~What now?~

***Disclaimer: I know everyone hates them but they are necessary. I do not own Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, snowager, or some of the other things in this. I only own certain characters.

Chapter 1: Snow and Snowagers

The nine of them where climbing Caradhras (the mountains near Moria). Gimli wanted to go through the caves of Moria instead of climbing over them. Most of the others where starting to wonder why they didn't do that. Except for Legolas (being an elf he didn't like caves) and Gandlf (who knew of the dangers of going there).

Everyone had heard a noise from above them and stopped. They looked up the side of the mountain and saw it start to come down apon them. Everyone took shelter against the mountain, hoping they wouldn't fall over with the rocks and snow.

They suddenly fell, not knowing why, all they knew that they where falling and not knowing if it was to their doom or not.

Sam found himself face down in the snow after falling for who knows how long, he was starting to hate snow. He started to look around to see if the others had made it, everyone was there and accounted for. Boromir was helping Gandalf up, Legolas was helping the other hobbits up and Aragorn was helping Gimil up. Frodo being one of the frist up helped Sam up.

"Interesting chain of events," said Frodo as he helped Sam up, "From hanging on for dear life against a mountain, to falling into whatever that was, and ending up on another mountain entirly!"

Sam looked around, yes this was a different mountain, the slope wasn't as steep, they where able to stand and take in the surroundings. It was a gentle slope with a few sudden drops and unknown to them a few cliffs.

"Should we continue up or go down?" asked Aragorn, "Either way we need to find out where we are."

Before anyone could respond, they heard a yell from above them. They quickly looked up and saw some people falling from the sky. Legolas being the gentleman that he is, caught the only female in the group before she crashed to the ground.

Hermione woke up to find herself in the arms of a very handsome man with blonde hair and pointed ears. She could feel a slight color come to her cheeks as she looked up at him. He put her down and bowed.

"Thank you for the assistance." she said politely, before she started looking around for her friends. Ron was being helped up by a tall man with long dark hair and someone that looked like a mini-Hagrid except he had red hair and beard that was actually terimed and taken care of. Harry was being helped up by another man with dark hair but he had a horn at his side and one of the short men that didn't wear shoes and had harry feet. She was confused when she saw Professor Dumbledore being helped up by an older man that looked like could have been related to him. 'What is Professor Dumbledore doing here?'

"Is everyone alright?" asked Dumbledore after he was helped up by Gandalf. The students nodded then he looked to Gandalf, "May I ask where we are?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing, but apparently you are in the same pradictament as we are." replied Gandalf, "Taken to a place other then where you are without knowing where or why."

Dumbledore nodded then held out his hand in greeting, "Let me introduce myself as well as my companions. I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardery. These are some of the students at Hogwarts. The red-head is Ron Weasley, the girl is Hermione Granger and the one with the scar is Harry Potter. They all made thier nervious "Hello's" as they where introduced.

Gandalf returned the gesture, "My name is Gandalf the grey, a wizard. The humans of our little group are Aragorn and Boromir. The hobbits names are Peregrin Took..."

"You can call me Pippin!" said, who else, Pippin.

"Meriadoc Brandybuck..."

"Call me Merry!" Who do you think!

"Samwise Gamgee..."


"And Frodo Baggins."

"Just Frodo."

"Our Dwarf compainion is named Gimli, and Legolas is our elvish friends name." With everyone either bowing waving or just adding thier bit of information during the introduction. "Before we where 'interupted' we where in debate on witch way we should go: up the mountain or down it."

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other and replied in unison, "Down!" before heading down the mountain.

"How did you come up with that deduction?" asked Boromir, Hermione stopped turned and smiled.

"Logically, what would be the point of going up if you don't know where you are, sure you would beable to look at your surroundings but what is the point at the moment. Besides I don't think we want to spend time looking around at the scenery when we can just walk down and find some shelter, or atleast a fireplace." she said before she shivered slightly and started to walk down again.

"What she said!" said Harry as he ran after Ron who had already caught up with Hermione.

"Well good enough for me!" said Pippin.

"Yea me too, let's go!" said Merry before he headed down after the teenagers, Pippin close behind.

"Well it looks like it is out of our hands." chuckled Dumbledore as he followed suit. The others figureing they had nothing better to do decided to follow.

