Hey guys it is your favorite 3headed-dragon here and I'm bringing you chapter 4! Alright guys this is the end of the Wave Arch, you've been asking for this chapter so I hope it's as good as you have hoped.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you may recognize.

Chapter 4: The Centipede's Wave Finale

It's been a few days since Team 7 made it to Wave and currently we see Naruto sitting under a tree with Sakura sitting in his lap and they're making-out. Over the past couple of days Team 7 has been training for the day when Zabuza would come back for another try at Tazuna, well Sasuke and Sakura were training for that. Kakashi had finally decided to teach them some useful stuff but it turned out to only be tree walking, since Naruto and Sakura already knew how to do that Naruto took to training Sakura himself. Other than training Naruto made sure to have clones patrol the town to make sure that Gato's thugs didn't come back, he also helped Tsunami around the house while also flirting with her. Speaking of Tsunami, when her son Inari had come home and saw Naruto there the kid was overjoyed that the one that was fixing their town was staying with his family. Naruto was surprised that the kid didn't seem to mind that he ate people, Tsunami had freaked out at first because who the hell wouldn't but she calmed down when Naruto explained everything. Another thing that surprised Naruto about the boy was that he noticed Naruto flirting with his mom and actually encouraged it, this greatly surprised Tsunami that her son was actually okay with her dating someone else. She was secretly happy about this as she was attracted to Naruto.

Naruto and Sakura finally stopped making-out and she cuddled into his chest while he held her close. "Naruto-kun, I want to tell you something." said Sakura.

"What is it Sakura?" asked Naruto.

"While I didn't really eat ramen a lot growing up and I didn't really know you all that well I do remember seeing you around the village and I know Ayame didn't have the same Bloodline as you." said Sakura.

"I see." said Naruto.

"What happened Naruto, what really happened to you?" asked Sakura.

"Are you sure you want to know, it may change how you feel about me?" asked Naruto.

"I'm sure Naruto-kun and I promise nothing you tell me will change how I feel about you." said Sakura. Naruto sighed before telling Sakura everything; he told her how he was an actual demon thanks being killed when he was younger and being brought back by Yami, he told her how he has actually died multiple times, he told her of his Jinchuriki status, how Yami would pull him into hell every now and again to train him in something, and how he turned Ayame, Ameyuri, and Anko into Ghouls like him but Hinami was truly born the way she was. In fact the only things he didn't tell her was his parentage and his ANBU status, he decided that information should wait till later.

In the end Sakura was holding onto him tightly as she cried into his chest. While it was a lot to take in what she really focused on was the fact that he was just a normal child but was forced to become a demon because of the village's cruelty. It was then that a terrifying thought entered her mind, she was in debate with herself if she wanted to make her thoughts known or just keep them to herself but in the end she decided to voice her thoughts. "You've come into contact with both of my parents haven't you?" asked Sakura.

"Yes, your mother is one of the few civilians that was kind to me before I became a demon. She would bring me food whenever she could and show me places to hide for when the mobs would chase me, she always said she wished she could do more but I told her she was doing enough." said Naruto.

Sakura smiled at her mother's actions before frowning and asking another question. "And my father?" asked Sakura.

"Are you sure you want to know?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, I need to know." said Sakura.

"Very well, your father is personally responsible for 6 of my deaths." said Naruto shocking the hell out of Sakura. She couldn't believe that her own father had actually killed her boyfriend 6 times, though on the other hand with how much he hated Naruto it really shouldn't have been a surprise.

"I'm so sorry Naruto-kun." said Sakura.

"Don't be, you didn't do anything wrong." said Naruto.

"Can you turn me into a Ghoul Naruto-kun?" asked Sakura.

"I can but that is a big decision so really think about this, I can't change you back if you change your mind later." said Naruto. He had said the same thing to Ayame, Ameyuri, and Anko before he turned them.

"I understand, I'll think about it a little more but for now I need to get some more training in." said Sakura before giving one last kiss then getting up and going to train.

"Alright you two can come out now." said Naruto. At that point Rize and Eto came out of their hiding spots and stood in front of him. "Rize the Binge Eater and Eto the One-Eyed-Owl, hehehehe, when Yami-chan said she was going to be reviving Ghouls to lend me a hand I wasn't expecting for her to give me some real heavy hitters. So care to explain why you've been watching me for the last couple of days?" asked Naruto.

"Well I wanted to meet you right away but Rize insisted that we should watch you for awhile just to be sure you're like Yami-sama showed us." said Eto.

"And?" asked Naruto.

"You don't disappoint." said Rize with a smirk.

"Though why haven't you just killed Gato and gotten this mission over with by now?" asked Eto.

"Simple, without Gato Zabuza has no reason to fight me and I can't have my fun simply taken away from me like that. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find people with the skill level to entertain me." said Naruto.

"I understand that, plus if this mission ended too soon you wouldn't be able to flirt with that MILF." said Rize.

"There's that too." said Naruto.

"Well with Rize and myself here I'm sure we can entertain you Naruto-kun, so what do you say the three of us take out Gato." said Eto.

"Hmmmm, you know that's a good point the two of you would be way more fun so we'll take out Gato tonight. I hope you girls are hungry because I hear he has a bandit army of at least 200 men." said Naruto with a smirk, a smirk that Rize and Eto mirrored.

"Oh so you're taking us out to dinner, what a gentleman. I'm really going to enjoy carrying your child." said Eto.

"Well I need to keep my ladies happy, besides this gives me time to get to know you two a little better. I mean having information about you dumped into my head is one thing but actually talking to you is another." said Naruto.

"We feel the same way." said Eto.


Ayame was sitting in a nice little coffee cafe with Hinami in her lap and sitting across from them is Hinata. Ever since they had their little talk they've made an effort to spend time together in order to build a real friendship and so Hinami could get used to being around Hinata. The two of them found that they got along rather easily and quickly became friends, plus it helped that Hinami seemed to really like Hinata. Due to spending so much time with Hinata Ayame felt she could really trust the girl with her husband and allowed Hinata to continue calling her her future sister.

"So Hinata-chan how was your training for today?" asked Ayame.

"It was alright though I wish Kiba would stop asking me out and that Kurenai-sensei would stop trying to baby me." said Hinata.

"Your sensei is babying you, why?" asked Ayame.

"Kurenai-sensei has known me for a very long time, ever since I was that shy little girl in fact, and I guess over time we developed a sisterly bond. Or at least I developed a sisterly bond, I think she might have come to see me as her own daughter but now that I'm becoming a woman she seems to refuse to see me as more than just that little shy girl she used to take care of. If I had to guess I would say she purposely asked for me to be on her team just so she could keep the image she has of me in her head intact." said Hinata.

