This is my first cross-over pairing I've ever done...and i'm kinda proud of it lol But, there is a slight warning. It does kinda drag on until it gets to the actual pairing~

NOTE the beginning takes place in-between the episodes 'Out of My Mind' and 'No Place Like Home' in the 5th Season of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' And will continue through the season

Harmony does not make ANY appearance, at all. Spike never attempted to get his chip removed. Riley was just being an ass.

Harry stumbled down the alleyway, his magic exploding within him in waves. His core was in so much pain, he was amazed that he was still upright. The Hellmouth was torture on his magic, feeding and causing it to go haywire at the same time. He nearly collapsed against the wall, both hands pressed against the wall before him, his chest heaving. He hasn't been in this much pain since the end of the damned war, a few years ago.

Hermione had sent him here, because of something that Harry couldn't remember at the moment, saying that it was for him. So he was to go alone. He snorted now, even in his pain. The bitch probably knew what was going to happen, she didn't trust him anymore, not after discovering what he'd become.


Harry convulsed under the cutting curse, the remnants of the loyal Death Eaters cheering for their comrade as Harry's shaking hands raising up to stop the bleeding coming from his throat. There were several screams, as Ron, Hermione and a small handful of Aurors arrived finally. Harry attempted to suck in a breath, only to splutter as he choked...on his own blood.

But, for some reason-unknown to him at the time-he didn't feel like he was about to die...he felt calm. At first he thought he was accepting death, but a moment later had him doubting it. As he could feel the skin stitch itself back together, under his fingers. Hermione, who'd dropped to her knees beside him gasped in shock, forcing his hands away from the bloodied area. Her wide eyes flickered from side to side as she thought quickly before saying; "It missed, and I healed it before it could've done any real damage, ok? We'll talk about this later." Harry nodded, finally able to breath without choking. His eyes felt heavy, along with feeling lightheaded. He slumped forward, Hermione catching him, cradling his head on her shoulder. Finally, when all the Death Eaters were either caught or dead, they summoned a stretcher to levitate him out.

He'd been out for days, most believing that the last band of Death Eaters cursed their young savior in some way. Hermione had thrown herself into the books, trying to figure out how Harry had survived that cutting curse. Ron didn't understand when she explained what happened, believing that the cutting curse did indeed miss it's target, and only got the side of his neck. But when Hermione showed him the memory, well...

All of Ron's jealousy and rage towards Harry reared it's ugly head. Hermione still wanted to know why it healed the way it did, and came up with a conclusion. It was an affect of having a horcrux inside him for years. He could not be harmed, because the magic protecting the horcrux remained within him even though said horcrux was no longer there. It might've also done something to the way he aged, as well. Harry was still slim and lithe, looking no older than 17 whilst he was in his mid-twenties. The aging part was what really set Ron against Harry in the long run.

Harry had grown suspicious when the two continued to talk behind his back, always shutting up whenever he was near. He started listening in on their conversations. And he learned everything. Ron was never actually a friend. His entire family was paid to be there for him by Dumbledore. The reason they were poor was because the goblins had found that Dumbledore had paid them from the moment he was born, with the money that was supposed to be his when he came of age after his parents died, and placed them in crippling debt, all before he knew about the magical world.

Hermione had actually been a friend, but, this had set her away from him. Her muggle-born mind didn't believe it was right to gain immortality through magic. It 'wasn't right' for the rest of the world. Even though Harry's had been an accident.

Harry knew the answer, and in the back of his mind, always had known. Since the war. The brief moment he had all three hallows under his claim, something clicked inside him, his magic feeling as if it suddenly expanded, more immense and deep. When Hagrid carried him back to the castle, he explored the depths of this new magic, finding exactly what he needed to kill the Dark Lord once and for all. And he did use that magic. But he did not knowing that by tapping into said magic, he would be accepting it and the position that came with it.

