Eric, Godric and Sookie arrived at the bar shortly after sunset. They entered through the back entrance and headed down to the basement before going to the office. Eric wanted to check on his "guest" and introduce Godric to the weasel. He turned to Sookie before opening the door and asked if she wanted to go in or go on up to the office. He was pretty sure Bill would be a site to behold. At Sookie's nod to going in, Eric opened the door, sending pride to his little Southern belle, which Godric echoed.

The sight which greeted them was comical and all three had to hold their stomachs from laughing so hard. Bill was hanging from restraints on his wrists and ankles with a collar around his neck and an empty bottle of TruBlood hanging nearby. He looked like a polka dotted pin cushion with all the toothpicks sticking out of him and spots of missing skin. They also noticed the silver powder on his face and laughed even harder. Eric pulled out his camera and snapped a picture of this to enjoy many times over. Godric pointed to Bill's feet and gave a nod of approval. Eric noted with pride that Pam had skinned Bill's feet and then lowered him so they would skate across the floor, just touching enough, with what appeared to be silver dusting the concrete. You could see the multiple burns on Bill's neck from reaching for the bottle. He had managed to heal a few of his wounds but only about twenty percent or so. When they managed to calm down, they turned to Pam, who had come down while they were having their laughing fits.

"I see you have been entertaining yourself Pamela." Eric said to his Progeny with pride.

"Yes, I have been well entertained, as well as all vampires in the club. You know, it was truly disgusting how easily he broke. I had only gotten half of the toothpicks in when he started singing for me. I've had humans and baby vamps hold out better than this worm." Pam said with a bored tone and slight smirk.

Eric and Godric just shook their heads. He really was a disgrace to their race. Looking over to Sookie to see how she was doing, Eric was surprised to see her just standing there, staring at Bill with an unreadable expression on her beautiful face. He then felt for her emotional state…she was feeling… anger, joy, and irritation. Interesting.

"So lover, what do you think? Sorry you agreed to come down?" Eric asked. All three vampires turned to look at Sookie and waited curiously for her answer.

"Hardly. I was just thinking how this asshole is ruining a perfectly good start to my day. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be here with both of you, just irritated we have to deal with his ass. It's bad enough we have to be here at the club instead of enjoying our evening at home, but to throw having to deal with Bill in there too, well, it pisses me off a little." Sookie retorted while giving Bill a scathing look. She knew she should be appalled being down here and seeing another being in the shape he was in but she just couldn't find it in her at the moment. She also knew that this was part of being in the Supe world. Not everything was sunshine and roses. So she didn't dwell on it.

Godric, Pam and Eric were both a bit surprised by her response. They had expected her to be a bit more grossed out or put off by seeing Bill in such a way but what they got was her acceptance of vampire politics. Eric stepped forward and asked, "Sookie, as part of Bill's punishment for putting you in grave danger is to lose his fangs." At this Bill spoke up.

"Sookeh, if I had known you were going to be harmed, I would have made sure to be there on time. You've got to believe me. I don't know what Eric, his Maker or his Progeny have told you but I had nothing to do with it. I swear I love you and only want what's best for you."

While Bill was saying his piece, Sookie walked up closer to him. Bill thought she was listening to him until he felt the slap. She hit him hard enough to turn his head and split his lower lip. Because of drinking the blood of two ancient vampires, Sookie's strength was greatly increased. She then stepped away from Bill and looked at Eric and said, "His fangs get removed huh? Well, what are we waiting for? How do you do that and am I allowed to do it?"

At Eric's surprised look she said, "What? The bastard had me almost beaten to death. I think I deserve the right to inflict a bit of pain on him." Eric and Godric both sent her a burst of pride through the bond. She was well within her right, as their mate, to de-fang Bill for what he had done. So Eric walked over to the table of tools and grabbed two items after slipping on a pair of gloves. One was used to pry a vampire's mouth open and the other would cause his fangs to snick down to be secured in the rings for removal. Eric walked over to Sookie with the tools and handed them to her.

"This Lover is used to open a vampire's mouth and keep it open. This one is used to remove their fangs. Shall I demonstrate or do you think you can handle it?" Eric asked while watching Sookie check out the two tools he handed her. When she looked up at him, he became instantly hard. The look in her eyes of determination, acceptance and anger was a beautiful and potent combination to see and took his breath away. When she started walking towards Bill, she asked over her shoulder: "So if it takes me a few tries to get it right, he'll feel every bit of it?"

