Scene 1

Confessions of the heart

"Leave the bottle Red, i'm just getting started"

Swan knew she would regret it in the morning but right at that moment she didn't give a shit.

Ruby placed the bottle of Tequila in front of the Sheriff and smiled at her clearly agitated friend, she knew it was pointless saying anything to her so instead she squeezed her hand letting her know she was there for her before moving on to her next customer who just so happened to be Robin Hood.

Emma side eyed the forest dweller who was buying a bottle of wine to go, the fact that she knew exactly where he was going made her anger once again flood to the surface.

'She hates that wine!"

She thought with a curled lip and a snort of laughter.

"Bad day Sheriff?"

The outlaw couldn't hide his smugness as he moved up the counter closer to Emma who shot him a killer look as she filled her glass.

"Haven't you got sticks to sharpen or something?"

Robin laughed and shook his head.

"Not tonight no, I have a beautiful woman to…."

Swan grabbed him by the throat before he could finish glaring at him wildly, damn this tequila was potent stuff.

"If you want to leave this diner breathing I wouldn't finish that sentence if I was you Hood!"

Silence fell over the establishment until Emma released her grip and chuckled as the taller man coughed and sputtered holding his throat.

"You best not keep Madam Mayor waiting Forrest boy, now run along"

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Robin spat rubbing his throat that was now red and blotchy.

"I think he is going to cry Red! You might need to give the Mayor a call to come and pick him up"

Swan ignored the look her friend shot at her and laughed loudly before pushing back her seat and unsteadily rose to her feet.

"Get out of my way…"

Robin shook his head sadly, he didn't know the blonde very well and after the past ten minutes he never wanted to be in her presence ever again.

"I don't know what your problem is Sheriff Swan but I find your behav….."

"You're my damn problem OK? Look at you all ready to sling her to the offence Red"

"None taken babe"

Ruby shot back knowing exactly where her friend was heading and If the sheer amount of tequila didn't kill her stone dead then she knew Regina would when she found out about this.

"You think that because she was the Evil Queen that it's ok to treat her like shit, like she has no feelings? Your an asshole Hood and you don't deserve her"

Emma took a step towards the confused looking outlaw suddenly feeling dead soba and livid!

"And you claim to love her?"

She laughed bitterly and shook her head.

"You're not fit to clean her heels"

Stunned and offended the outlaw squared up to the Sheriff glaring back at her with equal intensity.

"Well that is strange because when I left her more than satisfied this morning I'd say she thought I was more than fit"

It was the second his smug grin had spread across his smug fucking face that Swan snapped and before she even blinked she had right hooked him and knocked him out cold.

"Holy fuck Emma!"

"Way to go sister!"

Leroy chimed in followed by his raucous laughter.

Ruby was laughing nervously as she ran around the counter and looked down at Robin who was sprawled across the floor taking a nap.

"Out for the fucking count ding dong! What did he say? Shit girl Regina's gonna rip you a new one for sure"

Emma was shaking her hand and heading back to her glass of tequila.

"He should have got out of my way"

She muttered unable in her drunken state to image Hood with his slimey paws all over Regina, it was enough to make her want to throw up.

"Hey Red get me an ice pack will ya? I think his face broke my hand"

Ruby nodded still in shock at what had happened then disappeared into the back of the diner giving the blonde the chance to knock back her drink before reappearing with the requested ice wrapped in a towel.

"Thanks, hey look sorry about all this, guess I'm lucky it's Granny's night off"

Swan winced at the sting of coldness that enveloped her rapidly bruising fist but told herself the pain was worth seeing the outlaw in a heap on the floor.

"Are you serious? This is the best entertainment i've had in here since Leroy dropped his trousers and told Tink to kiss his ass"

Emma burst out laughing and refilled her glass.

"Damn that was funny"

She agreed raising her glass before tipping the clear liquid down her throat.

"Hey Red if you were me right now….."

"I'd be getting the hell right out of dodge"

Ruby interrupted chuckling when green eyes rolled skyward.