Harry was now the master of death; he could not die, he was immensely powerful, and he no longer needed a wand. Harry had kept this secret from everyone, even his best friends. But it was all for not, as now they both have seen what happened and now view him in a completely different light. Harry could see the resentment and hatred hidden in Ron's eyes. Hermione's warm brown eyes now seemed cold and distant, as she 'tried' to figure out how to 'fix' him. And by fixing him, she meant sending him to this hell.


Sunnydale, California. Home to the biggest and most active, as of late, Hellmouth. Harry let out a cry as another wave of magic tore through him, forcing him to his knees. He shot a hand out to catch himself, the other curling into his chest as if trying to hold it together. His head was thrown back with his eyes and jaw clenched shut attempting not to scream in agony as another wave of magic surged through him.

Switch P.O.V.

A blond man stepped into the alleyway, only to stop, cigarette dangling from his lip, a brown paper sack tucked in his arms. His ice blue eyes narrowed as he felt about the passage way. Something was pouring out of there in waves, making the chip buzz. It wasn't causing pain, much to Spike's surprise, epically since that was the only true time he felt the damn thing, it was just...there. Humming. Deciding he didn't care, he continued down the alley. It wasn't like whatever it was could hurt him. Humans would run the moment he flashed his fangs and he could fight the demons off.

But after a few steps, he tilted his head. He didn't see anyone-or anything. It was deserted...until he cast his eyes downward, seeing a black-haired male on his knees, his arm wrapped tightly around his middle as if holding himself together.

If things had been different, he wouldn't have care, in fact he might've found a quick meal out of the stranger. But the damned chip-whose humming was getting louder-wouldn't let him. While he could still leave it alone right now, there was something calling to him the boy. And just like that, he realized what was pouring off the boy in waves. He felt it whenever Red or Giles cast a spell, it was magic. Pure magic was pouring off the stranger in an amount that Spike believes unnatural. In a split decision, Spike pocketed his new carton of cigarettes and one bag of blood, before placing the bag down, only to pick up the stranger.

The moment he lifted up the black haired boy, Spike's chip gave a soft shock before dying. There was nothing, no immense pain, no humming that just started. Just...nothing. Spike ignored that little tidbit of information at the moment, before making his way quickly to the old man's house. He didn't want to go, but, there was something off about the boy in his arms, and he knew the 'Scooby Gang' would figure it out.

It seemed to take forever to get to Giles' place, and halfway through the bundle in his arms started to struggle. The magic coming off even stronger. Spike pounded on the door so hard it nearly knocked it off. He remembered briefly that Soldier Boy just went crazy over something The Initiative gave him, and was apparently 'resting' at the moment. Eh, he didn't need Soldier boy or the Slayer, he needed Red and Giles.

A very angry and tired Giles opened the door, a scowl on his face when he realized who it was. "Ah, Spike, you..." He trailed off, seeing the boy in his arms.

"He needs help."

"And you didn't take him to the hospital...?"

"Do you not feel it? He's not natural."

"Spike, I'm not sure if helping your vampire friends is wis..."

"Bloody hell, he's not a vampire! He has magic pouring off him!"

Giles's eyes narrowed behind his glasses, before stepping back allowing Spike entrance. Spike stepped inside, moving towards the couch and gently laying his load down on the cushions, moving the pillows out of the way.

Giles reached down to touch the boy's forehead, only to jerk it away when he was zapped. Not with electricity, as one would think, but Giles could now feel the magic. He swallowed thickly when he realized what was laying on his couch. "He's a wizard." Spike blinked before tilting his head.

"I thought they stayed in their own communities."

"They do, but that's not the point. A wizard has magic inside them, they don't borrow the magic like Willow and I. The magic is their own. The reason Willow and I have such ease performing such spells is because The Hellmouth feeds on any and all magic it finds, and the town is filled with magic already. One of the many obvious reasons why a Hellmouth is so dangerous." Giles rambled as he moved to the bookshelf, running his finger over the spines until he found the one he wanted. He pulled it out, flipping through it quickly, quickly reading the page before setting it on the table. "Witches and Wizards tend to avoid places like these for that reason. The Hellmouth will simultaneously feed on and bolster their magic. It is very dangerous for one of them to be on a hellmouth, it could either kill them, or eat their magic until there's nothing left. And the sudden lose of magic is fatal to the their minds; they wouldn't be able to take the lose of their magic, it makes them mentally unstable."