At Eric's nod and smirk, she gave a smirk of her own. "Then I think I can handle it. Oh, it might take me a moment or two to get the positioning right but I'll manage." When she felt pride and lust coming through the bonds from both her vampires, her confidence shot up. She normally didn't like to hurt people but Bill was an exception to the rule. He had almost had her killed just so he could get his nasty blood into her and that was something she just couldn't let go of. The comical widening of Bill's eyes and paler skin of his face made Sookie only feel more confident about what she was about to do.

As Sookie was coming closer with the tools of torture in her hand, Bill tried once more to influence her with his words, since his tie through blood was gone. "Sookeh, don't do this. This isn't you. You're above all this, a Southern lady and Southern ladies don't inflict pain on people. They forgive and give second chances. It's their blood in you making you be this way, fight it. Don't sink to their level Sookeh."

As Sookie placed the tool to open Bill's mouth she heard him hiss. "I'm not as helpless or dumb as you might think Bill Compton. Yes, I am a lady but even ladies have their breaking points and I'm pretty sure having someone set them up to be beaten to within an inch of their life would be it. Now, shut up and stop whimpering. Take your punishment like a good boy." Sookie scolded him as she finally got the tool proper and forced his mouth open. Next she attached the fang removal tool against his upper teeth and gums, which of course took a few tries to get it lined up just so. As Eric had said would happen, Bill's fangs snicked down immediately. Sookie took a moment or two to move the tool around a few more times to make sure she had it in the right spot, and then gave a hard yank. Bill let out a howl of pain when she did this and looked at her with hatred in his eyes.

"Tsk, tsk Bill. You really should not be looking at our mate in such a way." was Godric's admonishment. "I think she did a superb job. This was your first time was it not Sookie?" at her nod Godric continued. "Then she most certainly did an excellent job. You should be thankful she did it as quickly and efficiently as she did." Sookie gave a Godric a wide smile at his praise. She wasn't interested in becoming good at torture or anything but it was nice to hear him praise her when she did do it. Eric and Pam both looked upon Sookie with pride. Most humans didn't have the stomach to deal out any kind of torture but Sookie had shown she was made of tougher stuff. When it was warranted, she could do it.

Pam looked to Eric and said, "Well, that was fun. I'll go up and check on the bar. Will you three be out on the floor tonight?" At their nods she replied, "Good. The vermin did not like you cutting your presence short last night."

"We will be up shortly Pamela. I need to go through tonight's paperwork first and then we will be on the floor for a few hours." At Eric's comment Pam nodded her head and left.

Eric looked to his mates and gestured towards the door, "Shall we?" he asked.

"Yes, please. The stench down here is starting to get to me. I cannot imagine how the two of you are standing it. Oh, and Eric, what should I do with these?" Sookie asked holding out Bill's bloody fangs for inspection. Eric shrugged and replied, "They are yours. Do with them as you wish lover."

"Mine, huh? Well, I was thinking they'd make great earrings or maybe a bracelet. Would you agree?" She said with all seriousness but with mirth in her eyes.

Eric and Godric couldn't help the full belly laughs that erupted from them at her suggestion and Bill's outraged snarl. "I think they would make an excellent set of earrings love. I am curious as to how you see them as a bracelet though. I know a jeweler who could fix them up for you if you like. I would just need to know if you prefer white or yellow gold or platinum?" Godric told her.

Sookie nodded and answered while handing the fangs over to Godric who had gotten a piece of cloth to fold them in, "Hmm. Well I suppose I see them as a chain or wire run through them for the bracelet. Yeah, I like that better, bracelet it is. Oh and white gold, it goes better with my tan. Thank you Godric." Godric then pocketed the fangs to send off and turned into a bracelet with a smile.

Once upstairs and the door shut to the basement, Eric pushed Sookie up against it and kissed her. It only took a moment for her to respond and respond she did. She wrapped her arms around Eric's neck and pressed her body even closer to his. When his tongue darted out to taste her lips she moaned and opened her mouth for him. Eric took advantage of the offering. She tasted so sweet; he couldn't get enough of her. Watching her in the basement, dealing with Bill, had him incredibly turned on. But he needed to get control over himself before he took her against the door. With her passion in returning his kiss and grinding her pelvis against his…yeah, he needed to reel himself back in and quickly. Realizing she would need air soon gave Eric the out he needed to pull away. He inhaled her scent and groaned. She smelled so fucking good, it did absolutely nothing but make him even harder. He hoped he wouldn't have to wait too much longer before he could have her. Her body fit so perfectly against his and her scent, especially when aroused, tested his control to the limits.

