One Year Later...

It's overwhelmingly bright, brighter than her wildest dreams have ever painted for her mind. She's still unsure to take a step forward, terrified if she is strong enough, but that soothing voice echoes in her mind and her feet shuffle forward on pure instinct.

Vibrant blades of wild grass are far more colorful here, as if someone took a paintbrush of thick bright green paint and stroked out this field for her. The sun is beating down on her and it's almost too difficult to peer up, but she has to see the giant mushroom hanging from above like a massive umbrella.

"" The smoky rings expand as they leave the strange creature, the grey ash vanishing into the sky above.

"Nope, I'm out!"

Gold smoke engulfs her entire body and transports her back to the cold and damp vault.

"Ella? What happened? You were gone no more than three minutes," Regina informs her as the thick smoke slowly dissipates.

"That place was creepy, I am not going back there without you," she frantically shakes her persuading a small chuckle to fall from Regina's lips.

"It's the safest place for you to practice jumping realms," Regina softly explains, shaking her head at Ella's almost identical personality to her mother.

The mayor neatly places her mother's spell book onto the shelf and proceeds to clean up her vault.

"Why can't you just come with me? Then we can jump to any realm and you don't have to be worried about me in a strange land."

"Honey, you know exactly why," Regina mindlessly answers as Ella helps her replace some of the potions they studied earlier.

"Okay, that was like one time," Ella scoffs, rolling her eyes just like her mother. "We've been practicing and I think I'm stronger now."

"Absolutely not. I'm still uncertain how you managed to leave me somewhere lost in time between Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest, but never again, dear." Ella breathes out an over exaggerated exhale to express her annoyance, but Regina just smirks. "When I feel that you are strong enough to jump realms with another human by your side and only then will I come with you."


"Ella it took you awhile to figured out on your own how to get me back and I didn't appreciate being the one who had to lie to your mother as to why we were late that night."

"I know and I'm sorry," Ella profusely apologizes with her big sorrowful eyes. "It's know Mom and she's gonna freak if she knows I'm jumping realms."

"We have to eventually tell her," Regina hums, placing the last of her items away before they leave for the evening.

"I know, but I like having a secret between us."

"Nice try," she teasingly replies, strutting toward the stone staircase. "Come along, we don't want to be late for Robin's graduation dinner."

"Alright, but can we at least wait until I can get a handle on realm jumping with you before we tell mom?" The teenager meekly recommends as she trudges toward her mentor.

"I suppose," Regina pauses before she climbs the stairs and cups Ella's pointed chin that has been passed down from generation to generation. "I am very glad that you did come to me when it first happened. I'm honored that you trust me enough to turn to me when magical mishaps occur."

Ella smiles shyly, her cheeks tinging a pink hue as her eyes quickly drop down to avoid an intimate moment. She's still painfully shy at times, especially when there are too many emotions floating around.

Regina leans forward just a smidgen. "I didn't feel any magic sparking that time," she proudly acknowledges, knowing the young girl finally has her magic under control and not lashing out when her emotions consume her.

Ella's smile stretches deep into her cheeks, pride swelling in her heart as Regina presses a kiss to her forehead. "Thanks," she sincerely states before they exit the vault.


"Hey you two," Emma smiles from ear to ear when she spots her girlfriend and daughter waltzing through the diner.

"Hi," Ella greets her mother briefly before she dashes toward Robin, her idol as of lately.

"So, nice to see you too," Emma scoffs, but Regina is right there to kiss her pout away.

"Hey," she seductively whispers against those pretty thin lips.

"Hi," Emma sighs with the sappiest grin etched into her face. "How was magic lessons?"

"Wonder-ful," she purposely emphasizes on the wonder part knowing her girlfriend will be left clueless.

"Alright," she skeptically replies, but decides not to press the issue because she knows she won't weasel out any information. Regina and Ella are both so vague when discussing magic.

Emma reaches behind Regina and slides the martini she ordered for her moments ago in front of her. Regina presses a sweet kiss to her cheek, just like she's grown accustomed to since she was Roni and happily accepts the drink.

"Thank you."

"Of course." Emma slowly sips her bottle of beer as her eyes trail down to the perfect curve that's encased in the tightest, sexiest, jeans she has ever laid eyes on. "I am so glad you decided to give jeans a fighting chance."

"Stop gawking, drooling is not an attractive quality," she mocks, playing it cool as she sips her martini.

"I can't help it, every time I see you dressed so relaxed, too many dirty images of Roni fill my head," the blonde whispers in her ear.

"Are you saying when I dress as Madam Mayor or as the Evil Queen for you, that filthy images don't cloud your brain?" She accusingly inquires, knowing damn well that she's playing games with the poor sheriff.

"Can we not discuss the Evil Queen games in public?" Emma hisses under her breath while her cheeks burn through every color of red. A deep sultry chuckle escapes Regina's mouth and disappears somewhere in her glass. "Anyways, you know I love all your crazy personalities," she declares, pressing a loving kiss to Regina's cheek.