Spike closed his eyes, crossing his arms, one hand coming up to hold his forehead. The sudden influx of information was giving the vampire a headache. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to not care. He wanted to know more. So he stayed quiet until the old Watcher finished his explanation.

"The more magic one has, the more painful it is for them to be here. And unfortunately, I think our visitor here is...more powerful than the average witch or Wizard. I've never found a case where they blacked out." He admitted, moving around the room and gathering different items. "I'm going to need Willow to do this." He said, placing his armful of items on the table. He then reached for the phone, dialing Willows number, hoping she was awake. While it was ringing, Giles turned to Spike. "I apologize for my behavior at the door. I'm afraid I was attempting to sleep when you came knocking..." Spike waved him off, looking at the boy on the couch. His fists were clenched, and his entire body was tense.

Giles let out a sigh of relief when Willow answered. "Willow. I need your help. Now. No, it cannot wait...I'm sorry. But right now it's a matter of life and death. Please, just come quickly. Thank you." Giles placed the phone in it's proper place, reaching up and pulling his glasses off his face before proceeding to clean them with the hem of his shirt.

Giles, after placing his glasses back in place, took a moment to fully take in the boy's appearance. His shoulder-length hair was splayed over the couch around him, his chest was heaving, and sweat was visibly pouring down his face and neck. Mentally cursing to himself, he moved to clear off the table. "Spike, I need you to move him over here, quickly." He said urgently, quickly drawing a circle on the table, followed by a pentagram. Spike laid him down in the center of it, while Giles continued to write runes into the edges. At that moment, Willow burst through the door, Buffy on her heels.

"Giles, what's going on?" She asked, looking fearfully at her watcher. Her light green eyes taking in the sight of the boy on the table. "Who's that?"

"Willow thank heavens you're here! Go over there and grab the..." Spike stopped listening to the old man, watching instead as they quickly made a herbal mixture.

He looked away, when Buffy came up to him. "What's going on? Who is he?"

"I don't know. I found him in an alleyway." Spike said softly, not in the mood for his usual snarkiness.

"But why did you help him?"

Spike looked away from her, back to where Red and Giles were working. "I don't know."

Buffy let out a gust of air, seeming to give up. She leaned against the wall, a tired sigh leaving her throat.

"You ok there, pet?"

She seemed to debate for a moment before answering him. "I'm just stressed. Between Dawn, Mom, Riley, and patrolling, I'm going insane." She groaned, bringing hand up to rub her eyes. Spike didn't say anything, not really knowing what exactly TO say.

His attention was brought back to the two working on the wizard, both were circling their hands around over him, chanting something in latin. A blue ball appeared at both of their hands, before shooting down into the comatose boy, causing his body to jerk. When the light faded away, both Red and Giles looked happy with themselves.

Willow looked towards Giles a silent question hidden in her eyes. Giles broke rather quickly. "He's a wizard." Willow and Buffy both had different reactions; Willow let out a strange excited sound, moving back towards the table to get a better look at him, whilst Buffy looked confused. Spike ignored them As Giles re-explained what he just said to Spike, moving the boy over to the couch.

"You two can go home, Thank you again, Willow. Spike, you can..."

"No." Three pairs of eyes turned towards him. "I'm staying. I brought him here." Buffy and Willow turned their shocked gazes towards the Watcher, who's own eyes were narrowed slightly as he thought. He then nodded his head, gesturing for the girls to leave, speaking nearly silently to them.

"I might have a few leftover blood bags in the fridge, in case you get hungry." Spike nodded, pulling out the bag he saved from the alley and moved towards the kitchen. When he re-entered the living room he found that Giles had gone up the stairs. Presumably to bed, like he said before the girls got there. He settled down on a chair angling it so he could clearly see the raven-haired boy on the couch.

