Nick sat there shocked by what he heard looking at Judy as his fork hit the plate.

"Whoa, that's why you've been acting so weird lately; because you love me" Nick sated as she slowly nodded, she just told Nick about her feelings there was not going back now, she had to be prepared for whatever Nick would do next. Nick looked shocked as he collected himself.

"Judy, I'm flattered really I am, But I'm with Vivian; I Love her and we're really happy together, I can't be with you," Nick said causing Judy's ears to drop like lead balloons as she tried to keep herself together in front of the two.

"I'm sorry, I was SO STUPID, how could I ever think you would love me" Judy bawled pulling the fur on her head which made Nick stand up, walking to her putting his hand on her shoulder as she swatted it away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Judy outbursted, she expected Nick to turn her down but was not prepared for how much it actually hurt, she stood up wiping her eyes.

"Sorry for ruining your night Nick, you and Vivian deserve each other" Judy said shifting to disappointment running off as Nick called out but she was already gone.

"Judy, I," Nick said looking down as Vivian stared at him.

"That could've gone better," Vivian said causing Nick to look at her.

"Wait, did you know she loved me," Nick asked as Vivian sighed.

"She told me yes, I thought her confessing her feelings would be better than her bottling them up, she said she loved you for a while" Vivian stated.

"Why wouldn't she tell me sooner" Nick stated a bit ashamed of himself, Vivian looked at him.

"Would it have made a difference?" Vivian asked as Nick slammed his paw on his table.

"YES!" he responded as Vivian recoiled as Nick took a deep breath.

"Because I DO love her" Nick confessed as Vivian crossed her arms.

"If you love her then why am I here?" Vivian stated wanting an answer as Nick admitted defeat.

"I Love you both, Vivian you were my best friend growing up, you always meant a lot to me, and I've Loved you, when you left Zootopia it broke me" Nick explained

"But Judy was the one who fixed me, she gave me a chance and because of her I got on the right track" Nick added.

"Then why aren't you with her?" Vivian asked as Nick looked down

"Because I was scared, I mean a Fox dating a rabbit, isn't exactly something you see, plus if I told her and she didn't share those same feeling, it would ruin our partnership. and when you came back into my life, I couldn't take it if I lost you again Nick sobbed as Vivian shed a tear.

"I really mean that much to you," Vivian stated as Nick sat down defeated

"I'm stuck between two amazing women and no matter who I choose to be with I lose" Nick stated.

In Judy's room, she was crying as she laid on her bed sobbing.

"Hey, shut up!" a voice screamed from the other side of the wall.

"Don't tell her to shut up, Can't you hear how sad she is" another voice screamed

"YOU BOTH SHUT UP!" Judy yelled as the two voices were silent. Judy curled on her head sobbing. for a second she actually thought Nick might have loved her. oh god, what was going to happen when the two of them go to work tomorrow would Nick tell the whole station, they would know she was a Predophile who loved a fox.

Judy bawled into her pillow. she noticed the fox plushie on the end of her bed as she angrily tore it's head clean off, tossing it to the end of the room as white stuffing spilled on the bed. Judy's life was going to be ruined, just because she was stupid enough to love a fox. why couldn't she just be attracted to Bucks like normal bunnies were? Judy laid on her back out of juice as she just laid there in defeat. no anger, just depression as she laid there all night.

The next morning came as Judy left the apartment in her uniform, heading down the elevator where Nick was eating breakfast.

"Morning Carrots" Nick smiled hoping his nickname would cheer her up but it didn't.

"My Name Is Lt. Judy Hopps, Nick so please address me formally" The bunny replied as Nick could tell she was still in a sour mood.

"I need to talk to you about last night" Nick proposed as Judy wasn't having any of it. the ride to the station was without conversation as the two were in the bullpen awaiting their assignment as Bogo Finally got to them

"Officer's Hopps and Wilde, the ZPD have received a tip about a location where criminal Xavier Donalds, a smuggler is running guns through Zootopia, I expect you two to put an end to this," he said as they nodded

(To Be continued in Zootopia: Second Chance).