jarl Siddgeir.'

Excitement flooded Lucia. The time had finally come.

'Is the Dragonborn coming?' she asked, 'Is he coming here to the camp?'

The courier glanced at her and looked as if he were about to answer but he never got the chance.


She looked up the path and there he was. Striding towards her, a beaming smile on his face. He was dressed in his dragonscale armour. Lucia had not seen him wear that in years. He looked as he had in that first year Lucia had known him, when he had first become her father.

Behind him were two elves. One was Llirvalie, her red eyes glittering with mischief. The other was a High Elf that Lucia did not recognise who had the look of a wizard. Behind them came what looked like almost every one of Uhther's housecarls, all girt in their dragonplate. Lucia could not remember the last time she had seen them all in one place.

Not that they mattered. All that mattered was Uhther. In that moment, she did not care that she was the leader of a warband, and that warband was right there watching. Nor did she care that she was a young woman now. In that moment she was a little girl again, seeing her father return after a long time away. She ran to meet them and Uhther swept her up in a bearlike hug.

'It's so good to see you,' he said, laughing as he let her down, 'I've missed you.'

'And I you,' Lucia gasped. She always forgot how strong he was. Uhther was looking over her head.

'Are these yours?' he asked, 'these Fangs that I've heard so much about?'

Lucia jumped and turned.

'Yes,' she said, slightly flustered, 'these are them.'

Uhther was regarding the Fangs with an appraising eye.

'That's never Braith!' he exclaimed. Braith stepped forward, inclining her head to Uhther in greeting. 'Well you did used to say there was no one you wouldn't fight,' Uhther chuckled, 'I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you decided to fight the Thalmor. Still, I'm impressed.'

Even with her dark skin, Lucia saw Braith blush as she smiled back.

'And Lars Battleborn! By the Nine but you've grown up!'

'Legate!' As Uhther mentioned his name, Lars sprang to a salute that had Lucia and Braith giggling. But he ignored them. 'Blaise is here as well. Samuel was with us, but Lucia sent him on an errand.'

'Did she?' Uhther said, looking coyly down at his daughter, 'well if the Young Dragon commands, it must be obeyed.'

Lucia cringed a little at the gentle mockery. Braith sniggered. Lars, however, did not seem to notice.

'We haven't deserted the legion, Lord,' he seemed intent on reassurance, 'obviously once everything here is sorted, we will be returning. It's just, we thought we could serve you better by doing this.'

'It's quite alright, lad,' Uhther reassured him, 'I'll make sure Rikke and Tullius know you were acting on my orders, there won't be a problem.'

Lars beamed. Uhther tuned back to his daughter.

'Anyone else I know?'

'A few,' Lucia shrugged, 'the Honorhall orphans. You might know Sissel and Britte from Rorikstead and there's Jarl Idgrod's son, Joric.'

There were a few more greetings and introductions made. Lucia marvelled at how her father was able to so easily command a group of people. She'd been leading the Fangs long enough to understand leadership and recognise respect. And she could tell that, even those of her group who had never met her father before, were his warriors after a few words spoken between them.

No, it was more than that. There was a look close to worship in their eyes as they looked at him. Lucia supposed that made sense. To her, Uhther was the man who'd raised her. Eaten with her, played with her. To them, he was the Dragonborn, a figure almost akin to Talos himself.

They would fight for him, Lucia thought, they would give everything they could in what was to come. She smiled.

Once all was done, Uhther turned back to Lucia.

'The Arch-mage has requested my presence,' he said, 'I need to go talk to her.'

Lucia felt a little disappointed. She had hoped for longer. But she understood. She nodded and Uhther turned and began walking away, flanked by the elf wizard. He had only taken a few steps, however, when he stopped and turned back.

'Well? Come on then.'

Understanding what he meant, Lucia felt joy fill her.

'You mean it?'

'Of course,' Uhther winked, 'I would be lost without the Young Dragon at my side.' He turned to Braith. 'I assume you're second?' He did not wait for a reply. 'Go find Captain Gaius. He's quartermaster here. Tell him I ordered him to sort you and the other Fangs out with tents, firewood, pots, pans, whatever you need. I'll have your commander back with you shortly.' Then he turned and continued on his way.

After a stunned second, Lucia chased after and caught up with him, walking beside him. The housecarls followed on behind them.

'After we're done with the Arch-mage,' Uhther said, 'we shall grab ourselves some mead. I want to hear the whole story. Capturing Riften, Lucia? I'm amazed the Thieves Guild let you get away with that.'

Lucia giggled, nervously.

'Yes, Llirvalie explained a few things on the way here,' she said. She turned to look for the dark elf woman, but she had disappeared.

Uhther barked with laughter.

'Yes, she did the same thing to me once,' he said, 'I didn't know who she was at the time. I was considering ridding Skyrim of the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. Thieves and Assassins, I thought, dishonourable and grubby practices with no place in Skyrim.'

Lucia was surprised. She had never heard about this.

'So, what happened?'

'Well Llirvalie came and calmly explained why that would be an incredibly stupid idea,' Uhther shrugged, 'I am but a simple warrior, with no head for complex political machinations. We agreed it would be for the best to just let them get on with it, though she conceded that any assassin or thief that came after me was fair game.'

The two of them laughed. Lucia glanced back at the elf wizard. He did not seem the slightest bit interested in their conversation.

She looked back to see Uhther looking at her, his expression suddenly serious.

'Your mother?' was all he said, 'the others?'

Lucia needed no more than that. She knew what he meant.

'They're safe,' she said, 'they've gone to Solstheim with Grandfather. I figured they'd be safe with the Skaal.'

Uhther nodded.

'A good idea,' he said, 'we can go get them back when all this is over.' He paused. 'You said only Verner went with them? What about Anneke?'

'She stayed behind with us,' Lucia answered, 'she said you'd have a hard time finding a better scout than her and she wasn't going to sit around while all the excitement was happening.'

Uhther snorted in amusement.

'At her age, you'd think she wouldn't mind taking it easy so much,' he said, 'but she's right, of course.'

'I do hate to interrupt,' the elf wizard suddenly spoke, making Lucia jump. She had forgotten he was there, 'but the Arch-mage's tent is just up this row.'

Lucia followed the elf's pointing finger to a large white pavilion flying the five-pointed star emblem of the College of Winterhold.

'Right,' Uhther grunted before turning to Lucia, 'let's see what she wants.'