Chapter 1

A/N: This will be the first fanfic I write so if it's bad let me know.

Nick and Judy were driving through the streets of a poor neighborhood in Zootopia with Judy driving and Nick almost asleep in the passenger seat. As the fox looked out the window on his side he realized just how much the neighborhood looked like the one he used to live in with his mom and dad.

Nick had a tough childhood with his mom and dad both dead by the time he was fifteen, they had died in a car accident and as a result left him and his twin brother Robbin to look out for each other. Thinking back on it made him sad and he closed his eyes thinking about how much could have been different. It had been three weeks since Nick had joined the force and become Zootopia's first fox police officer and he was very proud of what he had accomplished. Maybe that would have never happened if his parents would still be alive, maybe he if they were still alive he might not have met Judy. He kept thinking about it until they reached the ZPD parking lot.

"Nick!" Judy said looking at the fox who looked like he hadn't even realized that the car had stopped.


"Come we have to hand in the keys to Clawhauser before we can head home." She said as she opened her door and started off towards the ZPD entrance with Nick following not long after.

As they walked through the entrance they noticed that there weren't many mammals in the lobby, not so weird considering it was 11 pm and most of the officers had gone home. They continued walking until they reached the desk Clawhauser was sitting behind scrolling through his phone.

"Hi!" Clawhauser greeted them lazily clearly tired and wanting to go home.

"Hello, we're here to hand in the keys to our car, feeling good?" Judy asked.

"Yeah, I'm good just a little tired, you?"

"A little tired, but I think I still have enough energy to watch maybe a movie when me and Nick come home, you know since we both have taken the weekend off., right Nick?"

"Speak for yourself Carrots, I'm so tired I don't know if I will be able to make it home." Was his answer.

"Pfff it's only a ten-minute walk Nick, anyway bye Clawhasuer see you tomorrow." She said as she waved her arm and started to drag the fox by his arm.

"Bye! Have a good Friday night." Came Clawhauser's lazy response.

Soon after the nighthowler case had been solved it didn't take long before Nick had moved in with Judy. He knew some might think that they were a couple because of it but really they were just really close friends. That and it was much better than sleeping on a mattress under that old bridge that Judy had found him under.

As they opened the door to their apartment the fox quickly made his way towards the bed that they had fixed for him since he moved in. Lazily he dropped himself onto it face down and almost immediately started snoring. Judy disappointed looked at the fox and sighed she really had been looking forward to watch a movie with him. She walked up to him and started rubbing the spot between his ears so he woke up. Nick opened his eyes and looked at the rabbit with a questioning look.

"How about I make you a cup of coffee and we can watch a movie together, eh?" Judy asked with a hopeful smile.

Nick turned around so he was now lying on his back and facing Judy.

"Coffe yes, movie maybe."

"Sure works fine for me." Judy said as she walked towards the coffee maker.

Meanwhile, Nick started to take off his police uniform in order to change to something more comfortable. He switched clothing to something he would never wear in public because he didn't really like when other mammals saw it on him except for Judy that is. It was a black one-piece and as he had finished getting dressed he turned around and saw Judy who had also changed from her police uniform to a similar black one-piece as he was wearing.

She smiled at him and said, "you look so cute in that, you know that right?"

"Yeah like you yourself don't look, OUCH!" He screamed as Judy had grabbed his tail and pulled it to stop him from finishing that sentence.

"What was that for? You know how sensitive my tail is." Nick whined.

"It was for stopping you from finishing that sentence so you wouldn't have had to sleep outside tonight." She said back.

Nodding because he didn't really know what to say and quickly thought of something to switch topic.

"How about that coffee, eh, is it done?"

"Yeah here." She said as she poured some coffee into a cup and handed it over to him.

After they finished their coffees Nick agreed to watch that movie Judy was so excited to see. It was an action movie and it was about how two young brothers had tried to survive through the middle of a war. In the middle of the movie they got split up because they both got captured as hostages but in different groups. In the end, they both had to flee the country and just by luck they ended up on the same escape boat. Watching that made Nick think about his own brother Robbin, he hadn't seen his twin brother in over two years and as he continued to think about it for a minute he realized that Judy didn't even know he had a twin brother. she didn't even know his parents had died when he was fifteen. As he continued to think about it he thought about how weird it was that throughout his and Judy friendship so far they hadn't even once brought up the topic of family.

But that was changed when Judy suddenly spoke up "Hey Nick, it just occurred to me that I never asked about your family."

Nick sighed "well there isn't really that much to say." He muttered.

"How so? There must be something, tell me about your parents for example"

Nick looked away from Judy and said with a nearly whispering voice "They are... they are no longer with me..."

Judy froze in shock and didn't know what to say as silence filled the room. After a minute or so she spoke out "I'm... I'm sorry for asking I didn't know." Nick turned his head and looked at Judy and saw that she was looking down at the floor, he placed a paw on her shoulder and muttered lowly "It's okay, you don't have to feel sorry for it." And once again silence filled the room, but this time it was an uncomfortable silence, a long one. Trying to break the ice after probably five minutes Nick said. "Although I have a twin brother named Robbin that is still with me, I haven't seen him in two years though."

"Why is that?" Came Judy's response while looking curiously at him.

"Because he got a job at a clothing store in tundra town, and since he moved there I haven't really heard from him."

"But why haven't you visited him?" She asked.

"I dunno, I guess I haven't really had the time."

"Well now we have, so why don't we go visit him."

Nick sighed which Judy didn't really understand why but decided not to question it. "Do you want to visit him, Carrots?" Judy looked at him smiling "Sure why not, we should go visit him tomorrow." She looked at the clock and said "Although we should get some sleep now, you know the clock is 2 am." And with that, the two of them went to their beds and lay down. "Goodnight Carrots." "Goodnight Nick."