I was going to wait until I finished Blood Of The Family, but I couldn't do that after seeing all of the reviews for a sequel. Honestly, I feel honored and amazed by what all of you said about Heretic. To say it meant the world to me would be an understatement.

If you haven't read Heretic, I highly recommend you do so, and let us begin.

"Come on Johnny." a boy yelled.

"I'm telling you Toby, you didn't see an alien spaceship crash." another boy replied.

"Did too, it landed around here."

The two boys made their way through some bushes, and came across an alien pod.


"I told you."

Suddenly, the pod opened and a blonde naked girl in her twenties come out of the pod.

The two boys looked at her with awe all over their faces.

"Who are you?" one of them asked.

She rubbed her head and responded in another language.

"Dude, she's totally an alien."

"And a hot one at that."

The girl took a step forward, and the two boys took as step back.

"Don't try anything, I know kung fu."

"I'm sorry." she said.

"You know English?"

She nodded.

"Okay, who are you?"

Confusion appeared on her face, and she responded. "Don't remember."

Six Months Later

Alex was walking in the middle of the woods, unsure where she was going.

"Am I heading in the right direction?" she asked.

"The signal's getting stronger, so yeah." Winn replied through the comms.

"What is it suppose to be anyway?" Alex asked.

"It's an alien signal, that's all we need to know." J'onn stated, exiting from some bushes.

"Yeah, but do we have any idea what alien species the signal is from?" Winn asked through the comms.

Alex then went through some bushes, and saw something that brought tears in her eyes.

"I think I know." she said.

J'onn came up from behind her, and saw the kryptonian pod as well.

"I know what you're thinking." he said.

"It's a kryptonian pod." Alex said smiling. "Kara could be here."

J'onn sighed. "We don't know that. Kara isn't the only one who came to Earth in a pod like this, there was Clark, Mon-El..."

"It doesn't mean that it isn't Kara's." Alex said, refusing to believe otherwise.

J'onn then walked up to the pod and examined it. "It appears to have been here for at least six months."

"Why did it take us so long to find it?" Alex asked, desperate to know how she didn't know her sister has returned.

"It could be that something only just triggered the signal." J'onn suggested.

Alex then began to leave the area.

"Where are you going?" J'onn asked.

"There's a small town two miles east of here, maybe someone saw Kara."

"We still don't know it's Kara."

"We don't know that it isn't. Either way we have an alien we need to look for."

J'onn then stood up and followed Alex.


J'onn and Alex entered the small town, and the neighborhood within it.

"What do you plan to do?" J'onn asked. "Go to every door and ask if they've seen a blonde kryptonian girl in the last six months?"

Alex was about to answer, until a girl spoke.

"Do you know Jenny?" the girl asked.

Alex turned around to the girl and replied. "Jenny?"

"Yeah Jenny. A couple months ago, my brother found a girl in the woods who couldn't remember who she was. She couldn't stay with us, but my aunt and uncle said she could live with them until she remembers."

A smile appeared on Alex's face after hearing that. "Who is she?"

"Um... down the street, to the left, my aunt lives in the first blue one."

"Thank you so much." Alex screamed happily. "Do you hear that, Kara is here."

J'onn nodded. "Maybe, but it sounds like she's lost her memory."

"She'll probably remember she see's us. come on let's go." Alex yelled unable to wait anymore.

Alex and J'onn followed the girl's instructions until they arrived at the house.

Alex then knocked on the door, unable to contain her excitement and happiness.

A woman in her 40's opened the door and said. "Whatever you're selling, I'm not interested."

She was about to close the door, until Alex put her foot out and stopped it.

"We're not here to sell you anything, we're here for Kara." Alex stated.

"Kara?" The older woman replied confused.

"Kara, or Jenny, the blonde girl from the woods."

"Beth, who is it?" Alex recognized that voice and peeked inside to see Kara.

Tears fell from Alex after seeing her sister. "Kara, it's me." she cried.

Kara came to the door, but before she could react, Alex engulfed her in a hug. After a second, Kara broke the hug and took a good look at Alex and J'onn and replied. "Kara, what kind of name is that?"

Shock appeared on Alex. She heard that Kara lost her memory, but she didn't think it was this bad.

"Kara, it's me. Alex, your sister."

"I have a sister?" Kara asked still confused.

Even more tears fell from Alex after seeing her sister unable to even remember her own name.


Thomas laid down in his cell, when his door opened. He sat up and saw that Hank broke into the prison and opened his cell.

Thomas chuckled and said. "I told you, I don't want to do anything after Kara."

"Well lucky for you she's back." Hank replied.

This got Thomas's attention. "How?"

"I don't know, but our informants tell us that Alex and the martian have located her in small town 50 miles west of Star City."

"Why hasn't she returned?" Thomas asked.

"Our informants also tell us that she has lost her memory."

Thomas smiled at the news. "That could work to our advantage." he then got up and said. "All right, time for round two."

Sorry this was shorter than I wanted it to be, but I figured this was a pretty good stopping place. I'd also appreciate it if you checked out my other story, Blood Of The Family if you haven't already. If you enjoyed leave a review, fav, follow and I'll see you in the next chapter.