The Bakers were wearing special outfits for the occasion. Anthony was sporting a black tuxedo with matching shoes and red bow-tie, while Angel was wearing a beautiful red strapless dress with her brown hair cascading down, showing her true angelic beauty befitting her name. Casino had picked them up in the limo and drove down the strip, giving Anthony and Angel a chance to see the beautiful scenic view, the night lights adding to it.

Once they entered the club, Anthony quickly noted that this was the place to be, with the lights flashing to the music being played and guests as far as he could see. The bar was packed with many patrons ordering drinks, and scantly-clad women dancing on tables and couches. He was brought out of his daze with a quick elbow to his ribs. Turning, he saw the evil glare directed at him courtesy of his wife. Before he could say anything, they were escorted upstairs to a private room, where many other guests were enjoying themselves. Doomsday welcomed them with a smirk.

"Welcome to our little party, please make yourselves comfortable."

After being introduced to the other guests in the room, Angel warily asked, "What's this about?"

Doomsday nonchalantly answered, "It's the weekend after all, Ambassador. So kick back and relax. Most of all, have fun."

Casino chuckled, "Kick back, relax, and have fun? Those are foreign concepts to our dear Ambassador here."

Angel huffed, "For your information A.J., I do know how to relax and have fun."

"Oh puh-lease. You're all about duty first and foremost," Casino countered. "I'm just surprised that Junior here actually loosened you up some."

"What seems to be your problem with my wife?" Anthony seethed,

"She's a career politician that wrankles the wrong people." Casino nonchalantly answered, "Makes for a big target by your enemies, especially if what transpired earlier was any indication."

Angel narrowed her eyes. "Thanks for your concern A.J., even though we're more than used to such attacks. We'll adhere to what course of action is deemed necessary."

Casino was about to respond, when a familiar booming voice roared. "Lock it up, the both of you!"

Angel and Casino both turned to see Jackson standing there with that heated glare and cold expression on his face, his arms crossed over his chest. It was obvious he was unhappy with them.

He continued, "Do I need to have a baby sitter assigned whenever the two of you are in the same room?"

Casino and Angel exchanged glances then answered, "No, sir."

Jackson ordered, "Good. Now take a seat and do as Doomsday requested, that's an order."

Once everyone was seated, the waitstaff and servers entered the private room, passing out glasses and bottles of champagne to everyone.

Wildfire smirked and sarcastically asked, "So Moneybags, how do you know the Ambassador?"

Casino answered with a glare, "Before most of you had joined up a few years ago. King and I had to travel to Australia, as Spyder thought we could use one of their old bases as an addition to the American military, for an extra base of operations. Our dear Ambassador here was having problems with the usual bully... they wanted to invade and take control of the territory. They needed some help, and King volunteered our services since they were out-gunned. Needless to say, we came out victorious, despite heavy casualties."

David added, "Australia really isn't much of a military power, more like a small defense force that relies on ground forces and a few ships. Against a major military power, they wouldn't stand a chance. Same could be said for all those small island chains and New Zealand. They're in a bad spot in the world as you know."

Anthony agreed. "That's why Union Squadron was formed in the early 80's. Russia was a huge threat to the world, plus you had all those terrorist troublemakers in the Middle East. Basically, we had to help protect the smaller guys. Your country was in the Persian Gulf handling those issues, while the Confederacy decided to take advantage with their attacks on the smaller countries. We were able to turn them back twice, but at a heavy price. Something else you should know; Union Squadron's basically treated like royalty throughout the South Pacific region, including all of Australia and New Zealand, when we were at our height. As of right now, our forces are below 25%, while they somehow have grown quite a bit."

Jackson was processing what he heard before offering a comment, "Which I gather is the reason for your visit; it's not a coincidence that ambush earlier was aimed to take you out."

Anthony admitted, "You're correct sir. Those Confederates will stop at nothing until Angel and Union Squadron both are eliminated."

Jackson grunted, "We'll do everything we can to prevent that. Let's table this discussion for another day. In the meantime, let's enjoy the night and focus on having a good time."

Doomsday laughed, "Best order I've heard all night Boss. I don't know about you people, but I'm ready to have some fun. However, I believe Keith's got something to say. Go ahead you 'Twyzted' mother."

Keith "Twyzted" Slayer stood up tapping his glass with his ring to get everyone's attention.

"Attention everyone! As The Family's official toast master..."

His buddy David "Hell" Razah cut-in, "And bull-shitter!"

Keith continued the banter, "Thank you Razah, did I happen to mention that you're cut out of my will?"

Everyone laughed at their antics as Razah just smirked. Slayer grinned back before he continued.

"First of all, what I'm about to say doesn't include the rest of our friends gathered here who do their best in trying to keep all of us straight. Although, I'm sure a certain bald eagle would attest to that."

Spyder whispered into Carina's ear, "That's a 'Mission Impossible' if there ever was one."

Carina covered her mouth to keep the laughter in, Jackson added his two cents, "That's an understatement. This bald eagle can send your sorry six to count penguins in Antarctica, are we clear Commander?"