"But….that's stupid. You're a ninja now, legally an adult and she is tasked with preparing you for the struggles a ninja will have to deal with but it seems she's not doing her job. If you want I can help train you with the training regimen that Naruto-kun made for me." said Ayame.

"That would be really helpful, thank you Ayame-chan." said Hinata.

"It's no problem Hinata-chan, now let's get back to the stand as I'm sure my dad needs my help by now.' said Ayame. Hinata nodded at that and they took off to the ramen stand, when they got there they saw that Ayame was right as her dad was being overwhelmed with customers. "Oh my, Hinata-chan do you mind watching Hinami for me while I help my dad?" asked Ayame.

"Of course I don't mind Ayame-chan." said Hinata as she took Hinami from Ayame. Hinata and Hinami set off to the side and played together while Ayame worked, though out of the corner of her eye Hinata noticed her sensei and her sensei's not so secret boyfriend sitting in a corner watching Ayame closely.

Hinata really didn't like this as she knew her sensei didn't like Naruto at all so therefore she had no real reason to be here. She would have continued watching her sensei but Hinami demanded her attention and she just couldn't deny the little angel. Awhile later Hinata noticed Kurenai and Asuma moving towards the counter once things had calmed down, knowing nothing good could come from this she prepared to move if she had to.

"Ayame-san could you tell me where Naruto is?" asked Kurenai.

"He's on a mission outside the village with his team, I don't know when he'll be back." said Ayame.

"Then can you tell me where Anko is?" asked Kurenai.

"She's in Kiri with Ameyuri fighting in the civil war, I don't know when they'll be back either." said Ayame.

"I see, well then I guess I'll just have to ask you, why are you hanging around my student so much?" asked Kurenai with narrowed eyes.

"Is that what you're here about, if you must know Hinata has shown interest in my husband and we were spending time together to see if she was worthy of starting a relationship with my husband." said Ayame.

"Stay away from Hinata." said Kurenai.

"I'll have you know that she sought me out, I didn't go looking for her. Also you should really mind your own business, Hinata is an adult now and I doubt she would be happy about you going behind her back and messing with her love life." said Ayame.

"As her sensei it is my business, there is no love life between her and that monster, and I'm not going behind her back!" said Kurenai with a snarl.

Ayame looked at Kurenai sharply with her Kakugan activating. "Watch how you talk about my husband, you'll find that while it's dangerous to do that in the Red Light it's even more dangerous to do so in front of me. And you really don't consider this going behind her back? Hinata-chan do you consider this going behind your back?" asked Ayame.

"Yes Ayame-chan, I do consider this going behind my back." said Hinata.

Kurenai quickly turned at the sound of Hinata's voice, she was so focused on Ayame that she hadn't noticed Hinata at all. "H-Hinata, what are you doing here?" asked Kurenai.

"I was simply spending some time with my future sister, I never expected to find you here trying to destroy my relationship before it even starts." said Hinata.

"Hinata I know you've had a crush on Naruto for awhile now but you have to understand that he isn't good for you. You need to let go of this crush before it ruins your life!" said Kurenai.

"It's not a crush Sensei, I love Naruto-kun and that's not going to change just because you don't like him!" said Hinata.

"Love? Please kid you haven't even been in a single relationship yet, you don't know anything about love. Just listen to your sensei little girl she's just trying to keep you from becoming a monster." said Asuma finally stepping in.

"Oh please we're nowhere near the monsters you make us out to be." said Ayame.


"I never said we weren't monsters, I said we're not as bad as you make us out to be. The worst thing about us is that we eat people and that's not something we can control, plus it's not like we're eating random people off the street; every person we eat has either attacked us or they were scumbags." said Ayame.

"Don't try to spin this in your favor, you turned my friend into a monster!" said Kurenai.

"I guessing your talking about Anko, she asked to be turned so don't go blaming us for her decisions. Besides we told her the consequences of becoming like us and that she needed to think long and hard on this decision, in the end she still wanted to be like us so we granted her wish." said Ayame. "You two should leave now before there is trouble." said Ayame.

"Is that a threat?" asked Asuma with narrowed eyes.

"No it's a promise now leave, I won't tell you again." said Ayame.

Kurenai and Asuma glared at Ayame for a bit before leaving the ramen stand, with them gone some of the civilians that were in the stand left as well in order to inform the rest of the Red Light District that Kurenai Yuhi and Asuma Sarutobi were enemies of the Uzumaki family. "I'm so sorry about that Ayame-chan." said Hinata.

"It's alright Hinata besides they'll both get what's coming to them. I also find it funny that your sensei is a Genjutsu specialist but can't see the illusion her boyfriend puts up around her." said Ayame with a smirk while her voice and eyes returned to normal.

"What do you mean?" asked Hinata.

"Oh Asuma is cheating on her." said Ayame.

"REALLY, how do you know?" asked Hinata.

"I know because he's cheating with a girl that lives in the Red Light, in this family we know everything that goes on in our territory." said Ayame.

Hinata didn't know what to do with the information she just got; on one hand Kurenai was like a big sister to her and she didn't want her to get hurt just because Asuma was a cheating bastard, but on the other hand Kurenai made it clear that she hated Naruto and wasn't going to stop insulting him and his family.


Yami sat in her chair in her sister's domain of Heaven, around her were some of the other Gods but mostly those that weren't too busy to show up for this little meeting. It was a few minutes before Kami finally walked into the meeting room; Kami was a beautiful woman standing at 5'9 with smooth fair skin, golden yellow eyes, waist length flowing golden blonde hair, an amazing figure, long legs, wide hips, a narrow waist, a plump ass, and E-cup breasts. For clothes she wore an ankle length high collared white kimono dress with golden accents and on her feet were golden heels.

"Thank you all for coming, I've called you here to discuss a matter of great importance." said Kami in a very smooth and elegant voice.

"What could be so important that you called an unscheduled meeting Kami?" asked Susanoo the God of Storms and War. Susanoo appeared to be a young man standing at 6'4 with lightly tanned skin, stormy gray eyes, short messy black hair, and an athletic build. For clothes he wore black boots, black baggy pants, a short sleeved gray shirt, and over all of it was dark blue samurai like armor.

"Yami here has stolen my chosen champion." said Kami with anger now clear in her voice.

"Wow, that's is a very serious offense Yami." Tsukuyomi the God of the Moon and Illusions. Tsukuyomi appeared to be a young man standing at 6'0 with fair skin, shoulder length white hair, gray eyes, and an athletic build. For clothes he wore a long sleeved white robe with black trim, cuffs, and a black crescent moon on the back.

"Hey I didn't steal anything from her, he was already dead and I simply brought him back as my champion before Shinigami-kun could do it." said Yami.