Sipping his blood he propped his feet up on the coffee table, letting his head fall back against the chair. His eyes slipped close, and before he knew it, daylight was shining through the curtains, no where near hitting him, but close enough to make him panic lightly. He also found what had awoken him. The Scoobies were here, all silently chittering amongst themselves. Not in the mood to answer questions, Spike feigned sleep, keeping his eyes expertly cracked so he could still see them.

Is there an actual wizard here?" Xander asked, a strange tone hidden in his voice.

"Yeah. Giles and I had to perform a ritual to stable his magic."

"There was a lot of glowing and rushing." Buffy's offhanded comment followed.

"Is he still here?" Spike's scarred brow twitched. He thought Soldier boy was still in the hospital.

"Spike moved him to the couch..." They all shuffled forward, quietly bending over the back of the small couch. Spike wanted to crack a smile at the several intakes of breath that happened simultaneously.

"How old is he? He barely looks older than me." Dawn whispered. Spike chose that moment to open his eyes, and found he would forever be grateful that he did.

Switch P.O.V.

Harry groaned, a hand coming up to grip his forehead. He opened his eyes, only to see an entire group of people staring down at him.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He screeched, his magic reacting just as violently as he did, sending them all flying back as he bolted off the couch. He swayed for a moment on his feet, before re-gaining his equilibrium and backing against the wall facing the group of people. Harry's panicked mind flashing back to the death eaters standing over him, crucio-ing him over and over.

At the sound of laughing, Harry's jade-green eyes darted towards the blond on the chair, currently laughing his ass off. Then he snapped his gaze over to the old man rushing down the stairs. His greying hair was in disarray, and he was pushing a pair of glasses on his face. "Calm down, we're not going to hurt you."

"Where am I?" Harry snarled, his magic crackling around him. The group he'd thrown back flinched in unison, wither it was his accent or his magic, he didn't know.

"I helped your magic stabilize. I'm Rupurt Giles. You're in Sunnydale California, still on the hellmouth."

Harry winced as he felt a tug. "I've noticed...How did you know it was Magic?"

"Spike found you. He brought you to me." A hand gestured to the blond man, who was still chuckling silently in the chair. Harry blinked when his magic seemed to warm looking at him. Strange. Harry pushed it out of his mind for the moment, turning his gaze back to the old man...Giles? Wait.

"Your name is Giles? Rupurt Giles?" He nodded. Harry let out a sigh, once again thanking whatever constantly gave him luck. "Then you're the one I came to see."

The blond woman standing near Giles stepped forward. "Are you from the Council?"

Harry cocked his head to the side, staring at her confused. "Council?"

Giles sighed. "No, Buffy, he isn't." He looked back to Harry. "She is referring to the Watcher's Council. I am a watcher, and she is the Slayer."

Realization clicked, once again clicked. "Oh! No, in fact the council is a part of the Ministry of Magic. We give them the information."

"So you are a wizard?" Asked the male over Buffy's shoulder. Harry nodded. "Oh wow! Willow here's a witch!" He gestured to the red-head beside him. Harry glanced at her for a second before shaking his head.

"No she is not. Unfortunately, if she was then she would've recognized me. I also don't feel anything coming off her. She is not a witch."

"What do you mean, 'She would've recognized you?'" Harry was getting extremely sick of the conversation at this point.

"My name is Harry Potter, now I have business with Mr. Giles." They all flooded to the seats available seats in the living room, looking with wide eyes at him. "Alone." He snapped, his green eyes blazing. Giles nodded.

"Come, we'll talk privately out here." The watcher led Harry out the door. He held it open for the smaller male, looking over his shoulder at the scoobies, warning them silently not to listen in.

When Giles turned to Harry, he watched as he lifted his hand, glowing a dark blue, and a bubble formed over them. "Sorry. It is not their business to know." He turned fully towards Giles. "How old do I look like to you?"

The question threw Giles for a loop, his eyes going wide. "Um, seventeen? Maybe sixteen? What does this have anything to do with...?"

"It has everything to do with it. I'm over 20 years old." He looked at the watcher with unblinking eyes.