Slayer straightened up, "Crystal, sir."

Jackson smiled, "Good. Continue."

Slayer returns to his speech, "I would like to propose a toast to our newest friends, Anthony and Angel as we welcome you into this very pitiful group of degenerates called 'The Family', for as long as we're all together."

He turns his attention back to the rest of his comrades with a glare, "As for you gentlemen, and yes I do use that term loosely with you guys. I have two words for you!"

The group lifted their glasses before yelling out their traditional toast salute, "Up Yours!"

Wildfire chose that moment to add his own speech.

"One other announcement ladies and whatever this group want to be referred to as, with the exception being Anthony and our guests. I won't say anything more about the way we feel towards one another, in a sick twisted way."

Cyrix Van Gore snorted, "That's very comforting to hear Fire-Boy, but you're still not getting my Bud Light."

Wildfire, with an evil grin, asked, "That reminds me. Cyrix, you know what today is don't you?"

Cyrix's eyes turned cold and threatened, "You say anything Fire-Boy, and I will permanently cool you off!"

Maverick jumped in, "That's right Cyrix, it's your birthday!"

Inferno and Bouncer brought in a birthday cake with a decorated figure of Cyrix in the middle of the cake, with two other decorated figures. On one side of Cyrix is a bat wrapped in barbed-wire, and a shovel on the other side. The Bakers clearly were confused by the gesture after seeing Cyrix have a furious look on his face while scowling at his long time friends. They noticed more people had arrived once the cake was brought out.

Anthony leaned over from his seat asking David, "What's going on here? Why does Cyrix have that angry look on his face?"

David smirked, "Let's just say that you're about to get your first taste of this group's twisted humor."

David's words were confirmed when the two clowns appeared. Their names obviously matched their personalities, as when the red-haired one called Psycho Clown pulled out a tape from inside his coat pocket, and the green-haired crazy one known as Mental Clown grabbed the tape out of his brother's hand and began parading around with it before sliding the tape into a prepositioned video player that's setup. The group clearly could see Cyrix having a look of terror on his face when the logo for "Clown TV" was displayed.

Spyder jokingly queried, "So which one you think this is?"

Seeing the smugness on the faces of Spyder and David, Carina asks, "You mean there's more than one of these things?"

David answers, "They made it at least a trilogy out of the whole thing. Spyder, I believe it's the original."

Spyder, noticing the twinkle, cautiously asked, "What makes you so sure?"

David whispers, "Because Enrico and Marty just showed up. Plus, Tank just handed the bride over to Marty."

Spyder chuckles, "We've got to get the footage from Doomsday when this is over."

Anthony took notice of everything and stated, "As Ben would say, I've got a real bad feeling about this."

Carina confirmed it, "From what little bit I've seen of these guys, this Ben guy would've been right, I can't wait to see what happens next."

Spyder added, "Just wait until this show's over. We're going to have an encore, I get the feeling that our favorite resort owner's got his fingers on this one."

Angel asked with a raised eyebrow, "How do you know that Spyder?"

Spyder smirked, "Need to know."


Scene opens to a warehouse area, where it looks to be some sort of big ceremony going on. As the camera zooms in, we notice it's a wedding. The groom looks to be Cyrix Van Gore, a closer look reveals it's Mental Clown dressed as Cyrix. 'Cyrix' looks a little nervous as he's pacing the podium area. On the podium is none other than Pastor Enrico Flori. Cyrix's best man is none other than one half of The Master Maniacs, Artman, who looks a lot like Marty Andersen.

Everyone's waiting for the arrival of the bride. Suddenly, T.J. Money runs up, but he looks awfully familiar too. The camera zooms in even further and it's A.J. Casino. The camera zooms out and pans around, revealing various NMWA superstars impersonating HRCW superstars. Heaven Holder as Marc 'Gambino' Styles, Da Kid as Ground Zero, Horus as Hunter Lesnar, John Blake as Bret Benoit, and many others. 'Cyrix' showing impatience starts throwing a fit.

"Where's my bride? Where is shhhhhheeeee!"

'T.J.' reasons, "M.C., I mean Cyrix, your bride said she'll be a little late. She's digging a hole, but she'll be here shortly."

'Cyrix' snarled, "She better bring her ass, or I'm going to kick it all over this warehouse. You know I'm the best part of this wedding. This is my time damn it! I'm the one you all will fear, I'm your worst fear!"

'T.J.' asked, "Is that even a word? Worst?"

'Cyrix' growled, "Shut up boy! Go find my bride..."

'Artman' assured him, "Don't worry Cyrix, I will find her buddy."

'Artman ran off in search of Cyrix's bride.

'Cyrix' complained, "How can she treat me like this? I'm the U.S. and Xtreme Champion. I'm the best there is, was, and ever will be! Plus, with The Maniacs having my back, I can't be stopped."

'Cyrix' started to laugh maniacally before 'T.J.' cautioned, "Calm down Cyrix, you're getting all worked up."