"If he was dead before all of this happened then why are we here talking about this? While the laws state that we can't still each others champions, they become free game once they die and if their soul hasn't moved on." said Jashin the Goddess of Blood, Pain, and Carnage. Jashin appeared to be a beautiful young woman standing at 5'9 with caramel brown skin, red eyes, long blood red hair that she kept in a ponytail that went down to her ankles, long toned legs, wide hips, a narrow waist, a firm ass, a flat and toned stomach, black snake tattoos wrapped around her arms, and D-cup breasts. For clothes she wore no kind of footwear, black tight pants that stopped an inch under her knees, a red tube-top that hugged her breasts, and black fingerless gloves.

"Kami-chan is just mad because not only did she lose her champion but I turned him into a Demonic Ghoul as well." said Yami.

"Ooooh, that explains a lot actually, Kami absolutely HATED the Ghouls when they roamed the earth and was really happy when they died out. Of course she would be upset that you brought them back into existence and stronger than they were before." said Susanoo.

"Well they're not back completely yet, I've assigned MY champion to repopulate the Ghoul race by either turning others into Demonic Ghouls or by having children with multiple women. I'm happy to say that he has already turned a few people and has a child." said Yami.

"You've ruined everything I had planned Yami. Naruto was supposed to be a beacon of light in the darkness, showing that everyone no matter how far they've fallen into the darkness can be forgiven and brought back into the light. He was supposed to save the world and bring peace, he can't do that now that he's a bloodthirsty monster that doesn't care about anyone." said Kami.

"Hey don't talk about Naruto-kun like that, he's nowhere near as bad as you're making him out to be!" said Yami.

"Then why don't you show us what he's like." said Tsukuyomi. Yami nodded to this and projected Naruto's life for everyone to see, starting from when he was first born all the way up to now. When it was all over the Gods had different reactions. Tsukuyomi and Susanoo just looked at Kami with a deadpan, Yami smirked, Jashin was drooling, and Kami looked away with a huff. "After seeing the events in young Naruto's life I don't see anything worthy of us returning him to his original state." said Tsukuyomi before disappearing in a flash of light.

"I feel the same way so I'll be leaving as well." said Susanoo before he too disappeared.

"This isn't over yet Yami." said Kami.

"Oh I'm sure it's not but there isn't much you can do as I'm perfectly within my rights to do as I please with MY champion. Now don't you have paperwork to do." said Yami.

"And you don't?" asked Kami.

"No I don't, not since Naruto-kun gave me the secret to beating paperwork." said Yami with a smirk as Kami stormed out of the room.

"I know what you're doing Yami and I want in." said Jashin.

"What do you mean?" asked Yami.

"Don't play dumb with me Yami, I can clearly see that Naruto isn't just your champion. You're grooming him to be your future husband and King of Hell." said Jashin.

"Hehehehe, of all the Gods other than my mother you've always been able to read me Jashin-chan and just how do you want in on my Naruto-kun?" asked Yami.

"I want him to be my husband and champion as well, watching him cause so much carnage was a huge turn on and I know he'll only get stronger as he gets older." said Jashin.

"Don't you already have a champion?" asked Yami.

"You mean that idiot Hidan, don't even get me started on how big of a disappointment he turned out to be. I gave him ONE job, sacrifice dark and twisted souls to me so that I could feast on them. That idiot somehow got it into his head that any soul would do so he's been sacrificing anyone he sees. You have no idea how disgusting an innocent soul is, it's like asking for a delicious well cooked steak and getting a bowl of uncooked bread dough instead." said Jashin.

"Then why don't you just tell him he's doing everything wrong and take your blessings back?" asked Yami.

"I can't, he's become so corrupted that I can't even speak to him anymore and my blessings are stuck with him until someone manages to kill him." said Jashin.

"Oh I'm sure my Naruto-kun can take care of killing this fool, you just leave everything to me." said Yami with a smirk.


After introducing Eto and Rize to everyone and explaining that they were Ghouls like him, everyone was sitting down and having dinner. Sakura was sitting on Naruto's right and Tsunami was sitting rather close to Naruto on his left, Rize and Eto where sitting across from Naruto with Sasuke and Kakashi on either side of them, Inari was next to his mom, and Tazuna was at the head of the table.

"Naruto-kun is everything alright, you're not eating?" asked Sakura.

"Everything is fine Sakura-chan, I'm just not that hungry right now." said Naruto. Sakura's gut was telling her that he was lying and if there was one thing Naruto taught her during training it was to trust her gut.

"Naruto-kun can I talk to you upstairs for a minute?" asked Sakura.

"Sure." said Naruto before they both got up and went upstairs.

"Alright what's going on Naruto?" asked Sakura once they closed the door to their room and put up Silencing Seals.

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto.

"Don't play dumb with me Naruto-kun, you taught me to always trust my gut and right now my gut is telling me that you're up to something." said Sakura.

"I've taught you too well Sakura-chan. Fine, if you must know Eto, Rize, and I are going to end this mission by killing Gato and his men." said Naruto.

Sakura looked at Naruto with a deadpan as she wasn't surprised at all that he was doing something like that. "When are you leaving?" asked Sakura.

"You're not coming." said Naruto.

"Why not!?" asked Sakura.

"Because while I have faith in you and your strength I know you're not ready for something like this. It will be your first kill and fighting 200 plus bandits is not the best time to get your first kill." said Naruto.

"Well what if you made me a Demonic Ghoul like I asked you?" asked Sakura.

"While you being a Ghoul in this situation would be helpful I don't feel you've had enough time to think about it and it still wouldn't be safe for you. After being turned you'll be ravenous and unable to control your new abilities and new body." said Naruto.

"Fine, just promise me you'll be careful." said Sakura.

"I promise Sakura-chan." said Naruto. He then smirked as an idea came to him since they were in a sealed room, moving quickly Naruto pushed Sakura up against the wall and kissed her deeply while groping her ass and breasts. Sakura moaned as Naruto dominated her mouth and groped her body, she didn't know what brought this on but she wasn't going to complain.


Sakura continued to moan as Naruto moved down to kissing and sucking on her neck. "Oh Naruto-kun, what brought this on?" asked Sakura.

"Well it's like you said down stairs, I wasn't eating so I've decided to have a little snack before I go out tonight." said Naruto before he dropped to his knees and pulled down her tights and panties showing that her pussy was clean shaven and already leaking some of her juices. Naruto leaned in kissing her thighs and blowing cool air on her hot pussy before finally kiss her pussy lips.

Sakura shivered and moaned as Naruto showed her pussy some intimate attention but she screamed when she felt Naruto tongue slide into her pussy. "Oh Kami Naruto-kun, that feels so good!" moaned out Sakura.

"That's right Naruto-kun, you eat that pussy you naughty boy, CHA!" said Inner Sakura.