Giles did a double take, studying the male in front of him. He would, if he was anyone else, seriously doubt it. But he dealt with supernatural forces on a weekly basis, there was no reason as of yet to doubt him. But his mind continued to circle around the name. 'Harry Potter.' Giles knew he heard it, or maybe read it somewhere before.

"When did you notice..."

"No. I know exactly what I am. I came here to learn more, and I was hoping you could help me."

"Will you tell me?" Harry let out a soft chuckle.

"Master of Death." Giles inhaled sharply, because, not only was he shocked to hear what he was, but he also finally remembered why 'Harry Potter' was so familiar. His eyes darted towards the male's forehead, but his long black hair was in the way.

"I have heard of a...similar title, but I must warn you. This will not just take a simple day or so. It's taken weeks before to get any information at all. And that's even with those blasted machines Willow likes to use." Harry snorted. "Would you mind if I told them about this. They won't tell anyone, and I need their help for something like this."

Harry let out a silent sigh, his green eyes closing. He really didn't want them to know about his...status. But he just wanted to know more about being the Master of Death. And he saw the way the old watcher's eyes darted up towards his forehead, meaning he knew who he was. Making up his mind, he opened his eyes. "Fine." He then raised his hand towards the sky (and the top of the bubble) and Giles watched as the blue magic surrounding them receded back into his magic. Harry motioned for Giles to re-enter the house first, following closely behind. Giles took place in the center of the living room, starting up his explanation of what they spoke about.

During the short speech, Harry glanced down at the table, seeing the white power-like substance. His eye's widened when he saw the ruin work on the table, his lips moving softly as he read he ruins with such ease, it amazed him. He recognized the spell.

Still reading the runes, he spoke up, interrupting Giles's orders of what to research first. "How did you do this?" He asked, turning his gaze up towards the group...who were now staring at him with wide, awed eyes.

"Simple. We followed the book's instructions." The red-head, Willow, as Harry remembered, stated.

Harry let out a snort. "Runes is one of the most difficult classes to take. I'm surprised muggles were able to pull it off effectively."

Everyone left the living room, including Giles. Who was eager to learn more about the savior in his dining room. "What do you mean 'difficult?'" Giles inquired.

"Can you read them?" Harry asked, motioning to the remaining runes with his hand. Giles and Willow both shook their heads. "That...sort of explains it. May I see the book?" Giles reached over from where the book was still laying on the counter, handing it over to the savior silently. Harry hummed, flipping though the book. "Runes, for us, is basically an extremely advanced type of magic. Not all witches and wizards can learn and understand it, but there are few who do. This book, is for muggles to use, runes that anyone can perform without needing their own magic core to complete. But for muggles TO complete it, it takes energy. Much more for anyone to use. Muggles who perform spells tend to have trouble with runes as well."

Harry then pulled back, no longer interested in the runes on the table. The entire group noticed and pulled away too.

"If you're staying, then I believe that introductions are in order. This is Buffy, and as I've said before, she's the slayer. Riley here is her boyfriend, he was part of a military organization that hunted and tested on demons, but it was destroyed. Dawn is Buffy's younger sister. Willow and Tara are the 'witches' of the group. That is Xander and Anya. She used to be a vengeance demon, but her powers have been destroyed." Giles cut off, looking around the room to make sure that he didn't miss anyone, before spotting Spike in the shadows, watching the wizard in the room intently. "And that is Spike, he is a..."

"Vampire." Eight pairs of eyes turned towards him, wide in shock. "What? Did you expect me not to know a vampire when I see one? I've had several run-ins with centaurs, I know the signs for any creature." Spike cracked another smirk, his hidden eyes raking down the wizard's form. There was something calling him to the green-eyed male, and Spike found himself not really caring if it was natural or not.

"Creature? Isn't that a bit insulting?" Xander asked.

"No. At least not for me. It's merely a title for those who are neither muggle or wizard. Like Vampires, werewolves, centaurs, exedra." Harry rolled his eyes at the looks of awe on their faces, before sitting down at the table.

