My name is... is... something that I don't like, it's Shi. But right now, I'm losing a fight and dying. Time has stopped, and I realize this. But let me tell you how I got into this complete mess.

It all started about 10 years ago. I was born an Eevee and a shiny one at that. My parents were very surprised! They knew I was a gift from Arceus himself so they made sure I was spoiled and protected at all costs. I didn't like the lifestyle though, all the other Pokemon around me thought I was very special. Although, I usually spent most of my time trying to be alone.

Everyone who I knew wanted to be my friend just to say that "They were friends with the special kid!"

I hated that. They didn't want to be my friend just because They just wanted to be my friend because I was special. THAT was what I absolutely hated about it. No one truly liked me. But, when I was in my final year, 5, I found the first true person who liked me as a Pokemon. He was a Flareon named "Chill".

"Ironic" was what I thought when we first introduced ourselves. I'm not even a Jolteon, so it was awkward when I introduce myself. But me and my new found friend, Chill, were actually true friends.

He didn't brag about being friends with the shiny Eevee, and yes, even though I was in my final year, I still hadn't evolved. I was happy for the first time in my life, I had found a comfortable spot to be in.

Years passed, and my friendship with Chill only grew more. We hung out every single day that we could. Eventually, I had to evolve, it was 7 years ago, in which I evolved into what is called an "Umbreon".

They were looked down upon in the community, and sometimes, even refused daily items, services, and rights. And, even though I was shiny, people didn't fully respect me. The only person that was there for me, and on that night in which I evolved, was Chill.

Speaking of Chill again, I should describe him. He was a very bold Flareon, evolving at a young age. He was in year 2, he accidentally evolved early by touching a fire stone. Usually, Eevee's only evolve at year 3-4.

People thought he was cool how he evolved early, and even though people didn't hate him, he was still sad about it and wasn't willing to talk to many Pokémon.

That's what he told me. But, anyway, I'm getting off track, now. How did I evolve and when? It was when me and Chill snuck out past village curfew into the woods. It was slightly cold for me, even though I had a thick coat of fur. Chill was actually warm in that insane cold, but he was a Flareon after all. As we walked, we talked.

We talked about what to do after we're done and moving out of the village. He wanted to make his own hut in the woods, living alone and eventually finding a mate. I wasn't too sure what to do.

My short daydream of how my life has been was cut short by Chill speaking. "Hey, why don't you live with me if you don't know what to do? And then, after you do decide, go for it!" He said, trying to lighten the mood a little.

I chuckled at that, knowing that I would probably know what I would do. "Ha! You're funny Chill, I'm sure I will know what to do in 3 years." I remarked.

"As if! You're always procrastinating about what you need to do!" He scoffed at me.

"Whatever you think" I responded in a careless tone.

That's when all of a sudden a (wild) human appeared!

"Go Machamp! Quickly!" He cried as he threw some sorta of red and white ball. Within a few second, a Machamp materialized in front of us both from red light, yelling "It's about time we get this show on the road!"

A surge of fear creeped through our bodies as thoughts of what we could possibly do. Should we run? Should we fight? We were in a mix of emotions of both fear, shock, and confusion. At that moment, I remember something that pains me to think about to this day. I was a shiny. And that why the human attacked us.

First, he yelled to his Machamp "Machamp, use power-up punch on that Flareon!" The Machamp charged towards my best friend and I had a split second to think. I could only do one thing that I thought of. Protecting my friend. A second before my friend would be absolutely destroyed by that punch, I intercepted it. I was hit with a blow of 1,000 Spearow pecking me at once. I was thrown back with the force of a train. I hit a rock, and the last thing I remember was being picked up by my friend who was near. And being carried away at tremendous speeds.

When I finally woke up, I was in a forest, with Chill few meters away, collecting berries. I felt much different. And bigger than usual. As soon as I got up, my friend rushed towards me yelling "Lay back down! You're going to hurt yourself, Shi!"

I mentally groaned and did as instructed, and just then, a wave of pain surged through my entire body. "AHHH!" I cried out in pain as if I was just engulfed in a Flamethrower.

Chill cried out "Oh no!" as he ran towards the barries he gathered, "Shi! Don't worry, you'll be fine!" My vision and other sense started to fade. Everything around started to slowly disappear until it all went fully black...

This is my first story, sorry if I spell anything wrong, or if the story isn't the best. -Umbrelievable

(Edited by Jordanzz)

Didn't do much tbh. I just fixed his format and fixed a few issues I thought he had. Not all of it though, have to let him learn stuff himself.