"Your pussy tastes really good Sakura-chan, I might have to have a taste of you more often." said Naruto before going back to eating her pussy, he also used his hands to squeeze and spank her ass.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, oh Naruto-kun, Naruto-kun please don't stop!" moaned Sakura as she used her hands to push Naruto's head deeper into her pussy.

"Naruto-kun you can have this pussy whenever you want, I'll gladly spread my legs and serve myself up to you, all you have to do is ask!" said Inner Sakura. Naruto continued to devour Sakura's pussy while playing with her ass and using his nose to rub her swollen clit. Sakura couldn't stop moaning and screaming as she felt her legs starting to go numb and a deep burning sensation within her was starting to come to the surface.

"Ah, ah, oh sweet Kami Naruto-kun, I'm gonna cum!" said Sakura. This only caused Naruto to play with her more intensely before she finally lost it and flooded Naruto's mouth with her juices while she screamed in ecstasy. Naruto eagerly drank every drop of her juices that she was giving him until her orgasm finished, when he pulled away Sakura's legs finally gave out and she fell to the floor with a satisfied look on her face.

"You are delicious Sakura-chan, I'll let you sit here and rest while I go back down stairs as I'm sure everyone is wondering what we're doing." said Naruto as he stood up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Get up and suck his cock before he leaves!" screamed Inner Sakura.

The yell of her inner self was enough to knock Sakura out of her daze and realize that her inner was right, there was no telling when she would get another chance at this. She quickly reached out and grabbed Naruto by his pants causing him to stop moving and turn to her with a raised eyebrow, Sakura didn't say anything but her hands made quick work of his belt before pulling down his pants and boxers. Her whole body turned red as she laid eyes on the size of her boyfriend's semi-hard cock. Slowly she reached out with her hand and started to gently stroke his cock, it took about a minute or two before Naruto was fully erect and standing tall at 10 inches. Staring in awe at Naruto's impressive size Sakura only just realized that she had no idea what to do; she was too embarrassed to ask her mom about something like this, her dad didn't let her take the seduction class the academy offered, and she wasn't ever really interested in porn.

As if sensing her thoughts Naruto decided to help out. "It's okay Sakura-chan, I know this is your time doing something like this so I'll help guide you. Star off by giving the shaft and tip a few kisses and licks." said Naruto.

Sakura nodded and did as he said, leaning forward she started kissing hand licking the shaft and found found that she liked the taste of Naruto's cock, she also liked the small groans of pleasure coming from Naruto. She then moved to the tip and gave it a kiss before swirling her tongue around it getting a loud groan from Naruto. This continued for awhile until Naruto gave her the step of instructions. "Alright Sakura-chan, take the tip into your mouth and start to suck on it but make sure not to use your teeth." said Naruto.

Once again she did as she was told and took the tip of his cock into her mouth and started to suck on it. She focused on the tip for a full 5 minutes before taking the initiative and started to take more into her mouth but was only able to fit 5 inches.

"Hmmmm, that feels good Sakura-chan, keep going." said Naruto. Sakura wasn't planning on stopping as she started to bob her head up and down while eagerly sucking his cock and even using her tongue to try and make him feel even better. She managed to work 2 more inches into her mouth for a total of 7 inches but at that point she started to lightly gag on his cock. Not wanting her to push herself too far on her first time giving a blowjob Naruto ran his hands through her hair and helped keep her at only 7 inches. "Fuck Sakura-chan, you're gonna make me cum if you keep this up." groaned Naruto. Hearing this really excited Sakura so she kept blowing him to the best of her ability, she knew that she wasn't going to be the best at this as it was her first time but she would be damned if she didn't make him cum. About 30 minutes passed before Naruto finally came in her mouth with a long groan. Sakura tried to swallow as much as she could but it soon became too much and she had to pull off of his cock causing him to cum on her face. Sakura savored the cum still in her mouth before finally swallowing it.

"Oh Naruto-kun, your cum is so warm, thick, creamy, and delicious." said Sakura before scooping off the cum on her face and putting it in her mouth.


Once she had cleaned off her face Sakura stood up and pulled up her panties and tights. Naruto did the same with his boxers and pants. "Sorry Naruto-kun, I would love to lose my virginity to you but I don't want my first time to be in someone else's house." said Sakura.

"You don't need to apologize Sakura-chan, it's your first time and it should be everything you want so I'll wait until you're ready." said Naruto.

Sakura smiled at Naruto and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Thank you Naruto-kun, you're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for and despite what you say I want to be a Demonic Ghoul like you and the others. I'm 100% sure about this as I don't want to be with anyone other than you." said Sakura.

Naruto stared at her for a few moments before bringing her into a hug. "Very well Sakura-chan I'll make you into a Demonic Ghoul once we have the time to do it safely, but for now let's go down stairs." said Naruto. Sakura nodded to this and they went down stairs.

"Well you two were up there for quite awhile, is everything alright?" asked Kakashi.

"Yeah, I was working on making it up to Sakura-chan for scaring her with the whole Zabuza thing." said Naruto knowing that he actually was still in trouble for that.

"You're still in trouble for that?" asked Kakashi.

"Of course he is." said Sakura, Tsunami, Eto, and Rize at the same time.

"You never scare a lady like that, especially your girlfriend or wife." said Tsunami.

Before anything else could be said there was a poof of smoke in front of Naruto and when the smoke cleared there was a long purple centipede there. "Toxin, what are you doing here?" asked Naruto.

"Hello Naruto-sama, Mistress Anko asked me to inform you that she and Mistress Ameyuri have finished their mission in Kiri and will be coming home soon enough. Also they know that you're on a mission in Wave and want to inform you that if you happen to run into a man called Zabuza you should tell him that the new Mizukage, Mei Terumi, wants him to return to Kiri." said Toxin.

"Ah that's great news and I've already ran into Zabuza but I'll be sure to give him the message the next time I see him." said Naruto.

"I'm surprised he survived the first meeting with you Naruto-sama." said Toxin.

"Well I didn't think it would be very fun if I killed him too soon." said Naruto.

"Yeah that sounds about right for you, well anyway I'm off Naruto-sama." said Toxin before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"I didn't know you had a summoning contract Naruto." said Kakashi.

"I have 2 contracts, one for centipedes and one for hyenas." said Naruto.

"Well I can understand you having the centipede contract but why the hyena contract?" asked Kakashi.

"What most people don't know is that hyenas are cannibalistic so they're the perfect match for me." said Naruto.

For the rest of the night dinner went as usual with Tsunami being bright red through most of dinner due to Naruto's flirting, thought she would flirt back every now and again. Now though almost everyone was asleep with Kakashi still recovering from his chakra exhaustion and Naruto himself tucking in Inari. Eto and Rize were waiting outside for him so he headed for the door but was stopped by someone.