"HELLO!", everyone looked up and saw a large, red dragon with someone that had long silver hair. Of 8 members of the fellowship had gotten ready to fight (only one that diddn't was Gandalf), when the person jumped off the dragon. The dragon just continued to fly in the direction that it was going. As they fell they started to slowdown and stopped entirly a few feet above the ground. She looked around 24 and seemed like she was an elf of some sort. She had elvish clothing with a robin hood-like hat.

"You know it's polite that when someone says 'hello' that you should respond in some way and not just stare at them." she said as she sat cross-legged in the air looking at them.

After the group said their greetings, and introduce themselves, they had asked the same of her. She bowed and said "My name is Cassi, and that is all you need to know about me."

Before anyone else could ask anything anyway, they heard shouts. The wern't fearfull, infact they where joyous. They looked farther up the hill and saw several people coming, fast!

If Merry was confused before then he was totally mixed-up now. The people that where coming toward them now where sliding down the snow, some just facing forward, others sideways, while the others where riding some contraption that just slide down the hill as you sit on it. (A/N: I am assuming that they don't know what snowboards, skis, or sleds {they might know sleds})

He just watched as they came up and stopped in front of them in a half-circle around them. He could then see that their shoes where attached to boards of some kind. Some where two slender ones (one on each shoe), or just one wide and shorter board.

"Well Cassi looks like something distracted you from what you where in such a hurry to do. If I remember right that is why you asked Jengo to take you back instead of going the long way with us." said a young woman that looked around 24 herself with brown hair. What amazed Merry as well as most of the others, was the fact that she was wearing shorts and a light tunic in this weather.

"Oh yea, I forgot. Errr... See ya!" said Cassi before she dissappeared. The only ones that where amazed by this was the 'Fellowship', Merry wondered why this was, as well as rest of the 'Fellowship' (A/N: as you can tell I am going to refer one part of this group the 'Fellowship' , & the others as 'Hogwarts').

"Where did she go?" asked Gimli as he looked around, and was rewarded with an instant answer from, who else, Hermione.

"She Apparated."

"What's that?" asked Frodo.

"Apparating is..." Hermione had started when the brown haired woman said.

"Is basically the ablity to disappear from one place and reappear in an other almost instantly, no matter what the distance."

"May we ask of your names young lady?" asked Dumbledore.

"You may ask now but the answer will have to come later, it might be best if you guys got off of this mountain before the snowagers wake up. I doubt you will beable to do that by foot, so we may need to help you guys down." replied the brown haired lady before she took off her backpack and started pulling out random things. she started handing skis to the normal hight people of the 'Fellowship', snowboards to the younger three of the 'Hogwarts' group, while the other member of that group recived skis. She also pulled out a large sled for the hobbits to ride on. "Gimli, do you want a pair of skis, or do you want to ride with your hobbit friends. To make sure that they don't get into too much trouble."

Legolas was sure the only reason she said the last part was not to upset Gimli as well as give him a good reason to ride instead of taking skis. Legolas felt this was conciterate of her as well as wise because he could barily stand on the things and doubted that the dwarf could do any better.

Gimli had choosen to ride with the hobbits, and after everyone was shown how to use the skis, snowboard or sled, whichever they had, and started down the mountain.

After a few minutes, everyone heard a booming roar. Everyone look back to see a large ice snake shoot out of the ground. It came at them with amazing speed.

"Looks like they woke up a little early today." said the brown haired woman in a calm voice, "Ray! Keep an eye on our guests."

A man with red hair with white streaks nodded and went to the front of the group. The others surrounded the 'guests' while the brown haired woman held back and seperated herself from the group.

"Hey! You oversized worm! Pick on someone who can fight back!" she said as she headed in a different direction as the otheyers. The snowager quickly changed directions and came after her. The where soon out of sight but not out of mind. After a few moments they heard the roar again, but this time it was answered to two different roars.

"Sounds like mommy and daddy are mad!" said Ray as he looked back behind him at the rest of the group.

"You mean that was a baby!" said Hermione with a look of total disbelief that was a 'guest' shared.

"Yea, couldn't have been more then a month." said one of the younger ones on one of the sleds.

"How old are they before they are fully grown?" asked Aragorn.

"Few years!" replied Ray as he glanced back at them behind his back, everyone of the 'guests' turned to look back. He chuckled at their reaction but then stopped when he heard something. "Looks like they where too loud, we have to head to the caves now!"

"Why?" asked Pippin as the group headed toward the right.

"They caused an avalanche." he replied as they headed toward a tunnel, everyone went into a tunnel and into darkness.


a longer chapter then normal but hey atleast i wrote it. I want to know what you guys think so like everone says please review.