Title: Like Father...Like Daughter... Author: Janine E-mail: [email protected] Pairing: Lita/? Disclaimer: All characters belong to the WWE and Vince McMahon Rating: 15 (may contain bad language, refers to sex and abuse) Spoilers: Not really Notes: There's still a roster split. Only the women's champion can appear on both shows. Summary: Daddy's girl returns...

~ Prologue ~

The night was young.

Raw was just about to air at Madison Square Garden, as the General Manager, Eric Bischoff, sat defiantly at his office desk, looking through some papers.

He loved being in charge. He loved the power, the money and the women. Speaking of women, he decided, just off the top of his head that he would book a bra and panties match between Stacy and Trish. Why not? He could. He smiled to himself briefly and wondered which wrestlers would come barging into his office, demanding a match tonight.

Bischoff scowled. He hated most of the wrestlers, but had some of them convinced he was on their side. He was good at that. It had been the same way when he'd owned WCW. Pure manipulation.

WCW. Some of the wrestlers from WCW were working for him now. Most of them knew him too well and didn't like him. However, Eric had to keep them sweet so that they wouldn't defect to Smackdown to work for that bitch, Stephanie McMahon.

He hated her too. In fact there was no one Bischoff actually liked. He had never trusted easily and after his wife died he had put all his time and effort into the wrestling business, leaving his baby daughter with a nanny.

His daughter. Okay, so perhaps there was one person in this measly little world that Bischoff loved. Although in her twenties, she would always be his little girl. His little secret that almost no one knew about. But things could soon change. She was out with an injury when Bischoff became GM. But she was due back anytime, and they had never worked together before.ever.

~ End prologue ~