"Naruto-kun, where are you going?" asked Tsunami while standing behind him in a bathrobe that really hugged her body.

"I'm going with Eto-chan and Rize-chan to go take care of some things." said Naruto.

"What are you really going out to do Naruto-kun?" asked Tsunami.

Naruto was about to tell her the same thing but the pleading look in her eyes stopped him and caused him to sigh. "I'm going out to put an end to Gato and his thugs, the sooner he's dead the soon everyone can stop being scared that he'll pop up and ruin everything again." said Naruto. Naruto had noticed that despite his clones constantly patrolling and everyone looking happy they were still scared that Gato and his thugs would come back to terrorize them again.

Tsunami quickly ran over and hugged Naruto tightly, having her body conform to his. Naruto didn't hesitate to hug her back while running his hands up and down her back. "Please Naruto-kun, promise me you'll be careful and come back to me." said Tsunami.

"I promise I'll be careful and come back to you Tsunami-chan." said Naruto. Tsunami looked up into Naruto's eyes before quickly moving forward and kissing him deeply on the lips and Naruto eagerly returned the kiss. He even went as far as to dip her while moving his tongue into her mouth causing Tsunami to moan loudly and wrap her arms around his neck. This lasted for about 5 minutes before Naruto brought her back up and they broke away from her make-out session.

"Hurry back Naruto-kun, because this will be waiting for you when you return." said Tsunami as she opened up her robe showing that she wasn't wearing anything under it. Naruto stared at Tsunami's amazing body, her perky D-cup breasts capped with light pink nipples, her flat stomach, smooth long legs, her nice plump ass, and her pink pussy that had a small patch of dark blue hair above it. After a full 2 minutes of letting Naruto gaze at her naked body Tsunami closed her robe causing Naruto to come out of his daze.

"Well Tsunami-chan you really know how to motivate people, don't worry I'll be back before you know it." said Naruto before giving Tsunami one last kiss then heading outside and putting on his mask. Outside Eto and Rize looked at him with anticipation as they were ready to feed on some fools. "Alright ladies, let's get to work." said Naruto.

It didn't take long for Naruto, Eto, and Rize to find Gato's base which seemed to be set up in some old mansion. His thugs surrounded the place and they could guess that there were many more inside protecting Gato. Now most of the time this is where you would make a plan on how to get in without being seen in order to kill the target as quietly as possible, this is not what is happening here as the three Ghouls had decided to to smash everything, kill everyone, take whatever they wanted, and save anyone Gato might have locked up.

"Alright Rize since you were so eager to try what this new human flesh tastes like why don't you go first and enjoy yourself." said Naruto.

"My aren't you the gentleman Naruto-kun, I think I'll take you up on your generous offer." said Rize with a vicious grin and she walked out of their hiding spot and went towards the guards at the front gate. Rize's natural beauty quickly captured the attention of the men and caused them to let their guard down. Rize gave them a beautiful little smile with her eyes closed before speaking. "Hello boys, I seem to be a little lost and I'm terribly hungry, do you think you can help me?" asked Rize.

"Oh don't worry Sweetie we can help you out and I'm sure we have plenty for you to eat." said guard #1 with a perverted smirk on his face.

"Oh I'm sure you do." said Rize as she opened her eyes showing her Kakugan. This had effect of freaking the guards out and in that moment of fear Rize struck by ripping out guard #1's throat with her teeth, she savored the taste for a few moments before swallowing. "My oh my, that was delicious! I had no idea chakra would make flesh taste so good." said Rize with blood running down the corners of her mouth. Guard #2 was so scared that he couldn't even move, not that it mattered as he was impaled by two red scaly tentacles that came from the back of Rize's waist.

With the two guards dead Naruto and Eto came out of hiding and stood beside Rize with their own Kakugan activated as well. "Well how did they taste Rize?" asked Eto with her voice being dark and demented.

"The flavor is amazing, a 100x better than what humans tasted like when we were first in this world." said Rize.

"Careful ladies not every human will taste good as I've had a couple that tasted rather disgusting. Oh and make sure to leave a couple of these guys alive, Sakura wishes to become like us so I'll need some of them to feed her." said Naruto. Sure he could feed her with some of the flesh he keeps sealed on himself at all times so that he doesn't need to worry about going hungry on long missions but he needed to get her used to hunting live meals.

"Very well Naruto-kun, now let's get this meal started." said Rize.


Gato was short fat man with pale skin and gray hair. He wore a tacky suit and black glasses and currently he's cowering in his room because about 40 minutes ago he was told that 3 people had broken into his hideout. Now at first he thought these people were fools to come here so he ordered his men to kill them, he was sure his personal army of thugs could handle the job but then the screaming started. He heard his men scream in pain and terror about how monsters were tearing them apart and eating them. That just made him even more scared so he activated the rooms security system which bolted the door and windows shut.


Naruto was walking down a hall with four red scaly tentacles waving behind him dripping with blood. It had been awhile since he had let loose and actually used his Kagune for something other than training. He, Eto, and Rize had split up as soon as they entered the building, he didn't know what they were doing but he guessed that it was brutal due to the screams he could hear coming from the directions they went. He had already made some clones and had them take and seal away anything that looked valuable, hey he might not really need any of the money for real but Wave could certainly use it; he also had them seal up some of the people they ran into in special scrolls that were meant for transporting live but injured people. It wasn't long before Naruto came to a big metal that was keeping him from the master bedroom, guessing that Gato was hiding behind the door Naruto decided that the door had to go. Using his immense strength Naruto easily tore the doors down and walked into the room, it didn't take long find Gato's cowering form.

"Please don't kill me, I give you whatev-AAHHHH!" yelled Gato as Naruto's Kagune impaled him through his arms and legs before lifting him into the air.

"You will GIVE me nothing because I plan on TAKING everything I want." said Naruto before taking a bite out of the man, he then quickly spat it out and started gagging. "Holy shit you taste horrible, I've tasted some pretty nasty people before but you are like literally biting into a piece of shit." complained Naruto before a fifth tentacle came out of his back but this one was sharpened like a sword and it quickly removed Gato's head before throwing the body off to the side. With that done Naruto tore the room apart looking for anything else of value until he found a large wall safe hidden behind a huge painting of Gato. Minutes later Eto and Rize walked into the room covered in blood but with content smiles on their faces.

"We're done Naruto-kun and I must say that Rize was right as those men were very tasty, though we did leave some of the alive and simply sealed them away into those scrolls you gave us." said Eto.

"Gato also surprisingly didn't have any prisoners." said Rize.

"That's good to hear, I've killed Gato and raided his personal safe so we're done here and can go back to the house. Oh and we'll collect the scrolls from my clones that I ordered to take anything of value." said Naruto with Eto and Rize nodding.