Once Eric stepped away from Sookie, Godric grabbed her around her waist and pulled her to him. He had been as turned on as Eric in the dungeon. Watching their little mate unleash some of her anger on Compton had been entertaining and extremely arousing. She had taken control and proven she was no delicate wall flower. He was proud of her. When she slammed into his chest with a smile and immediately wrapped her arms around his waist, Godric wasted no time kissing her. She opened up to him as soon as his lips touched hers and moaned into his mouth. Godric felt himself become hard as stone and slipped his hands down her waist to her ass to give it a squeeze and pull her even closer to him. When Sookie felt him squeeze her butt and pull her closer to his erection she couldn't help but moan and grind herself against him. She allowed her own hands to fall from his waist to his ass to grab onto. They both moaned when she did this and their kissing became even more passionate.

By the time they pulled apart, Sookie was panting for air and Godric inhaled deeply; pulling her scent into him and reveling in it. Her scent had permeated Eric's office. As if Eric wasn't hard enough, watching his mates kiss so passionately almost made him come in his jeans. He was pretty sure the wait time for intimacy was close to an end, especially if Sookie's reaction to them both, just now, was anything to go by.

After taking a moment to regain her senses, Sookie excused herself to tend to her human needs in Eric's private bathroom. Once Sookie closed the door, she leaned up against it and took a deep breath. Holy Hell could those two kiss! Damn if her girly bits weren't all tingly and craving for the next step. She knew before that she wouldn't make any of them wait too long but apparently her body was ready now. Well, they couldn't do much while at the club. Actually, she knew they could but they wouldn't. When they had sex it would be somewhere private and safe. She knew they would want that for her and she appreciated it. After she finished up she walked out to see Godric sitting on the couch and Eric at his desk looking through paperwork. As she crossed over to the sofa, Godric patted his lap for her to sit on, which she did with pleasure. She might be playing with fire but it felt so good she really didn't care. She could feel his erection and squirmed just a bit, loving the sound of his moan and the tightening of his arms around her. She may be teasing him but she was also teasing herself in the process, so worth it though.

When Eric finally finished up with all the paperwork, for the bar and Area, the mated trio headed out onto the floor. Once on the floor, Eric headed to the throne and saw there were two other seats, one on his left and one on the right. As he sat, he motioned for Godric and Sookie to join him. Godric sat on Eric's right and Sookie took the left. Within moments, Pam was standing behind Eric and Sookie, updating Eric on the club then left to tend the door. Sookie looked to Eric and asked if he'd like her to scope the crowd for a bit. She knew he would understand and by putting it this way, no one would be the wiser to her quirk. She had a feeling the fewer who knew what she could do the better off she and her mates would be. At his nod she lowered her shields a bit. Immediately she found two underage girls, an undercover cop just looking for a reason to call in a raid and a V dealer looking to score fresh product. Eric texted Pam and Chow, and within a few minutes the situations were taken care of.

Sookie raised her shields back up, tired of hearing the fangbangers thoughts, especially where her vampires were concerned. They were hers and she didn't plan on sharing. They had had their chance and if they hadn't taken advantage when it had been presented, well, that was their loss. No one but her would touch or taste her vampires. She smirked at the vermin who were giving her dirty looks. She knew what she had and how lucky she was. A small part of her couldn't help but gloat with these thoughts. At the cocked eyebrows from both Eric and Godric, Sookie shrugged and sent them possessiveness and appreciation through the bonds. They both chuckled and sent her humor and pride in answer.

After being on the dais for about half an hour, Sookie heard a familiar voice. Jason? What the devil was he doing here? Did Gran tell him about her finding her mates and it being two instead of one? Did she tell him about Rene and the attack? About Eric and Godric saving her? She had a million questions and decided to sneak a peek into his mind to find out. Jason was a good brother, a bit protective at times, but good to her nonetheless. When she looked into Jason's mind she found that Gran had explained it all to him and he was here to check out her vampires, big brother style. Sookie had to smile and shake her head, she loved her brother. Even though he knew he could get himself killed easily, he was still there to do his big brother part.