'Have you seen Harry, Ron? He's been avoiding us for days.' Hermione asked him a few days later, during breakfast.

Thinking, Ron scratched his head and shook. 'When I woke up he was already gone. The bloke barely spends time in our dorms. Leaves early and comes after almost everyone's gone to bed'.

'I tried asking him yesterday what's going on, but he just laughed at me. Laughed, Ron. Can you believe this?' Hermione said, indignant.

Feeling that the episode still incensed her, Ron asked Seamus, who had just sat down at the table. 'Hey, mate, have you seen Harry today?'

The Irish boy stopped munching and, after thinking for a few seconds, told them. 'Yeah, I think I just saw him when I was going to the owlry. But as soon as I called him he took that blasted cloak and disappeared.'

After thanking Seamus for the bit of gossip, Hermione looked at Ron accusingly. 'See, I've told you he's up to something. Ever since he got that potions book of his he's been acting strangely.'

'Hello, folks.' Neville said as he sat down, grabbing distractedly some muffins. Noticing that he'd interrupted them, he asked. 'What were you talking about?'

'Harry.' Seamus answered before Ron and Hermione could.

At this, Neville suddenly avoided making eye contact with anybody. Trying to look conspicuous, he said. 'Leave him be, Hermione, he's just busy with stuff.'

Narrowing her eyes, Hermione opened her mouth to say her mind, when Ron placed a calming hand on her shoulder. 'He's just trying to be helpful, Herm.' He said calmly.

Unabated, but calmer, she continued. 'Neville, if you know something, just tell us. We're worried.'

He huffed, suddenly tired. 'Don't be, Hermione. He's fine.' Out of character, though, he let a chuckle escape. 'When they feel ready, Harry will tell you.' Bulging his eyes he got up from their friend's shocked faces and went away, murmuring about the need to learn to be quiet.

After a stupefied silence had gone on for some seconds, Hermione's voice could be heard.

'Harry's got...'

'A girlfriend.' Ron completed for her, shellshocked. Seamus and Dean Thomas burst out laughing. Ginny, who was listening nearby, bolted out of the Great Hall, apparently not so indifferent to her ex-boyfriend's love life.

'I can't believe it. Did I hear this alright? Is Potter really dating?' Some seventh year Hufflepuff girl asked from the table beside them. Soon the gossip had spread around the tables. After lunch, even the professors had heard about the gossip.

Intriguing enough, Harry neither denied nor confirmed the story, to their friend's consternation. Harry, strangely enough, braved the storm peacefully as the day went by.

As was usual, after classes ended Harry quickly ditched his friends and disappeared, to their renewed consternation.

Poor Neville became the focus of attention, as apparently he knew more than they did. But after that morning's mishap, he was as tight-lipped as he could be.

When supper time came, Harry's spot remained vacant among his friends. As Hermione was serving herself a plate of food, a sudden movement from the front door caught her attention.

As Harry entered the Great Hall, he noted that his appearance went largely unnoticed. Snorting, he looked at his companion and said. 'And here I thought Hogwarts rumor mill was all-powerful.'

He heard her snort, followed by her reply. 'You may be famous but certainly, you aren't the center of the world, Harry.' He begrudgingly agreed.

But as they kept walking down the Slytherin table, hand in hand, he noticed people finally noticing them, especially the Slytherins.

Soon, most of the elder Slytherins were pointing at or whispering about them. Malfoy, for his part, turned deathly pale, his mouth hanging open. Daphne's friends, too, looked completely shocked at the new couple.

Harry, not being one to let an opportunity pass, widened the already proud smile he wore and started waving to his Slytherin acquaintances. To Malfoy's complete apoplexy and grief, they waved back.

Taking pity, Daphne whispered in Harry's ear. 'Stop it, Harry. You'll give Malfoy a seizure. And my sister as well.' Daphne said bemusedly. Different than Malfoy, he noted, she was squirming in her seat in excitement.

'Oh, a seizure, really?' He answered with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

'Harry!' She muttered, not quite certain what he was planning to do. He had a suicidal streak after all, she thought to herself. He might as well try and sit at her table with her.

Suddenly changing directions, Harry surprised her beyond her wildest dreams. They kept walking on, toward the other side of the hall where Gryffindor's table was located.

'Relax, Daph. They won't bite.' He said, after noticing her tick.

Reaching where his friends were seated, He scooted them aside to make room for them.

'So...' Ron said a bit awkwardly. 'Harry, care to introduce your girlfriend to your dear old friends?'

'Is this a prank, Harry?' Seamus asked him.

Taking a deep breath, Harry looked deeply at Daphne's enthralling eyes and, after a silent conversation, he turned to his friends.

'Hermione, Ron, Foks' Harry started, motioning to all of his friends and dormmates. 'I'd like to introduce you my girlfriend, Daphne.'

After a few moments of tense quietness, Ron stuck his hand out, which Daphne shook, relief evident on her face.

Soon, most of their friends were deep in conversation with the new member of their gang.

So much for house rivalries and politics. It was all a bunch of horseshit. Harry thought to himself.

In the end, people were still people.

Feeling someone's eyes gazing at him, he turned to the Staff Table. Seating at his golden throne, he saw Dumbledore's proud and unrestrained smile.

Harry could only nod in agreement.

Love, after all, was the most powerful weapon ever invented.

Looking at Daphne's glowing face, he smiled contently. All would be well, in the end.