Inuyasha could barely open his eyes. His lids, like everything else on his body, felt weighed down with sluggishness. He wasn't sore, save a spot in the pit of his back but he felt so heavy.


He groaned, attempted to sit up.

"Oh my puppy is awake!"

The unfamiliar voice shot warning through his system and suddenly Inuyasha was alert. His eyes shot open to find a dark haired demon smiling down at him with excitement. He was pale, with thin red lips, reminding the hanyou of an enemy he'd slain long ago, Gatenmaru. But unlike the acid spewing fiend, this one was actually smiling.

"Goody now we can play!"

Inuyasha glared at the demon, again attempting to sit up. Only to find that he couldn't move.

"Hey what the--"

The demon watched him as memories of the previous day hit him. He'd scented the oncoming youkai but before he could get the words out Kagome had sat him. That was when he'd felt something dig into his back and this guy had been the culprit.

With the memory, the hanyou snarled.

"You're going to pay for what you did to my friends!"

The scorpion only leaned closer, inhaling deeply. His eyes fluttered theatrically as he took another whiff.

"It is so rare that I encounter a hanyou around these parts. Especially one of the inuyoukai variety. I do so love your species. So dumb and sexy."

Dumb and sexy? What?

"You calling me dumb you overgrown insect?!"

The scorpion sighed.

"Arachnid. How many times do I have to tell you? Then again, dumb and sexy..."

Inuyasha was snarling again when his captor reached down to caress his bare chest.

"Get your hands off--" wait, why was his chest bare?

He tried to glance down at himself, feeling the air on his skin. All over his skin. He was naked! And much to his chagrin, so was the scorpion.

"You sick freak! Where the hell are my clothes!" he demanded.

The scorpion was concentrating on the body before him.

"Where they belong. Off of you."

He licked his thumb before lowering it to begin to circle a nipple. Stalking it, teasing Inuyasha with what he wanted to do next. His enemy's intentions clear, the hanyou felt a mix of revulsion and outrage.

"Don't fucking touch me you weird--"

The tingling sensation hit him as the scorpion began thumbing his pink nub. He couldn't help it, his throat released a gasp of surprise. No one had ever touched him there before. Not like this. Being a hanyou, the only touches he tended to recieve were of the violent confrontational type.

"Get your hands off me!"

The scorpion responded by applying his other thumb to a second nipple. The tingling intensified.


"I will do no such thing."

Inuyasha tried to swing at him, to throw him off with a lurch of his body but the only thing he could move was his neck and above. Yet he could feel everything else. The fur beneath him, the air above him, the fingers molesting him. Briefly his mind shot back to his childhood, a feeling of helplessness when a roaming stranger had accosted him in the woods. He'd only been orphaned and chased off by the villagers a few months by then and was still very young. The man, seeing nothing but a despicable half-demon, had thought it the perfect opportunity to satiate his own desires.

Inuyasha had fought hard and barely escaped him. A handful of dirt in the eyes and his young claws to the bastard's genitals had saved him in the end.

But now Inuyasha couldn't fight. He couldn't move.

"Get the fuck off me!" he railed, not willing to be helpless again.

"I mean it! I'm going to split you in half when I get my sword back. You'll feel my windscar firsthand!"

The scorpion's thumbs turned to fingers and began twisting steadily. Inuyasha was bewildered to find his nipples swollen and hard. But what shook him more was the effect it was having on a certain body part much lower. A visibly twitching body part that his captor took notice of.

"I'm delighted to see that you're enjoying yourself, dear puppy."

"Fuck you!"

He was not enjoying himself. He did not want this thing touching him. He wanted to claw the scorpion's face off with an iron reaver. But his was unaccustomed to this mode of contact. The closest he'd ever come to intimacy were hugs, hand holding, the occasional kiss from a priestess who could go no further. Even Kagome never touched him like this.

It was like his body didn't know what to do so it had gone off on it's own, leaving his mind screaming at it like a useless old coot.

"In time my puppy. But first I want to see you lose yourself. I want to see you cum."

He straddled the hanyou then, and a long thick tongue slipped from his mouth to wrap around his growing erection. The saliva was thick, instant lubrication.

"Don't--" Inuyasha threatened but the tongue began to stroke him and he lost his breath.


But the tingling grew to a burn and suddenly his body was on fire. Inuyasha tried to breathe but all he could do was pant. His own hand had never felt like this!

No, no I can't--fuck!

He growled, hating the creature molesting him. Hating his body for responding. Hating the tension building in his groin, causing his panting to increase, causing his eyes to water.

Then it happened, like a black powder cannon he exploded.


Inuyasha's head shot back as each pulse took him and he lost all sense of awareness. All he knew was the pleasure, the orgasm so intense that he was temporarily blinded. His mouth was making noises that his brain couldn't catch. His jaw was slack and useless. His body overwrought with a new bliss.

He remained in it's grasp, grunting with each spurt of his own seed as the scorpion milked him to the last drop. Once the pleasure subsided, those wicked hands released him to roam freely along his sweaty skin. The tongue retracted, leaving the hanyou's spent cock to fall against his belly.

"Mmm. Delicious."

Coming to himself, Inuyasha was horrified to find the scorpion licking at a heavy glob of his cum sliding down his demonic chest.

"Someone was quite full, huh puppy?"

To drive the point further, he took a finger and scooped up more from a heavy pool on Inuyasha's stomach. Humiliation and shame shrouded the proud hanyou.

He'd been conquered. By a pathetic scorpion.

No, not fully. He hasn't bred me.

Now that would be the ultimate humiliation. And by the hungry look in those oily eyes it was on the agenda. The bastard had yet to achieve his own release.

"You better pray this poison kills me," Inuyasha growled through clenched teeth.

"Because I swear to the gods I will kill you for this. You hear me?"

The fact that the scorpion remained unbothered infuriated him the more. Was he that little a threat now that he'd been had?

"Is my puppy embarassed for cumming so fast? Is that why you're so touchy?" he cooed.

His hands were caressing Inuyasha's abdomen, smearing the hanyou's sticky shame across his skin.

Inuyasha's face flamed in utter disgrace. Shame took him over and he purged it the best he knew how. Launching into a verbal tirade. He cursed the scorpion, his parents for making him and the entire species in general. He was going on until that stinger once again appeared, giving him a quick jab in his thigh.


"Hush now. We can continue when you calm down," his captor scolded.

Inuyasha started to snap his refusal when the world became fuzzy. The poison, it had to be the poison.

"...mmmrph!" was all he could manage before his eyelids were once again too heavy to hold up.

The last thing he saw was that slithery scorpion bastard leaning forward to give him a goodnight kiss.