Melody fiddled with the dress for a moment, chuckling at the tulle that Evie had used. Evie had not let her look at the dress she was making for her, and Melody had been so caught up in helping Evie with the other dresses that she didn't even care. She just let it happen.

But the result was perfect. It was a seafoam green color, with a slight shimmer to it. The bodice was not tight, and the sleeves were cap sleeves that slid down her arms a bit. The skirt was long and flowy, with a light-colored tulle overlay that was fishing net. It was bright and loose, the way she liked it. She grinned, pushing a strand of hair from her face. She would never be good at doing hair or makeup, which was why she had Evie. Evie loved dressing her up. She fingered the gold shell locket on her neck before grinning.

"I knew you would like it." Evie startled her from her thoughts. Melody turned around and smiled. Evie was already dressed up in a dark blue dress with darker blue vine details. She smirked. "Plus, the skirt comes away when its time to dance." She bent down to the middle of the skirt, showing the buttons that held it there. Melody grinned and looked back in the mirror.

"I absolutely love it. You always know how to capture me in a dress huh?" She asked, laughing along with Evie. She moved over to her bag as Melody stepped down from the pedestal, slipping into the heels that she was provided.

"This is for you." She said. Melody looked over at Evie pulled a headband out of her bag. It was gold, like her necklace, but had a few decorations on it. There were a few starfish, as well a little bit of netting that hung off it. There were also a few dingy pearls, but the headband really came together.

"It's so pretty." Melody commented, leaning over so Evie could slip it into her hair without messing it up. The unruly mane of black hair had been tamed once again, a fishtail braid replaced it down the side of her head.

"Dizzy Tremaine made it. She's Drizella's daughter over on the Isle. I used to watch her when I was younger, and she loves to make outfits and accessories like me. We went to see her when you and Ben…you know. She remembered you and had made you a few accessories. I thought you would want to wear them." She explained, grabbing a few bracelets as well that had the same idea. Melody slipped them on, marveling at how unique they are.

"They're beautiful. She must be very talented."

Evie nodded. "She is. She should be over here. Not on the Isle. I feel so guilty, leaving her over there." She said softly. Melody frowned. There were a lot of Isle kids that deserved to be over here in Auradon. She realized that. She touched Evie's shoulder, getting her attention.

"We'll talk to Ben tonight, both of us. She deserves to be over here. As do a lot of them. We shouldn't have stopped at just four." She said, smiling. Evie smiled, turning around and hugging the girl, just as the bathroom door opened and Mal appeared, Auradon proud.

"You look amazing!" Evie spoke smiling at Mal. Mal looked over at them, green eyes wide. She was not ready for this. Melody moved over to her, touching her shoulder.

"Breathe. You've got this. You don't need to be ready for Auradon, Auradon needs to be ready for you." She said softly. Mal looked over at her, before nodding and managing a very weak smile. Melody smiled, before looking over at them. She took a breath, before smiling. "Let's do this."

You look beautiful!" Melody grinned when she met up with Jay.

"You don't look so bad yourself." She said with a grin, giving him a small kiss before taking his arm and looking over. Doug and Evie were with them after having their pictures taking and Lonnie joined them after.

"So, this is your parents' ship?" Jay asked after a moment. Melody chuckled. "Yep. It's the one my parents were married on and that I stayed on for a bit. It hasn't been used much except for parties like this. Everyone likes to be on a big ship every now and again." She explained and laughed, walking onto the ship. As soon as they set foot on the ship, the music was loud, and the lights were bright. The fun and games of Cotillon. Melody pointed over to where Carlos and Jane had finally arrived. "You owe me some money." She teased Doug, who just rolled his eyes. It was nice, and the group of them managed to get some dancing in before the big reveal.

"May I introduce Lady Mal," Lumiere spoke as the trumpets blared. Mal stepped out in her dress, and everyone applauded. Melody and Evie both grinned, before walking over to the girl.

"How are you?" Evie asked, helping Mal down.

"Uh, sort of like I'm going to throw up," Mal added. Melody giggled, shaking her head. "You'll do fine. Trust me. I've done this before. Except I was in an uncomfortable pink dress and Sebastian pinched the finger of a cute prince and caused chaos over the entire party. So, let's not think about that and just focus on you." Melody explained. Evie rolled her eyes, pushing her friend, before turning back to Mal.

"Don't worry. You've got this." Evie spoke to her. Melody agreed, smiling. Mal nodded, before following them down the stairs and onto the ship. Before they could even talk, the trumpets were going once again.

"King Benjamin," Lumiere announced and Ben made his way down. The audience clapped and smiled, as Mal made her way to her king. Melody smiled, leaning against Jay, before frowning. The look in Ben's eyes. She knew her best friend. Something wasn't right.

