It's been a week since the end of the 4th great ninja war and our Konaha hero was enjoying a simple life but do to the loss of his arm and the reward of a new one, he has been prevented from going on missions until the Hokage gives the word.

"Man, I'm bored!" Naruto exclaimed to himself, sitting in his apartment, wearing a white t-shirt and his orange pants.

"What can you do, Naruto?" Kurama replied from inside Naruto's mind.

"I don't know but anything has to be better than this!" Naruto said as he got up. "Maybe I'll do some training at grounds 3. Keep myself in shape until I can do missions again."

Naruto then got on his sanddles and walked out his apartment door, walking through the village as everyone gave a wave or a smile to him. This seemed to brighten his night a bit as the happiness of his home was still present, even after a terrible war.

As Naruto neared the field, he felt something he hadn't felt since his fight with Kaguya. A tear between dimensions had been opened.

"Did you feel that, Naruto?" Kurama questioned.

"Yeah, I'm gonna check it out." Naruto said.

Before the tailed beast could reply, he felt something coming out of the tear...something that was weakening by the minute. Naruto then rushed to the field and saw something that he was shocked by, even though he had tangled with the woman who birthed chakra itself, meet every tailed beast, and got a new arm that's forever covered in bandages. And that thing was a dragon with a sword sticking out of its back.

"A dragon?" Kurama said. "I haven't seen one of those in centuries."

Filing that to ask later, Naruto got closer to the dragon.

"Hello?" Naruto asked the dragon.

The dragon then opens its eyes and bellowed to Naruto,

"Leave me, human. I prefer my last sight to not be a filthy creature like you."

Naruto was taken back by this and then got angry from the insults.

"What did you say, you giant reptile?!" he screamed.

"What did you just call me, human?!" The dragon roared in anger, only to flinch as the sword seemed to dig deeper on its flesh.

Naruto saw this and his anger was replaced with concern as his attention was drawn to the sword stabbed in the dragon.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he slowly approached.

"Why would you care?" The dragon scoffed. "Even if you wanted to help, this sword would destroy you if you tried."

"Destroy me?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, this sword was made by god and shall destroy the mind of anyone who tries to remove it." the dragon said as it closed its eyes. "A simple mind like yours shall be like a pebble under me foot, shattered in an instant."

"As much as the overgrown lizard has a point..." Kurama snorted at Naruto's twitching in annoyance from the dragon's insult. "Let's prove how wrong it is, partner."

"Right!" Naruto shouted.

In that instant, he entered chakra mode and walked towards the dragon, who opened its eyes to see Naruto shrouded in a strange energy.

"What is this?!" the dragon shouted.

"Give me a moment!" Naruto replied as he jumped onto the dragon's back and began pulling the sword out.

And in fact, it was coming out!

"This thing is putting up a fight!" said Kurama, as he felt the power of the sword appeared to be on par with the strongest tailed beast.

"Just a bit more." Naruto said as he kept pulling.

"No way is this piece of junk stronger than me!" Kurama bellowed. "Stronger than us!"

""AAAAAHH/RAAAAAH!" Naruto and Kurama roared as the sword finally came out with a mighty pull and stabbed itself in the ground, the metal melting where they had grabbed it.

The dragon saw this and it's eye grew with shock.

"But-but that's impossible." it said as it saw the sword slowly disappear.

Naruto then jumped off the dragon's back and turned to it with a smile.

"Nothing is impossible!" he said as he approached the dragon. "Feeling better?"

'This human...' The dragon though and enveloped itself in light.

The light engulfs the training field, causing Naruto to cover his eyes. A few seconds later, when the light dies down, Naruto uncovers his eyes to see a beautiful woman with horns and a large tail in a cloak standing where the dragon was.

"Greetings, human, I am Tohru." she said, greeting Naruto.

Naruto simply stood with a wide mouth, knowing that the dragon that insulted him just became a beautiful naked girl. This went on for a few seconds until Kurama decided to comment.

"What do you know? He can be quiet." Kurama said in amusement.

"Ah! I-I'm Naruto! Naruto Uzumaki!" he replied to the greeting, getting out if his shocked funk.

"It was good while it lasted." Kurama commented.

"Nice to meet you, Naruto, and I would like to thank you for removing the sword of god." Tohru said.

"No problem, Tohru." Naruto cheerfully replied before asking with concern. "Does it still hurt? The sword wound?"

"No, the wound was able to heal the moment you removed the sword." Tohru said.

"That's good but why did you turn human?" asked Naruto in curiosity, wondering why the giant, ancient reptile would take this form.

"Wouldn't it be easier to speak like this, Naruto?" Tohru replied. "When I am not intimidating?"

"I guess but could you put on some more appropriate clothes?" Naruto asked with a blush as he looked away, referring to the cloak she was wearing.

"Is this not apporaprite?" Tohru questioned.

The human shook his head, causing the dragon girl sighed and mutter under her breath,

"You humans and your clothing... Anything in mind?" she asked.

"How about a shirt, for instance? One long enough to cover your-" Naruto trailed on as he pointed to her crotch and looked away.

Tohru looked down to where he was pointed and blushed as the wind blew her cloak away and showed her private area.

"Oh..." she said as she glowed once again.

When the light died down, Tohru was now wearing a white shirt, like Naruto's, that was long enough to cover herself but nothing else. Before Naruto could give his thanks, some noise was heard and both of them looked around to see what it was. Naruto then turned to the dragon girl and said,

"We need to get out of here, that light show of yours probably caught the attention of some Anbu ninja. Follow me."

Tohru nodded as Naruto then turned back to the direction of his house and ran with as fast as he could while Tohru followed with ease. They then went by the roof tops until they arrived at Naruto's front door.

"Is this your home, Naruto?" Tohru asked once she saw the door.

"Yeah, come on. Let's hurry inside, the Anbu aren't that easily escaped." Naruto said as he opened the door and guided her into his apartment.

"It's bigger inside." Tohru said as she looked around the inside of his home.

"Yeah, I know." Naruto said as he walked towards his bedroom, with Tohru following. He sat down on his bed and faced the dragon girl, who decided to sit on the floor on her knees.

"So, since you're here, do you mind telling me how you ended up with a sword in your back?" Naruto asked.

Tohru sighed not wanted to explain why she ended up here.

"It's a long story. Are you sure you want hear it?" she asked, silently begging he would say no.

"I have time." Naruto replied.