"Seriously though should I go and face the music now with Regina or wait for her to show up and turn me to a pile of smouldering ash?"

Emma smirked as she watched the waitress actually mull over her dilemma before answering.

"You probably should go and see her before stone cold here wakes up and beats you to it,, failing that instead of turning you to ash I think she will rip your heart out of your chest and then use you as her sex slave like she did Graham….I can totally see our illustrious Mayor being all over that, I have seen the way she looks at you"

Cocking an eyebrow it was the Saviours turn to mull this new information over.

"That has its benefits right? Like way better than what I get now which is having my face rubbed in it every single fucking day! And who really needs a heart anyway?"

They were still laughing like school girls and Emma still knocking back the tequila when a sudden swirl of purple smoke began to materialise next to her.

"Oh shit!"

"The Saviours fucked for sure, boy this is going to be good"

The dwarfs voice was full of excitement.

"It's been great knowing you Em"

Ruby scarpered sharpish she didn't fancy being turned into a coat anytime soon.

"That's great! Thanks friend"

Emma shouted out before sucking in a deep breath and turning to face the cause of her drunken outburst.

To say the Mayor was fucking raging was a slight understatement, well ok a fucking huge understatement of epic proportions as Emma could see just by looking into her stormy dark eyes that right at that very second most likely wanted to see her dead!

"Regina I…"

The Mayor's hand whipped up in front of her so fucking fast that for a split second the Saviour thought she was about to take her last breath and by the sounds of the shocked gasps from behind her so did all the occupants of Granny's that had a front row seat to the drama that was unfolding.

"Don't even bother Swan I know exactly what happened thanks to Zelena"

Green eyes narrowed to slits before her head shot around to settle on the Wicked Witch herself sat at the back of the diner grinning from ear to ear.

"Fucking green monkey loving Bitch!"

Swan spat under her breath knowing she was well and truly fucked! And not in a good way.

"Then I guess we have nothing to talk about Madame Mayor"

She turned back to face the former Queen to find her staring back at her darkly.

"Oh don't we? I want to know why you attacked Robin?"

Hearing Regina say his name was like a match to a flame and instantly reignited Emma's anger and jealousy

"I hit him once Regina that's hardly an attack is it?"


Regina closed the gap between them and reached out and filled Emma's glass with tequila and brought it to her lips before knocking it back in one.

Swan raised her chin then swallowed hard which didn't go unnoticed, she couldn't take her eyes off of the brunette, utterly transfixed by her beauty. She could never seem to concentrate around this woman and it drove her insane.

"He doesn't deserve you"

Regina was genuinely shocked, she had expected some sarcastic witty comment not this simple truthful admission.

"What and you do?"

The words were delivered more harshly than intended and she frowned to see the blonde wince.

"Don't flatter yourself Madame Mayor!"

Emma snapped back as she snatched the bottle up from the bar and made a mess of refilling her glass.

"Go ahead and take sleeping beauty home and leave me alone to drink"

She heard the angry growl escape Regina's lips and stiffened in her seat as fear crept along her spine.

"I never took you for a coward Swan!"

Emma shook her head incredulously.

"Then that makes the two of us!"

Frowning Regina sat down next to the Saviour and sighed deeply, she suddenly lost the will to fight, she was tired of it, they both were and it hadn't gone unnoticed that not once did she attempt to go to her supposed soulmates aid.

"Why do you even care who I date? You said yourself you wanted me to find my happy ending?"

Emma looked down at the mess she had made of the counter and frowned as all her bravado seeped away and her hand continued to throb like a bitch.

"Zelena told me what you said to Robin, you were defending me in your own unique idiotic way"

The Mayor sighed deeply the anger in her eyes fading to be replaced by confusion"

"Why Emma?"

With no inhibitions to speak of due to the sheer amount of tequila that she had consumed, the truth decided to flow in that moment not caring about the repercussions.

"He isn't your happy ending Regina"

The words were spoken so sincerely that the brunette felt the truth behind them resound within her heart.

"I am!"