Ben walked down to Mal, but he was frowning. "Mal I really wish I had time to tell you this." He spoke, before turning back to the stairs. Uma walked into view, looking regal and royal in her light blue dress. She smiled weakly, ignoring all the stairs as she came down to meet with Ben. Ben smiled, taking her hand and kissing it, and on her hand was Ben's ring. Mal's eyes widened, as well as the rest of them. What was going on?

"Something happened to me, back on the Isle with Uma. A connection." Ben spoke as Mal walked to them.

"What are you saying?"

"It was love." Uma then spoke. "I realized how alike Ben and I are!" She said, smiling.

"Ben, did you go back for her?" Mal asked, saddened by the term of events.

Uma shook her head. "I dove through the barrier before it closed, and I'm an excellent swimmer." She explained. Ben smiled, looking at Uma. "Don't you see Mal? You knew we weren't meant to be together, that's why you never said you loved me." He said and grabbed Mal's hand before the music started. Ben then took Uma's hand and walked into the middle of the dance floor, to give the first dance. Melody and Evie moved forward, pulling Mal back over to them as she watched, heartbroken.

"Not too thrilled. I risked my life for him." Carlos mumbled as Lonnie and Doug both walked over. Melody frowned, looking over at Jay.

"Something's not right, Jay. This isn't Ben. He would never do something like this." She explained, turning to look at him for a moment. Jay looked at her, before frowning. "I really wouldn't mind kicking the living daylights out of him right now," Jay mumbled.

"That's what I'm saying, Jay. Ben would never do something as stupid as this. I'm not so sure it is Ben." She said, before turning when Lonnie walked over to Mal. "Let's get out of here," Carlos spoke. Melody moved forward to help Mal, who was on the verge of crying. Jane pushed past her, taking Melody's arm. "The gift." She whispered, before disappearing up the stairs. They were about to leave, Mal being stopped by Ben's parents before Lumiere spoke again.

"And now for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece, designed specifically for his Lady," Lumiere announced as the curtain came off the stained-glass picture. It was of Ben and Mal, Mal in a beautiful purple dress with her hair down, green eyes stunning. Everyone oohed and aahed over it, marveling the beauty. Even Ben stopped to look at it.

"Oh! Evie, Melody." Mal spoke, looking at them. Mel moved forward. "Ben's known who I was all along." She said softly. Melody grinned. "He's known the real you, M," Evie spoke, smiling as they walked back down toward Ben.

"Cover that back up!" Uma suddenly shouted, glaring at Lumiere.

"I will not!" Lumiere fought back. Uma looked at everyone staring at her, before turning back. "Uh, why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben." She tried to act sweet, forced.

Ben looked over at Uma, before looking at the court. "I have an announcement. Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady."

"Son…" Beast asked.

"Not now, dad! Uh…" Everyone looked at Ben as he yelled. He never raised his voice. "So, as my gift to her, I will be bringing down the barrier, once and for all. Fairy Godmother, bring down the barrier." He turned to Fairy Godmother.

"I most certainly will not." She stood her ground.

"I am your king!"

"Obey him!"

Melody moved quickly. "Ben's been spelled. Uma's necklace. That's the same necklace she used to put a spell on my dad." She explained to the girls, taking their shoulders. Evie looked at the necklace, before connecting the dots. "Uma found your spellbook, Mal." Mal looked over at them, before finally moving toward Ben. Uma and Mal were fighting over his gaze.

"Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough for you. And I thought it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself, but Ben, that's me!" Mal pointed toward the masterpiece. "I'm part Isle and part Auradon and Ben, you've always known who we were and what we can be!"

"Ben, don't listen to her!" Uma was trying her best to make him look at her. But Mal had him caught, had him focused on her.

"Ben, I know what love feels like now. Of course, I've loved you, I've always loved you!" Mal told him, before stepping up and kissing him, forcing him to kiss her back. Melody grinned, looking at them. When Mal pulled away, Ben was focused only on her. "Mal." He said softly.

"True love's kiss."

"Works every time." Melody and Evie said together, before laughing. They were happy for Mal, she knew she loved Ben. Suddenly, Uma moved forward, moving to grab the wand from Fairy Godmother. Evie and Melody moved quickly, blocking her from Fairy Godmother. Uma realized she wasn't going to win this way, so she immediately moved, running toward the edge of the boat.

"Stop! Stop!" Mal yelled, pushing past everyone else. Uma stopped, looking at Mal. "Uma, stop! I know you. You are so much more than a villain, and you must believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want!" Mal tried to reason with the girl. Uma looked at Mal, looking around the other people. She seemed to think about it for a moment, before moving and jumping off the boat and into the ocean. They moved forward, to see where she went before everything changed.

Clouds formed in the clear sky and the water churned violently. Melody swallowed, knowing those signs. "Everyone move back!" She called, just as a large wave jumped and flooded the boat, a giant Uma with tentacles now out of the water. Melody fell with the crowd, soaking wet and freezing. Jay moved to help her up with Carlos, pulling her back to the boat. "I know the signs of a storm on the ocean. We need to move back." She coughed, clinging onto Jay as they moved forward.