Naruto, Eto, and Rize returned to the house and they were completely clean due to Naruto using a water jutsu to wash off the blood and a fire jutsu to dry them off. They were careful not to wake anyone up as they made it inside, from there Eto and Rize went to the room Naruto was sharing with Sakura while Naruto made his way to Tsunami's room. Once there he carefully opened the door and found Tsunami peacefully sleeping under her covers, he then got undressed until he was naked, placed a Silencing Seal on the wall, and slipped into the bed behind Tsunami while wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep Tsunami-chan, I know you're awake." Naruto whispered into her ear.

Tsunami opened her eyes but didn't turn to face Naruto. "I guess I should have known I couldn't fool a ninja." said Tsunami.

"Don't sell yourself short as you were actually doing really good, most Genin and some Chunin would have thought that you were really asleep." said Naruto while kissing along her neck causing Tsunami to moan in approval.

"Naruto-kun, before we go any further there are some questions I want to ask you." said Tsunami.

"Ask away." said Naruto.

"If we're going to be together, would I have to become a Demonic Ghoul like you?" asked Tsunami.

"No, it would make things easier for us but it's not required." said Naruto.

"What do you mean it would make things easier for us?" asked Tsunami.

"Well for one thing my lifespan is a lot longer than a normal humans or even an Uzumaki's lifespan. To put it into perspective, I'll still be around and looking young when Inari's grandchildren have grandchildren. Another thing is that should we ever decide that we want to have a child together it will be harder for us to conceive and if we do the child growing in you would be half Ghoul meaning it'll need the nutrients of human flesh or else it will be stillborn." said Naruto.

Tsunami was a little sad thinking about the age thing as it means she would grow old and die while those that chose to become like Naruto would live on and be with him. The part about having a child scared her because while she already had a son she was still young and wanted more children, while it would be possible for her to get pregnant while still being human but if she didn't eat human flesh she would be killing their child. "Speaking of children, what of Inari, will he be accepted?" asked Tsunami.

"Of course he'll be accepted, I'm sure little Hinami would love to have a big brother. If you so decide I'll change Inari as well." said Naruto. "This is a really big decision Tsunami-chan so remember that you don't have to decide about this right now and no matter what you choose nothing will change between us." said Naruto.

At this Tsunami turned around in Naruto's arms and looked him in the eyes before kissing him deeply with Naruto quickly returning the kiss. They broke apart when air became a problem. "I'll take your words to heart and really put some thought into my decision but for now…...I want you." said Tsunami before she crawled on top of him and started kissing him again.


They stayed like that for a few minutes before breaking apart again as Tsunami shifted around so that her pussy was hovering over Naruto's face while she leaned forward facing his erected cock, putting them in the 69 position. Seeing Tsunami was already dripping wet Naruto wasted no time grabbing her luscious ass and started licking her pussy while also sucking on her clit. Tsunami moaned loudly at the attention her pussy was getting from her new lover before muffling her own moans by taking his cock into her mouth. Tsunami wasn't a slut or anything as she could count how many sexual partners she's had on one hand, but it had been years since she's had any kind of sexual stimulant other than her own fingers and she found that when it came to sucking cock she was out of practice. She was only able to take 5 inches of Naruto's cock into her mouth without problems thus leaving half of his cock out of her warm tight throat.

Tsunami then started to moan even more as she felt Naruto start to slap her ass while sticking his tongue deep into her pussy. Her moaning cause pleasurable vibrations on Naruto's dick which in turned caused him to eat Tsunami's pussy more vigorously, it was a very pleasurable cycle. Due to years of sexual frustration Tsunami's pussy was very sensitive so it wasn't long before she came and had to take Naruto's cock out of her mouth in order to scream out her pleasure. Naruto eagerly drank her juices, Tsunami on the other hand while breathing heavy from the ecstasy she was feeling she was also upset that she hadn't made Naruto cum. She knew that she was rusty but she didn't think she was THAT out of practice. She was about to lean back down in order to continue sucking but then she quickly found herself on her back with Naruto on top of her.

"You know you taste really good Tsunami-chan." whispered Naruto while kissing his way down her neck and rubbing his dick against her lower lips. He then started sucking on her breasts and nibbling on her nipples every so often.

"Ah, ah, Honey wait, oh, you didn't get to cum." moaned out Tsunami.

"Don't worry about me Tsunami-chan, tonight is all about you my dear." said Naruto working his way up while continuing to rub his cock against her folds.

"Oh, fine but start off gentle, it's been a long time since I've done this." said Tsunami.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of you." said Naruto as he started to slowly push into Tsunami. Tsunami couldn't stop moaning as inch after inch of Naruto's dick entered her, she knew he was big but he felt so much bigger when he was inside of her. Once he bottomed out Tsunami felt full and stretched, the biggest she's ever taken was 7 inches so Naruto was the biggest she's ever had now and was pushing her 3 inches past her limit. She appreciated that he didn't start thrusting right away and was giving her time to adjust to his size so that she wouldn't feel any pain while they were making love. What scared and excited her was the knowledge that Naruto was still growing so had the chance to be even bigger in the future.

"Oh my God Honey, your dick is so fucking big, hard, and hot!" moaned Tsunami.

"And your pussy is so tight and wet." said Naruto.

They stayed still for a few minutes before Tsunami finally adjusted to Naruto's size. She signaled that he could start moving by wrapping her legs around his waist. Getting the message Naruto started to slowly thrust in and out of Tsunami causing her to moan in pleasure.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, Honey it feels so good." moaned Tsunami.

"I'm happy to hear that, I'm going to go faster now." said Naruto.

"Yes, please go faster, make my pussy feel even better!" moaned Tsunami.

Tsunami's moans turned into screams as Naruto started to thrust faster and with more power. Tsunami couldn't believe she had gone so long with this. "That's right Tsunami-chan scream for me, scream like the slutty MILF you are!" said Naruto.

"YES, YES, YES NARUTO-KUN! I'm your slutty MILF that loves your big juicy cock! Holy fucking shit don't stop, don't you ever stop fucking me, I need YOU, I need your DICK" screamed Tsunami.

"Fuck Tsunami-chan your pussy is squeezing me so tight. It's such a naughty and needy pussy, it keeps pulling me back in." said Naruto.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck Naruto-kun I'm gonna cum!" said Tsunami.

"Go ahead and cum then, don't hold back and let your juices flow." said Naruto.

"No, no, no I don't want to cum yet! I want to hold on and keep going, I don't want this to ever stop!" moaned Tsunami. She held Naruto tightly to her body so that her breasts were squashed against his chest and tightened her legs around his waist causing him to go even deeper into her.

"Oh you don't need to worry about that, your pussy is way too good for me to stop now. I'm gonna be fucking you until your pussy is shaped to fit my cock." said Naruto.