A few days later, Harry was sitting on the bed he proclaimed his. With permission, he converted one of Giles's unused closets into another bedroom. He and Giles became close, as Giles found out that Harry never actually had a father, and seemed to fill the role, despite there being no need for it.

At Willow's request, Harry aided her in her magic, in which he found that she wasn't just a muggle, but a wicca. Not quite a witch, but she definitely wasn't a muggle. Tara was a wicca as well, but not as powerful as Willow. Harry nonetheless helped both of them.

None of the scoobies had ever expected Harry and Spike to get close. They even believed that after he found out his dark past, then he would steer clear of the vampire. It only seemed to draw Harry closer to the blond male, however. Spike seemed to be calmer around Harry, and everyone saw it. It was what got them to just accept it. A calm Spike was a better Spike all the way around, so they left it alone.

Harry was currently sitting on his proclaimed bed, a book in his hand, and his nose buried in it. It was one of Giles's research books. Harry was surprised at how many books he actually knew about, and the amount that he didn't know about. Harry was pulled out of his reading, however, when a familiar blond head popped in. "There is an extremely aggressive black bird out here, refusing to let anyone touch it..." Harry was on his feet and moving past Spike in a moment's notice, seeing the familiar black raven perched on the chair. Giles was cleaning his glasses, hiding a smile, as Xander was nursing a bloody finger.

"Careful, Harry, that thing is aggressive!" He said, running water over his wound. Harry let out a chuckle.

"Whatever took you so long, Sirius?" The raven gave an indignant croak, fluttering his wings at his master. "Don't give me that look. You've never had a problem finding me before." He looked towards Xander. "Sorry, Sirius doesn't like anyone other than me. Cheeky bird, he is, too." At the remark, Sirius took to the air, before landing on Harry's shoulder, running his beak though Harry's black locks, grooming him as he would his own feathers.

"You mean to tell me...that damn yours?" Xander asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. I swear, it's like..." Harry's voice died off, suddenly unable to finish the sentence. He's never admitted it out loud before, hell, Sirius' death was still an extremely touchy subject with him. And why was he about to spill his guts towards these, basically, strangers? Harry clenched his jaw, before turning to the room he created, and entered, shutting the door quietly.

Willow, who'd been watching from the couch finally spoke up. "What did you do, Xander?"

"I don't know! He was smiling a moment ago!" They both watched as Spike followed after, knocking softly before entering the room.

He'd been the only one to see it so far, besides Giles.

Spike shut the door behind him, watching as Harry sat on the middle of the bed, petting the proclaimed Sirius, who was letting out soft croaks of approval. He waited silently for the green-eyed male to speak, to explain like he usually did. But Harry remained silent about the matter, threading his fingers through the bird's black feathers.

"Do you know why it feels like you're attached to me?" Harry asked instead, not looking at the blond vampire's shocked look appearing over the male's features. "Yes, I know about it. You follow me around like a puppy. You're the one who got me here. You brought me to safety. My magic knows and understands it." Finally Harry met Spike's confused blue eyes. "By saving me, my magic marked you as my guardian. That is why you feel the need to follow and protect. My magic has bound you to me, and...I know how to break it." Harry's eyes broke off again, looking back to Sirius, who croaked at him softly.

Shock, anger, and indignation, all flooded through him at once. He was on his feet, unknowing really what to do. Harry could break it off, like he said. Spike did not doubt that he was lying, but did he want the wizard to break it?

Thinking over the last couple of days, Spike realized that his life before hand had been unpredictable. Spike did not know when the next time the slayer and slayerettes were going to call on him for information and such. Being a neutered vampire didn't give a lot of options, either. He couldn't hunt or kill, so he had to live off stale-bagged blood. So he could be nothing more, until now, than the slayer's pet vampire.

Spike's anger was that he didn't figure it out sooner. He knew a lot, because he's a vampire, about the Wizarding least he thought he knew a lot. And he has heard about this. Spike had seen it a long time ago, but he never thought that what was going on. And, the more he thought on it. He did not want it to be broken. It gave him a sense of purpose again.