"True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name! Come on Mal! Let's finish this!" The giant Uma yelled, throwing one of her tentacles toward the boat to try and hit someone. The boat lurched and rocked with the stormy tide. The waves crashed against the boat, making it move in an uneasy way. Mal moved out of the way, trying to figure out what she wanted to do. She was seething, mad.

"Evie." Melody grabbed the girl's attention. Mal's eyes were glowing, they knew what that meant.

"Mal," Ben spoke softly. Mal looked at all of them, before she disappeared into a cloud of smoke, a dragon now replacing where she stood. The dragon roared, before taking off toward Uma.

"She can do that!" Melody yelled, stumbling and trying to keep herself upright with the help of Jay. They moved toward the edge of the boat as Mal flew over Uma, breathing down fire.

"Melody, can't you do anything?!" Doug yelled.

"Yeah, you were a mermaid!" Carlos added.

"For like a few days! And I was twelve! I can't do anything like that again!" She exclaimed, rolling her eyes. Ben moved forward and next to her, looking at all the chaos going around them. He couldn't help it, and roared, before handing Carlos and Jay his jacket and crown and jumping in.

"Did he really just roar?" Melody mumbled and rolled her eyes, looking over at Beast who had just run over to them.

"That's enough! It's got to stop! This isn't the answer! The fighting has got to stop! Nobody wins this way! We have to listen to and respect each other. It won't be easy, but let's be brave enough to try. Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle. Help me make a difference." Ben called out to Mal and Uma. The others watched from where they stood, watching the chaos in front of them. Was this going to work? Was it going to work? Uma looked over at Ben, before handing him his ring back. She seemed sad, but she didn't want to fight them, so she moved back down into the sea and back to the Isle. Ben sighed, before swimming back to the boat to get back on.

"Good job Ben," Doug spoke.

"I didn't do anything."

"You talked some sense into her. Maybe she realized what she's doing." Melody spoke, patting Ben on the shoulder. Ben looked over at her, before sighing and nodding. "Even if Uma doesn't want to stay, at least you got her to stop and listen." She explained. He smiled and nodded, before hugging his father. Melody moved back over to the group, before looking up at a loud roar. Mal, in her dragon form, started descending toward the top of the boat, before landing.

"I really hope my parents have insurance for this. There's going to be some major scratches." Melody joked, making the others laugh. Jay's arms went around her waist, and she giggled, before looking up as the dragon was swallowed in purple smoke, before transforming into Mal once more. Well, save a nice costume change. Mal looked over at the others before grinning and curtseying in front of Ben, who in turn bowed before her. Evie grabbed Melody's attention before both girls moved toward the stairs as Mal descended. They met her halfway, clapping, before turning to the crowd.

"I did not know I could do that," Mal spoke softly, looking toward the two girls. Melody laughed. "Me neither," Evie added as they laughed. Evie then held her hand out, taking her skirt.

"Shall we?" She asked.

Mal looked over at Melody, who was holding her hand out. She took both girls hands, before smiling. "We shall." She said. All three girls walked down the stairs to meet with the others. They separated when Mal moved to Ben and kissed him. Melody and the others laughed, moving away.

"I can't thank you guys enough," Ben spoke, smiling. "Seriously. Anything you want, I want to help." Melody looked over at Evie, touching her shoulder, before mouthing. "Dizzy." Evie nodded.

"Actually, there is something. I know a kid from the Isle that would love to come to Auradon. It's Drizella's daughter, Dizzy. She would really love to come here." Evie explained to him.

Ben smiled. "Then she should come." He added.

"Actually." Melody stepped in, touching Evie's shoulder. "There's a lot of kids over on the Isle that deserves a spot in Auradon. Maybe we can all work together and bring some more over. It was something that we planned to do." She explained. Ben looked over at them, before nodding. Melody smiled, wrapping her arm around Jay's arm and leaning into him.

"Thanks." He said softly, breaking Melody from her thoughts as Mal gave Fairy Godmother her spell book.

"For what?"

"For thinking about the Isle. They deserve to be a part of Auradon. And you're going to make that happen." He explained. Melody blushed and shrugged.

"You four deserved it, and so do they." She said. Jay smiled, before kissing her cheek.

"Now, let's get this party started," Lonnie exclaimed, and they all laughed before the music and fun began.

Whelp! I finished it! I'm not really proud of it like I was of Caught in the Middle, but I managed to get a good story out! Of course, when the new Descendants comes out I will have a fic to that as well. But right now I want to try and finish my Power Rangers fics and then start working on my Harry Potter fic that I have. But I'm glad that everyone has stuck by me through this and several of my very long hiatuses. Thanks so much!