"Yes, I'd love that Honey. Oh fuck yes, fuck me harder Honey. Harder, harder, harder, HARDER, HARDER!" screamed Tsunami. The room was filled with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, Tsunami's screams, Naruto's groans, and the squeaking of bed springs before Tsunami let out a loud scream as she had a powerful orgasm. Naruto though didn't climax and in fact started fucking her even faster and stronger while she released.

Tsunami was in a daze due to the sheer power of her orgasm but she came out of that daze when she found herself on her hands and knees. Looking behind her she saw Naruto holding her hips and massaging her ass cheeks as he positioned himself to enter her again. "W-wait Honey, I just came really hard so my pussy is really sen-AAAAHHHHHH!" screamed Tsunami as she came instantly when Naruto shoved all of his cock into her.

Naruto started thrusting hard and fast while his hands tightly gripped Tsunami's ass, he even slapped her ass a couple of times turning it a bright red. Leaning forward Naruto grabbed Tsunami's swaying and started pounding her even harder and faster while squeezing her breasts and pulling on her nipples. Tsunami could only moan and scream with her eyes glossed over in lust and her tongue hanging out of her mouth as Naruto fucked her like a wild beast and she was loving every minute of it. She had never been fucked like this before by any of her lovers before Naruto and if she had to compare them then Naruto would win best lover hands down. They continued like this for a full 30 minutes before Tsunami's arms finally gave out and she ended up face down on the bed with her ass in the air as Naruto continued to relentlessly fuck her.

"Tsunami-chan, I'm about to fucking cum." said Naruto.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah please cum inside me! Fill me up with your hot cum Honey. I'm going to lose my mind if you don't cum deep inside of me!" said Tsunami while being close to climaxing herself. After a few more pumps Naruto finally came inside of Tsunami and this caused Tsunami to cum as well. "OH MY FUCKING GOD YESSSSSSSSSSS, I CAN FEEL YOUR HOT CUM SHOOTING INSIDE ME!" screamed Tsunami. Naruto came for a full minute making it so Tsunami's pussy was overflowing with cum. Tsunami was happy that she was finally able to get Naruto to cum, her eyes then opened in shock when she felt that Naruto was still hard within her.

"I sure hope you didn't think we were done just yet Tsunami-chan." said Naruto with a smirk before he started thrusting once again. This continued for hours with Tsunami passing out every now and again, when she was awake all she could do was scream and moan until her throat was sore as her body had given out due to exhaustion. Despite this Tsunami kept screaming for Naruto to keep going and to ravage her, her body may be exhausted but her spirit was still willing. Now though they were finished as Tsunami just couldn't go on anymore no matter how willing she was to continue being pounded, if she kept going she was sure she was going to die, now that it would be a bad way to go. She had cum 12 times while Naruto had filled her up 5 times.


Naruto and Tsunami were in the spooning position as Tsunami was breathing very heavy and couldn't move at all, yet she felt like she was floating on a cloud made of pure ecstasy as her lover held her from behind. It was then that she felt Naruto slowly sliding his cock out of her severely abused pussy and slightly panicked. "Honey please keep it inside of me, I want to wake up with you in me." said Tsunami lowly due to her throat being sore from all of her screaming and moaning.

"Very well Tsunami-chan." said Naruto while slowly sliding back in until he was fully sheathed within her. "Goodnight Dear." said Naruto.

"Goodnight Honey." said Tsunami.


Tsunami woke up feeling amazing as she absorbed the warmth of her lover who had his arms wrapped around her. She also noticed that her stomach felt really warm and stuffed, then she remembered that she had him sleep inside of her so the warmth was most likely his trapped sperm and his cock was the reason she felt stuffed. Deciding that she could use a little more sleep Tsunami closed her eyes in order to go back to sleep, this did not work however because at that moment she heard knocking at her door.

"Mom are you okay, you've been sleeping for a long time?" asked Inari. Looking to the clock next to her bed she saw that it said 11:24 A.M.

"I'm fine Inari-kun, I was just really tired and slept in." said Tsunami. She was glad he didn't just barge into the room as she really didn't want to explain why she and Naruto were naked in her bed.

"Oh okay, but do you know where Naruto might be because none of us can find him?" asked Inari.

"Naruto-kun is in here with me Sweetie." said Tsunami with a smile.

"REALLY!?" asked Inari in surprise and a bit of hope in his voice.

"Yes now go back down stairs, Naruto-kun and I will be there in a little while." said Tsunami. Inair said okay before she heard his footsteps heading back down stairs. Turning her head slightly to her lover Tsunami found herself looking into Naruto's purple eye before he leaned in and gave her a deep kiss.

"Good morning Tsunami-chan, I hope you slept well." said Naruto.

"Good morning Honey, I slept very well. We should probably get and take a shower since we slept in today." said Tsunami.

"Fine, but you do know that in order to do that I'll have to pull out right?" asked Naruto.

"I know but you can just put it back in later." said Tsunami.

"You are just a naughty little MILF." said Naruto while kissing her neck.

"I'm your naughty MILF." said Tsunami.

With that Naruto pulled out of Tsunami and the two of them got ready to take a shower, though they found out that Naruto would have to carry Tsunami since her crotch was sore and her legs were numb. Once they finished showering together Naruto got dressed while also helping Tsunami get dressed before he carried her down stairs. When they got down stairs everyone's jaw dropped when they saw Naruto carrying Tsunami bridal style well except for Eto and Rize who just smirked and Inari who had a wide smile on his face.

"Mom does this mean-?" asked Inari.

"Yes Sweetie, Naruto-kun here is your new dad or at least he will be when we get married." said Tsunami.

"You DO plan to marry her right?" asked Tazuna with a hard look on his face. Despite knowing that Naruto could easily kill him if he wanted to Tazuna wasn't going to just sit back and let his daughter get taken advantage of.

"Of course I plan to, Tsunami-chan is an amazing woman and I look forward to her being the next Mrs. Uzumaki someday." said Naruto causing Tsunami to smile and snuggle further into into his chest.

"YEAH WHOOO-HOOO!" cheered Inari before blinking as something came to his mind. "Wait does this mean I have more moms too?" asked Inari.

"Well technically yes but no one is going to force you to call them that if you don't want to." said Naruto.

"You know Honey, you've told all of us somethings about your family back in Konoha but do you have a picture you can show us?" asked Tsunami.

"Sure I always carry a picture of my family with me." said Naruto while unsealing the photo and showing it to everyone. In the picture was Naruto in the middle holding Hinami, Ayame on his right, Anko on his left, Sakura on Ayame's right, Ameyuri on Anko's left, and Hiruzen and Teuchi standing behind everyone smiling. This picture had been taken right after Sakura had officially became his girlfriend.