The mayor hums her approval because she does know exactly how much the corky Savior loves her. She proves her love and devotion every day in one way or another; whether it's from their constant love making because Emma can't keep her greedy hands to herself or if it's from something as simple as when Emma prepares Regina's coffee before they leave for work every morning. It's been one whole year together void of anymore arguments and Regina and Emma are more in love now than ever.

However, the couple's attention is immediately disrupted from each other when they notice Robin and Ella whispering in the corner.

"Your niece is a horrible influence," Emma teases, because truthfully she adores that spunky wild child.

"Hmmm," Regina hums as she focuses on the boy slithering his arms around the graduation girl. "I still don't understand how that sweet innocent boy can keep up with Robin."

"He's a Charming, liking feisty women is in our genes," Emma laughs before sliding her fingers between Regina's and leading her toward the rest of the family.

"Granny's slowing down on the shots," Zelena grumpily announces as the couple takes their seats at the table. "I need a bloody bottle if I'm ever going to make it through the night. My baby is all grown up," she whines, burying her face into her palms.

"I'm sure she will attend Storybrooke University with Neal," Snow offers to soothe Zelena's melt down.

"Speaking of," Zelena snaps her head toward the former princess, narrowing blue eyes with an accusing finger pointed angrily. "Your son better not knock up my daughter."

"Zelena!" Regina scolds at her big mouth sister who has clearly had far too many drinks.

"Neal would never, I think you need to speak to your sneaky daughter. I found her crawling out of his window the other morning," Snow disapprovingly states as Granny places more shots down on the table.

"What?" Emma screeches as Zelena snatches up a tiny glass of alcohol.

"Damn Hood blood," Zelena scoffs under her breath before tossing back her drink.

"Zelena, you need to speak with her," Regina firmly states, but her sister just rolls her eyes in return.

"She's eighteen now, I can't really tell her what to do anymore and if I do, she's just going to do it all the more."

"Too bad, put your foot down," Emma concludes before Zelena tosses back another shot.

"Alright loves," Hook says as he sweeps right passed the table. "I am taking off," he informs the ladies, readjusting his jacket.

"Hot date?" Emma muses as she slides her hand up Regina's thigh beneath the table and out of view, making sure Regina knows she's her main priority.

"Something like that," he chuckles, confirming that there is a potential woman, the question is who?

"Have a nice evening," Regina kindly offers, "we will bring Ella by in the morning.

"Perfect," he confirms, flashing his most flirtatious grin before slipping out the door.

"Ten bucks his date is his one and only precious hand," Zelena drunkenly replies, stealing another shot.

"Drink some water," Snow demands, shoving a glass into the woman's hand.

"I'm sure he'll tell us when he's ready," Regina flippantly replies even though she has her suspicions.

"As long as he's happy," Emma replies, squeezing Regina's knee beneath the table once again.

The front door suddenly bursts open, revealing an awkward, dangling looking kid that nobody can quite place. Regina and Emma both study the young boy, their heads tilting in unison as he shoves his hands deep into his cargo pants. His pitch black hair is perfectly tossed around in a messy yet cute sort of way and Regina guesses that he must be around Ella's age.

"Have you..."

"Never," Regina finishes Emma's thought, confirming that neither one has seen this young boy before.

All too quickly, there's movement from behind the couple, startling them and redirecting their attention to Ella. She swoops passed the table without a glance in their direction and meets the boy at the door.

"Hey, Ella," he nervously greets her, rocking anxiously between his feet.

"Hi Hiro," Ella shyly responds and there's a brief moment of deafening silence between them before Ella finally gestures with her head for him to follow.

"Oh god," Emma breathes, leaning heavily into Regina's side. "Is she into boys now? When did this happen? Why haven't I been informed? And where the hell did this kid show up from?"

"Em," Regina gently cups her cheek and distracts her girlfriend with a delicate kiss to her rambling lips. "Calm down. I'm sure they are just friends."

"Bull-" Regina captures her lips again, despite all the people around them, effectively shutting her up.

"Come on Blondie, how about I buy you a couple of shots?" Regina husks with a playful wink, sending Emma right back in time from when they first discovered their true feelings.

And so Emma blindly follows with lust clouding her mind enough to distract her about her daughter and her maybe boyfriend. She follows that thick curve in those tight jeans and is reminded to be so grateful for Roni. The woman who saved her life from drowning in her redundant life and showed her the true meaning of love.

The End

A/N: Before everyone gets mad at me for Robin and Neal just remember that Robin never met Alice and never was cursed. If you would like to see Robin and Alice together please check on my new story!

The Secret Her Heart Keeps: Regina is finally accepted amongst her people and is ready to be crowned The Good Queen over all the realms, but there's only one person that she wishes were there during her coronation. Even if that means digging up old wounds that occurred on a graduation trip for Henry so many years ago.

This story is strictly told from Regina's perspective, discussing that graduation trip that Zelena slyly mentioned in the series finale and then what happens after Regina is crowned with a nice little twist on Hope. I know some people were hoping Ella was Regina's child, so if you are interested in a fic like that...well...maybe check out the new story. I hope everyone checks it out, I put a lot of time and heart into the story! I've been receiving a lot of positive feedback on the other site and I hope everyone gives it a chance.