"No." Harry's eyes shot up, his mouth parting slightly in shock.


"I don't want it broken."

"Spike. Do you understand what I'm saying? It's not just the guardian bond. We do not know each other enough..."

"No. Since I got the damned chip in my noggin, I haven't been able to be a true vampire. I have been feeling like Peaches. I don't care about the bond. I'm just sick of the routine." Spike admitted.

Harry bit his lip, but said nothing more. But then the silence was interrupted with a knock on the door. Harry was out of his bed in seconds, with Sirius on his shoulder, opening the door so suddenly it scared Xander enough that he visibly jumped.

"Um, I'm...uh...sorry, if I...uh..."

Harry shook his head. "No. It had nothing to do with you. I almost let my mouth run away from me, and I didn't want to elaborate." Xander's eyes were no longer staring down at Harry's, instead looking into the room he created. Giles had been absolutely ecstatic about Harry wanting to stay with him. And was still on the high of him living there. The room itself was nice, the walls a dark emerald color, but nothing compared to the inhabitant's eyes, the floor was hard wood, with a few rugs here and there. The bed was a queen sized, with-once again-a dark green comforter, black sheets and pillows. There was a dresser tucked next to the nightstand, and a desk only a few feet away. There was a small leather loveseat in the open space, the table next to it having shelves housing books.

The room was lit by sconces, with long white candles flickering softly, casting shadows on the already darkened walls. It was strangely bright in the room, despite being lit by candles, however. There was no electronics, however. At all. No alarm clock, no computer, no anything. Xander didn't know if he'd be able to life like that.

And the last thing Xander noticed before Harry was pushing him out of the way was there was no overly personal objects in the room. No pictures, no posters, nothing. There was a tapestry above the bed, but that was as far as wall ornaments went. There was a chest at the end of the bed, with a lock that shone in a strange light. It was enchanted is what Xander guessed, before he brought his eyes back down to the one pushing him out of the way to get passed him, Spike on his heels. Harry shut the door behind them, and there was that soft 'click' that told everyone that it was locked.

Spike and Harry did not speak on the matter again for a long time. As the weeks passed, Harry became more and more active in helping the scoobies. Harry was the one to comment on the Queller Demon, leading to them saving the slayer's mother. Who was still recovering in the hospital, more mentally stable than the last time he'd seen her.

Two days afterwards, however, was a completely different story. Buffy was in an extremely foul mood, but refused to talk about what was going on. Willow inquired about Riley, leading to her avoiding the question all together, going out to the training room to vent some pent-up anger.

Harry blinked when the slayer slammed the door shut behind her, sitting on the upper floor reading an ancient tomb, still searching for more facts about being Master of Death. Spike was sprawled out on his back next to the raven-haired male, close enough that his cold body could feel the heat that Harry emitted. Shifting a little closer, Spike tucked his arms under his head, closing his eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" Harry asked, hearing the beating the punching bag was gaining from the other room.

"I don't know." Spike huffed. Harry looked at the vampire, before getting up. By the time Spike registered the fact that the heat he'd been enjoying was gone, Harry was already down the ladder and through the heavy door.

There was an off-comment down below, of "Damn, he's brave." Before the room going silent once more. Spike let out a soft sigh before slowly getting up, and beginning to make his way down the ladder.

Harry watched the slayer, as he moved over the mats, standing in front of the Pommel Horse, before kicking and taking a seat on it, using the handle bars to steady himself as he tilted back a little.

Harry settled, watching as she hit the heavy back so hard the chain shook violently. He waved his hand, strengthening the metal. Buffy's attention had been caught when she saw him raise a hand, and looked up to see the metal holding the bag thicken.

Momentarily forgetting about Riley, Buffy let out a snort and smiled. "Do you know how many times I've knocked this thing off the chain? Or just plain broke the bag?" She giggled. "Where were you then?" She turned her amused eyes back towards Harry's, their eyes meeting. Harry was not very good at Legilimency, did know enough to be able to read one's mind when he gazed into someone's eyes. He didn't know how to control it at times, however. So when their gazes locked, his magic kick-started, and he gazed into her mind. Harry's breath caught in his throat at what he seen.