"Isn't that your village's leader in the back Honey?" asked Tsunami noticing the Hokage robes.

"Yeah but he's like a grandfather to me so I had him be in the photo, this also means that when this mission is over Tazuna has to come back to the village to be in the next photo." said Naruto.

"Fine, but I'm not paying to escorted back home." said Tazuna already figuring that Tsunami and Inari would be staying with Naruto.


Naruto was relaxing on the couch with Tsunami while the rest of Team 7 were training since Tsunami was still too sore and numb to walk on her own. Eto and Rize were around since they decided to explore the the town a bit, they didn't have worry about getting hungry since Naruto gave them scrolls full of human flesh. Tazuna was resting in his room and Inari was watching Sakura train since he found her training much more interesting than what Kakashi and Sasuke were doing.

It was moments later that there was a desperate knocking at the door. Naturally Tsunami tried to get up and answer the door but Naruto stopped her. "Wait Tsunami-chan, they don't smell like Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura-chan, Eto-chan, Rize-chan, or Inari-kun. In fact they smell like Zabuza's little helper." said Naruto.

"What do we do Honey?" asked Tsunami while being a little scared though she calmed down a bit when Naruto gave her a comforting kiss.

"Just let me handle this since I know why they are here." said Naruto with a smirk before getting up and heading to the door while putting on his metal mask. Once he opened it he saw a beautiful young woman with fair skin, long dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, and he really couldn't make out her figure due to her clothes. For clothes she wore her Hunter Nin outfit minus the mask. "Hello Miss, how may I help you?" asked Naruto.

The girl quickly grabbed Naruto by the neck and started to squeeze though Naruto didn't really feel it. "YOU WILL CURE THE POISON YOU PUT IN ZABAZA-SAMA!" yelled the girl with hard eyes.

"Okay." said Naruto simply.

"I WILL FORCE YOU IF I HAV-wait what?" asked the girl.

"I said I'll fix Zabuza. I actually need you and him alive now so I was going to have to cure him anyway." said Naruto.

"And why exactly do you need us alive?" asked the girl.

"Because the Kiri Civil War is over with the rebels winning and the new Mizukage wants Zabuza to return and since you're his partner or whatever I had assumed you would go with him." said Naruto.

"The civil war is…..over?" asked the girl in disbelief.

"Yes it's over." said Naruto before making a Shadow Clone to look after Tsunami while he started walking to where Zabuza's hideout was located. It didn't take long for Naruto and the girl to reach Zabuza and when they did Naruto saw that Zabuza's condition was terrible. He was very pale, sweating, breathing heavy, shivering, and clearly in a great deal of pain. "Wow girl you really fucked him up." said Naruto.

"My name is Haku and I didn't do this you did." said Haku.

"Ah no I didn't, you see the poison I used was special in that it makes those inflicted with it makes you feel weak for about a week before leaving your system. The special part is that if you try to cure it without the right antidote then it gets worse and lasts longer, in your haste to heal Zabuza you actually made him worse." said Naruto.

Haku paled at this before looking at Naruto. "Well don't tell me about it fix him!" said Haku.

"Fine, just get me a bucket." said Naruto. Haku quickly ran off then came back with a bucket and a look of confusion on her face. Naruto took the bucket then put a purple pill into Zabuza's mouth and forced him to swallow. A moment later Zabuza shot up and Naruto gave him the bucket which he started to throw up purple sludge into. "The pill I gave him will force all of the poison out of his system and cause him to throw it up, once he's done make sure to set the poison on fire so that you or anyone won't come into contact with it. Oh and since you and Zabuza can go home now you should know I've killed Gato so you don't have to work for him anymore, when Zabuza feels better in a few days come to the house and I'll give you the money he owed you." said Naruto before disappearing in a burst of speed.


The last two weeks had been rather peaceful for Team 7, they spent most of their time either training or watching Tazuna build the bridge. Well Naruto did that but he also spent time with Eto, Rize, Tsunami, Sakura, Inari, and surprisingly Haku. Naruto and Haku found that they actually had a lot in common especially with how they felt about protecting those they loved, Haku had tried tricking Naruto by saying that she was a boy but Naruto didn't believe her since her scent of that of a female. Naruto also informed all of Wave that he had killed Gato and even showed them the head he had sealed away, the people were overjoyed at this and then almost went crazy when he gave them the money he stole while only keeping enough to pay for the mision. Tsunami and Inari had spent a good amount of time packing up their stuff so that they could go live with Naruto, Inari had really taken to calling Naruto his dad and even said he wanted to be a ninja just like him so Naruto and Sakura helped Inari unlock his chakra and taught him a few things. Now Team 7 plus three civilians and Eto and Rize were leaving Wave and heading to Konoha, the people of Wave seeing them off and yelling for Tazuna to name the bridge "The Great Naruto Bridge" when he got back. Zabuza and Haku had already left for Kiri though Haku's face was bright red when they left due to the fact that she had kissed Naruto's cheek and in response he had slapped her ass, the two of them had grown rather close quickly in just two weeks.

With that the group started on their way back to Konoha with Tsunami and Inari staying noticeably close to Naruto. "Hey Naruto-kun, when are you going to change me like you said?" asked Sakura in a whisper so that only Naruto could hear her. Also no one other than the girls seemed to notice just how much more happy Sakura had been the last two weeks, she had been surprised by just how often she and Naruto were able to have oral sex and now she couldn't wait for the real thing when they got back home.

"When we get back to the village so that we can do it in a nice quiet setting where no one can see." said Naruto.

"Do you mean turning me into a Ghoul or fucking my brains out?" asked Sakura with with a perverted smirk.

"Both." said Naruto. Sakura blushed and got a nosebleed at the response.

Well there you guys have chapter 4, I hope you guys liked it. A lot has happened this chapter with Eto and Rize finally being introduced to Naruto, Sakura deciding to become a Demonic Ghoul and giving her first BJ, you found out Yami's plans for Naruto, what's going on in Konoha, Gato finally died, and Tsunami is getting back into her sexual groove.

Next chapter will more than likely just be a small filler chapter with Tsunami and Inari getting situated with everyone, Sakura becoming a Demonic Ghoul, and Yami putting more of her plans for Naruto into motion.


Ayame, Anko, Ameyuri, Tsunami, Fubuki, Guren, Karin, Kin, Temari, Tayuya, Yugao, Sakura, Fu, Jashin, Kotohime, Yami, Yakumo, Karui, Shion, Suzumebachi, Fem Kurama, Rize, Eto, Kurona, Nashiro, Fem Haku, Ino, Hana, Samui, Mei, Fem Zero Tails (My idea as I've never even heard of it being done), Shizuka, Amaru maybe more later.

Well that's it for now everyone remember to Fav., Follow, and Review and as always Listen for when the Dragon Roars!