'Cyrix' nodded, "You're right T.J., wait here's Artman! And he's got my bride!"

'Artman' comes running in with Cyrix's bride...SHOVEL!

'Cyrix' embraces his love and whispers, "Oh baby, I missed you. Where have you been? I'm going to need you to clock that moron Casino in the head a couple more times. Tonight's going to be a helluva honeymoon sweetie."

'Cyrix' looks down the handle and back up smiling as he licks his lips, "Damn baby, you're looking good. I can't wait for tonight..."

Enrico wanting to get the show on the road, "Can we get on with this now?"

'Cyrix' threatens, "Hey! Don't interrupt me and my baby. You do that again, and I will smack ya with her. But, yeah, let's get this done. I got 'big' plans for this girl..."

'Cyrix' looks down at his pants smiling and looks away from Shovel shyly giggling.

Enrico clears his throat and begins, "Ladies and Gentlemen. We're gathered here today to take this man, and um, well Shovel..."

'Cyrix' threatens, "She's a girl! Just because she looks like a shovel, acts like a shovel, and walks like a shovel doesn't mean she's a shovel. She's just...Different, and I love her damn it!"

Enrico continues, "Ok...Can I get a witness?"

'Artman' steps forward as 'Cyrix' hands him the shovel as the wedding party yell out "AMEN!"

Enrico growls, "Not that kind of witness! Oh forget it, now where were we? Oh yea, we're gathered here today to take this man and this...Girl in holy matrimony. Do you Cyrix promise to cherish and hold. Take care of each other, in sickness and in health? For richer or poorer, so help you God?"

'Cyrix' states, "I do."

Enrico turns to the bride, "And do you Shovel, promise to do the same?"

Silence fills the room as Shovel doesn't answer, Cyrix whispers, "Come on baby, just say the words. You know I love you..."

'Artman' looks into the camera and smiles before smacking 'Cyrix' with Shovel as he falls over with a big goofy grin.

Enrico continues, "Well, I will take that as an I do. Now, I understand you have some of your own vows you'd like to say before I pronounce you Husband and Shove...Wife?"

'Cyrix' stands up and shakes his head, pulls a piece of paper with tears in his eyes. He begins reading, "Shovel, we've been together for a long time. Since the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you're the one. The way you're metal glistened in the sunlight. The thunk sound you made when I first used you to hit Casino, that's one of the best times of my life. After you helped me win the U.S. and Xtreme titles, I knew you were the one for me. I want to grow old with you. I want to have little shovel babies. You're my moon and stars. Hell girl, you're the wind beneath my wings. I love you Shovel."

Enrico asked, "Shovel, would you like to add something?"

'Cyrix' is still crying as 'Artman' smiles again before smacking 'Cyix' with Shovel repeatedly until 'T.J.' stops him, 'Cyrix' was still smiling despite looking even goofier than before.

'T.J.' shaking his head, "Damn Artman, she only had a few words."

Enrico announced, "If that's all...I now pronounce you man and wife! You may kiss the bride! Wooo!"


Cyrix Van Gore glares at everyone around him, seething after his cohorts in crime humiliating him in front of their honored guests. Before he could say a word, Hell Razah and Twyzted Slayer cooled of Cyrix courtesy of a couple of champagne bottles being poured over his head. Casino stood up from the crowd and waited for Cyrix to dry off thanks to a waiter handing him a towel. Once he seen everyone was settled down, he began his speech.

"Let's get back to business. All of us came here tonight to honor not just the arrival of our new friends, but our brother in arms Cyrix for his birthday. I think we've honored him long enough with our insults and sadistic sense of humor. From all of us to you Cyrix, we give to you our big memento of this occasion. Marty, if you will, give the birthday boy his present."

Cyrix turned around and his eyes go wide in shock. Marty Andersen, an evil grin on his face and armed with a shove, knocks Cyrix down with a head-shot from the shovel. The gang stood and saluted crudely with bottles held high yelling, "Long live The Shovel Boy!"

Enrico even steps up as Casino holds the microphone for him announces, "I now pronounce you hitched..Wooo!"

Anthony just shook his head and disbelief, looking around at the group assembled. He's puzzled about the display he's seen. Addressing the group, he asked "You guys are very cruel, how can you hurt people that you call family?"

Tank simply answered for everyone. "If you think we're cruel doing this to friends and family, just imagine what we'd do to our enemies."

Holder agreed with his partner, "Trust us, Junior, it's not a pretty sight."

Angel spoke up, "Thank you everyone for a wonderful evening. Perhaps my husband and I should retire for the night. We've got a lot of work ahead of us."

Jackson agreed. "Couldn't have said it better myself. There's much to discuss about what we're going to do from here, and how to proceed. In the meantime, you two will be placed under our care until the threat's been dealt with."

Angel was about to respond, until she caught the challenging glare in Jackson's eyes. She knew that he wouldn't change his stance and reluctantly agreed to the order given.