Buffy waking up alone, when Riley had been with her when she fell asleep. She watched him leave the room, unaware she was awake. She trailed him, following him into an old warehouse, where humans offered to feed vampires. Harry could feel the pain she felt when she saw her love in the arms of a female vampire, her fangs buried deeply in his arm. The command that left his lips before he saw the slayer echoed through the otherwise silent room. "Harder!"

Harry forcibly ejected himself out of her mind. Falling back and off the pommel horse with a heavy 'thud' as his mind reeled. Buffy's head was now pounding, and she was angry, even though she had no true idea of what just happened. All she knew was he had seen it all.

Spike had been in the room long enough to see Harry fall backwards off the bar he was sitting on. His eyes widened and anger flared in his chest. Buffy also had an enraged look on her pretty face.

"What did you do?" Was hissed at Harry as he pushed himself off the padded floor. But her answer was silence as he groaned, his hand gripping his hair, a strained his leaving his lips as his head throbbed under his fingertips. Pain erupted through his skull, as more images filled his mind, as he watched Buffy's life as if on re-wind. He watched how evil Spike could truly be, saw the pretty Angel, and so much more. He continued, at first confused, as he did not see Dawn. But the small part of his brain that was active was reminding him that there was something not right about Dawn.

Harry's brain seemed to collapse, the memories being too much, and he blacked out. Spike had caught the raven-haired man before he could hit the floor again, picking him up and placing him on the bench in the room. Buffy's eyes had been glazed, re-living the moments with Harry, now was tearfully looking at the blacked-out male. When the trip down memory lane finally ended did Harry manage to reawaken. His head was pounding like bombs were exploding within his brain.

Harry let out a groan, sitting up, looking at the blond, her watery eyes staring at him, waiting for an explanation. "I'm...sorry. I do not have full control over my magic, and it will react occasionally. I am truly sorry that I witnessed something so...personal." Harry said, swinging his legs off the side of the bench. "I need to...get trunk..." He hissed as he stumbled right into Spike. Who instantly caught the smaller male, supporting him.

"Are you sure you're going to make it all the way back there?" Buffy asked, attempting to ignore all the feelings that the wizard had placed her under because of the memoires.

"Easy." Harry muttered, leaning heavily against Spike. "Tell Giles I went home. But." Buffy stopped from making her way over towards the door. "Buffy. It is your business, but let me offer this. If you still love him. Stop him. Don't let him go. If you don't know, don't take the chance. Talk to him." He let out a sigh, nearly falling over even with Spike's support. "I gotta go." Buffy had a thoughtful look in her eye when she heard a loud 'pop' and realized that Spike and Harry was gone. She, by now, was used to Harry having some trick up his sleeve, didn't even react upon seeing the duo gone. She simply shook her head before going towards Giles.

Harry landed ungracefully in Giles' living room, stumbling and nearly landing on the couch's back. Spike, on the other hand, had no idea as to what just happened, and fell backwards after landing. Into a patch of sunlight. There was a mighty growl, that shook the room, and he was suddenly out of the light, hiding in the shadows as his face unwillingly transformed into his beastly side.

"Shit, are you okay?" Harry rushed towards the blond vampire. Well, more like tripping over towards the man. He fell into the other's arms his world spinning dangerously. Harry panted heavily as sweat slicked his hair, sticking to his forehead. With a wave of a shaky hand, he closed all the curtains, making sure the room was enveloped in darkness, as there was no lights on. Spike gently pulled Harry over towards the door containing his room, letting him collapse into the bed.

Spike's minor burn was gone within moments of entering the room. His face returning to normal as he sat on the chair he had claimed as his own on many occasions. Harry was sleeping within minutes.

Not quite in the pairing yet, but i grew impatient, and wanted to see if anyone like it! it's over 7 thousand words, completely demolishing my 5 thousand words for one chapter lol